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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] at 3 o'clock, the lottery ceremony for the 6 presidential election candidates was held on radio and television. the head of the broadcasting organization said in this ceremony that in the design of the election programs of this period, the country's elite society, think tanks, research codes, we have received help from universities. according to mr. jabali, the design of the debate and questions was done based on serious attention to the basic issues of the country. five debates, three specialized round tables, four television and radio documentaries, on -camera programs to talk to people, talk to
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people. provinces program, the first page of the talk program the special and uncomplicated program that will be broadcast on radio and television, in addition to that, in the virtual space, the national media of the television system with tens of millions of viewers and subscribers has provided each of the candidates with a dedicated 24-hour channel. it is assumed that they will upload their own advertising programs there, god willing. we will approach the heavenly and mystical moments of the morning call to the horizon of tehran after the call to prayer, with this news section by
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your side. in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs. in the name of allah, who created . allah is the greatest. allah is the greatest. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al-
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salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah hai ali khair al-alam ha ali khair al-alam , allah is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but
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god, we wish for your obedience and worship. accept the divine door. stay with us as we continue this news section. the ministry of health of gaza announced the increase of martyrs of nosyride to 274 people. occupying soldiers disguised themselves as displaced persons and entered this area with two civilian vehicles became i am now in anusirat camp. the zionist army carried out a special operation in this area to free a number of prisoners, as it says. this area suffered heavy damage and was heavily targeted by shelling and shooting. you can see the amount of destruction. some neighborhoods and some houses have been completely destroyed. the goal of the regime's army. it was to cover up his operations by destroying these neighborhood houses. a large number of martyrs have fallen on the ground. this operation lasted for about 3 hours, during which helicopters and drones of the occupying regime in the form of they were flying widely in the sky of the region. the
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occupying army added to the severity of its land and sea air attacks on this region that the situation is very serious. the attacks and shelling started all at once and the debris fell on us, thank god we were saved from death. it was violent, that is, the attacks were very intense . all kinds of weapons were used in this attack, from the air and the ground, people were shelled here with the start of the attacks left here. the surprising military operation of the army of the occupying regime was carried out using special forces in this area. the invaders entered the camp. and they destroyed everything and they shot widely at people and houses. the number of martyrs and wounded is very high. people left here due to the intensity of the attacks and heavy rains. the occupying army says
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that it carried out this operation to free four people from the palestinian resistance. but the amount of destruction shows that this operation was carried out with the aim of genocide and many martyrs were killed in it. government development committee meeting. electronics was held in the ministry of science . according to the minister of science, research and technology, the most important resolution of this committee was the implementation of the higher education smart platform plan. in fact, a market is formed that in this market, each of the private sectors , according to the data of higher education, defines the services that these services are provided to the whole country and higher education, the experts of the lorestan agricultural research and training center produced 96 varieties of modified bazar , according to the manager in this center, the average harvest
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of wet wheat in lorestan is 4 tons and dry wheat is about 1 ton, while the average production with improved basrs reaches about 13 tons. as a result of scientific works, the length of the cluster is up to 35. in fact, there are four rows of spikes in each spike , and sometimes four to five instead of two. we can see from the glorification of the achievements of the researchers of lorsan agricultural research and training center and natural resources in the production of improved seeds, separating from the issue of maintaining food security . farmers hand gauge. reaching the peak, like jalal, which has a record yield of 11 tons per hectare, the blue wheat variety, oj, which has a record yield of 10 tons per hectare, and sahar, which has a record yield of 10 tons per hectare, and sahar , which has
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a record yield of 9 tons per hectare. pests and diseases and grasses of any resistance to wors or the fall of the cemetery and most importantly the improvement of product quality and the increase of yield after the dam are among the indicators that are considered by the center's experts. the research is between 6 to 14 years to reach the conclusion and introduce a new figure. our goals are to increase the penetration rate of cultivars in farmers' fields and to increase the variety of cultivars in farmers' fields. the average yield of wheat in the lorestan water field is 4 tons and in the dry field it is 1 ton and 200 kg. the production of easy wheat in the year 1401 402 reached more than 535 thousand tons. it has reached that we had more than 230 increase compared to previous years. part of this increase is related to the increase in production it is the performance in the level unit that
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plays the most important role in the introduction of new figures carried out by the research center. in larestan , there are 3 research stations for the production of modified agricultural and residual seeds in the cities of khore abad, borujerd and ali godard. we obtained 96 varieties of different types of crops such as blue wheat, dry wheat, blue barley, dry barley, legumes, oil seeds, and other crops. but experts believe that the production of high-yielding cultivars that are compatible with the environment is a part of the work to achieve the performance of these cultivars
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in the field management at the planting stage. in the name of allah, the most merciful, while expressing our regret for the heartbreaking incident that happened to the honorable president and his loved ones, so that we can help and help, that there is enthusiastic participation , we entered this stage of competition. in my opinion , what we should do is the presenters who in the country is not presenting new words or a new way. our problem is that we leave what is the general policies of the supreme leader and the law of the program. we will come later and come up with new words of our own. i will now quote a few phrases from the
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general policies. that what we are going to follow and let's follow up, the effort to implement these goals is here, here is what characterizes us, iran is supposed to be a developed country , the first economic, scientific, technological position with an islamic and revolutionary identity. now, i don't have time to read all the paragraphs in 5 minutes. the topics that we need and should follow up on are not, and it is the duty of the executives and legislators to follow through on the executive to ensure that they enjoy health, welfare, judicial security, the same table that we have from the people of the table is becoming more and more discolored day by day , social security, equal opportunities, proper distribution of income. a strong institution of the family away from poverty.
