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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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home appliances. with the end of the war, a big referendum was coming. during imam khomeini's lifetime , he formed a committee to review the constitution to make changes in the constitution. the most important change that everyone knows about was that the president personally headed the government. the other principle that we should refer
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to is the issue of the need to give responsibility or to recognize the responsibility of the executive branch, especially considering the spirit of extravagance of the executive branch that this extravagance may even be due to expediency for the society, this change and all other changes. the revision of the constitution was done in the commissions, brothers their speech indicated that when the representatives appoint the head of the executive branch, it is like appointing the people, no, it is not fair, because the vote of the members of the parliament is not the vote of the people in all issues, and i imagine that the issue of popularization of the system, which is one of the most important its manifestations are the same. that
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the people will choose the president of the country, so we should not make this easy for the islamic republic system. a process that lasted until after the imam's death. it means that some work is about to start. one is creating a combination of people who are comprehensive in every aspect to participate in the round table. now these changes have to a vote was taken. a public referendum. this was the first time after the formation of the guardian council that the council supervised the referendum process. the two previous referendums, i.e. the referendum on determining the shape of the country's system and the first referendum on the constitution, were both conducted before the formation of the guardian council. this was the third referendum after the revolution, which was held in 1368. in a referendum, since there are no candidates, the scope of the duties of the guardian council
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is limited to monitoring the process of conducting the referendum. that year, more than 16 million people participated in this referendum and gave more than 97 positive votes. now with the vote of the people of the constitution had changed with this referendum, the decision of the assembly of experts that the guardian council should also review the elections of the assembly of experts itself was added to the constitution. change. therefore, mr. jannati will be a member of commission one and mr. mahdavi keni. member of commission no. 4 did not find any changes in the revised version of the constitution of the powers and duties of the guardian council. the next two presidential elections, the fifth and sixth , were held peacefully. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin, his excellency mr. ali akbar hashemi rafsanjani as the president of the islamic republic of iran. iran of choice
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considering that the guardian council of the constitution has confirmed the validity of the election by letter no. 789 dated 115/68. i hope that god will make us all successful so that behind the supreme leader, like a simple soldier
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, we will be able to follow the difficult but bright imam , the guardian council. what does it check? the conditions of each candidate include two categories of conditions. positive conditions are conditions that a candidate should have and negative conditions are conditions that a candidate should not have . positive conditions or conditions that the candidate
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must have are conditions such as certain age, evidence like this. from the point of view of the legislator, it is never assumed to exist. this is not the condition. in such cases, when there are specific conditions, but the candidate could not prove that he has these conditions, that is, he did not have the desired document. in this case , it is said that this candidate is disqualified. but the second type of conditions is negative conditions, which means conditions that the candidate should not have. there are conditions like bad reputation and corruption. in order to understand whether a candidate has these conditions or not, inquiries are made by the guardian council, to ensure that there is evidence against the candidate. does not have. but all the conditions mentioned in the text of the law are not conditions that can be determined by documents. these
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types of conditions, the conditions we call them, are qualitative conditions, that is, quality, and cannot be proven with a document. for example, the law says that candidates must believe in islam. belief is a matter of heart and mind. there is no clear external thing that definitely proves that candidate believes in islam or the system in particular. now, the guardian council must face these quality conditions that the text of the law specified. having a belief other than being a quality condition is a condition. it means it can't he assumed that everyone believed unless proven otherwise. the reason is that the law says that the candidate must have this condition . having a characteristic requires a degree. now , when there
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is a condition such as heart belief in islam, the guardian council must look for evidence that proves that the person has this condition. if you find this document. the candidate is qualified. but if he does not find this document, he will not be disqualified. rather, it is a lack of qualification. it means that the guardian council has not obtained such a document. but it doesn't mean that the candidate must definitely islam is not a belief system. the only problem is that the guardian council has not reached this conclusion. if there is someone who does not have the necessary conditions, and we had a bitter experience in the presidency of bani sadd , and god knows how much we lost in this matter , if it is to be written, books must be written, and perhaps for centuries, the works this is a
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short period of the presidency of an incompetent person in this country but also in the islamic world, and this experience should be enough for us to do our best to avoid such an unfortunate situation again. the same issue that actually occurred due to the text of the law it caused many political protests against this legal institution to be reflected in the media after june 1376. protests that soon turned into volume .
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in the name of god, light, in the name of god , light, light, in the name of god, light on
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god, god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great. but
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allah is the witness that it is al-hujjah allah , living on the salah, living on the salah , living on the al-falah, living on the al-falah.
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god bless god, god is great, there is no god but god there is no god except allah.
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i saw almost all the newspapers, all the press in the virtual space, various people from different streams , all talking about his services and his day and night efforts , praising him, praising him, my heart is burning, my heart is burning, my heart is burning. by god
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, don't get tired of all this slandering and insulting , you are in the presence of god. first of all, if people's problems are solved by insulting me, it's a problem. you are in the presence of god
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. he often did not answer, but sometimes he came to me and complained about something, but he often did not answer i would like the almighty god to make the ranks of this dear and respected man great.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, while expressing regret for the heartbreaking incident that happened to the president and his loved ones, in order for us to be able to help, to have an enthusiastic participation , we entered this stage of the competition. they are in the country , there are no new words or new ways. our problem is that we leave what is the general policies of the supreme leader and the law of the program.
