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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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it means that all 80 million people have the opportunity to see any mistake, any crime, any issue, in fact, they become all people, maintaining security with one ticket , they transfer an insecurity in the shortest time, with the least force, the highest efficiency at exactly that point. it was necessary to be present in less than 3 minutes at the time, so this is a popularization. we made it in 1970 that the people should monitor the police. every policeman made a mistake anywhere. it was a problem . he didn't do his job properly. everyone was monitoring . it means that you are popularizing people in sherdir. you always remember that it becomes a hole. once i came, my first question was: mr. ghalibaf, tell me if a pothole is found, in short, how much will you fill , when will there be another street without potholes, these were the issues, but you saw three in the municipality. the service
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provided to the people, easy access, the supervision of the people, there was no problem, they found the municipality , they called their work. private sector capital with private sector contractors means that there is also this, which means that people also have a lot of financial ability. popularization is not a slogan, it is a fact. and it is true, but experience and using it correctly and believing that the people, therefore, in this parliament, we said that the economy is based on the approach of the people's economy, which becomes a resilient and dynamic economy. thank you, mr. dr. ghalib
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. if you are considering, please tell me what is the central slogan and the relationship of your excellency's government with the slogan you are considering and of course the records you have listed so far what will be the slogan that i have chosen . there is progress. well, first of all, this is not a slogan in the past, it shows that everything we promised, everything we said, now i am talking about the days when we were in the khatam camp after the war, or the days when we were in the air in the air corps and the events that happened in the police in that time and clearly.
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it happened in tehran municipality, so when we say slogan, it is not a slogan, it is a reality that we have to follow up and make it come true. let's do that part of the people that today in they are struggling in their livelihood. today , we are really facing problems in this sector and in their welfare. well, naturally , we have to follow this sector . in some places , there are serious issues in the field of food issues. food
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, they do not have the purchasing power to provide the goods in relation to the prices . the amount of calories that are needed is the minimum requirement. the face of short-term intensive programs and people in this let's bring the field to a relative comfort of these , of course, a part of these. especially those who live in absolute poverty, this is in fact here and there at the same time because the same root issue must be solved, where is the way, when will the inflation be solved , when will the inflation be solved? when should the issue of fluctuations and instability in the economy be resolved ? there is no other way, the only way is for progress to happen.
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how does progress happen? we definitely need to invest and generate wealth. we have to admit that especially in the last decade we almost have to say our average annual growth is 1% because one year we were negative and another year we were positive. however, we have to increase the economic pie. if we increase this, then we will be able to seriously consider these problems, of course, when we talk about it. we will benefit from the production of wealth and economic growth, without a doubt, if this was not the case with justice. ok, and if our planning is not in line with that, this two times itself may create more difficult problems for us . therefore, we have the slogan of serving the government and developing colleagues in the short and medium term, and
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the focus of our work is the 7th development plan of the country, which i am also grateful for the cooperation between the majlis government in the government of martyr raees . intermediate levels, why do we sometimes have complications? look, we are separated based on the constitution. also , since at the level of the heads of the forces , the authority of the leadership, which clause seven is actually
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the coordination between the forces, and there is definitely the need for this coordination to exist, for these meetings to exist, even now these meetings in this year. there have been recent ones and now there are more of them, why now? while the principle of separation of powers is that we should not interfere in the work, but we must proceed with interaction, anyway, the law should be written by the parliament , and the government should do the implementation. so, look, when something needs to be done, it is done through the cooperation of the three powers. it provides the opportunity to have a mutual understanding on the issues that are necessary for the law. auditing and control work that the government
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should not move the budget in its own way , if it is not carried out with coordination and empathy, it will definitely not have the necessary synergy, then many managers who are there may not be able to have the necessary creativity sometimes. you have seen that our managers are losing their courage because they might say, sir, the inspection organization of this accounting court , i have checked it many times because of executive work, i know that sometimes the lack of decisions is rooted in these issues, but when it is at a high level, it means in the end. . provide cooperation that has more efficiency
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okay, the final saddle that the people will benefit from , mr. doctor , you mentioned some of the problems of the people, the issues that are the country's priorities do not enter into the discussion very carefully, especially in the field of economy, because as you mentioned , there is definitely an opportunity to reread your programs in other programs that the national media has considered, but let me go to one of the topics that is the subject of bureaucracy, which is also in your words. was it the same bureaucratic system that is now the cultural interpretation of it , we remember that it bothers people, really those complications that can even be between the powers to create a disturbance, understand what your plan is in this regard and your opinion. regarding this issue, why are we really so slow, look at the court system, this is a forgiveness of the fact that in any case , you cannot run any group, any organization, any institution in general, the government, in short, with the slogan 45 a year
