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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with economic news. the spokesperson of the electricity industry said: the amount of electricity consumption in the country has grown by 8% compared to the same period last year. according to mr. rajabi mashhadi, the compatriots can participate in the energy sweepstakes with a 10% reduction in electricity consumption. more than 6,000 megawatts
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have been added to the country's electricity consumption, an increase of 8.38 percent compared to last year. significant power consumption we are providing. in the presence of the minister of energy, the parliament examined how to manage energy consumption in the hot months of the year. the minister of energy says that since the beginning of the 13th government, 9,000 megawatts have been added to the country's power plant capacity, and more than 22,000 megawatts are under construction. mr. mehrabian added that by continuing this process of consumption management, the dissatisfaction will go away and it will help to solve the problems for the growth of the country's economy and production. with the arrival of summer and the increase in temperature, the peak
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of electricity consumption in the country will rise, and if there is no management, the story of power outages will repeat itself. the management of electricity consumption and going through the summer without blackouts was the subject discussed by the representatives. some were worried about the power cut of the agricultural wells . some other representatives mentioned the intelligentization of electricity meters. some of our wells are not covered by this energy resource management as they are not smart and have caused injustice to dear farmers. the minister of energy also said from the podium of the majlis with the development of power plants and management. in consumption management in the household sector with applications
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we tried to reduce the tariff and bonus for saving household expenses. in the industrial sector, the postponement of the industrial electricity supply was a part of the industrial electricity from high-load hours to low-load hours. and the minister of energy further announced the plans of this ministry in the summer of 1403 in the form of incentives and rewards for low consumption household subscribers. this year we started the campaign with energy. poish with energy communicates with each consumer using artificial intelligence tools and listens and educates each consumer on ways to reduce consumption. in the framework of this campaign, millions are predicted
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rewards will be paid to subscribers. to reduce household consumption. the deputy speaker of the parliament also asked the ministry of energy to use the resources of the 1403 budget to resolve the electricity imbalances. in the budget of 1403, we provided you with 44 incomes. and also 30. we also approved the documents, so you can take measures during the program to solve this problem forever. fateme alikhani of sed and sima news agency. the managing director of the national housing fund, pointing out that the construction of the national housing movement plans has exceeded 2 million 600 thousand plans, said that since the beginning of the national housing movement plan yet. 84 thousand
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people were introduced to the bank. out of this number, 784 thousand people have concluded a contract. 959 thousand people are in the process of signing contracts. and 441,000 people have defective documents that they have to go through the process again, in fact, their own request. mr. esmaili also spoke from the beginning. qarza -ul-hosna announced special loans for incomes of one to four deciles in the national housing movement plan. we have started the operation of loans from one to four tithes, god willing. from now on, the provinces can those who are in the respective deciles in the provinces, after the introduction of the
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related institutions, i.e. the welfare organization or the relief committee, to refer to the general department. in the general office, they sign the commitment form. in addition to the 55 million loan that we give to the urban context and the 350 million that we give to the rural context , we will pay 300 million for the 3rd and 4th deciles and 400 million for the 1st and 2nd deciles, god willing, it is 2%. 15 years is a very suitable condition that, god willing, can solve the problems of this sector to a large extent. the car sales contract must be clear. deputy minister of mining industry and trade said: first, the car sales contract should be clearly provided to the buyer and then the payment is received. according to mr. shahmirzaei , based on the order of the minister of registration, the monitoring of compliance with
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the technical regulations of sales will be increased. we are in the discussion of online sales of this supervision. it is serious, sometimes it is observed that those relationships that, for example, when a car manufacturer wants to receive money and make an online payment , the contract must be clearly communicated to the customer before that, and sometimes it is seen that the customer receives first. they pay and send the contract later. they say that this is all a violation, but in such cases, i will report it to the media but if it happens again, we will definitely consider this a violation
