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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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11 started in the country all over the country at the same time that everyone, justice and security were established in the city, in the village, the young, the old, in the houses, wherever they were, the police were easily in their hands, with 110 discussions related to the supervision of the police. in the police, well , you see, it was formed in 1970, i mean, i want to say that the dear people felt this change completely that day, and my reason is that now , when you discuss the economic growth of the country, it is capital allowance , productivity is almost equal to productivity and capital. for example, if we say 8% growth now , it should be at least 3.5% to 4% productivity and 4% or so
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should be followed by investment, so the most important thing is that wherever we had success , we prioritized this productivity, and this itself makes you know that it will be an additional cost or if there are limitations in investment. look at the huge transformation that has happened in the field of productivity. when we talk about productivity, it means making the organization agile. making the processes accurate, dividing the work correctly, using technology, these are what make the system efficient, otherwise , if you bring capital and cannot use it, transformation will not happen. you consider the city of tehran. 46 almost half of the infrastructure that happened in tehran municipality in these 12 years.
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it is as big as the sub-sector set that was built in the past. this is in front of people's eyes. you can see. look at the timings and timers that we set for the projects. everyone knows that this means that the accountability here was completely clear that a certain project will start on a certain day. a certain date will also be opened, this will become a culture and later the rest of the country will try to say it this way. that a spatial management should be brought to a dynamic and today a cybernetic management there is a country that can have this transformation in different fields. now, if i get the chance, i will explain that it should be this way in economic matters, so this is my experience and i believe that this is the most important
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ability today. this is that there should be a detailed and deep management . i have always said that it should be in line with intelligentization . it should be in line with clarification. it must be popularization. popularization should be done on this occasion. it is worthy of our year to use the term popularization perhaps too much. our officials how do you want it to happen in your possible government in the police force ? how did we make people's security? i mean, what were we doing before? previously, in the police station and police station , there were rank-and-file soldiers and members of the police force , walking in the streets and patrolling the streets. prevent it from happening, this is a way for you to see how expensive it is. how little effect and how much harm
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is done here for the person himself, harms that i don't want to mention now, in the harms that the forces see, the harms that people see and the same issues that we in the field of diwan are dealing with. we are worried, what should we do now? we have used technology , we have defined a platform, all people, that is, all 80 million people, have this opportunity finding out that every mistake, every crime , seeing every issue, in fact, everyone becomes a person, maintaining security with a phone, an insecurity is transmitted in the least time, with the least effort, the most efficiency, exactly at the point where it was needed, in its own time, in less time. we were present from 3 minutes, well, this is popularization, which means that the people supervise the police. i mean, you
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always remember your popularization in shahrdir, it was a hole for me once came. i was the first question that mr. ghalibaf asked me, if a pothole is found , how much will you fill it, and when will there be a street without potholes, these were the issues, but you saw in the municipality that 137 provided more than 4,000 daily services to the people with easy access. there was no problem with the supervision of the people themselves, they found the municipality and called for their work. this is a kind of popularization. this section and then right here, where was the imam ali highway built, where was the pul hundred highway built with private sector capital and private sector contractors , which means that there are also these, which means that the people also have the financial ability. i have a lot of popularization, it is not a slogan, it is a fact and
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reality, but experience and using it correctly and believing that the people, therefore, we are talking in this parliament. it was that the economy is based on the approach of the people's economy, which becomes a resilient and dynamic economy . thank you, mr. dr. ghalib. candidates usually consider a central slogan during the election contests. first of all, understand what the central slogan is and the relationship of your excellency's government with the slogan that they consider. you get and of course records that so far. how did you count it? the slogan that i chose in this for this course that is at your service we are talking about service and progress. well, first of all, this
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is not a slogan. my ex also shows that everything we promised. everything we said. now , i am talking about the days when we were in the khatam camp after the war, or the days when we were in the air of the irgc, and the events that happened in the police happened at that time and clearly in the tehran municipality, so when we say a slogan , it is not a slogan. it is a fact that we have to pursue it and make it happen, including if i want to say why we say service. and why do we say that we are progressing ? today we have problems in our economic field we have to do some short-term work that some of the people who are struggling in their livelihood today
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are really having problems in this sector and in their well-being . we have serious issues in the field of water supply, in some places we have serious issues in the field of health, in some places there are serious issues in the area of ​​food issues, food , they do not have the purchasing power to provide the goods in relation to the prices, the amount of calories they need, there is a minimum requirement, they do not have the power to buy this. so we have this. topics under the title of service we have to implement these in the form of intensive short-term programs and bring the people to a relative comfort in this field
