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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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a notification of a sermon means to come and give an instruction, according to this instruction, you must do this, two ijtihads in the advice, carefully and delicately evaluate whether this person we have placed is moving in the direction of the goal or is moving in the direction of the goal. if the movement is in the direction of the goal, then he can help him. if the execution is going in a deviant direction, the duty of the main politician is to tell him that there is a deviation. you should not do this , continue on this path, we don't have such supervision, we give a recipe to the person who will be responsible, not that program we want the policy from them. in the last parliament , we asked a minister why you are not implementing the program law. we asked this question for 2 years, so please answer why the program law. in my opinion, we in
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this country do not need to write a law every day in the parliament. it has become a law . it has been approved by the guardian council. why should we sit again in the 4 years we have now? let's write in my opinion, the parliament is obliged to demand the writing of this law from the government and any government that comes. you brought this law yourself. let's see why you didn't implement this law. we will sit down and write the law again. i would like to discuss something related to this economic trend and economic growth. i was the vice president. i thought we should write a law against corruption. rent, bribery,
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smuggling, land grabbing, should be removed. what should we do to write this law? well, we didn't study before, we didn't know what the previous rules were. now we like he wanted to write a new law. we checked and found that there is a law. at all, we sat down with the experts, with the people we saw , there is a law for these words that we want. the government does not implement. again in these governments, again in this parliament, we have the anti-corruption law. we wrote the law that we wrote. if we were to implement it, it is not possible for me to take a bribe so easily . it is not possible for smuggling to enter the country so easily . do you know why it enters the country? because we did not implement the laws, we have a zip code law, we have a national code, we have a land code. in addition to article 169, we have repeated we have taxes. the national code tells me where i am. the postal code tells me where i am. where is the place and where is our building? every
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building everywhere has a code, the so-called land code , which is called a land code, it says where these fields are , what identity cards do they have, who is the agricultural fertilizer, whatever it is, article 169 repeatedly states that every iranian has a duty to go to the ministry of finance and declare it. what does he have, what is his property, how much does he earn and how does he earn , what is his job and business, if we do this. let's connect. i am now an agent, because in the agency they say, sir , you come and declare your property. well, i will declare my property when i want to take a bribe , i go to my son's, daughter's, brother's, friend's account. i never go to his account. i put it in my own account and you will be tried tomorrow , but in this law, in fact, every iranian who has information is obliged to go and declare himself. i declared, for example, 20 million per month. 50 million
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for a registration, you cannot register a house there . i smuggled into the country . i declared that i have no money. i have no income. if i want to sell that smuggling, i cannot convert it into money . if the announcement of the system comes, this is the government's issue electronics and those frameworks that need to be implemented in the world are like this now, why don't you have borders in europe, because no one can escape from the taxes of our valley. we are dying because
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the data is not transparent. if we make the data transparent, we can easily prevent smuggling, land grabbing, rand, bribery. and if where did we spend money? well, we don't accept fatf, i don't care if we accept it or not , don't accept it, then implement internal fat, at least let it be known where this person who took the money took , at least we can do something inside the country. if the money is not lost, we can do something. this man, who
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was in an office, only got a normal salary , how did he become a billionaire and a billionaire? this is the lack of transparency of the cycle. what is the flow of money, property and assets? it is very easy to do this . the law is written. we write the law again , we do not act. well, if we are going to write a law, we do not act. why do we write a law? we write a law, the government does something else, it supervises in a different way. he checks and the result is the same. you see, mr. dr. medzikian, you raised the issue of clarification. now let's go to another direction in the seventh program of coefficients. which is now an index to measure inequality, it should reach one number by the end of the 7th plan and of course absolute poverty should be eradicated. let's talk about what is the plan of his highness's government to achieve this important goal. look, i will return to the plan of my government
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. it is going to follow the plan that was written and worked , and that government must have worked, unless we say that the government has nothing. it didn't work, i have to come and sit down and write for this program, but whatever can take the cost off the shoulders of these people and bring us closer to justice, well, we are talking about treatment. our difference in the government in the parliament was about the health care market and privatization or the family doctor referral network system, the general policies of the supreme leader, if you look, you will see that he said that it is out. he said that the priority should be given to prevention . he said that no one should have anything else when he comes to the hospital except suffering. we came based on this plan. the government said we don't have money. i said you don't have money. after all, this is the
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policy . we have to have this plan, we don't have money, it's okay to eat on the table they say we dilute the amount, but this is the table that was diluted. the government, the parliament and the judiciary should come and sit at the same table. in our government , the government, the parliament, the judiciary had spread another table for itself . we didn't pay for manpower, for example, we didn't support him, the services would come later, he said, sir, you supply. you don't have to manage this place. well, i don't have supply. change me, but whoever you let go sit at the same table that you spread for the people. that the government, the parliament, the judiciary, who are the supervisors of the executives and legislators for the implementation of this
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, spread another table for themselves and say in the implementation , well, we don't have money, we couldn't prepare this system for the people, the result will be that he will come if he does this. if there is no justice , then it is not for any of us. if there is, it is for the same people . i have to sit in the same line as the people, not because i am out of my turn in the government . at that time, mr. khatami was in the same government. he had found a problem. scientifically, we call it aseptic necrosis of the femoral neck it slowly loses blood and rots, you have to change it. but it is not an emergency. it was the prime minister's turn to act. it was your turn for 6 months. until one day, the pain was very severe. an important meeting cannot go. the media is doing this. they do media. that this prime minister could not because of this staff that is your turn.
