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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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for the stability of the management, you have an evaluation system and how did you design the monitoring of the managers? they are free to introduce their acquaintances. all people can say that mr. so-and-so is suitable for such and such an executive position, but he goes to the evaluation center and that evaluation. it is possible that this person has the management level indicators of the management level, for example , the ministry or the general manager or not. sir, now anji, they are the syndicates, no, now there is a smart system of nazarji , there is an evaluation of the floor of the field, no, it must be a syndicate, it is evaluated at both levels, and the one who has the highest score in the indicators.
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and he is getting the highest consensus , he will be the rear manager of sood system, peace be upon him , we designed hazrat sood and the representative of the people of his region to serve amir al-mu'minin and they say, sir, this ruler that we put in place for us, the people are dissatisfied with him, amir al-mu'minin will remove him, we designed a system that 30 40 zainafan a section if declaring this in its own function with the reasons are inefficient, he will be fired because people say that this is the meaning of the people in the field of policy making. the tasks of monitoring the implementation of all affairs are in the hands of the people , the government is playing games, which can change the relations between the people in this sense, the line and the line and the political current, in any way, whoever accepts the islamic revolution , whoever accepts and accepts the imamate of the society and the province. whoever is ready to make sacrifices for the people has a place in the people's government, the government of mr. raisi, rome , look at you, mr. raisi. one of the good things
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he did was that from all spectrums, even from the government before, he kept a few people. some of the men later left by themselves. this does not mean that because there was a time in the competition of the previous government , he did not use the capabilities of the competent managers of that government . hazrat agha said that if he comes, he will solve the problems of the society, we need a management change, apart from our structures and systems, we need elite leaders to intelligent people . identify and introduce the field we must bring a generation of smart managers who have the capacity to deal with the country's issues into the body of the country, as well as the great capacity that women have
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in social and management events. ask them to prepare a report based on your plans and the promises you make in the field of elections. slow and reflect to people? surely our obligation is to respond. and a government that is the government of the people, the government of iranian families. he is supposed to make a decision with them, he must be responsible. what better place than the national media. but i ask your permission. let me correct your question in a more precise way and ask whether the national media will unite to help the government, which always issues. let us solve the people
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's problems, help the government to solve the people's problems, because this is two-way, when we talk about the people's government , because the government and the people are integrated , we need a liaison, someone who can explain this swelling. to convey and demand from him means that it should be both the role of explanation and the role of demand, which i hope the national media can perform both roles well. it has been like this until now and we are a strong tool and a monitoring wing of the people, that is, in the government of the people, one of the strong monitoring systems is radio and television. let's make the monitoring wing of the people to know whether it has been published or not, whether to have an opinion about it or not, sadasima can help a lot . thank you very much, mr. ghazizadeh hashemi. as a good ending to this conversation, i would like
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your opinion on the personality of the martyred president let us know shahid ayatollah raisi, let's hear about the personality of shahid raisi. it was diverse, it had different dimensions. i think that what i can address now, considering our current situation, was the legacy of the beloved martyr raisi, tying the ethics of sufficiency and efficiency in his political campaigns, even though he was insulted, he did not respond, even though his knowledge he had the ability to make revelations , he didn't use his knowledge , he managed this field according to his moral power, he even tried to restore his relationship with the person who insulted him.
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he had a family and he had enough courage to do this, that is, his effort was to make the iranian family happy, and no martyrs were evicted. there are no martyrs, their hearts beat for all human beings, look at our elders, imam reza, peace be upon him , you go to see a christian patient, our martyr haj qasim , he gave his life for that yazidi, haj mr. raisi, all iranian citizens and even the oppressed of the world respected him and these kilometers spirit is far from petrification and hardness. i am surprised that some people attribute these things to dear shahid raisi. dear mr. mahdi qoli, dear tahajr, the father of our national solidarity the continuity of the big iranian family has become unfortunate. we should not let this happen to
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the name of shahid raisi. the rigidity of these systems will be broken, god willing, so that all citizens feel that they belong to this society and remember that this government is correct. now, a group of people vote for a president , but after he becomes president, all the people should not consider him as their president. we have nothing to do with this government anymore. in the people's government, we need each and every people, big and small to their men and women from youth. from the baluj to our azari youth, from our arab and elamite girls to our sarkhasi and turkmen girls, we need everyone , as i said, the goal of the people's government is to increase social capital, that is, we came to restore people's trust in the government, increase the mental health of the community, and reduce anxiety.