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i read the general statements made by the supreme leader and exactly what we are going to follow, etc. let's take it, the effort to implement these goals is here, here is what is characteristic of us, iran is supposed to become a developed country, the first place in the economy, science, technology with an islamic and revolutionary identity. we used to do it and it is not, and it is the duty of the executives and legislators to follow through on this, enjoy health, well-being, judicial security, the same table we have from the people, the table is becoming more and more empty day by day. social security, equal opportunities, proper distribution of income, strong family institution, away from poverty,
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discrimination and benefit from favorable environment. now i will go through the clauses, because whichever you look at, we should have been able to have a superior position in the region. people and the organized increase of people's participation in the affairs of the country according to. general policies: creating fair facilities and equal opportunities and removing inequality discrimination in unfair discrimination different regions of the country. are different regions of the country equal in terms of justice, access, and facilities? do our managers and officials
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act based on this equality? the law of the program we have should have been implemented. the current process should be followed . we had to establish a logical connection with the world . why not? we have two basic problems. one inside the country, one outside. inside, we must accept that all those who live in this country , based on their ability, skill, experience and knowledge, should take the positions, not based on the party, faction, group and sect. whoever we deserve we have to look for those who have knowledge, skills and experience. those people who can do this and lead us to that goal are people who are not our friends, they are not our comrades , they are not our like-minded people, but for these general policies, we are obliged to do this. let's make the policies operational . the one who takes responsibility and is unable to do so should be held accountable. the one who
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takes power and is not accountable is actually acting contrary to these policies. we need unity and cohesion within the country. create factions and parties among all groups based on piety or merit piety from the point of view of belief means your movement without error , your movement without error in the economy, in industry, in agriculture , in culture, in freedom, in all those things, your movement is without error, not that the weak people based on communication , based on i don't know everything you think, express your power in your hands let them create an economic problem, a social problem, a cultural problem, a political problem, and not be accountable. we want the country to solve its problem . let's rely on scientists and generous people. we want the country to be fixed, we must unite together, have coherence and
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step together towards general goals and policies. in the name of god. in the name of god, in the name of the god of wisdom, happiness, prosperity, in the name of the god of steadfastness and freedom, greetings and greetings to all my dear iranian compatriots, wherever you are in the world, greetings to the spirit of god , who said, "i will wait until the end of june." greetings to my dear brother and long-time comrade-in-arms of m raisi, who
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was immortalized with a lifetime of tireless efforts and with a proud end. dear iranians, i am mostafa pour mohammadi. hussein's son. a student who spent his youth in fighting against the previous regime, his youth in many revolutionary responsibilities, and his middle years in difficult, influential and challenging national positions. is. dear people, we were full of ideals and high dreams. but today , are we in the position we dreamed of? begman, we have taken great strides and achieved undeniable achievements. but
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there are also many failures, anomalies and annoying shortcomings. today someone is talking to you who knows the ups and downs of the country's politics. someone who can say that in the last 45 years , he is familiar with the issues of finding and hidden secrets and micro and macro internal and external problems, someone who has seen the dear and vast iran city by city and various regions he is familiar with the problems of iran's administrative system and understands its challenges . he has lived closely with experienced managers and social capital of the country. i believe in the ability of iranians to create power, wealth and justice
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, and i believe that god has finished blessing us. i can boldly speak about the greatness of iran and iranians and the glorious islamic revolution of the iranian nation, because only a hand on the fire from afar. i have had and i am not unaware of the unique capacities of this land. i am grateful to the knowledge and creativity of women, men, and educated young people of my country and their outstanding ability in new technologies, electronic government, and artificial intelligence. i have deep faith. but people's sorrows, complaints, bitterness and worries should not be ignored. and i am sad because i am sure that we could have been in a much better situation than this. most of you people weren't supposed to worry about making ends meet.
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many of you young people were not meant to deal with disappointment. hatred, cynicism and accusations were not supposed to be the common currency of the time. corruption and corrupt people were not supposed to target structures and organizations. politics was not supposed to come before religion and morality was not supposed to be tamed by power. this is not our plan. justice was sacrificed to expediency. i invite myself and you today i want to try to return the country to the agreements that the imam, the leadership and the martyrs of the revolution made with us . the name of the 14th government will be justice, wealth and power. my appointment with you is to fulfill this promise. the sentence of your restlessness is from seeking
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your appointment. be restless until the appointment comes, so that you will be rewarded for the dignity of this world and the hereafter . in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i greet all our dear people and offer my condolences to the people who showed their loyalty and service to our beloved president, the epic that we are witnessing in qom, tabriz, tehran. we saw it in other cities
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it was a great epic. this is the art of our nation, which creates an epic from an incident. the art of our people is that in the storm of events, they not only do not get lost , but also turn the threat into an opportunity with the power of the threat . this is why the world saw this truth in the holy defense in this government. it was the people of iran, he himself admitted that the people of iran have been grossly defeated. the point is that our good and understanding people have played their part in various events and now they are ready to play bigger roles for the development of the country,
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believe me. i believe that our people have brought and are bringing to the stage what was possible and this is the biggest capital of the country our martyred president knew this capital and appreciated it. whoever steps into the election, steps into the arena of elections , should know and appreciate this capital like the martyred president. my point is this, we and... when we have such people who create such epics, in today's difficult situations, we need a government that has determination and a plan to promote this great capital. in the past 10 years, we have thought about this in a discourse called the shadow government, and with a wide network of elites and professors in various fields.
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we have conducted expert discussions all this time, regardless of whether the established government is our friend or rival, we tried to present the results of our investigations to the government men for confirmation, correction or completion. the important thing is that the president should know what opportunities exist. if we are talking about the plan, the president should have full respect for that plan and how to make maximum use of these opportunities for the benefit of the iranian nation and not be satisfied with the minimum , he should not consider the day-to-day administration of the country to be enough, he should look at the peaks and progress. our people and global trends show us today that we are today in a history opportunity.


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