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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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let's take it in its own direction. let's go back to the people . how will it become more popular? it means that the government is now thinking that it will choose itself . whose representative will be elected ? it will be in this election and i know that the election is right in the hands of the people . in fact, all the executive boards and the guardian council are elected by the people. they market themselves and they want votes . yes, let's go back to the role of the parliament. well, now the board of the president of this parliament has been formed, his excellency, the first vice president of the parliament. you are the islamic council, what is the plan in the speaker's board, has it been discussed that this majlis is one step ahead of the previous majlis in terms of governance and legislation. one rushdi, i
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was a parliamentary reporter about 20 years ago, and where did you come to witness the functioning of the parliament? seventh, after that, well, a little further, but i witnessed it again, can it be said that we are becoming more mature day by day in the way of running the parliament and in the way of working of the parliament and some of the problems that 10-20 years ago, it was talked about, they always said that the parliament gets busy with legislation , some of which may not be so important , the priorities may not be correct, from that side, some priorities are left on the ground, and slowly we are moving towards our legislative and governance system in
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the parliament is the part that should be made more complete and accurate for the relevant parliament. mr. qazi, you see, i also had a special conversation in a program. the parliament itself follows up and follows, it must take initiative give it yourself he should write it himself, he should act , no one should interfere , he is following the work himself, this is one point, but let's go , what should the parliament do for the progress of the country's affairs? let's assume that i am saying what
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will happen in some economic affairs, what is our government doing, we are the parliament, it is the government that should come to make policies, say, i am the government, my president voted, i formed the government, i have a program to eliminate inflation, this is my parliament bill. you approve my bill. parliament approves if the government's bill has a weakness, it will fix its weakness, and what it will do is strengthen its strengths. well , this means, in fact, the two gentlemen are saying that the principle is on the bill. when we see that the government is not doing anything, we will make a plan . the plan means that when you have not performed ablution, you have to do it. there should be nothing at all.
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the representatives said in their remarks, they said in their speeches , they said in their speeches, the speaker of the parliament has reported , the chairman's board said, but there is no news, this may be a sign of some kind of maturity in governance, we were not like this before, now we are coming to this point where we have to put the principle on the table, see now. behold you, the government has brought a seventh plan, we have approved the seventh plan now, it is almost finished , what is our agreement now, the seventh plan, yes, the seventh plan is on track, now the government must move on the track , maybe the next president will come and reform the plan that you wrote, i have 23 places. i have this problem , bring a bill. if necessary, we
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will correct these 23 places, but until this correction is done, what should the government do? for the price , some people tell us, honorable parliamentarians, what are you doing, what are you doing for your salary? let's face it, sometimes we do something, this is like connecting a pin. if i raise this salary by 2 rials, raise it by 3 rials , reduce this, increase that, it is the government's duty to bring me a bill, i will approve that bill , the salary problem will be solved, otherwise, when i increase myself , i will go to the guardian council. there is an objection, they go to the assembly
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to determine the objection, they say, sir, the government came and said i am against it, the government said i don't have money, but when the government brought the bill, it was justice. in terms of rights , it should be held, the government should bring this, and we should reduce inflation and increase the monetary base i don't know how to popularize the economy, i don't know how to strengthen the private sector, i don't know how to strengthen education, this is all the responsibility of the government , sir, he said that the showcase is actually the government, see , i have no argument in this part now, whatever we do, it is the responsibility of the parliament. we know that it can be done with more productivity and with less distraction . the government bill should come to the parliament for the commissions, the commissions should do serious work, remove the weaknesses , increase the efficiency, increase the quality , what should they do to increase the power and strength of the bill, increase this duty.
