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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the storm and flood in some areas of austria caused disruptions in addition to severe damages. european union parliamentary elections were held in this country. reports indicate that some polling centers were destroyed by the storm. in the city of ashtiyar, citizens are asked to stay at home for their own protection. according to the weather forecast , it has rained more than 100 liters per square meter in this area. in some areas, the military has been asked for help to save the flood victims .
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everyone gathered in vahdat hall, from the poets of the 7th and 8th centuries to the compositions of contemporary poets the ones that were composed and fell to the life of musical notes. and they brought the national orchestra to the stage. all my efforts have been to bring the old composers back to the national orchestra, in fact , we can get help from our young composers on the stage. the poems were written in the language of abdul hossein mokhtabad. iranian too. with
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its background, history, roots, and background , as well as its deep roots in iranian mysticism and classical literature, it is a source of inspiration for all of humanity. 11 pieces that at one point became saadi's restless cry and a little later, the role of khayal hafez in the mind. the audience pictured. do you remember. to reach the wish of shaykh baha'i, where until the wish of your connection came to life for those who were eyes and ears, and you came to life, the soul of allah created a song for the traveler of the evening to hear the glories of mehrdad avesta in song.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan, i am with you today. tonight , we have a special guest who will be with us in paris. and we will talk to them. without introduction, we go and see the introduction of our guest tonight. what makes huzar laugh is the jokes of the famous french comedian and satirist
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for several years, his anti-zionist positions have become more famous than his work. something that has created problems for him. until the french police forced him. to use electronic binding. dieudonné, an artist who expresses his words in the form of humor and has criticized france's policy of supporting the zionist regime in the genocide of the palestinian people many times with his jokes. although his endless jokes and his works are popular , it was not without cost for him. like here an hour before the show and reaction. as soon as the news was announced in front of the city hall of the nantes state council, which is excellent france's highest judicial authority has confirmed the government's decision to cancel dioden's license. so far
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, the program of this comedian has been stopped many times by the french authorities, and due to his expression of feelings as a comedian, he has received a court trial and thousands of euros. that too under the pretext of what the french government calls the support and praise of terrorism. the restrictions imposed by the french government and the policy of suppressing any support for palestine show that the zionist regime is the red line of the elysee. in france, which claims freedom of speech in the world. any criticism of the zionist regime and its obvious crimes against the palestinian people.
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french celebrity, let's talk, we're going to paris, mr. dieudonné. hello, thank you for accepting our invitation to talk. good evening. thank you for inviting me. i'm very happy, mr. dieudonné. you started your artistic activity in the 90s , something that you were very successful in and became a very famous comedian. it was at this time that you decided not to be indifferent to human issues, including palestine, in your works and speech. you paid a lot of money the list is really long, arrests, courts
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, personal attacks on the street, cancellation of programs, removal from social networks and attempts to destroy your career and personality. the question that arises here is why you were willing to pay such costs , while perhaps many artists in france or even in our country, iran , are silent in front of human issues, for example, in order not to lose an art award. they don't realize that israelis are committing crimes and genocide . why did you agree to take a path that is against your interests and cost so much? yes it is true that it cost me a lot. because i have to be honest with myself all the time. anyway, i am from a country where
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my ancestors were slaves of westerners. i grew up in such conditions and in such a family and this. i felt these pains with my flesh and skin, and it 's not easy, i've always been sensitive to it. many africans are sensitive to the palestinian issue, see in cameroun, in many african countries, where they will feel the pain of the palestinian people. anyway, there is a question of racial discrimination against black people i am in what i
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endured, my ancestors also endured, right now, as i am talking to you, i have an electronic bracelet, i am under the control of the authorities. i 'm basically under house arrest and i can't get out easily. it's kind of the price i pay. in fact, you're being accused of being anti-semitic when there's no basis for these accusations. i was just being a moral person. in my life, thank you very much for the story. let's talk later, but before the program
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, i used to watch some of your videos . they say thank you that years ago , you had informed us about the truth of the palestinian issue , and you had told us about the truth of the palestinian issue. flest. it is happening and this has caused many people who were not so informed in the past to open their eyes to the truth and see the same thing that people like you have been talking about for years. attitudes towards israel have changed . you have been pursuing these issues for years you used to talk about it , what do you think about the era we are in now?
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the palestinian nation is actually paying a price , the price of victory, of course , the palestinian nation has won the victory so far. to silence the opponents of the crime of israel , i think you
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are one of the biggest and most important victims of this war to silence the destruction of people. people can be silenced by this means, more so than us let's say yes, in fact, in france, in general, i was the one who had the most accusations of anti-semitism, anti-semitism, in fact, it's blackmail , it's a way to keep you away from public opinion and not allow you to express your opinion in circles. general view should be known. that zionism is a kind of mafia in france and i must
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say that zionism in france does not represent the jews, it is a mafia that actually does its work with violence . i was probably these attacks to by my own. this zionist mafia controls the media, it controls many politicians , and they easily condemn and accuse you.