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. it will be introduced to the supervisory bodies. mr. kolahdozan said that the amount of e-commerce transactions in the private sector in 1402 also broke 300, which is 74 more than the previous year. the head of the e-commerce development center also said that the number of transactions reached about four billion last year, while in 1401 this figure was 3 billion. supervisor business development center electronics is also aware of the possibility of cross-border e-commerce in the country. another significant event that happened in 1402 and we are following this year with strength
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is the issue of cross-border e-commerce, which is currently underway with china and russia, and iraq and the country of iraq will join soon, i.e. iranian platforms. and the platforms of the destination countries are connected and the possibility of exchanging goods between the two countries is provided between the people of the two countries, and this is one of the remarkable achievements now that i am talking about china and russia. import of goods with durability is issued after the approval of the after-sales service . the import will not be done until the after-sales service, that is, the product warranty, is confirmed. especially the problems of embargo and these, which sometimes exist, this
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area is very important, that is, we have not neglected the consumer protection law in any way, and these must be observed. supplying 70% of the country's rail needs was restored in the production unit. a factory that in 2009 to the good sector. the private sector was handed over to the government due to various problems and returned to the government the 13th was revived. now, this production unit will meet 70% of the needs of the country's railways in this field by launching new concrete parts production lines . traverse is one of the subsidiary companies of the country's railways, which was handed over to the unqualified private sector 13 years ago. the result of this handing over years of financial crisis. and the company's production was reduced. this company itself has 6,000 employees all over iran
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, some of them are from zahedan , ahvaz, musk, north-west, south, hot, cold . during this time, the company's duty was not really known , and they were suffering in terms of insurance and rights. work the arrival of the 13th government of ayatollah raisi in his trip to albors province left the pain and heart of the workers of this company. i did not think that they are so down to earth and people. may the workers of this collection sit in on the conversation and take heart with us so that we know what we want, sir, what can he do for us ? so much so that we talked so easily with our president, maybe we were not so comfortable with other managers in production work. facilitate the producer , follow them with the speed of their work, don't let them waste their time. banks should help in paying the facility to the producer. a decade with the lowest work capacity
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was doing since mr. raisi came here, in addition to traversing, for example , we do concrete works, for example, and our work progress has increased a lot, and we are satisfied with this issue. the set of these measures made our production capacity increase from about 20%. here, our salaries were 2 months or three months behind, but thank god they were updated, our salaries are now going according to the same procedure, and thank god it was good for us, now the traverse company meets more than 70% of the needs of the country's railways in the field of railway lines. provide. the result of our martyred president's efforts in the 13th government is the restoration of bish out of 8,500 racket and semi-racket economic units all over the country. economic units where thousands of people
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were employed when the production wheel was set in motion. mohammad shirzadeh , karaj broadcasting news agency. thank you very much for your cooperation, god bless you. hello, this is one of the centers whose job is to connect lucky girls and boys, a place to revive and strengthen the culture of marriage mediation. 3 years ago, on such days, at the same time as the marriage week , adam and eve matching center started its work, where until today, bonnie bis out of a thousand marriages, there have been a thousand marriages where the average age for girls is between
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20 to 25 years and for boys it was between 25 and 30 years , which means a relatively suitable and good age for marriage. it means that you can see young people who are of marriageable age to visit this center and get married. this is an interesting time. of these over a thousand marriages, 7 have been divorced. well , this is not at all compatible with our divorce statistics , the divorce statistics in the country are much higher than this , especially in cities like tehran and... most of their marriages were in big cities, and the low divorce rate means a successful center in the visit of the officials of the national headquarters of the jamiat organization. islamic from this center about the steps of authentication of girls and boys and their families were told that the steps that seem strict from some people's point of view, some people tell us how good it is that you take it so hard , sometimes they tell us what you are doing, we users who criticize us, but
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what it saddens us that iranian families still don't know the centers and young people still don't know that if they don't know a girl or a man who is suitable for their girl or boy, they can get service from such a center and trust them. they believe that the capacity of these centers has not been formed yet. to providing services is much more than what is happening now. at present, 170 approved matching centers are operating across the country, which are referred to the sitting.