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and the sense of desperation of the families, this is my commitment, that is to say that you should evaluate the government of the people , evaluate the government of the family, a healthy society is formed in the heart of a healthy family. i support family members seek each other's perfection , they sacrifice for each other, parents do their best for their children , and later, when the parents become better , they give their all to maintain the health of their parents, if this family is healthy. and develop and form a civilization, then the society will develop in the same way. unlike the western civilization, which is individualistic , we are collectivist, family oriented, iranian islamic civilization is like this, and that is why the center of our planning is the family. we hope that
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our people will have this. i promise with all my heart i give you this promise to the youth of this land , there are strong young people coming. to be your servants, to improve the body of iran's power , to build a strong iran , to bring iranians who are close to the peaks to the top and, god willing, to bring happiness to all members of the society . thank you very much for being here . i hope that this program has received your attention, and of course, all the hard work of my dear friends in the national media, who prepared various programs during the 14th term of the presidential election. it can help all of you, a great nation, to have a good choice and of course weapons, god willing . may god bless you and keep you safe.
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in the first minutes of voting , you cast your vote, please tell me what advice and guidance you have for the dear nation of our country. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , today, god willing, is a blessed day for the nation of iran. and for our dear country, and by god's grace
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, people will appear at the polling booths, as always, they were able to honor the country with their presence and defend it against enemies, this time too, god willing, every ballot will be the same. which is thrown into the box, this is the truth of voting for the islamic republic system and the constitution, and this is very valuable for the country and for the community, and therefore you see that the foreign horns are all trying their best, maybe they will be able to make the elections less prosperous, but they will not be able to. today, the executive director of the country will be elected, god willing. and the presidency
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is an important dignity in the system of the islamic republic, in fact it is the executive arm of the government system and the president and the people showed that anything was possible and could be done to make the system systematized. the future period and the new period that will come into office will be able to introduce the people and the country to the taste of social justice. this year, which has been named the year of alevi behavior, god willing , we will not be ashamed of many of our people at the end of the year. the executives and that is the board. executives and supervisory boards must use their utmost care so that the votes
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of the people are fully trusted , god willing, these votes will be counted and read. i want to the nation my dears, i would advise especially the politicians involved to leave these issues of competition and lines aside from whoever was elected to the presidency today due to the people's votes. the president is everyone's president and everyone should cooperate with him. and everyone should respect him and he should respect everyone's rights equally , leave this competition and this issue of winners and losers and these things. let's join hands together and help the government so that, god willing, it can
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untie the knots of the people and move the country towards its lofty goals, god willing. passing by the roads of binsheh, the signs that represent the production and industry of the country stand out. industrial units in different provinces that have a special share of the country's employment and production for several years. 96% of our industries are small and medium, except for the so-called micro industry. about 45% of the so-called employment of the country is allocated to the industries. these industrial units are divided into
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three categories: micro and small with less than 10 to 50 employees, medium industries between 50 to 100 employees and large industries that create more than this number of jobs due to the number of active human resources. do the situation of these industrial towns is in its infrastructure, that is, the government selects a range and prepares water, electricity, gas, telephone, etc. , so that investors can easily operate. start their activities, the government of the land, in fact, usually tries to make natural resources available to the shahrakha company, but it is not the only criterion for land allocation and the provision of infrastructure requirements such as water and industrial electricity as a vital factor in advancing production goals on the part of the service agencies , it is important for us, according to the law, in fact, different legal materials of the upstream documents, to explicitly announce this. it means that it has been announced that the service provider must supply the power to those transmission lines
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and within the network they can consume and use in the case of the industrial partnership. however, that expectation and the demand that we have on behalf of industrial units, unfortunately , will not happen due to the limitations of the service providers, the water explanation network and the explanation network . it is a basic thing that industrial units may have problems with, but in fact, it is the story of the ministry. it is the power that must deal with water supply and electricity supply and enter it into our networks the infrastructure exists, not because of the problems in the network and the infrastructure inside the partnership , it is because of the deficiencies that we have in the field of energy production.
