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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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thank you very much for being with us on the khabar channel in the vijeh haber interview, as i mentioned , mr. dr. mohammad baqer ghalib, one of the six candidates of the 14th presidential election , is with us in the wijeh haber interview studio. mr. dr. qali baf, i greet you and you are very welcome. please, i would like to say hello to you and all our dear viewers and good night . inshallah, you have had a good day, and tonight each one of you is a guest with good iranian families. ok. mr. dr. qalibaf , let's start from the seventh program and the topic that was mentioned in the introduction to we mentioned it at the time of approving the program.
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you were in charge of the 7th presidency of the islamic council as the body that reviewed and of course approved this plan. have a narrative about the stages of presenting and approving the 7th plan. in fact, it can be said that since the beginning of the 13th government of the martyr raisi government. naturally, the year of the beginning of the program was confused with the year of the end of the program, the sixth program , which was later anyway decided to extend the sixth program, it actually happened like this for two years. 13th government an undergraduate work
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a good back and forth in drafting the bill means that one of the good things that happened was that since the drafting of the bill , there was a voluntary coordination between the parliament and the government. it was such that we don't have the weaknesses and problems of the past programs. which later, if necessary , we will explain it in time, so this program went back and forth, this program today has unique features . today in the program, let's know that to anyway, the most important discussion here has different parts , but one of our definite policies in the haft program.
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the end was that we pay attention to family and household, what does that mean? if you tell us , where is the audience of this program? we say family. this is the important aspect of the program. the next point is to really look at economic issues in a systemic way . it is one of our issues, that is, economic growth for us, that is, paying attention to the investment itself, the system. the finances that should be implemented, the horizontal policies that should be implemented , the monetary and banking policies that should be there, were important for us in the field of income distribution, that is, the tax system is a subsidy system in the field of employment , which is an important issue in their satisfaction in institutional reform in this sector . the most important
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thing that our people are worried about today is the issue of inflation which has brought a lot of pressure at different levels , which is the same as inflation, which is rooted in the budget deficit, the operational deficit of the budget, which is rooted in the banking imbalance and the monetary and banking policies, that is, from this point of view the program was actually prepared and today's program is the result of a joint work between the government and the parliament, as you mentioned it is going through its final stage, but an important point that we paid attention to in our program is that we basically looked at the program with a problem-oriented perspective because there are two approaches, one approach is actually a comprehensive approach. there is
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, that is, the way of looking at community planning in the community plan, if i want to be very clear and easy, in fact , they write whatever they want in the building, from anywhere , regardless of the country's capabilities or the country 's capabilities. here, in fact, we have come to base the work on the central issue and according to the same the approach of mr. dr. ghalib, between your talks , you mentioned the indicators of the 7th program , you told us brief points about the strengths of this program, but you emphasized that it is a lot of effort. it turned out that the weaknesses are the defects and perhaps the problems of the past programs compiled and approved
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in the country. begin compared to the previous programs, one of its completely different points was that it was completely with the approach of the community program according to corning's interpretation, the central problem here was the basis of our work. another point that was very important here and happened , we paid attention to it in the legislation was that, look , when we write the law, especially we legislators, as you mentioned, the parliament and my colleagues made sure that we we have to pay attention to the issue, a law that we write is precise and clear. be clear and the second point is that this law is enforceable, which means we should not write a law that is not enforceable, and the third part is the enforcement of the law. i mentioned that the implementation of the law
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, we did this back and forth with the government, and the work went forward . in these 5 years, the plan has been included in the 4 years of the parliament and in the 4 years of the government, so look, we have a document that is 5 years old . being a joint member of the parliament and the 13th government of shahid raisi means that one of the debates we say is that it is necessary to follow this path. the truth is that a part of this program that has been set up, this
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approach that has been set up in the parliament and the government, should be continued along with the government . that is, the budget, since the program was already in hand and approved, the budget was based on this, so all our efforts are perhaps one of the necessities that i felt to come here and put aside the need for wellness. the implementation of the program in the previous periods is one of the problems that i said. the society was central, the second was that the problem was not central. second, the program should really be paid attention to in execution. one of the features of this program is that the sixth programs mainly, all programs have been completed less than 30% and 30% maximum. in this program, we tried to
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include an article that has not been in any program in the past 6 programs. we put a guide for the program that has an executive guarantee. we really looked at this with a cybernetic management , in what sense? that we can in paragraph a of article 118 of our program be able to actually control this program and the controllable institution that has a steering council under the supervision of the first vice president of the parliament during its implementation. the plan should work, it should be controllable , it should move towards the goal, that is, we should regularly carry out the tasks that we set, it should be reversible, in what sense , that is, in the sections of the annual budgets that we make
