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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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but experience and using it correctly and believing that the people, therefore, in this parliament, we also said that the economy is based on the approach of the people's economy, which becomes a resilient and dynamic economy. could you please tell me what is the central slogan and what will be the relationship of your excellency's government with the slogan you are considering and of course the constants that you have enumerated so far? the slogan that i chose for this period that we are at your service is about service and progress. well, first of all, this is not a slogan. i... previously
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it shows that everything we promised , everything we said now, whether i am talking about the days when we were in the khatam base after the war , or about the days when we were in the air of the irgc and the events that happened in the police at that time. and it clearly happened in tehran municipality, so when we say slogan, it is not slogan. it is a fact that we must pursue it and make it come true. for example , if i want to say why we say service and why we say progress, we have problems today in the field of our economy. their livelihood today
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, we are really facing problems in this sector and in their well-being. well, naturally, we have to follow this sector. it is a series of these sectors. we now have serious issues in the field of water supply in some places , and in some places we have serious issues in the field of health. we have serious issues in the field of judicial matters, and the judicial branch is that the purchasing power of the supply of goods is relative to the price. they don't have the power to buy the amount of calories that is required for the minimum requirement. therefore, we should compress these types of issues under the title of service in the form of short-term programs and make people comfortable in this field. let's compare these. of course, some of these , especially those who live in absolute poverty . this is actually here from the other side at the same
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time because the same root issue must be solved , where is the way, when will inflation be solved, when will inflation be solved , these problems we are talking about , when should the issue of fluctuations and instability in the economy be solved? there is no other way, the way is for progress to happen, how does progress happen, we definitely need investment and wealth production. we have to admit that especially in the last decade , we have to say that our average annual growth was 1% because some years we were negative, some years we were positive . however, we have to enlarge the economic cake. if we enlarge this, then we will be able to seriously consider these problems, of course, when we are talking about the production of wealth. if it is not fair and the type
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of our planning is not in accordance with it, this two times itself may create more difficult problems for us . therefore, our motto here is the government of service and advanced colleagues, in fact, in the short and medium term , and the main focus of our work is the seventh plan. i am grateful for the progress of the country, which is actually due to the cooperation between the government and the parliament in the government of martyr raees regarding the cooperation between the two forces, according to the various experiences that you had in the fields of work and activity, please tell me what is your pathology of the relations between the forces at the levels. look, we
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have a separation of powers according to the constitution, and principle 110 is one of the powers of the leadership. the seventh paragraph is actually coordination between the forces and there is definitely the need for this coordination to exist at the level of the heads of the forces, for these meetings to exist. since it is the principle of separation of powers, we should not interfere in the work. but we must move forward with interaction. anyway, the law should be written by the parliament. the implementation should be done by the government. in the judicial branch , the country's general inspection organization supervises the implementation. so look, when something needs to be done,
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it is done through the cooperation of three powers. at the head of power, it provides the opportunity for mutual understanding. in the issues that are necessary for the law, this work should be done when the inspection organization is doing the monitoring work or the court of accounts is doing the audit and control work so that the government does not move the budget in its own way in the way of railroading, these should be used. if it doesn't proceed with coordination and empathy, it definitely doesn't have the necessary synergy, then many managers who are there may not be able to have the necessary creativity . sometimes you saw that our managers lose their courage. because they may say, sir, the inspection organization of this court of accounts, i know it many times as an executive task.