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this mr. prime minister could order to act out of turn in the government. this mr. prime minister could go to private service at all. take it and do it, this mr. prime minister had money to go to other countries, england, america or anywhere else he should act and come back, but because he had spread a table for the people, he did not want to take a service outside of that table as an official. the same problem exists in education. we have built some schools for some people who are teaching children at a staggering cost , so that most of those who can afford to go to university, those children who have money, can do this , most of their children in public schools can't do it anymore. according to the university, no other place in the world deals with education in the way that we deal with it. we want that coefficient to be fixed based on justice we should provide education based on justice, we should provide health services
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based on justice , we should pay special attention to disadvantaged areas, then this ratio will be fair, but when we do other things in practice, now we say that we are correcting the ratio, it is a contradiction in terms of dishonesty with our people we fixed ourselves and acted with people on the basis of honesty, then people will gain their trust in us. no one from this country can live in deprived areas, no one can be unhappy with us , the deprived people are not upset because they say that the minister of state and the president of the country are at the same table as we are. it is not for me. it's not for that, we can fix this someday , at least we prepare our presenters to match what we have prepared for the people , then people can trust us, cooperate and be present, but if we don't do this , those coefficients will be numerical. it is written and then the parliament
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writes the law, it has nothing to do with supervision , they themselves spread another table and it reaches the people. we blame america, it's all america's fault, it's our fault it is our fault if something happens in this society, it is our fault that we are not accountable for the decisions that have been made, we do not respond at all, so when i say let's do this, i have to sit at the same table first, i spread another table for myself, so it is not possible, what do you want to do we have to reform ourselves, if we reform ourselves, the people of our dear people will trust us, accept us, why don't they trust us because we are not honest with them, if we are honest with them , we
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would be mr. d in a minute. we talk and do other things behind the scenes if we deal honestly with the people, these people of our country are the great ones to stay at the foot of the revolution during this tragedy that happened and we lost the respected president and loved ones there. they don't want us to be honest with them. we have to be honest with our people , i think we
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have about 1 minute and 30 seconds until 45 minutes, which is 22 and 45 minutes . there is also an important issue of popularizing the economy, the issue of handing over the shares of companies at the end of the period that has been considered, but what is within this i will come back to that i believe that the government must have had a plan in the past, well, if it had a plan, we will go and implement the plan , i am not going to say anything new. in this regard , unless it has a plan, it is unlikely that a government does not have a plan, then come and give a law to the parliament to implement this plan. as a result, the duty of any government that comes is not to change the track, it is not to change the direction, it is to follow the same path that was planned before. now, if there is a problem in this design , we will check it with the help of experts, with the help of those who understand and have experience. we will try to fix it like ram do it so that we reach the desired goal.
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i hope god will not embarrass us dear people of our country. these great people who see us in your service till now, honestly stand by the revolution and accept all the hardships wholeheartedly. but they don't deserve this situation that we created for them. thank you very much, mr. dr. masoud bizikian, one of the six candidates for four. i say goodbye to you for the 10th term of the presidential election. thank you for coming to the vijeh news interview studio and answering our questions . in the special news talk tonight, you are welcome good luck
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world. i am with you today. tonight we have a special guest who will be with us in paris and we will talk with him . we will go without introduction and see the introduction of our guest tonight. the jokes of the famous french comedian and entertainer , whose anti-zionist stances have been more famous than his work for several years, caused huzar to laugh, which caused him trouble
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to the extent that the french police forced him to use an electronic handcuff. diodone is an artist who expresses his words in the form of humor for years , he has repeatedly criticized france's policy of supporting the zionist regime in the genocide of the palestinian people with his jokes. although his endless jokes and his works are popular , it was not without cost for him, like here an hour before the show and the reaction of the fans. to cancel the show as soon as possible. the announcement before the nantes city hall of the council of state, france's highest judicial authority , confirmed the government's decision to revoke dieudnet's license . so far, the program of this comedian has been stopped many times by the french authorities and he has been tried in court due to his expression of feelings as a comedian.
