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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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returning to the past will be to the detriment of us, the big family of iran. in the second step of the islamic revolution and in this government, while preserving the ideals of the revolution , i will focus on solving their basic problems by bringing people to the field. i mentioned some things 3 years ago . it is still the rival of the hundred-year-old state-oriented bureaucracy, closed management circles. ignoring all the capacities of the country is person-centered instead of discourse-centered and program-centered, and lack of trust in the private sector , i consider it to be law-abiding and centralist. the desired work structure revolution means a revolution in approaches, functions, structures, etc governance model, it should be noted that this revolution and transformation of the year. something from the path of comprehensive growth
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of the iranian family will be realized, that is, the government will organize its people around the family, so that the father of the family does not worry about the livelihood of the mother of the family, the future of the children, the son of the family does not have to worry about employment and the military, and the daughter of the family does not have to worry about playing a social role. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear people of iran, at the beginning, i will talk to you about two concerns . the first concern is related to our country, iran, and the second concern is related to today's scene. election day
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is the first concern of all of us. we are concerned about progress today and we are the future of our country and the lives of our children. we all carefully look at the complicated conditions of the country and ask ourselves which approaches should continue . which should be completed and which should. change, and most importantly, who can accept the responsibility of getting things done in this complicated situation. the second concern is related to the election scene. the concern that political disputes will cause the main concerns of the people and the issue of economy and livelihood to be sidelined. in this field of ratio. difficulty of tasks
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left on the ground with abilities not calculated correctly . unrealistic looks at practical solutions for there are problems to be solved. these concerns became the reason for a group of elites, entrepreneurs, revolutionary students and other sympathizers who knew about my record to invite me to participate in the elections. at the beginning, due to the trust of the honorable members of the parliament in entrusting me with the chair of the presidency, i considered my main duty to serve in the parliament , and i shared this issue with the sympathizers of the country . but observing the election scene and decreasing efficiency and problem solving solutions as well as inviting photos. the majority of respected representatives and tasking a group
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of children and families of the martyrs who trust them and i know myself and the country as a helper, and also the invitation of prominent political figures of the revolutionary front led me to a new conclusion that if i am a candidate for this election, i will not stop the work that has been started in the past few years to solve the economic problems of the people in the popular government and the revolutionary assembly. we have done and the time of fruition has come, it remains unfinished. therefore, trusting in almighty god and hoping for your trust and relying on my executive political records , i stepped into the election field to try with all my heart to solve your problems, and with your help, another period of
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stagnation and mismanagement like the situation in the 90s. in country do not rule. in the field of management. it is the country of this president who must finish the job without any excuses or excuses in the end and achieve the results of the efforts of others with responsibility and correct leadership, therefore conquering the peak requires experience of skill in addition to motivation and sense of duty, if you believe. if i had thought that today's problems such as livelihood, reduction of purchasing power, deprivation, poverty, discrimination and inequality, back-breaking housing costs, expensive and disorderly car market, or the state of the internet
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, or passing sanctions, could be solved, i would never have stepped into the arena of competition. i am also like: i am not without problems, only the unwritten dictation is wrong he does not have peace and blessings of allah be upon him. after the position of leadership of the president, if the presidency is good, it is that he does not reject the service of the nation, and the generation of this side rejects the nation's vote, and asks him to seek help from god and follow the beloved prophet until
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he is dead. all the people of iran rose up from the beginning to the end in all the cities and started a great revolution. ayatollah khomein is the most revolutionary man in the world. he is the emissary of the master of time, ayatollah. khomeini is the leader of the free people, ayatollah kenini, he is the hope of the afflicted
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. big iron itself. they took this region out of the battle scene and did it. our enemy has an anti-human logic . it is enough for me and you that he has chamal and chezen . on the initiative of tehran municipality, on the recommendation of the clergy, and also with the efforts of the people of tehran, the clean-up in the city of tehran was carried out today with great pomp and splendor. i gave the heart of sleeping teenage tulips to wake up
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to guns and daggers and musk. let's break every religion and win , and the enemy of the homeland should be killed. the first referendum will be held 48 days after the victory of the islamic revolution. i request that you all vote for ir. of course, you are free to vote as much as you want, and in these yes and no sheets, you can include any form you want in the no. 10th of farvardin 1358 referendum to determine the government system of iran. in my opinion, this is a very important issue that is put to the polls, and it shows the extreme libertarianism, because