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. that this root issue must be solved, where is the way , when will it be solved? these problems that we are talking about , when should the issue of fluctuations and instability in the economy be resolved, there is no other way, the way is for progress to happen, how does progress happen, we definitely need investment and wealth production, we must accept that especially for the past decade, we almost have to say that our growth is annual. however, we have to increase the economic cake . if we increase this, then we will be able to seriously consider these problems, of course
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, when we talk about wealth production and economic growth. undoubtedly, if this is not done with justice and our type of planning these two times may create more difficult problems for us , so our motto here is service and advanced government. in fact, we have short-term and medium-term partners, and the focus of our work is the seventh program for the development of the country , which is actually a cooperation between the government and the parliament. in the government of martyr raeesist, thank you for mentioning the cooperation between the two forces, considering the various experiences that your excellency had in the fields of work and activities . please tell me
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what is your pathology of the relations between the forces at the high levels and in the middle, why do we sometimes have some complications. look, we have a separation of powers according to the constitution. article 110 is one of the powers of the leadership, the seventh paragraph of which is actually coordination between the powers, and there is definitely this necessity. that there should be this coordination at the level of the heads of forces, that there should be these meetings , that these meetings have been held in recent years and now, these are more. now, why, while the principle of separation of powers is that we should not interfere in the work , but we must definitely advance this work through interaction. anyway, the law should be written by the parliament , and the implementation should be done by the government. in the judicial branch, supervision of the implementation is carried out by the general inspection organization of the country
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, so look, when something needs to be done, it is done through the cooperation of the three forces . it provides the opportunity for mutual understanding in the issues that are necessary for the law to be done. when the inspection organization performs the monitoring work. or the diwan of accounts access and control should be used by the government in the path of railroading, i.e., the budget should not be moved in its own way . if these things are not carried out with coordination and empathy, there is definitely no need for synergy, then many managers who are there may not be able to have the necessary creativity . sometimes you have seen that our managers are brave. they are losing respect because they might say, sir , the inspection organization of this court of accounts, i
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have done detailed executive work many times . and cooperation is of course open i emphasize that this should be an interaction between them , respecting the separation of powers, but that interaction can definitely provide platforms for cooperation that will be more efficient, so that the people will benefit from it . i didn't discuss the country's priorities very carefully , especially in the field of economy, because as you mentioned, in other programs that the national media has considered, there is definitely an opportunity to reread your programs, but let me go to one of the issues that are the subject of the court. it is a dictatorship that in the word was it yours or the same bureaucratic system that is now the cultural interpretation of it
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? look at this issue, why are we so slow in the old court system? this is a part of the north. anyway , every group, every organization, every institution in the whole government. in short, it cannot be governed by slogans . 45 years have passed since the islamic revolution. muhammad baqir qalibafi, who is sitting here today, is the same as you you said to pass by, where have you been? in any case, i have a record. if people judge me today , they will say qalib, you were in the municipality for 12 years . what did you hand over to us? were you in the police? what did you hand over to us? it means when you
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make a decision, the mayor the parliament makes a decision, writes the law, these things happen when it goes into the system , something else happens, the law is not implemented properly, so what's the point, then this fourth power, which is the bureaucratic power, rides on the other three powers, the result
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of writing a good program, it has no output, a good decision . you get no output, this is the same slogan and program giving and not working, so the performance record is the basis of work and the next point is that the same productivity that i mentioned should be here, so i mentioned intelligentization , can you manage this system without technology today ? hierarchical system is not the answer now, flat systems. be smart and be smart, and all this is formed in the systems. we had more than 200 systems in tehran municipality, besides, after that , there is no more 8-hour work, it's 24-hour work, people can get their services from the service there at night. what makes
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it transparent, when there was transparency, we are now in the parliament the law we illustrated. we said what a big rent for jobs, anyone who wants to create a job will enter the door, a huge work has happened , nationally licensed, this is the place where we should remove that bureaucracy, but if we feel that we should sit in our rooms, don't use technology , creative forces. if we don't try to choose merit , don't do meritocracy, and really don't cultivate merit, none of these changes will happen. years will pass, we will have art , use expertise, use science, use the new world, and not with words. to use this correctly, when we use it, it will happen to us that we will reduce our costs
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, increase the quality of work, make it clearer, and corruption will decrease. when we use our rocket with students and academics. when i was in university, we changed it. well , it's people building. people come to a place where entry is prohibited. people come to the security area of ​​the police force. for example, do you remember how to get a passport? do you remember how to get a certificate now? where has it been for 20 years? people issue their own certificates they are issuing passports themselves, so this is in my economy.