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i am talking about the growth of infrastructure production, the first infrastructure and the second infrastructure. water, we mainly have an infrastructure problem here, the electricity is one line in the middle of the electrical part , it causes us to not cook the color of our products and we have to make losses for all our products. raisi, the martyred president, had arrived and emphasized on its solution during his visit to industrial towns. i asked the gentlemen about the termination of the program. they say that we are in the sixth development program. we had to produce electricity, well, the electricity production that should have been done in the development of the sixth development plan was not done, if it was done today, this industrial town, this production unit should not be closed for hours during the week , and then the damage caused by the power cut is the point here. some settlements, although the infrastructure has not yet been completed, the lands were handed over to the first settlement
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, the infrastructure was not completed, then it should be handed over together. and this. there is now a power outage , which if we have, after the power is connected, the main thing we have to do is to open the clamps that are shriveled, then additional pressure must be created, which is why our clamps if you break any clamp that breaks this device , the cost of the damages you have is 150 million to 200 million tomans . this power outage causes damage. now, many of the references that industrial units have to the authorities, in fact, they ask for the discussion of the lack of power. if they don't cut their electricity, there is another issue of gas cut , which is the problem of industrial aspects in winter . anyway, the expectation of our dear farmers is that this cut
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and these problems will be minimized so that they can at least solve their problems and talk about production. facing the discussion of competition, not losing the required water supply is one of the other problems of infrastructure problems in industrial towns. there are more than 860 industrial districts in operation in the country. in terms of water supply, since the establishment of the industrial cities company , we have supplied water up to 1700 liters per second inside the industrial cities with a license. the allocations we received from the ministry of energy. according to one of the activists, the consumption of the water that is supplied in the industrial towns is around 12,000 to 13,000 liters. the industrialization of the process of completing the infrastructure plan
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is one of the other problems in the way of production and craftsmanship, and the delivery is prolonged. article 25 of the law states that during the shortage of industrial units, it should not be cut off as a priority. but unfortunately, the first thing they do is the industrial unit they cut off their electricity last year in shamsagat industrial town and all the industrial towns of tehran province. during
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one month of the year, the electricity of the entire industrial town was cut off, but it seems that the energy supply of the industry has turned into an erosive minefield and sometimes in some cases, the solution line. discontinued item in this way, the artisan continues to produce despite the existing bumps. the man and the guardian of the matter also promises and provides incentives in order to solve the challenge and continue the growth and leap of production according to the requirements of his responsibility. we
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were working on the causes of solar power plants, and now i will share the statistics he said that as we are talking today , 19 megawatts of the so-called investments that are active in the country in the field of solar energy are now supplying electricity to the country's grid in connection with small power plants. we will add about 16 megawatts of electricity scattered to the peak . we are currently generating 728 megawatts of electricity in industrial towns. whoever comes to build a power plant , for example, we will exempt him from taxes for a few years and give him free land i don't know , we made special electricity towns like this. these small industrial units accounted for a high percentage of industrial activities in terms of number and job creation, but they need support to jump production and realize the slogan of the year.
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the cooperative sector is one of the important economic pillars of the country , which should have a 15% share in the country's economy . popularization strategy. in the country, one of its most important manifestations is the activeness of cooperatives. cooperatives, as one of the pillars of the country's economy , have a special place in the constitution, as well as in the policies of principle 44 and the policy implementation law of principle 44. the price of this philosophy is that they can collect and converge the small contributions of the people, and turn to it now for the social economic activity of the development of the cooperative from the perspective of the president. shahid was one of the issues they emphasized, well, mr. raisi, may god bless him, this noble man supported us a lot, he helped us a lot
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. he said that this exchange is very important, a campaign like this , the national cooperative movement should be activated, both the fight against poverty and the fight against unemployment. people also create employment. currently , more than 100,000 cooperatives are active out of 243,000 registered cooperatives. today , we have about 14,000 cooperatives in the country that are working in various sectors of the service industry and agriculture, and they have been able to organize about 2,500,000 members and about 2,000,000 opportunities. job. create also ayatollah raisi's government, with a revolutionary view of the cooperative sector, revived and promulgated the cooperative development document that had been accepted for nearly 12 years. this document
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was first reviewed and reviewed by the government and is final became. with the possibility that mr. raisi has cooperation with the department and the request we gave them. they decided that the compensation development document, which was actually announced in 2012 and remained closed , should be revised and quickly put on the agenda and implementation order . in line with the realization of the 25% share, what we saw for export was the discussion of border markets and the use of the capacities of our bordering provinces for the development of the market, which was seen in the form of decrees . this document was very vital for us because that the growth and development of each sector needs a plan , it actually has development orders , especially shawn sector, which is one of the developing sectors of the country, the export volume of this sector increased by more than 50% in the 33 months of service of the government of the martyred president
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of iraq. afghanistan, pakistan, turkey are the four countries that are the first export destinations of the tabounis , and the agriculture sector ranks first in exports , and after that, it is the handicraft industry that the tabounis perform their duties. the memorandum with customs to speed up the clearance of goods of cooperative companies , the formation of management service companies and the launch of the export council are among the other programs implemented in
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the length of service to the government of ayat. people are the main heroes of this field. if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power. to join the chele khemat campaign, it is enough
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to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and the number 8. send here sports equipment in sarai. bozor irani is a place where you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all this impressive variety , then take it to your home at an unbelievable price with long-term orders and free shipping. it's as simple as that . the cities of qom, isfahan and
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