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a new issue is raised. are you participating in the referendum? yes, what did you vote for? to the islamic republic ir. veterans' words are to the self-sacrificing people of iran who should be given a positive opinion. the referendum lasts two days done today is the second day. this is why i voted for the islamic republic, because i know independence, freedom and everything in the islamic republic, because i know that it is the only republic that supports the deviants. 98% of the participants voted for the islamic republic. the level of people's acceptance of participation in a public issue has been unparalleled. i am on this blessed day , the day of the imamate of the ummah and the day. and i announce the victory of the nation of the islamic republic of iran. now you
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are the brave people of the guards of the islamic republic. now you are the one who must protect this divine throne with strength and determination do. now you are the one who must take charge of your destinies. and don't give room to opportunists. and with the power of god, which is the manifestation of that congregation , take the steps of adi and by sending your virtuous class and trustees in the constituent assembly , approve the constitution of the islamic republic, and as you voted for the islamic republic with love and affection, vote for the trustees of the ummah. give them no room to think. by fixing the type of government, the politicians' minds are focused on the post of president. april 15, 1958, the reporter of the daily "tadat" asks prime minister bazargan, "do
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you consider yourself a candidate for the post of president?" do you bazergan does not deny his candidacy , but postpones the definitive answer to the question until the constitution of the islamic republic is drafted. 16 april 1958, dr. muftah, a member of the revolutionary council, from the group effort of lawyers and clerics to prepare and compile the draft constitution. imam khomeini's comments declare that the future president will be chosen from among politicians, not jurists. 3 khordad 58 ayatollah taleghani, in a press interview, informs about the draft of the constitution. taleghani declares that he does not intend to run for the presidency, but if it is a religious obligation, the issue is different. two days after the people's mojahedin organization in the community. his supporters introduce ayatollah taleghani as the candidate of this organization for the presidency. but a few days
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later, ayatollah taleghani rejects his candidacy for the presidency on a tv show. the problems and challenges of the first months of the revolution could not stop the imam from the main goal of forming the islamic republic and drafting the constitution. due to him , the preparation and compilation of the draft of the constitution is speeding up. imam takes care of westerners, perverts and eclectics. the one who voted for him was our nation, the islamic republic. islam was intended. now there are groups who want to abandon islam . in response to the question of whether
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he will run for the presidency or not, sadegh khalqali, the sharia ruler of the revolutionary courts, says that it depends on the people of iran. i do not see any obstacles for the post of president. on june 21, 2018, details of the draft constitution were published, and for the first time, a council called the guardian council was mentioned, which will be formed to protect the constitution. in this draft , there are some points about the presidency. a few days later , the full text of the draft constitution will be published. the draft brings various discussions. the muslim congress on the transposition of iran's constitution has been held for two days in the ferdowsi hall of tehran university and continues for two weeks . they are discussing various articles of the draft constitution, and
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as its name suggests , it will be more about the islamic perspective and the rules and foundations of the islamic religion. one of the most important things that is being criticized is the conditions that are mentioned for the presidency, many of the brief conditions that have been mentioned are that the president of iran must be a muslim and a subordinate. be iran this is not enough. because he may be muslim. but the shia religion does not have twelve days. even though our constitution is basically according to islam is twelver shia, so here being a muslim should be added to be a twelver shia, firstly, secondly , it is a condition to be the president of islam in terms of all the qualities and privileges, because the presidency from the islamic point of
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view is not the presidency from other points of view. terms of election and presidential powers in a draft with a view. i have talked about the main article 86, which gives the president the authority to in the case of the treaty or any bill, the approval of the matter should be referred to a referendum, in my opinion, this principle is flawed because, first of all, in this set of drafts, it is not specified in what cases the president can. refer the case to the referendum. if we say that it is up to the president himself to diagnose these cases. this increases the problem. regarding the presidency, i believe that the conditions should be much more difficult in terms of science, in terms of piety, and in terms of justice. the time of the election of the assembly
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of constitutional experts will be announced on august 12. it is supposed to be in this parliament with the presence of elected people the drafter of the constitution should be reviewed and approved. imam calls everyone carefully in choosing experts. invite all people to know their own lawyers. scholars should introduce them. those who know people can introduce what was the history of this? what was he doing in that regime yesterday? come now of course, the image can be taken by the hand, and many people want to see the cry of islam, what was it like yesterday, 26 july 1958, imam khomeini
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followed the philosophy of republicanism in the islamic republic system in a meeting with the officials of the elections, and therefore, it is not a logical principle to rule in this sense in this sense. that a hereditary monarchy if it is not logical for the republic to be a legacy, it is logical that it should be done by the nation itself, the nation elects someone , it also makes a free choice and appoints someone as the president, the nation has the right to appoint someone as its president, after 4 years have passed, it's the same nation again, and they will appoint another person again, or if this person was a good person, that's it. i bet one word, you should not say anything that is called imposition, the virtue is to act, people are free, just like in the referendum , the people are free, you have to let the people be free, yes , you are forgetting the means of monitoring these things.
