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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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giri farsi of the islamic republic party introduces hassan habibi as his candidate. following the printing of some candidates' advertising posters with imam's photo , imam khomeini's office publishes imam khomeini's message in this regard. inform our dear compatriots that the photo on this page is not a proof of approval , if it is not a proof of non-approval. the one who follows the law. basically, if you don't vote, you don't have the right to be elected. the person or those who did not vote for the constitution in the constitution. those who did not vote for the constitution and those who announced the organizations. faces, groups, those who announced
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we vote against the constitution, the candidate has no right, unless it is the president.
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the ministry of interior has finally removed the name of masoud rajavi, the main member of the mojahedin khalq group, from the list of candidates. finally, the expectations are fulfilled and people watch the competition of the candidates of the first presidential elections on the tv screen. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god and the holy revolution of the iranian nation, greetings to the people of iran and greetings to the martyrs of the revolution. iranian women and men, women, greetings, greetings to our muslim brothers and sisters, greetings to the fighting, brave, believing and revolutionary nation of iran, my dear countrymen, sisters and brothers. muslim struggle with the start of
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television advertisements, the atmosphere of the presidential election takes on a new form. the president must think 100% islamically. don't be westernized and don't think too far. the first and most important characteristic of a president should be that he is in a direct relationship with the leadership of the revolution. this i consider the islamic revolution of the nation of iran to be the greatest revolution in the history of human life in many ways, paying close attention to its form and contents we can hope for victory in only one way , and that is the word that our dear imam has spoken many times, the unity of the word, we want two foods for this nation, spiritual food and material food. this is the order of the prophet of islam, this is the order
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of our leader, ali, who wants both our material life to be good and our spiritual life to be good. this is a principle, a principle, and a rule that we will oppose any domination in foreign policy, so we cannot imperialist aggression. let's accept that this is also a school principle because our school is an anti -oppression and anti-oppression school of independence. it means to be free from under any the type of domination and this domination is not only political domination, but also cultural, social and economic dominations , and many times when we study the history of colonialism and the history of imperialism around the world, we see that many even of political dominations and cultural dominations. which is the introduction of political domination for economic domination, so when
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we talk and think about independence, we should pay attention to this comprehensive concept. we must live in unity and independence. well, this and i support the unity of my country based on the second. december 24 , imam khomeini's hojjat al-islam khamenei as a reason.
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from the moment that the qur'an in the united nations in his hands and under his protection. he was placed until the time when he continued to visit bam areas in the crowd of the people of kruchan village during the sandstorm. peace be upon ali muhammad and in all his travels, souvenirs were left in the cameras of these recorders of history, and now these photos are looked at in a different way. it was dirt and in the square with people and it was going around iran. he did not see his circle of protectors as an obstacle for people to reach him. he heard their words. he responded to their love. visited . from the barracks to the factory. this coexistence and
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frames of an earthy president, some of them are a collection and they have become a source of inspiration for artists because of their juxtaposition. let's briefly review who the martyr of the president was and what he did. they were always and everywhere in the mud, in the water, in the cold . they were the closest to god . it hurts that you don't see comfort in these days of being in this business and this responsibility.
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zahra chekhmoghi of sed and cima news agency. the guardian council, like any other institution, needed an appropriate and efficient administrative structure that would fit its duties. for this reason, some time after its establishment
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the organizational chart of the guardian council was designed and approved by the islamic council. in the parliament, two commissions were appointed for this example. check the organization. the first is the administrative and employment commission and the second is the program and budget commission. finally, in june 1363, the organizational chart and organizational positions of the guardian council were approved and announced. but another important thing happened that year. islamic council elections. one of the first challenges of the guardian council was against the political games of different parties. 1,586 candidates registered for the second term of the parliament. 15 people withdrew and among them 1275 people approved
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were qualified in the first stage, one of the volunteer candidates from zabul was disqualified by the guardian council. the disqualification news angered some of his fans. they came to the street and set fire to the office of the imam of the city. they even went so far that the governor's office seized the city , called the then interior minister, mr. natiq nouri, and informed him of the dire situation of the city. natiq noori ordered that no one should fail in this matter. then mr. abbas akhundi, the security officer of the ministry of interior, went directly to zahedan. the next day, mr. aliqani, the intelligence officer of the irgc, was also responsible for the chaos in the city he had come to zaber. the city finally calmed down. rather than having a political meaning, this rebellion
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leaked from clan and group support within the city, but on a small scale, it showed that any group, if it does not win or its competence is not confirmed, will definitely target the guardian council first. was. in the elections of the second term of the parliament, the competition between political parties and factions had increased. during the parliamentary elections. reports were given to the guardian council. reports that informed about the violations of some funds. the guardian council reports investigated and came to the conclusion that some constituencies should be invalidated. this change was met with widespread protest by some politicians. now the guardian council was the target of attacks by political factions. the work dragged on and there was a wide publicity atmosphere against the council, finally the imam reacted.