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sometimes the lack of decisions is rooted in these issues. but when it is at a high level, it means at the level of coordination, this is empathy and cooperation. of course, i emphasize again. this should be an interaction between them, respecting the separation of powers, but that interaction can definitely provide platforms for cooperation may it be more efficient, so that the topics that benefit the people, mr. doctor , you mentioned some of the problems of the people, the issues that are the priorities of the country . the other thing that the media has considered is that there is definitely an opportunity to reread your programs, but let me mention here one of the issues which is the issue of bureaucracy which was also mentioned in your speech or the bureaucratic system which is now our cultural interpretation and which bothers the people. really those complexities that even it can create a disturbance between the forces. please tell me
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what is your plan in this regard and what is your opinion on this matter, why are we really so slow in the diwan sal system. look, this is a forgiveness for the fact that, in any case , you can't manage any group, any organization, any institution in the general sense of the government, in short, with slogans. where have you been? anyway, i have a track record. if people judge me today , they will call me a woven carpet. you were in the municipality for 12 years what did you deliver to us? were you in the police? what did you deliver to us? i mean, when you say what is your slogan
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, i say service and progress immediately. the first revolution is the first 5 years. we say that now these are not well-known faces. this is an important point that we must pay attention to. i always say this in lectures. i say that we do not have three powers in our country. we have four faculties. what does it mean? a power is the bureaucracy. that is, the minister decides, the mayor decides, and the parliament the law says, these will come when it enters the system. another thing happens, the law is not implemented properly, so what's the point of this fourth power, which is the bureaucratic power, riding on the other three powers, the result of a good plan, you write it, there is no
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output, you make a good decision, there is no output, this is the same as chanting, making plans, and working. not doing it based on the report card. the work and the next point is that the same productivity that i mentioned should be here, that's why i mentioned intelligentization . is it possible today without technology? you can use this system, the hierarchical system is no longer the answer, the systems should be network systems let them be smart and let them be intelligent, and all these are formed in the systems. we had more than 200 systems in tehran municipality, besides , there is no more 8-hour work, people can work 24 hours at night. they get their own services from the service there. this will make it transparent. when
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there was transparency, we said in the legislative assembly that we depicted what a big rent for businesses. it is a place where we have to remove that bureaucracy , but if we feel like it, let's sit in our room don't use technology, don't bring creative forces. let's not choose meritocracy, let's not do meritocracy and really not cultivate meritocracy. when we use it, something will happen to us that we will reduce our costs, increase the quality of work, make it more transparent, and
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reduce corruption. we transformed it well, it's people building, people coming to a place where entry is forbidden, entering the security area of ​​the police force, people coming, for example , do you remember how to get a passport? do you remember how to get a certificate? where is it now, 20 years ago, people are issuing their own certificates, people are issuing their own passports, well, this is also in the economy. we are in the 80s and 85s. our economy is a state economy. the state economy naturally pursues its own interests . without sheng, there will definitely never be a fight against corruption here. when the fight against corruption happens when he is not a bureaucracy, when there is a conflict if there are no benefits, this is it. this is when something happens, then everything becomes clear, everything
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becomes clear, my people are in the field, so if you ask me, i will say that the biggest corruption in the country is inefficiency, inefficiency starts here , bureaucracy comes from here, corruption comes from here, weakness in the economy is here, i think. i would like to point out that our dear people should really pay attention to the servants like the servants who come here. we expose ourselves, they look at our past , they look at our records, on this basis, yes, we may give a good speech and a good plan, but do we for the past 45 years, we have replaced this program with manse zahor. there is a place for people to benefit from this . there is a place for people to compare the good and the bad. corruption without worrying about being accused and
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finding opposition to the government . let them criticize you and your government. we made it a law in the parliament during the 11th term. profiteering. yes, well, we turned this into a law, and a law in fact. it was announced now, this law that was promulgated now , wherever people are, they can receive face-to-face reports with full confidence, or the report of a smoker has reached them. this report is fully provided for in the law, which protects the security of this information. it protects the safety of the fact that when those who are criminal gangs do not actually limit them, the law supports them, in addition to the fact that
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they are even rewarded for this, so we announced the profiteering law. we are serious about implementing it i am making this serious decision for sure . become the president , what is the role of the members of your election headquarters in assuming the key responsibilities of the government? i always
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make a promise to them, i promise you that if you try , i will bear the responsibility. come on, my only promise to you is that you are ashamed of your trust this reputation that we gave to the people to vote for this, i will make up for it with my work . if i do it right, nothing. there is no difference between someone who is in the headquarters and someone who is not in the headquarters . it is important that when we come to the government, we really carry out our work based on merit selection. being these people
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actually invited them to work, you deserve it it was the choice of these two words that you said, youth and... being active, or are there other terms that apply to it? they may not have been with me from the political orientation, but they were effective forces . at the beginning of the revolution, how can you not use this opportunity from a creative, innovative and skilled young man today? let's do it. we must use it. even i didn't give it to the posts. they stayed for a long time. i said that he is not a mayor. if he is 34 years old , he can't grow in merit selection. i don't have an attitude in the post