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don't be afraid of such things, the efforts of the proxies to divert the process of drafting the law. i request the parties to agree on their candidates, islam is better for everyone than other religions, we have created a human religion, you are far away from any ugliness and any badness, the honorable legacy of muhammad in love.
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one of the active children's magazines, let's go to the student growth magazine and the story of mount noor to see how the path of this mountain was and
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what hazrat khadijah did to deliver food. the situation of publishing children's and teenagers' magazines in the country is not good now, the magazines should become local. and the regionalization of going means if the magazine is going to mark a special event . we also encountered this in iran, that is, as the number of national magazines has decreased in the last decade, especially in the last ten years, the number of magazines exclusively in one province is now limited to the number of magazines in, for example, the capital city. the centers of the province are spreading more and more . now we have channels in different parts of the country working in the field of children and teenagers, one of the ways out of the current situation. in the field of children's and youth publications, special attention is paid to provincial publications, the local publication of kermanshah province , we are trying to improve children's heritage literacy.
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a major part of our work is in the field of distribution of magazines, we are working on sales , because the taste of children is towards this magazine. i told you that we should also teach media literacy to our children, that if they are using your phone and apps , they can use them in a positive and correct way, and we are trying to have a we have a few designs , we have designs of local native games for children, which are the same again we have a magazine, we work in developed countries
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and countries that are developing, and from the point of view of young children, all countries are still developing, and it is important for them that this generation along with the view that they are expressing in these countries in the field of media, media authority for the field the adolescent child is created and strengthened . this means that both children and teenagers, parents, educators and activists in the cultural and even non-cultural fields know which media, whether visual media , written media, online media, and those that are on the internet , are the authentic media of their own society and can at least the children face it the media refer to the body of afarinesh mozada magazine and also afarinesh najahan magazine, after a few years of interruption during the corona era, they are going to be published soon by the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents. we used to have a magazine called "effort", very strong, heavy and with good dimensions, it was for children and teenagers
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, it was for minors. after that, we actually had an online and electronic publication, hadhud, which has actually stopped. it was after that creation that it actually stopped because of corona. god willing to continue. the work and the re-publishing of publications have been held, and in god's hope we promise that, god willing , we will soon see the publication of magazines by the center for intellectual development. we have this important dispossession in our own country now that we cannot refer children to any media completely and we can rest assured that it will meet their needs, respond to the issues they are dealing with , and make our voices heard. the pattern should be from the countries that were able to establish a media authority in the field of children and adolescents and based on our own local needs , based on iranian culture, should design a media that
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responds to the needs of children and families today. okay, magazines for children and teenagers are one of the rich sources of study because they are explained on a wide level , especially for example, weekly and monthly magazines are very good for the audience who are in the far parts of the country and do not have access to study resources, and considering that their prices are good, it is very good. to be supported, you see, in addition to the load of studies that children are doing, they can send their works to them, it is in the magazines that today's children can actually try their own scientific spark, their own knowledge spark, a series of people actually from they are known through magazines you can be a writer. be a writer, be a poet, ahmed aminfard, sed and broadcasting news agency. after 6 months of work
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and effort around the clock, now the time has come to harvest the golden stalks of wheat from the cemetery of fasa city . this year, the condition of wheat was very good. we had 35 hectares of wheat and we harvested an average of 7 and a half per hectare this year, despite the fact that in the fall season in winter, there was very little rain, but thank god , alhamdulillah, for those rains in april. it happened that we have a good farm and we expect to harvest 5 to 5.5 tons per hectare . we have 4,000 hectares of wheat in the shipkor area due to the favorable conditions of the year we used cultivars that are compatible with our region, such as sarang sirvan and mehrgan. a strategic product that provides both the farmer's bread and helps the country's self-sufficiency. average harvest in
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the city of corruption. with the start of wheat harvest, two wheat shopping centers and fasa flour factory receive this product from farmers. we are in the city of fasa. we have a shopping center that unloads more than a thousand tons of wheat daily , and due to the unstable conditions of the interaction with the qaleh administration, this amount of wheat is simultaneously loaded and unloaded into the silos and factories specified by the qaleh administration. there were 145 hectares of wheat in the city of risot, but due to drought and lack of timely rain, 144 hectares of wheat fields were removed from the production cycle.
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it is expected this year.
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hello, this is ginest publications. exams of the national exam, possible questions, 160 points, tests, and general techniques only and only in the book. you heard it exactly right.
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at 3 o'clock, the lottery ceremony for the six presidential election candidates was held on radio and television. in this ceremony, the head of the broadcasting organization said that the country's elite society, think tanks, research institutes, and universities helped in designing the election programs of this period. we have taken to. according to mr. jabali, the design of the debate and the questions was done based on serious attention to the basic issues of the country. five debates, three round tables, four television and radio documentaries, on -camera programs to talk to people.


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