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has passed since the islamic revolution, mohammad baqir qalibafi, who is sitting here today, just as you said, pass by, where have you been? anyway, i have a track record. if people judge me today, they will say qalibafi, you were in the municipality for 12 years, what do you do to us? did you hand it over to the police? you gave it to us . it means that when you say what is your slogan, i say service and progress immediately. i have to explain my record. i should say that this is my record. now this is my slogan. if we give a slogan and don't see a record , we will say that it is the first 5 years from the first year of the revolution. well, now. these are not well-known faces, this is an important point that you should pay attention to. i always say this point in my speech. i say that we
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don't have three powers in our country, we have four powers, which means that one power is the bureaucracy, that is, the minister decides , the mayor decides, the legislature writes this. when he enters the system, something else happens, the law is not implemented properly. well, what is the use of this fourth power, which is the bureaucratic power , riding on the other three powers, the result of writing a good plan, there is no output, you make a good decision , there is no output, this is the same as chanting and making plans and not working, so the performance is the basis of the work and the next point is it should be the same productivity that i mentioned. this is why i mentioned intelligentization. is it possible for you to manage this system today without technology
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? hierarchical system is not the answer now. flat systems must be networked. be smart and make smart, and all these are formed in systems. we had more than 200 systems in tehran municipality. in addition, after that it is no longer 8 hours of work, it is 24 hours of work. people can also get their services from the service there at night. this makes it transparent. when there was transparency, we now in the parliament approved the law that we said what a big rent for jobs. a great thing happened, melli magus, this is where we have to remove that bureaucracy, but if we don't use technology. let's not bring in creative forces
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, let's not select meritorious ones , let's not hire meritorious ones, and let's not cultivate meritorious ones. that's how it works. when we are employed, well, this will happen to us, we will reduce our costs , increase the quality of work, make it more transparent, corruption will be less. well this it is people building, people coming to a place where entry is prohibited, entering the security area of ​​my police force . do you remember how to get the certificate, where is it now?
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people have been issuing their own certificates for 20 years. people are issuing their own passports. well, this is also in the economy, now 80-85 percent of the economy is with the government. the state economy naturally pursues its own interests, no doubt. then the fight against corruption will definitely never be here. when the fight against corruption happens, he is a bureaucracy. don't be when there is no conflict of interest, this is what happens, then everything becomes clear , everything becomes clear, my people are in the field, so if you ask me, i will say that the biggest corruption in the country is inefficiency, inefficiency starts here , bureaucracy comes from here, corruption comes from here the weakness in the economy is here. i think that the thing that our dear people should really care about is that i and those like me who come here
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are exposing ourselves. look at our past , look at our records. we can give a good speech and a good plan, but do we? for the past 45 years, we have replaced this program with manase zahor, people benefit from this . it is a place where people can compare and show the good and the bad. mr. ghalib, if you become the president, because you mentioned the issue of corruption, if you become the president, you will allow the media and reporters of corruption to criticize you and your government without worrying about being accused and arguing against the government. we have turned this into a law. now, your excellency, since you are a journalist and media, there is a discussion of a term in this world of profiteering. yes, well, we have turned it into we made a law and a law has actually been promulgated
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now, that is, we have this law that was promulgated, now people are everywhere. they can receive face-to-face reports or a smoker's report with full confidence. this report is fully provided in the law that protects the security of this information. once these are not actually limited, the law supports them, in addition to the fact that i am even rewarded for these, so we announced the usury law, and i am serious about implementing this law. it has been dissolved to be implemented in your government
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, i am saying that this is a serious determination for sure. when you become the president , what is the role of the members of your election staff in assuming the key responsibilities of the government? in the elections, i always tell my colleagues who help the dear people who pass for me, anyway, as the famous saying goes, they introduce us, they always make a promise to them. i say i promise you that if you tried , i would be responsible. my only promise to you is that i will make up for it with my work. i will never tell them that if i go
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, i will send you a mail, they will never work for the country. i promise them that if i come, i will do the job right . there is no difference between someone who is in the headquarters and someone who is not in the headquarters . what is important is that when we come to the government, we will really carry out our work based on merit selection, wherever i am. i had the success of serving in management, a youthfulness has been the basis of my work, two active forces that are actually working. who invited them to work, it was because of the merit of choosing these two words that you said, youth and activeness , or whether other terms are also applied to it. it is true that there are people who may not be with me due to their political orientation, but they are my effective forces