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discrimination and benefit from favorable environment. now i 'm going to skip the points, because if you look at any of these, we should have been able to have a superior position in the region. we had to do something, people were in perfect health. we should have followed a process of education based on justice. well, we didn't. effective regulation of government relations. and the people and the organized increase of the people's participation in the affairs of the country according to the general policies. creating fair facilities and equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination and unfair discrimination in different regions of the country. are now different regions of the country in terms of justice in terms of access to gold the facilities are equal. did our managers and officials act based on this equality? the law of the program that
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we have should have been implemented , we should have followed the existing process , we should have established a logical relationship with the world, why didn't we come, we have a fundamental problem, one inside the country, one outside, inside we must accept all those who live in this country. they should get positions based on their skills, experience and knowledge. not based on the party, faction, group, and sect, whoever deserves it, we should look for those who have knowledge, skills , and experience, those people who can let them do this and lead us to that goal . there are people who are not our friends, they are not our comrades, they are not our like-minded people , but for the sake of these general policies, we are obliged to implement these policies. whoever takes responsibility and cannot do this should be held accountable. the power. he takes it into his own hands and
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is not accountable. in fact, he is acting against these policies. we must create unity and cohesion within the country among all groups, factions, and parties based on piety or merit . without error, move without error in economy, industry, agriculture, culture, freedom in all those things, your movement is flawless. not that disabled people based on communication based on i don't know whatever you think will take over the expression of power, economic problem, social problem, cultural problem , political problem will be created. not answerable we want the country's problems to be solved, we must rely on scholars, scientists and people who are united. we want the country to be fixed, we must unite together, have cohesion and
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step together towards general goals and policies. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, in the name of the god of wisdom, happiness, prosperity, in the name of the god of steadfastness and freedom. greetings to all my dear compatriots. we are iranian wherever you are in the world. greetings to the soul of god, who said that i will wait for the faraj from the middle of khordad
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. greetings to my dear brother and long-time comrade-in-arms, omm raisi, who died an eternal martyrdom with a lifetime of tireless efforts and a proud end. my dear iranians, mustafa. i am pourmedi, the son of hossein talabeh, who spent his youth in fighting against the previous regime, his youth in many revolutionary responsibilities, and his middle years in difficult positions full of national challenges . dear people, we were full of ideals and dreams. but today , are we in the position we dreamed of? begman steps we have reached a height and achieved undeniable achievements. but
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there are also many failures, anomalies and annoying shortcomings. today, someone will talk to you about the ups and downs of politics. he knows the country. someone who can say that he is familiar with the problems of the past 45 years and hidden secrets and micro and macro domestic and foreign problems. someone who has seen dear and vast iran from city to city and different regions and is familiar with its issues. the administrative system understands this iran and its challenges. he has lived closely with experienced managers and social capital of the country. i believe in the ability of iranians to create power, wealth and justice, and i believe that god
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has finished blessing us. i dare to speak of the greatness of iran and iranians and the glorious revolution. let me speak to the islamic nation of iran because i have not had a hand on the fire from afar and i am not unaware of the unique capacities of this land. i deeply believe in the knowledge and creativity of the worthy and cultured women, men and young people of my country and their outstanding ability in new technologies, electronic government and artificial intelligence. but the sorrows, the flocks belong. people's needs and concerns should not be ignored and because i am sure that they can we were able to be in much better conditions than this . i am sad. many of you people were not supposed to be worried about living your life. many of you
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young people were not supposed to deal with despair. corruption and corrupt people were not supposed to target structures and organizations. politics was not supposed to come before religion and morality was not supposed to be tamed by power. we did not intend for justice to become a victim of expediency. today , i invite you and me to try to bring the country back to normal. that the leading imam and martyrs of the revolution left with us. the name of the fourteenth government his appointments and priorities are justice. it will be wealth and power. my appointment with you
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is the realization of this key software. your restlessness is because of your desire. be a restless seeker until your appointment comes . amin, o lord of the worlds, peace be upon you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i send my greetings to all our dear people, and i offer my condolences. the people who are showing their gratitude for the good service and honesty in the mourning of the beloved martyred president. the epic we
