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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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in case of decision to use the deadline of the additional law, this issue will be announced today. according to our law of the deadline.
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we have the possibility to use the second five days, and i think that we will have to use part of the second five days due to the number of people who registered and the volume of files. and in a short time, god willing , we will have the necessary summary and announce the result to the noble nation of iran, god willing. the cases of individuals are brought up one by one at the end of the council stage and the points that there are inquiries that are made about people , opinions that respected members have, well, it is stated that a case may need more investigation , it needs more follow-up. finally , i will say that at the end of the process, whenever the final result is reached god willing, we will inform the ministry of interior. the plan to physically remove the
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single-page ownership document and issue the document electronically will be implemented in the first week of july. according to the spokesperson of the land registry organization, only a few countries have access to this technology. with the issuance of electronic documents, the security of documents increases and prevents forgery and their abuse is also prevented. in the electronic document, it means that it is a single document. we will not have this. as soon as the transfer is done in the notary offices and the notary gave the final confirmation. at the same time, a text message will be sent to the buyer, who by entering the link, can receive the image for himself and take a print of it if he wants. considering
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that i said that its data and information are in the organization's document repository, this peering will provide the latest update and the latest developments to the buyer or the person who buys the item at any time. the first a trade embargo against the zionist regime by a latin american country based on the announcement of the colombian ministry of commerce will henceforth export coal. this decision is going to be signed by the president of colombia. colombia is the largest supplier of fossil fuel to the zionist regime. a month ago, botha's government announced the severance of political relations with the zionist regime in protest against talavid's actions against the people of gaza. in recent days and after the zionist regime's air attack on the refugees' tent in rafah and the ineffectiveness of the zionist regime's political pressure. the minister
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of cooperation and development of belgium is also of the necessity of sanctions economic and weapons have spoken against telavio. students of depaul university of chicago in america protested against the dismissal of a professor who presented a project related to the gaza war to the students. according to cbs, the students who supported this professor presented a letter with about 1,500 signatures demanding his return to the classroom. i am sad that i can no longer teach my students or see their final designs. i'm sad that i didn't get a proper chance to say goodbye to them or tell them how this happened. students are gathered around dr. aquino. but he allowed he does not have to return to his classrooms. the event that causes this concern for me.
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if the professors and staff do not support this university in the face of severe reprimands, the students will definitely not be safe from this issue either. this professor taught human pathogen in the health department . he was fired two days after giving an optional assignment in which students were asked to focus on the biological effects of the war in gaza. he said that he asked the students to understand the effects of genocide on human biology. choosing these words with reference to the council report the united nations human rights was held in march during which it was declared based on rational reasons. israel
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has warned doctors due to the severity of malnutrition and gathering of people in a certain area and the destruction of vital infrastructure and water and sewage and the spread of infectious diseases in gaza. students supporting this professor submitted a complaint with about 1,500 signatures. aquino to the decision. the university appealed, and the appeals court unanimously agreed that his right to liberty had been violated at the university. now the decision in this regard is in the hands of the university president. i want to finish my teaching in this semester will be a great action. we are almost at the end of the semester. i want to see the final project of my students. i want to say goodbye to them. more than 13 million. chinese competed in university entrance exams. this test was held in 3 days. the chinese entrance exam is the largest university entrance exam in the world. on the eve of
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ghadir khum eid, baba ali's hymn was unveiled in khawaj khizr mosque in mayib city. the members of shahid soleimani's song group spent more than two months to prepare the piece of baba ali. the unveiling of baba ali's song is in tajoon, i love you forever. hello, ali meh manjali or heydar madan, there are not many more days left for the great eid of ghadir kham, and here in the city of yaibod, the group of shahid soleimani's hymns went to greet this great eid with baba ali's hymn . maai, heart to heart, you
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are the best friend for shiites . my name is shahid soleimani song group. we have been working for more than a year now. we worked out of 10 hymns, babiye's hymn, i like this hymn very much and i hope that he will always be a member of this hymn group. i participate in a revolution. when we come here , we sing the hymns , we have an important role in preserving the islamic revolution. the poet of this work is mrs. fayez zafarshan, and the performance of this work is by the martyr soleimani hymn group of mayib city, which has more than 20 members.