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during the year that we have, we will monitor if there are any problems with this. we can correct this in the budget of the year, and the next point is , what does it mean to be self-regulating? the same monitoring and regular control can prevent the problems that arise, which is seen in article 111. without a doubt, this program needs both systematic behavior and strong management to do this. yes, and there is a danger that i really felt in order to implement this program, which will be the national covenant of all of us today, and this law, each of our beloved people today, we are obliged to follow this same program that has become a law. for our executive, one of the concerns we have is that you look
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at it anyway. we had problems in the 90s. what were our problems in the 90s? our liquidity increased 26 times during the 90s , but our economic growth was less than 1% during the 90s. these 10 years, well, look at what problems it creates , you must remember that it was a challenge at that time in general, between the parliament and the government for the sixth plan , the government believed that in the 1990s, the government said that there is no need for the plan to be approved by the parliament . the concern that we have is that we should pay attention to the fact that we
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do not lag behind the history of progress compared to other countries, even the countries of the region, to be able to follow this path and move forward , and in fact, maybe, maybe not necessarily, it is one of the philosophies of my presence. i must say that i have lived with this program for at least 120 years the procedure has been discussed for hours in the parliament's courtyard and for several weeks in the unification commission, hundreds of meetings have been held during the past two years between the government of the parliament and the meetings we have held in the expert areas, and i hope that with the strong implementation of the seventh plan, the problems that the people have are god willing, we will be able to solve the problems, and the program really has a necessity, that is , one of the most important necessities of the country's administration is the plan . look, when we have a vision
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, we put this vision in order to become the steps of the vision. we have 5-year medium-term plans, and definitely a five-year plan we need one-year plans to be able to do this in the budget, and we believe that the budget and plan do not belong to the government, and before the plan determines the government's recipe and process, we believed this and we believe this. that this program should create a change in people's lives, in their livelihoods and in fact in the growth and development that should be done, that is, this program should give a vision, this program should be predictable that our investors, our people, our
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workers, our employees, that's it. as i said, the basis of the program is, in fact, its target audience is families they should be able to plan for themselves , unfortunately, this is not the case now, so in reality, this is our road map and movement, and i believe with this plan, because i was involved in the purification of all the details of this work , we will implement this plan step by step with strength , by the grace of god, if people trust us , be sure that the end of this program will be economic stability and inflation control in the country, mr. dr. qalibaf, let's go to the general goal and main priority of the seventh program, which is the subject of economic progress, the illusion of justice, the average economic growth rate. and of course, by emphasizing on increasing productivity, let's see that your solution is
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what is your future government's plan to achieve this issue? well , this is a very important question. first of all, we based these indicators on the macro policies that were reviewed in the assembly and finally approved by the supreme leader and it was announced. that we do an average rate of 88 during the program. first of all, you should know that we have average growth in the last program and the last decade. one part of it is related to investment. i think that productivity is more important than
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investment. why am i saying this because we have opportunities in productivity that i will explain now, and we can use those opportunities in the truth of our investment should also be formed and move. that is why article 111 of the law of our program is focused on the discussion of productivity. when we talk about productivity, we are talking about what we have . . we should have scientific and specialized subjects in the program in this department. one more point is a management point, so we came to tell all the indicators in all sectors, health and health, agriculture , industry, everywhere, we followed these productivity indicators, the national role and we made it clear to the provinces
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that what tasks are being performed and the relative disadvantages opinion. in this program and decentralization , now when we say the division of work between national provinces , it means that we have divided a national work into provinces , we have given more powers to the provinces . we made a difference between the work of a contractor and a contractor, so we tried to do the work of a contractor. we should leave the other to the people and to non-governmental public institutions and agency work. these all indicate that part of the elements that wants to do this in the field of productivity. you know now that in some countries i don't want to mention the average growth of 9% during a decade, 50% of this 9% growth means
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four. in fact, in order to increase productivity , we have to pay attention to this, that is, now you have an example of the motivation of the forces that work in this public sector system. it is also right . go to many of your government departments and you will see that in one room two out of two iranian citizens are working there . leave it, but because, for example, an hourly contract
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is a contract, we have less income and no job security. someone says that because it has been formalized anyway, this system is our problem in the field and it has been formalized, and he feels that he has job security, and separation may be a necessary motivation to work. if it doesn't exist, well , we have already thought of these in the 11th parliament, of course, in the program , we have correctly thought of these solutions, which we are doing. the important point in the efficiency is the way of managing the government's interventions. in this section , you can see what happens when we say that productivity has an effect on investment here, let me give an example. now, the government's share in the automobile industry in iran khodro is about 77%, but look at this 7%, the government is doing 100% in policy
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making, pricing decisions, and doing this. what is the result? go and see how much debt is left there . look. today, he will have to interfere in the pricing. then he will have to go and pay the rent there and the government will reimburse the expenses. is there 7 there , if there are 5, i have a board of directors. if he has only 20% of semen, they will give him a seat for 7d for him. here, the board of directors changes the ceo he changes and what does he do . he puts the money of the government sector and public interests in the car. what do we produce ? the government is unhappy. debt has been left there , the unhappy private sector is seeing its losses, and the producers and the industry sector, my people, are unhappy with this, so look