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there is a bill for the parliament to see some places of dispossession no, we followed up. he said that there is a problem in the country, it should be stopped, or at some point, for example, you have a foreign policy issue, whatever you say to the government, the government does not act. he makes the law, he does it, all this is true, but when i said that, we said that the next government assembly, these cannot be separated from each other. if there is no parliament, the government cannot pass a law. if there is no government, for whom will the parliament write laws? see we write the best law in the world. but the government did not accept it ok. or if he is not able to perform it, this
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will be impossible. and what happens to the general pessimism of society? increase but the parliament should be the center of power, the parliament needs power. he should prove himself to the government and the executive bodies, while accompanying the executive officials with mercy, compassion and help, he should do this, but where the interests of the people are at stake , where the people should be helped, the government itself should be helped there. the powerful must define the rail laying and oblige the government to move the rail laying. my question was this. how can it be better than this? it can be better than this, it is better than what you have been so far. for example, if we say that supervision is one of the functions of the parliament, how can the parliament be more powerful in supervision ? there are a few points
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. that these representatives coming to the parliament now coming to the parliament is a step forward compared to the good representatives of the previous period. 180 people, at least 17 of these 80 people were in one round of parliament. 126 of them are new arrivals. there are representatives who worked in different parts of the country , were operational managers, were ministers, or were deputy ministers that is, or even working in the private sector, this means that i come with my mind, ready and able to see one of these . second, our specialized commissions should sit down and do expert work . they should do expert work. they
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should find their input. let's increase the power of the representatives. let's have a good power. the commission should enter into their own specialized work. it is the basic and fundamental component of a parliament that we want to be happy in the future. let's do a better job. let me also say here that we should not have this expectation in the country where we have a parliament, there has never been any debate , i don't know anything so far, this is really not the weakness of the parliament. he shouted , this is a good job, he shouted, this is one of the pleasures. and it is considered sweets of the parliament , it is not very bitter, it is bitter when we see that some people
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have the will that the parliament will not succeed, they have the will to do something that is not worthy of the parliament , but we generally have our representatives, we see that there are representatives for whom all these important points of the country are important. we started a good parliament, we are having a good parliament, we are taking steps . at all, this does not mean that we do not have any problems, it does not mean that we have no problems , no matter how much we progress, we still have problems with the patient , there is still a problem, it is like the governments, it does not make any difference, but what you said is what we should do, it is a step. let's move forward. basically, these authors who have a better step are already present in the parliament and we will add a few authors in the plan that we have to do. you know this parliament as a better parliament than the previous one. so far, yes, it means that the quality is really the same. what components did i say? the components
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are the forces themselves. one of them is the forces that have entered and found 126 new forces. they all have different specialties . they are fully familiar with the bitterness and sweetness of the work. the third or a little less than the representatives of 35 representatives from the previous period or a period before or before or before that is. they are considered as representatives of the eras , at least one term, that is, the previous parliament was not like this, less , for example, the same amount of experience was less, yes, it was less it was less, that is, we were not the previous representative. i said that we had a good parliament. this representative has expertise and executive work, and it is better than the previous period. it is not that the previous period was not good. i did not say
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that they have experience in the parliament in various ministries. especially the various specializations, a very good thing that has happened so far, i want to say , has improved a lot compared to the previous courses. the number of commissions that the volunteers actually have has increased, which shows that the representatives who have entered. their knowledge of the commissions is better than before, which commissions are most like this
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commissions, most of our commissions now have a good reception, well, most of them, usually on two or three commissions, most of the previous period was half of this . i don't understand. in any case , the representatives have to choose which commission they want to go to. in any case, they always chose a place in all periods, and what happened now, you say that the reception was more. you can see the people who come from outside, 3 to 4 at all. until the commission, they thought that this was famous for the 9th time, the commission has become famous for them , that is, for example, the agricultural commission now.
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you wanted, maybe there weren't many volunteers, but now that i'm speaking for you, actually more than the capacity of people volunteering, well, this is very good in the health commission. we are the same way and our research education commission is the same way and we have commissions of this growth until we see people, that is, i want to say that the type of selection has also changed because we know that we are really our commissions, all our people should know that all our commissions are important. we are important representatives, usually one of its dimensions
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commission it has other dimensions. the representative himself is a member of the parliament. the representative on the floor of the parliament takes care of all matters, that is, a representative on the floor of the parliament is a member of all the commissions. on the stage of the parliament , he is also a member of the commissions. all commissions should be attended by a non-core member. all the commissions are there. he sits there , examines, talks, speaks in favor , speaks against, makes suggestions. every commission likes. so a representative of the whole parliament can play a role in the parliament he can talk, he has something to say, but if the representative goes to any commission where
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he has more to say, he can show himself more there. you mentioned the drafts and bills left over from the previous parliament. the decisions of these should be made in the commissions or in the presidium. the internal ayname says that, for example, you have 50 bills in the parliament. you have 20 bills in the parliament. these are left over from the previous term. we present to the representatives to the representatives, if you are present, please announce the number of representatives who have a quorum , sir, we do not want this plan. the other side of the fact the order will be issued to be a representative . they are not present now. my new representatives are not interested in showing this. the representatives should write, that is , 15 representatives should write this plan that is left over from the previous period. we accept this, so the new plan