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. let him grow and become the mayor of the region. it is better to come to the central headquarters of the municipality . it is better to come here and i did not talk about this wherever i was. it is in my management record that we did this, so it is not a wedding to give a quota . name the one you use now well, naturally, with the work experience i have , there must be people in my mind, no, there are not, but you can be sure that i will not make such a decision without consulting with others without collective wisdom. my country
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is in the same situation and this tragic incident of the martyrdom of a loved one happened. after all, most of them are busy now. naturally, our priority is that in the administration of the government, when we say that the government is not just a government board, a district head is also a government, a senior expert is a government, a provincial manager is a government. they are really a big body. i am trying my best not to shock this group so that we can keep it moving . we are trying to move forward with them, if necessary , we will do this. i have two questions. one is
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whether the media, specifically the national media, saw this commitment to be able to promise continuously. your excellency , pay attention to the elections and the programs that you announce and measure and convey to the people and reflect , you have not seen anywhere in my management that i myself do not answer to the people in 2099 when i was the beginning in the parliament, making promises in the parliament is a difficult task , it is not an executive task, it is a task that is done with 200 dear representative from all over the country, we must do this work together . in that meeting , i told about my activities. it was also the last day of the parliament . we followed, without a doubt
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, all the promises that were given to me will have a schedule i will be responsible and surely sedasima can come and follow up on these works at certain times and i think this is one of the good things you are doing . my request to the national media and all the media that play the role of public opinion is to observe this. i believe in timing. about the personality of the martyred president, ayatollah raisi, let's hear it. i am with the martyr. raisi was a friend, and i mentioned that our first acquaintance with shahid raisi was before the revolution
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before the 1956 revolution in mashhad, we met and became friends, and this was friendship until the moment of his martyrdom, especially in the 90s , we became very close colleagues in management and political discussions. in the 1990s in 1996, until the moment of his martyrdom, in fairness, martyr raisi, i mentioned on that day his indefatigability , sincerity, effort, hard work, and his open and popular spirit, and one of the important characteristics of martyr raisi was that he was the agent of the islamic system. he paid attention to the balance of the islamic revolution. what do you mean by attention and level? in the islamic system, we believe
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that the relationship between the agent and the people is like justice. to martyr beheshti's interpretation of the button of justice has no secondary meaning. nothing, not even life, can stand between the agent and the people. a leader in the highest executive position of the country, as the president, never in the form of the communication of his people being cut off with the people , have you seen that this is very important in trips, in work , yes, other parts are also important, but even i say making the platforms intelligent, all this. important, but this means that a system agent opens his room. one of the characteristics of martyr raisi was that he did this at the level of the islamic revolution in these 3 years of his service.
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he served and served honestly and kept this at the level of the islamic revolution. thank you, mr. mohammad baqer ghalib , the honorable candidate of the 14th presidential election cycle , for appearing in this program and answering my questions. i thank you , dear nation. i was a guest in your house for 45 minutes, for all of you, for your children, your wife, all family members, fathers , grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, i wish you success with cheerfulness , vitality and a happy ending. you have accompanied us until this moment you said, i hope that you have been noticed for this reason. on the first page, we intend to review the performance records and records of the respected candidates, and of course, what are the plans of the respected candidates and their relationship with their past and performance
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, god willing, that will be of interest to you and can guide you in choosing weapons, all the best for you. i wish you a good evening and god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in your hope, these days, in every corner of the province, everyone joined hands to send the seeds of blessing to the tables of the people of our country on time, masha allah, happy this year. wheat
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with the hope of god, we sow seeds on the ground and reap in batches. we are twin brothers . we both planted wheat this year and had a good harvest. we are happy together that we will harvest this year. our land is dedicated to wheat cultivation in mazari gambet. currently , it is 115,000 hectares, and we expect something like 200 of these golden seeds from this level. we are relieved that this blessing god forbid , they should check at least a few more clusters to see if there are seeds in them or not. if there are no seeds, then this is the best condition and they can check the percentage of the ground.
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look at the fall of danian, the situation is very good. this soil has been home to small creatures for years, which has contributed to the fertility of the land, so farmers should not burn crop residues. anyone who sets fire to agricultural land this year after harvesting is considered a crime and will definitely be reported to the food authorities. the timely rain made the wheat of the monsoon fields to be favorable. kavos dome is one of them every year important cities in golestan in the production of manure.
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for this exhibition next year, the amount of goods imported is 22 thousand billion dollars. the import exhibition is the beginning of one of the largest exhibitions in the world, which was held in baku due to the corona epidemic. mr. mohammad keshavarzadeh, iran's ambassador to china.
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300 of gilna publications in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the head of the environmental protection organization said: the level of lake urmia has returned to the level of 2018. referring to the increase of protected areas in the 13th government, mr. selajgeh said: in the last 3 years, this organization has made environmental popularization the basis of its work. in this regard, more than 2,000 environmental houses have been opened in the country. head of the
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environmental protection organization.


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