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and fined thousands of euros. it is also under the pretext of what the french government supports. and they call it praise of terrorism. the restrictions imposed by the french government and the policy of suppressing any support for palestine show that the zionist regime is the red line of the elysee. in france, which claims freedom of expression in the world , any criticism of the zionist regime and its obvious crimes against the palestinian people is considered anti-semitic and faces heavy sentences. an example is the suspension of sebastien dolugo, a member of the french national assembly , for declaring solidarity with palestine. did you notice that tonight
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we are going to talk with mr. dieudonné, the famous french comedian and artist , we are going to paris, mr. hello, thank you for accepting our invitation for a conversation. good evening. thank you for inviting me. i have a very good time, mr. diodone . the topic of tonight's program and conversation is the costs of standing on the right side of history. you started your artistic career in the 90s. you did something that you were very successful in and became a very famous comedian. it was time that you decided to be indifferent to humanitarian issues, including palestine, in your works and speech don't be, that's why you paid a lot of money , the list is really long, arrests, courts , personal attacks on the street, cancellation of programs, removal from social networks and attempts to destroy your career
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and personality. the question that arises here is why did you agree to to pay these costs, while perhaps many artists in france or even in our country, iran , for example, because of losing an art award , remain silent in front of human issues and do not realize that israel is committing crimes and genocide. why did you decide to take that path? was it against your interests and cost so much? yes, it is true that it has cost me a lot because i have to be honest with myself all the time . anyway, i am from a country that once had a pension. my ancestors were slaves. i
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grew up in such conditions and in such a family. i felt the pain with my flesh and skin, and this is not easy. i have always been sensitive to people's pain and colonialism. what bothers the palestinians also bothers me . many africans are sensitive to the palestinian issue. see in camero in cameroon in many african countries, they feel the pain of the palestinian people. in any case, there is a question of racial discrimination against black people like me in the west. western elites very much.
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i used to watch a few of your videos and people would leave comments under these videos and say thank you that years
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ago you had informed us of some issues and told us about the truth. the issue of palestine. well, you know that we are in a period now, in front of the eyes of the whole world, a full-scale genocide is taking place in palestine every day, and this causes many people who were not so informed in the past are now opening their eyes to the truth and seeing the same things that people like you were talking about years ago. now, polls and public reactions show that even among the people of the west, the attitudes toward israel have changed. you, who have been following up on these issues for years, are talking about it now. what do you think about the period we are in? yes, public opinion. the world is changing. i think that israel has lost the media war and i believe that the palestinian nation
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is actually paying the price, the price of victory, of course, victory. until now, the palestinian nation has achieved this. in fact, the world is watching and observing what israel is doing. the world is witnessing this situation. yes , let's talk about the anti-semitism story. well, governments like france use tactics like the accusation of anti-semitism to silence the opponents of israel's crimes. in my opinion, you are one of the biggest and most important victims of this war
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. it is possible to silence and destroy people as someone who has experienced these encounters for a decade or two . more about this accusation process and the processes that go through to silence people in this way. tell us now actually, in france, in general, i was the one who had the most accusations. accusations of anti-semitism, anti-semitism, in fact, this is blackmail , this is a way to remove you from public opinion and not allow you to express your opinion in circles. the general public should know that zionism is a kind of mafia. in france, and i must say that zionism in france does not represent the jews, it is a mafia that actually
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works with violence. it controls many politicians and they easily condemn you, accuse you and allow you to work. i am a salon. i was in the theater
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criticizing the performance of the israeli government and the crimes it commits, equating anti-semitism with hostility towards the jews as a whole. in these gatherings of the past 9 months
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, we have seen many governments like france come throughout history. the jews themselves are present on the scene in america and europe and they say to separate us from these crimes, these crimes are being committed in our name, do you think how much this razor-sharp accusation of anti-semitism has slowed down with the events that have happened in the past few months? ok for western governments. yes , it is. this blade has slowed down a lot. blackmailing anti-semitism has slowed down a lot in the west it was sharp, but in recent months , we have seen this tactic of this razor slow down. in the west, we see that the jews are waking up in the west now and easily criticize netanyahu's policy and
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the policy of the zionist mafia that i mentioned.
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and this is terrible, women, children and innocents are being killed. the pictures we see are really shocking. i am originally from africa and i must say that we africans understand what is going on and i really think that the west will pay a high price with its support for israel. thank you. i have two questions about the artistic side of the story. you are an artist and a religious person it was because of your works and the content you used in your works that these encounters happened to you. as an artist, how do you feel that they have installed this electronic bracelet for you? i think.


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