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he showed us the orphans, gave us bread and water , and reminded us of the ways and customs of slavery. according to the forecast of the meteorological organization , rain will occur tomorrow in the areas of the north-west, south-east of the alborz and central zagros slopes, hail and strong winds. suspicious areas are not expected. i say hello. your presence dear countrymen for the next two or three days in many regions of the country from the north-west to the south -east of the country, we predict that there will be instability in the form of rain, in the north-west regions of the country, the alborz mountain ranges and the central hamedan provinces, the central zagros provinces
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, parts of the south of kerman. east of hormozgan and south of sistan-baluchestan, we will have a temporary shower and sometimes strong winds. a warning has been issued. there is a possibility of flooding of public roads and roads in these areas. for monday, this barista system will be strengthened in the northwestern and western parts of the country, and we expect it in these areas as well.
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did you buy a truck? we bought a truck , did you find any treasure? i did not find any treasure. so what are these devices? jagzia is my daughter. you bought everything in one place , you are serious. dad, i was joking. are you kidding no, when it has a good shelf, it has a wide variety of accessories, and it has as many accessories as you want. ok. you didn't buy all the dowry at one place, why would you buy in installments, as you wanted, a large iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household appliances. i don't have a check. goodbye everyone bye. no, the lady does not want a check at all.
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dear doctor, i would like to thank you very much for taking the time to come to you during the stressful days. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service , your honorable colleagues, the noble nation of iran . hello, we are at your service now. everyone is waiting to see if a list will come out of this room . yes, yes, yes, i am allowed
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to ask you a few questions. or not that one , you who know the guard, our honorable people of shura the basis of all his efforts is really legal. this is that the law is the basis of the action, which means that it will be customized from now on, and these things will not have an effect here, i mean, you are under pressure. we are not influenced by political currents. you heard it right. why can't qualifications be sought from all spectrums that, for example, sir , will help to increase participation? we accept this. look , compare ali's government with the previous government.
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go back and review the names in your mind. therefore, in my opinion, if we look at the output from the perspective of the product, it indicates that different spectrums of different political currents are coming out of the fund with the will of the people and the choice of the people. when we look at the output , i think it's a lot. if they have a history, if they know, they know
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, the names that have been received will be brought up, and finally, a vote will be taken. then, mr. doctor, it is possible that, for example, the number of positive and negative votes of the council members for a candidate will be determined. be announced in final voting, but this voting is secret, that is, i don't know the person next to me regarding this candidate, whether his opinion is, for example, confirmation or non- confirmation. for example, this number of not giving or this number of giving. is there or not? for example, our basis since last years, as long as i was in the council meeting , has been the same. the reason for not confirming a candidate , why is it not announced? this is also a question. it is brought up to the people in the meeting, we meet with the people themselves .
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different bans, but we need legal permission for public release. therefore , this is not possible unless the law is amended. it is true that they say, for example, some candidates get a green light from the guardian council before registering , sir, for example, to register, or, for example, on the contrary, some candidates, for example, after registering, they are sent a message through the council, saying, for example, to withdraw , see the guardian council. it means that a group of 12 people, mr. rezvani may approach me and i will tell them my personal opinion, for example, of course , we will probably be careful, but if you tell me, i will say it. this is my personal opinion, i don't know what those 11 people think, so i don't think these words are very accurate words . also, regarding the point you said, i think we are so busy with the timing that there won't be much opportunity for such things. so why do they say
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these words so much, we are at your service to clarify. be healthy and they say one sentence, they say that the guardian council is engineering the election, have you heard that we do not look at people from a party perspective, from a factional perspective, from a group perspective, basically we examine people regardless of their political affiliation, we examine the person himself. naturally, if he is qualified, then political groups can introduce him as their representative, so our basis is the law, as i said. in the guardian council, his qualifications are not verified. for example, for the presidency, how long will you see him in an important political or responsible position ? it is possible that a person may be a good minister in
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his own ministry, and he should have the knowledge and ability. he has an executive, but this same person cannot run the country or even run another ministry, so this indicates that every position has its own conditions. the fact that a person was not qualified for the presidency does not mean that he must have a problem , no, this is a high level. now, he may be able to perform very well in another position , in a ministry, as a representative in the parliament or in any field. i mean , it doesn't mean that that person necessarily had a problem that the qualification was not confirmed. for example, those who were qualified or not in the previous course, it is possible that, for example, this course will change or not. finally , there may be doubts about that person or there may be some issues. fixed or its combination