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can be registered and it will be implemented it can be measured by current or 5. creating a government bill given to the parliament , these bills are in the parliament now, some of them have been approved in their entirety, some of them have not been approved in their entirety. its generality has not been approved, come back as soon as it is announced. if it has been approved in its entirety, we should have a vote from the parliament to see if the government
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has said to return it, should we return it or not. what do you know about the most important priority of the country? now you are the most important first of the difficult questions, because everything is important, no , it is not difficult to see. in my opinion, the most important priority of the country is to solve people's livelihood problems. i am not saying that all people have livelihood problems. ask as an expert, and i will say that the monetary base should
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be reduced. we should reduce it. you should be present to control and manage the banks. we must control costs, we must create sustainable resources, we must increase exports, we must reduce imports, we must increase production , we have many reasons and words to say in society, but this is what i told you, all that came. candidates for the republic should keep these things. if they don't, they shouldn't be candidates. now that they have kept them, we have to say what we should do to solve the problems, they promise to reduce the monetary base. it should be clear that we have to manage and control the banks, one of the highest volume of liquidity that i create. banks, what is our plan for the banks ? we have the main problem of the country of production . what do we have to say about the production
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? we have written the budget to use our resources. now we have delivered the budget. that's it. do you have anything new? if you have anything new, complete it for the budget . complete it in another month. tell me, mr. budget, heal my pain. it doesn't solve my problem. i have something new. in the name of god, the parliament is ready, which means we should the president is coming with the idea that he is saying, i have 2 3 4 plans to solve the problems. the parliament also says that i am not a padua. i will arrive, but it should be after a period of time, for example, 6 months. it's been a year since you had to promise, what happened? then you have to come to the parliament and give a report saying, sir, forgive me
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for what i said. we gave, we voted for you , now tell me what you did, this should be done by the parliament do the monitoring, mr. president, we are fully monitoring you. did you see a stone anywhere , there is a problem, tell us, we are the stone. we are stuck wherever you are. your speed is low. you need oxygen . this is the job of our parliament. i don't want us to replace you as president. thank you very much, mr. dr. haji babaei, honorable deputy speaker of the islamic council of parliament . thank you for accepting our invitation. thank you viewers for watching this program. have a good night and good times.
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he is supposed to remember the memories of friendship from the first time we met in 1943 their acquaintance dates back to 60 years ago. this picture is the same as friendship. who says his name is ali siad shirazi, because his line of thought had become only one thing, my mind and taste was only to become a soldier. agha ali graduated with the rank of second lieutenant, and later went to the united states to complete specialized courses in artillery, meteorology and ballistics, and obtained the first rank. during our service, we sometimes contacted each other . let it come until the start of the imposed war. as soon as the war started in kurdistan , he cleared the cities of sanandaj, diwan dara and saqqez from the anti-revolutionary siege and became a colonel with two degrees, martyr siad.
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in the true sense, he was a rebel, which means he didn't know the time , he didn't consider anything for himself and his life. there are officers in this army who i boldly prayed behind them . public opinion. the war had not yet started in the kurdistan region , he made a lot of sacrifices, and the war that started, he was in the service of the war from the very beginning . as a result, he was the same commander who
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cut off the hands of the hypocrites from the country in the mersad operation. i explained to them and said that the situation is very urgent and we have no choice, cobras they should be ready and sarakia khabar was assassinated and martyred by hypocrites in april 1978. in 2009 , we used to sell wheat for 2,500 tomans per kilo. thanks to the government, now we sell 17,500 kilos. two years ago, i used to harvest two tons of wheat per hectare. alhamdulillah , we now harvest 6 tons per hectare. ibrahim raisi's presidency was registered in a century where judicial security is one of the main pillars of power in the world. the late president knew very well that the strengthening of the agricultural foundation leads to the strengthening of iran's power in the region. one of the most important very important
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doing this depends on both the jihadist movement of the producers and the jihadist movement of the organization and mechanism and the ministry of agricultural jihad. in the 13th government of iran, there was no need to import wheat. with the beginning of the martyr government of mr. dr. raisi, we were importing 7 million tons of sweet wheat, and with the efforts and follow-ups of the president, last year , we reached self-sufficiency in the country's bread wheat production, mr. raisi, while emphasizing self-sufficiency in producing agriculture and supporting the farmers to pay their demands also emphasized the duty of the government to pay. a lot of wheat farmers' rights
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it is necessary to organize the program and those departments related to the central bank, i emphasize , god willing, they will cooperate with the ministry of jihad so that the rights of the gandoonkarans will be paid as soon as possible . the year 1400 increases the guaranteed purchase of 114 wheat from dear farmers. the payment of claims has not been seen in the past 10 years , according to the statistics of the ministry of agriculture, the value of wheat purchased from farmers has increased by more than 22 times from 1393 to 1402, the largest share of which was in the last two years. alireza shakti news agency radio
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello , dear viewer, it is 230 minutes and we are at your service with some news. the special representative of the president for afghan affairs said that the relative security at the border is the result of the measures to physically block the borders and the security cooperation of the countries in the region. mr. kazami qoumi on the sidelines of the afghanistan regional contact group meeting. in tehran which was held with the presence of the representatives of china, russia, iran and pakistan , announced the improvement of the security conditions at the borders. and it is in a collective cooperation that we are dealing with terrorism. in the issue of creating relative peace in the borders. well, the fact is that in the last few months we have seen an improvement in security conditions. but the fact is that


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