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ask me, i say that the biggest corruption in the country is inefficiency, inefficiency starts from here, bureaucracy comes from here, corruption comes from here, weakness in the economy is here, i think that the point that our dear people should really pay attention to is that i and the likes of me who come here are destroying ourselves. we allow them to look at our past and look at our records. on this basis, yes, we may give a good speech and a good plan. there is a place for people to compare good and bad people and show that mr. qalibaf, if you become the president , because you mentioned the issue of corruption, if you become the president, you will allow the media and reporters
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of corruption without worrying about being accused and arguing against the government. we allow them to criticize you and your government. we in the parliament in the 11th term turned one into law. now, your excellency, because you are in the field of journalism and media, there is a discussion about reforming the world, profiteering. yes, we turned this into law. and this law was actually promulgated now, that is, we are the people of this law that was promulgated wherever they are, they can the complete assurance of face-to-face reports or the report of a smoker reached them . it preserves this information. it is safe that when those who are criminal gangs do not actually limit them, the law
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supports them, in addition to the fact that they are even rewarded for this, so we have the law of profiteering in this law. we have notified you of our serious determination to implement it. you have also been notified for the implementation of your government. this is a serious determination for sure what is the key of the government? in the elections, i always tell my colleagues who help the dear people who rely on me, anyway, as the famous saying
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goes, they introduce us . i always make a promise to them, i promise you that if i you tried, a responsibility fell on my shoulders, my only promise to you is that you are ashamed of your trust and the reputation that we have given to the people to vote for this , and i will make up for it with my work. i went, then i will send you a letter. they are always working hard for their country i promise them that if i come to do the job right , there is no difference between someone who is in the headquarters and someone who is not in the headquarters, what matters is that when we come to the government, it is really based on let's continue our work. wherever i have had the success of serving in management, a youthfulness has been the basis of my work. the two active forces that were
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actually called to work by you were the right choice of these two words when you said youth and activism , or are there other expressions applied to it? sometimes very political with me they were not, but they were efficient forces. i employed them. we had youthism there, for example, you. at that time, i appointed a 27-year-old mayor as the mayor of the region. well, i, who was 20 years old , became a brigade commander at the beginning of the revolution. colleagues, we should not use them, we should definitely use them, even i did not allow them to stay in the post for a long time. i said that if a district mayor is 34 years old
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, he will not be able to grow in the merit selection process. if it is possible to grow here, go to the mayor of the region it is possible to come to the central headquarters of the municipality , it is possible to come and sit in my place and i did not say this wherever i was. it is in my management history that we did this, so it is not a wedding to give a quota . name the one you use now , well, naturally , there must be people in my mind with the work experience that i have, not that they are not , but be sure without consulting. without collective wisdom with others, i will definitely not make such a decision
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. there are circumstances and this tragic incident is the martyrdom of a loved one who happened. anyway, most of them are working now. naturally, our priority is that in the administration of the government, when we say that the government is not just a board of the government, a governor is also a member of the government . i am a member of the government, which means that i am really a big body. i am trying my best not to shock this group so that we can move forward . it is possible again, based on the same efficiency, if they are doing work and are efficient and competent, we will definitely try to advance the work with them.
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if necessary, this we will do the work . i have two questions. one is that in this program , do you see the commitment to the media, specifically to the national media, that they can continuously follow your election promises and the programs you announce, monitor and measure them and convey them to the people. reflect you have not seen anywhere in my administration that i am not accountable to people myself. 99 that i was the beginning in the parliament , that making promises in the parliament is a difficult task , it is not an executive task, it is a task that we have to do together with 290 respected representatives from all over the country. at the meeting there, i told about my activities , and it was the last day of the parliament. i explained the record of the 21 things i did, 19 of which
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were legislation, and we followed the work of legislation. he should come and follow up on these things at certain times , and in my opinion, this is one of the good things that you are doing . my request to the national media and all the media that play the role of public opinion is to monitor this in my time. i believe, i have faith , i have worked like this for at least the last 25 years, and at the end of the first page of this program, i would like to hear the opinion of his highness regarding the personality of the martyred president, the ayatollah. let's know raeesi, let's hear that i was a friend with martyr raeesi, i mentioned that we
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had our first acquaintance with martyr raeesi before the revolution of 1956 in mashhad and we became friends, and this was friendship and camaraderie until the moment of his martyrdom, especially in in the 1990s, we became very close colleagues in management and political discussions in the 1990s in 1996 until the moment of his martyrdom. in fairness, i mentioned that he was a martyr of raisi. the important point of shahid raisi was that the level of the agent of the islamic system was the level of the revolution he paid attention to islam. what kind of attention
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do you mean? we believe in the islamic system that the relationship between the broker and the people is like justice, according to martyr beheshti, justice has no second order button , nothing, even the risk of life, can prevent the relationship between the broker and the people. the format of this communication. people can be disconnected from people. did you see that this is very important in travel and work? yes, other parts are also important, but even i say that making the platform intelligent is important, but this means that a system broker the door of his room should not be open , he should not be in the eyes of the people, it was one of the characteristics of shahid raisi who
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did this in the level. in these 3 years that the islamic revolution served and served honestly , i kept it at the level of the islamic revolution. thank you, mr. mohammad baqer ghalibakh, the honorable candidate of the 14th term of the presidential election, for appearing in this program and answering my questions. from our beloved nation, who was a guest in your house for 45 minutes, i wish you all , your children, your wife, all the family members, fathers , grandfathers, grandmothers, great wishes and success. i wish you happiness and joy and a good ending . have a good night, be successful and confident. i would like to thank the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel who have accompanied us until this moment. i hope that this has been brought to your attention . reread performance parameters.


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