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the members have changed or the previous members may have finally come with the new information that has been obtained . this is because for various reasons , in each period, we have to check the qualifications of individuals, and in each election, someone came for the parliament elections, and now he is coming for the presidency, so both are possible, then there is a difference. for example, if they cast a vote that is different from the others, everyone will pay attention to their vote . for example, if they say that in the meeting it will not go there because the voting is secret, but haj agha is honorable. there are more words than this and this they are careful that the members are independent after all , both lawyers and supreme jurists finally use their right to vote, but everyone, even their opposing opinion, the discussions in the meeting are quite serious . we express our opinion , we express our argument, but
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we can't enter against anyone, for example, you don't even have a recommendation. mr. doctor, these days , do you go among people? yes, yes, you are. for example, you shopped on the street. i don't know. yes, what do they tell you? reject so-and-so. now this is the point that they think, for example, that one person can work, while i finally decided that it is a group, but what i am really facing is that they emphasize that you should not be short and do your legal duty correctly. give. therefore, we see ourselves in front of the people, and i think that the decisions we make should be made in front of the people. let's have the answer, we say at the end, mr. doctor, without compliments , the imam's sentence
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is addressed to the guardian council without compliments, saying that the guardian council no one should consider only god . thank you very much for giving us the opportunity . god willing, we will achieve what we want for our nation and country. god willing, i am very grateful for your and your colleagues' efforts. we were sad that what is going
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to happen to our president and we prayed a lot that they will be healthy, but then the destiny of whatever happens must be very much in the behavior of our enemy. they are happy and happy when someone is sad, this is not surprising at all, and by the way, when they insult and mock this shows us much more easily what is the right way , and in fact right and wrong can be determined very easily. to do. we regretted why we lost them in the faith front, people with faith grow very hard , they have to work hard to grow, and this
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is a regret for us that a person with this level of sincerity and piety and in fact the morals he observed in the world of politics, if we have this again , it makes us a little sad that we are now we lost that person. i think one of the first things that attracted my attention was his presence in every region, in fact every province he travels to, in the most remote places where it was not possible for anyone to go there before , even later from the local officials. he would definitely go to egypt and be present in the house of ayat nanesha. for example, if we install any ruling or delay its transcription, it is better than that or bring something similar to it, surah baqarah verse 16
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, the return of antique and historical objects of iran to the museums of our country. these precious objects belong to the thousand -year history of our country, which entered the country illegally turkey was smuggled in erzinjan and erzurum provinces of this country and was discovered by agents and handed over to the consulate general of the islamic republic of iran in erzurum. iran's consul general in erzurum, mohammad ebrahimi , paid tribute to turkey's cultural heritage management during a ceremony . number of 55 pieces. historical objects belonging to different periods of time that were related to our country
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were sent to iran for the analysis of the leadership of our country. director general of cultural heritage and positions of the ministry of culture and referring to the country's efforts to discover and return valuable objects from other countries, turkish tourism said that in the last 20 years, 12,000 historical and valuable objects have been discovered in turkey and returned to their own land under the name of the republic of turkey. we are trying to discover every historical artifact that is smuggled to our country from other countries, especially our neighbors, and return it to their own land. 55
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shiites discovered in turkey will soon be included in the treasure of historical objects of our country, hamid kameli of ankara sed and sima news agency.
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easy purchase of train tickets to sir taser iran in fly toda seraf is quick and easy. irani grand sarai, the only branch of tehran in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long -term contracts and without prepayment in irani grand sarai.
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today's lucky winner of 100 million tomans is our number 123 849. enjoy special discounts on all products in the big festival of the city of discounts and in addition, just by being in the city of household appliances
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, participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans. buy it, don't buy it, take home appliance city. in the name of god. ladies, mr. hello , accompany us with economic news. the latest statistics of the central bank shows the collection providing the country's import width has reached 13 billion and 600 million dollars. of this figure, 1 billion and 300 million dollars were provided last week. most of the expenses that supply the width.


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