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, this is a productivity sector, that's the issue, this is where the government should go and make precise interventions , do its duty properly in the field of people like you. come on, what is the government doing in the field of energy now? in the field of energy, if i want to give you a number, today we have almost 50% of our energy when it is extracted and comes before when it enters consumption, we waste 50% of it right away, we waste it, what does it mean , we get a donation, we waste it, we get a donation in the power plants, these are actually the burner gases that we burn, these burner gases are all gases that are valuable and valuable. and
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they have a lot of added value, a part of this can be smuggled, so look, productivity is here, that is, we have the capital that we need to bring, to turn the property into wealth and not be a problem for others , this cannot be done here. a house we are living in a consumption pipe our water meter has found a leak , it is regularly leaking several tens of cubic meters of water a day, we have pressure at home, we tell the lady, sir , use less water, so if it seems that the water consumption is less , the family in the house of the father of the family has a solution. now fix this leaky pipe , we have this amount of energy, which is all our property and wealth, which can fix this development in the 88th row, we will not do it. i tell you
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, this problem is exactly in the mine. the problem is exactly in the field of petrochemicals. we have 9.5 million barrels of oil and gas in the country we produce, only 7 and a half percent of this goes to petrochemicals. this is close to 20 billion . now, i will say it at the next opportunity in the next meetings. so, look, when we talk about exploitation, it is a pardon for the government's quickness, a pardon for these trends that we need to correct that we don't pay attention to. how big is the problem? in this mine, at least now, with the efforts that have been made in the parliament in the past two years , the government's share of the mines used to be about 67 hemats, now with a careful control, it is about 44 hemats , but we have 44 hemats,
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we give a diesel subsidy equivalent to this, that is, the government virtually no exploitation it doesn't work from mining, what does this mean, my productivity , these are many of the places where i believe that we should follow these opportunities properly , we should move forward, we should have the same housing in your housing. we produced the housing law , what about the housing production during the program, which is now in the program, and the law was promulgated in the middle of the discussion on the high rent law . let's follow his work. well, where is the most important part of the government? this is what we are talking about productivity is now a significant part of the cost of housing
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. today, i will tell you that the national housing and land organization has one million hectares of land at its disposal. if you want to understand the greatness of productivity, ashley. there is land. in the 7th plan, i think there is one million hectares here in this land bank , which is article 49 of our 7th plan . from the total area of ​​the country , we can allocate 330 hectares to the land, this is the productivity, that is
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, we take the price of the land as an order. if we say that our effort is to achieve economic stability, we mean this productivity we follow carefully in the field of housing, so the talk of 88 economic growth means that we are following about 3% of this 8% with productivity. all these points that i told you create a capacity for us that we can use this optimally. let's get that investment in the capital sector and be able to move the work forward, mr. dr. qalibaf, now that you mentioned housing, now you mentioned a planning and a goal setting in your respective government, but based on the 7th plan of the accessibility index. i have to read about housing now because i have to until the end of the program
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to seven and a half years. now, while defining the access index, which refers to the years to reach a house and housing, what exactly is your plan to achieve this , what is your goal, now that you mentioned land and housing, let me ask this, then i will go to the other goals of the week's plan. yes, yes. in this 8 % productivity section, i told you to explain the investment section, but you mentioned an important point. we saw our housing in the program. look, we have to go to the direction that if this indicator we mentioned means seven and a half years, if one of our workers, one of our employees, one person who has income, all of his income. if he assumes that all his income is for housing , he should be able
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to buy housing for seven and a half years. that we are moving in this direction and now this index in the country is approximately 13-14 years old , which means that we should reduce it by half. so, here is where we should use the lands properly, this one million hectares that i said is a significant part of the lands. which is now within the boundaries of the city and village and has fallen and is not using this capacity let's use it optimally, that is where the manufacturing is doing its job and in the plan we predicted that
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we will grow at least 15% in the field of industrialization. top. these will help in housing, god willing, we will be able to do this with the three laws that are in the permanent laws, but please, i wanted to continue the discussion on 8%, which we said is the efficiency, now in the investment. what should we do because productivity and investment are two important elements it is essential for economic growth. we are one of the serious issues in the seventh plan. seventh, we mentioned it and in the inflation that exists, the discussion of reforming the banking system is the first thing we did. we passed the central bank law after five and 50 years. june 3rd of this month or third or fifth. six months have passed, which means
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that the new law of the central bank has come into force. now , the reform of the banking system is one of our issues in the country. lives were messed up, where did it come from, because of the dissatisfaction with the banks, who should control the banks , the central bank is flawed in our law. today, the central bank has the necessary power, and gazir has come there, and all the judicial courts in the primary and secondary jurisdictions are reviewing and at all stages, the special branches in even the big cities of the center only deal with bank cases , so that we can stop them. you criticize natarizi.


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