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the imam's message, which was full of support for the guardian council , stated: i warn these gentlemen that undermining and insulting the guardian council's jurists is dangerous for the country and islam. deviations are always gradually introduced into a regime and eventually bring down a regime. necessary of all in order committed to the interests of islam. muslims, let's pay attention and respect the laws, even if it is against our personal opinion and taste, and be loyal to this nascent republic that is being invaded by power and superpowers. in conclusion, i must say that i appointed the jurists of the guardian council with familiarity and knowledge, and i consider it necessary to respect them and protect their position , and i hope that this way of affairs will not be repeated. and i warn the guardian council to be steadfast in your work and to act with determination and precision and
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to entrust yourself to the almighty god . it was the season of speeches, the fuse of political fights was pulled, and once again, peace returned to the political atmosphere of the country, this experience. it is a good experience to see how the guardian council was able to comment on the elections in the cities and how it became aware of the violations in different voting areas at the country level . choose to handle? the answer is very simple. when the organizational chart of the guardian council was approved by the parliament, it was clear that the guardian council is a very small institution. today too
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the number of official and contractual employees of the guardian council, in addition to all other forces that cooperate in this institution throughout the country, does not reach a thousand people. so the work of monitoring the elections is done by other people who are not actually members of the guardian council. you must be asking yourself who are these people? the security institutions of the police force, the judiciary, no, these people are ordinary people, local trustees, those who are accepted by the people of the neighborhoods, cities and regions . whenever the guardian council wants to monitor an election , it creates an election monitoring board and the members of this board are ordinary people and local trustees who honorably help the guardian council , that is, if a violation report is given to the guardian council , it will be done by them, and even the practical work
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of the process of examining the candidates on a large scale in the country is actually done by the people's forces. takes. it is not only the supervision of the guardian council that is held like this, the ministry of interior also establishes executive boards whenever it wants to hold elections . in these executive boards. who are the members? yes, again ordinary people, local trustees, different strata of people, who come and two, week honorary help to the ministry of interior. in iran , both election monitoring and election implementation are done by the people and popular delegations. maybe many ordinary people don't know this , but politicians are very familiar with this process. however, the future showed that this truth
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was not the result of propaganda attacks by politicians against the guardian council. after the loss of this dear. i saw almost all the newspapers, all the press in the virtual space , various people from different currents, i saw everyone talking about his services and his day and night efforts , praising him, complimenting him, i was heartbroken, i was heartbroken. my heart is burning, my heart is burning, i want to go to raisi suk, i want to go to
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raisi su during his lifetime, they were not ready to say a word about these things. during his lifetime , they saw these protrusions. they write us down, but they say the opposite, they hurt him, don't get tired of all this slandering and insulting, you are in the presence of god before anyone else, if people's problems are solved by insulting me , your problems are in the eyes of god. annoying
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of course, he often didn't answer, but sometimes he came to me and complained to me. complaining often doesn't know the answer. i come to god almighty. make this dear and respected man great.