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in fact, they believe that france is their land, and it is the same in palestine all over the world . zionism thinks that wherever it is , it belongs to itself. in gaza, we see that the zionists are carrying out their work with violence and killing. i think that this is actually zionists are people. there are those who are cowards and actually think that everything belongs to them, but victory belongs to those righteous people . thank you, as you mentioned, governments like throughout history, france equates criticism of the israeli government's performance and the crimes it commits with
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anti-semitism and hostility towards the jews as a whole . we have seen many of these gatherings in the past 9 months. the jews themselves are present on the scene in america and europe, and they are saying to separate us from these crimes. the sharp blade of the accusation of anti-semitism has slowed down for western governments. this yes, it is the same , this blade has slowed down a lot, the blackmail of judaism has slowed down a lot in the west, yes, it was sharp, but in recent months , we have seen the slowing down of this tactic of this blade in the west, we see that in the west now the jews are waking up and
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criticizing politics easily. netanyahu and the politics of this zionist mafia that i said is actually a kind of mafia that we see in american movies , they kill people without respecting values ​​and morals, many of them are actually jews and i can even say that maybe the israelis are becoming sensitive now. to this issue and to be against this genocide , i must add that we are now witnessing a lot of support for the palestinian cause among the jews. they also support the cause of palestine. of course, yes, i am saying that there are jews who are zionists and commit crimes. we are witnessing it in gaza. the biggest genocide
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in modern history is taking place in gaza , killing thousands of people. this is horrible, women, children and strangers are being killed. the pictures we see are really shocking. i am originally from africa and i must say that we africans understand what is going on and i really think that the west will pay a high price with its support for israel, thank you. i have a question about the aspect. henry, i have a story. you were an artist and a comedian because of your works the content that you used in your works is that these encounters took place with you. as an artist, how do you feel that they have installed this electronic bracelet for you? i
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think. in fact, you see, it is a show of power by these hollywood propaganda machines. they actually want to surround the world of cinema and theater through their mafia, and in fact, i must say that this zionist mafia does not necessarily have anything to do with the jews. i must say that they are in they actually try through culture. and cinema should dominate as you said iran had a festival when mr. ahmadnejad was the president. the conference on hollywoodism was the role of hollywood in global advertising. i think that it was actually a useful meeting, and
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in that meeting good references were made to the role of hollywood in global advertising, and even today , look at the issue. another kind of reality. yes. you were engaged in an art in which your cartoons were based on literature and words. i want to talk about a related issue in this field
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. what a betrayal of words in our age concepts become words and concepts that were considered intrinsically valuable. i would like to give an example, for example , the interpretation of israel as the only democracy in the middle east by western officials and media that kills a thousand people in a few months, or western officials introduce themselves as the leader of the free world, but the free world comes to israel when it comes to you who have been working with words for years , what do you think about words like democracy and freedom becoming meaningless in today's world? yes, i think that media, culture and media are propaganda tools because to secure the interests of westerners in the world. today
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, it is clear that what is happening in israel and the propaganda is actually being done for homosexuals in the world. these are all the western media that you can see since the africans separating themselves from western media advertisements, they really
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managed to stand out in the world. getting rid of western media and advertising tools will bring about positive events. see many countries. they will become aware and wake up. i am personally hopeful and optimistic. the people of the west are resisting. they are waking up. of course, it is difficult to see the problem of this process. regarding russia, i must say that now we are witnessing how the west has launched a war against russia , the values ​​that russia points to, in my opinion, and therefore we are witnessing that the west has actually
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increased its efforts over the decades, it may be said, thank you for the question finally, you mentioned in this part of your speech that awareness has increased in the west today, we see more people like you than in the past , who are willing to sacrifice their bodies to stand on the right side of history , for example, the students who are in this one in the last two months, appearing in america and europe for the sake of defense students who are arrested from oppressors on the other side of the world risk their education and work, you will be dismissed as one of these people. today, compared to the past, how optimistic and hopeful are you about the conditions and the future? yes. i am an optimist
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, you are right, i have a good feeling, in fact , about the news that is coming, when i see that media advertising does not work , its effect on people is decreasing day by day, this is very good , these mafias who are in power before are actually facing problems should not be forgotten.
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maybe they don't know the way out of this i don't know where the situation is. i personally am a believer and i think that eventually everything will return to the right state in the future. this is my opinion. thank you . we are at the end of our conversation. share in iran , we are at your service. actually, there was a meeting in the past between mr. hugo chávez and mr. ahmadinejad. i
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remember this picture. at that time, south and africa had spread even in the middle east and asia, and everyone said at that time that maybe the world is changing and the world is on a good path, a very good time. i have such an image of iran in my mind . in fact, iran has gone through hard times and incredible sanctions. it has passed with pride, we are actually very happy and we appreciate iran, which has a model of resistance, a model of resistance that it spreads and presents in the world. this is very important. i was in lebanon . in fact, i
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had a good feeling about their resistance, about the simplicity of people, people who really want to live with dignity. i really saw this on almanar network and they want to fight resist this madness of the west. thank you for inviting me. i hope to come to iran soon, god willing, mr. diodane. thank you for accepting our invitation to talk with khabar. the world food program has stopped sending aid to the gaza strip through the american floating dock off the coast of gaza city. the reason for this organization's action
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is security concerns. in a few days in the past , the zionist regime soldiers martyred more than 270 people and injured more than 600 people in nusirat camp under the pretext of freeing four prisoners. these soldiers entered gaza from the temporary floating dock they were. the united states claimed that this pier was built to send humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. yoafgalat, the minister of war of the zionist regime , said that he intends to oppose the haredi military service bill . to give with this bill, haredi jews will be exempt from military service for another 3 years. senior haredi rabbis had threatened to leave occupied palestine if conscription was made compulsory for them. about one sixth of the city dwellers of the occupied land are haredi. qassam battalions killed and wounded a number of zionist soldiers in the explosive operation of this battalion's forces in the south.


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