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. we used them there, for example you, we had a youth orientation. at that time, i appointed a 27-year-old mayor as the regional mayor well, i, who became a brigade commander at the age of 20, at the beginning of the revolution, how can we not use this opportunity from a creative, innovative and skilled young man? he couldn't grow in merit selection , i don't have a low attitude towards him anymore. because later they are saying that if they are better able to grow here, it is more possible to go to the mayor of the region . it is more possible to come to the mayor's headquarters . we this we have done the work, so it is not an inheritance to give a bad share
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. can you name the people that you employ in the key positions of the government ? i will definitely not make such a decision without collective wisdom consultation with others . naturally, we will follow this issue from this point of view. the important point is that my country is in the same situation now, and a tragic incident of the martyrdom of a loved one happened. anyway, this is the main part of these those who are busy now, naturally, this is our priority. that in the administration of the government, when we say the government only it is not a government board, a governor is a government official, a
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senior expert is a government official, a provincial manager is a government authority, that is , they are really a big body. i am trying hard not to enter the complex so that we can see that this is moving, if there is a building, reforms. if it should be done , it must be done. again, the basis is efficiency . if they are doing work and are efficient and competent, we will definitely try to continue the work with them . if necessary, we will do this. i have two questions, one is that in this program, do you see the commitment to the media, specifically to the national media, that they can continuously election promises. your excellency , monitor and measure the programs that you announce and convey and reflect them to the people. you have not seen anywhere in my administration that i am
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not accountable to the people. i was told that making promises in the parliament is a difficult task , it is not an executive task, it is a task that we have to do together with 290 honorable representatives from all over the country in that meeting. there, i told about my activities , and it was the last day of the parliament. i explained the record of the 21 things i did, 19 of which were legislation, and we followed the legislation. without a doubt, all the promises that i will be given will have a schedule, i will be responsible for all of them , and surely sedasima can come up with these works at specific times and follow up, which in my opinion is one of the good things, let me say this is my demand from the media. national and all the media that
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play the role of public opinion should monitor this. i believe in timing . i believe that i have worked this way for at least the last 25 years. and at the end of this program, the first page will show the opinion of his highness regarding the personality of the president. martyr. martyr ayatollah raisi, let us know and listen. i was a friend with shahid raisi. that i mentioned that our first acquaintance with shahid raisi was before the 1956 revolution in mashhad and we became friends and this was friendship until the moment of his martyrdom, especially in the 1990s. management and political debates in the 1990s in 1996 until the moment of his martyrdom. in fairness, i
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mentioned that he was a martyr of raisi . raisi's point was that he paid attention to the level of the agent of the islamic system and the level of the islamic revolution. what do you mean by attention? alignment? in the islamic system, we believe that the relationship between the agent and the people is like justice, according to the interpretation of martyr beheshti, justice does not have a second order button , nothing, even life-threatening. it cannot be a barrier between the broker and the people. shahid raisi in the highest executive position of the country as the president, never
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in the form of the communication of his people being cut off with the people . did you see that this is very important in trips and in work? this is important. me, but this means that an official of the regime is not open in his room, he is in the eye of the people he did not have it , he was one of the characteristics of a martyred leader who kept this work at the level of the islamic revolution in the 3 years he served and served honestly , and kept it at the level of the islamic revolution . i thank you for appearing in this program and for answering my questions. i thank you for my dear people, who were guests in your homes for 45 minutes. for all of you, for
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your children, your wife, all the members of your family, fathers , grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandparents, i wish you success and happiness. and finally, i have a good night good luck and be sure. i thank the esteemed viewers of khabar network for accompanying us until this moment . i hope that this has been of interest to you. the programs of the candidates are respected and their relationship with the past and performance , god willing, will be of interest to you and can guide you in choosing weapons . i wish you the best. good evening and god bless you.
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you bought a truck of equipment. you bought a truck of equipment . you found a treasure. i didn't find a treasure, so these tools
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2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. the second day of election campaigns with the presence of three candidates in the national media. first-line programs with people and today's special news talk hosted by mr. ghazi. the report of the minister of agricultural jihad on the unique reserves of basic staples in the country, from self-sufficiency in wheat production to the export of chicken and eggs. priority.


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