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this year, our hajj is the hajj of bara'at according to the teachings given to us by mr. ibrahim. these events that are happening now in gaza and this huge strange event, this revelation of the vampire's face , are a collection of western civilization, these
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are things that are special for today, which means special attention to him. it is not today and these days, this will remain in history. what is happening today in gaza and palestine, these brutal attacks and rabid dogs the zionist and the zionist vampire elements on the one hand , the oppression and at the same time the resistance of the muslim people of gaza, on the other hand, each of them is a huge sign in history. in the history of these guests, these are important indicators that will show the way to the future of humanity. death to israel. death to israel. well
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, who in the world is hostile to muslims today? who is he? the zionist enemy should be described more clearly than this in the qur'an. it is not only the zionist enemy, but also because of the expulsion of those who help him. what does it help? if it wasn't for the help of america, the zionist regime would have the power and the courage. to treat muslim people, men, women, and children in such a limited environment in such a brutal manner, death in
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america, death in america, death does not come with this enemy, you cannot treat them with kindness, let alone the one who is in charge of murder. what is the deputy of murder? a supporter of murder is the one who destroys the house, as well as the one who supports the destroyer of the house. the fourth public session of the 12th parliament and the review of the country's water and electricity situation, two infrastructural and strategic components to turn the wheel of the economy and people's lives. management of energy consumption in the hot months of the year, the statistics are as follows: the amount of production and consumption of three important domestic industrial sectors and other sectors of the country in 1402
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was from more than 35 to about 33. also, the amount of water consumption in the three important sectors of agriculture, drinking and industry of the country was from 90 to 2 percent. these issues are so important that ali akbar mehrabian is the first minister of the 13th government that with the report. from the steps and measures of this government in this regard, it came to the 12th parliament, about 32 months of the 13th government's performance, more than 9 thousand megawatts were added to the country's power plant capacity, and i will also give this news. about 22,000 megawatts of power plants are under construction. what are our plans for the summer of 1403 ? in the household sector, in addition to the savings bonus given to those who reduce their consumption, we give rewards, that is, we reward them. their reward
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is that their bills go up to free . last year, this action greatly reduced the household sector. so, this year, we started scanning with energy , scanning with energy using tools. artificial communicates with each consumer and listens and educates each consumer on ways to reduce consumption. construction of power plant and increase the capacity of electricity networks to the amount of 123 thousand megawatts , increase of credits and investment of 20 billion dollars for the construction of various power plants and the application of the capacities of the law on the removal of obstacles from the electricity industry, the implementation of the provisions of the 7th plan. among other duties, he was the minister of energy. the average supply of rebar in the four hot summer months of last year
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was 800,000 tons of round bars per month. this is while the total mill sold was 200 thousand tons. in september 1402, at the end of summer, the inventory of steel companies' warehouses. one of the good things that was done legally in the last parliament was the law of removing obstacles the development of the electricity industry was a very important issue in order to resolve the electricity imbalance in this law . it is important that this law provides. they must bring a special bill regarding the discussion of power plants, which was suggested by my minister, to the 12th parliament immediately, so that, god willing,
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it will be examined in the relevant commission, so that, god willing, we will be able to. let's help . the report of the minister of energy paid attention to the production and the necessity of optimal water consumption and preventing conflicts in this area. investing and paying special attention to optimal consumption with new agricultural irrigation methods seriously, with the destructive withdrawals of water from abkhan and the plains and the supply of electricity to agricultural wells based only on drilling permits, i only read the statistics of wheat in my agricultural production. our wheat production was 4.5 million tons in 1400. 1401 became 7.5 million tons. 1402 10.4 million tons of guaranteed purchase, and 143 based on the report of the wheat production plan executive , i was reading the report this morning, predicting the production of 15 million tons of wheat. this is a source of pride
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, in fact, it is the agricultural sector, the parliament can certainly help you see, for example, in the field of solar renewable energy, the ministry of energy has built 10,000 mw from natrazi to provide energy from renewable energies, a part of this provision is foreign investment, the government definitely wants a guarantee , the government should create a suitable administrative organization for this purpose, apart from the limitations we have in investing in power plants, so now we especially in the matter of clean energy, solar energy, now the government can do a good help to the parliament, in the agricultural issue, the people's own expression is equal to the support of the
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problem-solving issue in the supply issue. we have a problem . i think this is for investment. first , we have the necessary infrastructure and then we can do it let's invest. hamidreza golddozi, reporter of the islamic council of iran's sed and sima news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. 386 thousand tons of textile products worth 795 million dollars were exported in 1402. according to the announcement of the director general of the office of pochak and textile industry of the ministry, the amount of export is 1 percent by weight and 6. in terms of land, the percentage has increased compared to 1401.
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according to mr. gerji sanayeh


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