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saw in qom, tabriz, tehran, birjan, mashhad and other cities, it was a great epic. this is the art of our nation that creates an epic from an incident. art it is our people that they not only do not survive in a flurry of events, but with their strength, they turn threats into opportunities. this side. the world saw this truth in the holy defense, in this government of our martyred president, the same superpower that officially sought maximum pressure on the people of iran, he himself admitted that the people of iran have been grossly defeated . doing different things and now they are ready for big roles. play a role for the development of the country. i believe that our people
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brought and are bringing to the stage what was possible and this is the biggest capital of the country our martyred president knew this capital and appreciated it. whoever steps into the election, steps into the arena of elections , should know and appreciate this capital like the martyred president. my point is this. when we have such people who create such epics, we need a government in today's difficult situations. who has the determination and plan to promote this great capital, we have been thinking about this for the past 10 years in a discourse called the shadow government, and with a wide network of elites and professors in various fields around this we have done expert discussions. all
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this time, regardless of whether the established government was our friend or rival, we tried to present the results of our investigations to the government officials for approval, correction or completion. the important thing is that the president should know what opportunities exist. if we are talking about the program, the president must have full knowledge of that program and how to make maximum use of these opportunities for the benefit of the iranian nation. don't be satisfied with the minimum, don't consider the daily administration of the country to be enough. look at the peaks. the progress of our people and global trends to us today shows that we are in a historical opportunity today. if a nation neglects historical opportunities,
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it will lag behind the path of progress. how is this progress achieved? with justice. a justice that has the right to participate in the capacity of each and every iranian people in the direction of the country's leap and has a plan to bring it to the field. it is the right of each and every iranian people to play a role in the growth of our beloved country and it is the duty of the government to have a plan for it. discrimination does not allow everyone to move. without fair relations, funds are wasted and used for the benefit of a few. by the way, in that the relations are fair, all capital and all capacities are used, monopolies are broken. it is possible to remove the wrong lines, and progress
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will be achieved. maximum participation of the people is necessary for leap forward and progress, and this participation is achieved with justice, so that everyone can have the opportunity to move and grow. the main point that i want to emphasize here is the method of emphasis. what i mean is that for such successes, we need correct and timely decisions in order to continue the success of our beloved martyr's path, so that we don't just suffer from everyday life, but also reach the heights of progress . in the name of allah , the most merciful, the memory of the imam of the martyrs the revolution of the holy defense of the martyrs defends the safety and health
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of the martyrs of the axis of resistance, including women and oppressed children. gaza and the martyrs who defended the shrine, especially the martyr haj qasim soleimani , i honor the martyrs of ayatollah raisi and his companions. our dear raisi was a believer, religious, revolutionary and a man of logic and reasoning, so his right relationship with the guardian and imam of the society of obedience to the people of iran is dear. and honesty and there was interaction and cohesion with the officials. in the international arena, the attitude of the martyr of the president, our martyr of the president , was one of support to the friends of the islamic revolution and dear iran, and open opposition to its enemies, of brave resistance. thank you
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he wanted to serve and never to play the role of president. impurity, rather, it was the pursuit of ascending to god by humiliating oneself in front of people. martyr raisi was proud of being a revolutionary and held the quran and the picture of haj qasim in his hand. he was sure of his way and went calmly. he was basiji. basiji remained. unless the end of basiji's mission is martyrdom. it has been 3 years of our dear president's government , the way of the president is to draw the right direction on the path of revolution and create stable conditions for dear iran , a situation that is definitely
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not comparable with the beginning of the 13th government. now on duty and by invitation academic and seminary elites, and political and popular activists have come with the participation of the people to put the main line of the revolution and the discourse of honest service in the service-oriented government. we are not supposed to be ignorant of people's pain. people are not supposed to remain helpless in economic pressures. we are not supposed to be afraid of coming among people. difficulties are not supposed to be only for a certain group of people. we are not going to be passive and subservient to the enemies of the rashid iranian revolution. it is supposed to be with the help of god and the help of the martyrs and in obedience to the wise leader of the islamic revolution and with
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the support of the nation, with a jihad movement and with the support of cognition. it is desirable to make a big leap in the faster completion of this path with a detailed comprehensive plan with a spiritual and material transformation. it is supposed to be with the program and the record, it is supposed to be with the program and the record for the progress of dear iran and to solve the problems of the people with the focus on justice and solutions. corruption and discrimination will remain the basis of people's work until the end. it is supposed that with the program and the report on the people's orbit, the ground for solving the challenges will be provided and the knot will be opened from the country's economy and the people's table.


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