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they started their work 18 years ago and now they are planning marriage counseling and helping couples find employment. our couples were crying and saying that we had neither father nor mother. we did not think that such a ceremony would be held for us. residents of a city where dressing up 900 girls and boys has been the joy of these years according to their own taste, now they can choose any dress they like for their wedding night and we will we present the clothes to them. we talk to some friends, they come by themselves and voluntarily provide their cars. we also pay for their cars for the children who want to go to the hall. there is no way to listen to their demands. to continue my education
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, i went to my college's education virtually, and at the very beginning, the education officer laughed and said. virtual education, so why didn't we hear about it? the statement of ignorance of the officials of this university about the assignments of the youth law the population has determined for them. a student's mother, who does not give her the right to virtual education due to her pregnancy status , has made it difficult for student mothers to continue their studies and for other students to want to have children. should there be a conflict between the roles of a woman of the level of the islamic republic, that she has to choose the videos sent by them. to young iran, from a conference that is held to convey their demands to the university authorities, it also shows the vacancies of the officials. we have left their vacancies here . earlier, the little red-shirted players
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opened their football feet to young iran in the celebration of their fathers' championship this week. the next championship will be with children and footballers who have children, following in the footsteps of their children . it is good and without children, they would like to appear with a child in the frame of the picture . university of michigan in the middle of the police conflict this voice is heard with students. in oxford , students are empty-handed. but for palestine,
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they stand in front of the police and show their knowledge. similar to harvard university. that the students stand for the liberation of palestine with few facilities but a united front . university professors are not afraid of anything. they are ready to be here and risk everything for the freedom of palestine. this resistance and standing continues at the university of california. students stand to the end even in the face of force and violence. similar to the youth of the resistance front, the ones with the least facilities, with the zionists equipped with the most advanced weapons engage, fight. for this reason, the leader of the revolution called these students part of the resistance. students who have decided to
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separate their way from the american authorities. i fell i said to complete their work. i always ask the american government to do the right thing and that is to stand by friends. the same country that helps the zionist regime with mk bombs, patriot system and advanced weapons. by approving the 26 billion dollar budget of the us house of representatives, biden will increase arms aid to the zionists. united states. they decide to stand on the side of the honorable struggle as a leader. you have now formed a part of the resistance front and
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you have started an honorable struggle under the cruel pressure of your government, which is openly rejecting the oppressive and disorganized zionist regime. in this front, despite all the ruins, they want to stay in their homes. the side of these people, where more than 36,000 innocent civilians have been killed so far, the side where most of the martyrs are women and children. the more they oppress us , the more we resist. for this reason, the leader of the revolution addressed them and said, "the right side of history." are you standing quran lesson about human communication. this is not to oppress and not to be oppressed. by learning and following these orders and hundreds of similar ones, the resistance front will advance and
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achieve victory. a position that, in addition to students , famous artistic figures in the world were also added to it. farzaneh azerfam, sed and cima news agency. with the people about the upcoming presidential election. tell me
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, it's been dark for a few days in the 8th election, now why should i vote? it's not that someone comes who doesn't care about the people and doesn't care about the people. it's important who we vote for. well, it doesn't matter how many terms of the presidency. i don't vote because they say don't vote. i don't understand our vote, not only in these four years, but also for our future generation . look at the programs and choose. no , we are not coming. we are the future of someone. as you say , it is chosen, no, it is not like this. sir, come participate, whatever you want
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, should i vote at all? now it's a certain way, young people, i'm not saying that they don't like to vote, but it's a certain way that i'm passionate. no, it is a duty. it is a duty that we must do. for melton, for iran , for our country. some thoughts may come to work, like us we want the base of the work, it is not active, then you will get hurt, then only then will you regret the benefit, we are all shipwrecks, we are all here, we really have to make a decision for our future.
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it's not about power, it's not about politics, it's not a game, let's vote . after all, let's see the vote we cast. the harm is the harm. i think it will work . for example, you will vote if i really know. yes, i hope to god, it will be fine. god willing, brother. how much should i give, my dear? please tell me, you are in the taxi, in fact, you are our election officer, you are our camera, you said that at first we were careful what to say, but you look like one of these journalists.
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everyone in whatever position they are and whatever responsibility they have , the same position and the same responsibility of west exam. exam. for example, the honorable president is the same as his presidency , what does he do in this position , what are his thoughts, what are his morals in this field and so on. and
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what are his deeds and even what are the dangers of the heart. the search for service is only enough for the intention. martyrs of service
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, do something for the people and send the number 8 to 123, 39. we will kill all the enemies, ahan piran , my leadership line. laera laera laera.


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