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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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they do the same thing when they negotiate with iran , they do the same thing when they negotiate with syria , they behave like this with any country that negotiates , because of this the resistance forces here are fully aware, and if they say something in their speech, hamas will also confirm it in their speech. when they reach the point of agreement, it becomes a legal issue, and you should be more careful. you talked about the fact that the resolution does not have a guarantee of implementation, why some resolutions of the security council have a guarantee of implementation for the rest of the countries. zionism is not like that, he will leave regarding this same executive arm, that executive arm, when it is under the influence and domination of the westerners , especially the united states, and the united states itself is part of that executive arm, naturally, it can
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fight. first of all, an agreement should be reached, stop the war, and help the humanitarian shipments to enter, but how many shipments should come, from which crossings should they come , should they come only from the egyptian side or from the side of the crossings that go to the occupied territories. they open , these help should come, none of these and that type what are those contributions, none of these are mentioned , these are the main discussions and challenges, that is, an agreement text, which the recent agreement that biden had was 5 pages long. it had full details, in the case that a
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resolution with several ambiguous clauses with several ambiguous clauses does not open any knots in this matter. by the way, if accepted, it can make the situation more complicated, so i do not expect much that something special will happen. it seems that because the resistance has the upper hand, he says that it is okay, i will talk and i welcome it, while he also welcomes the approval of the resolution, at the same time, his own conditions. it means that according to the same five or six conditions that it had since the beginning of the war, not now since the beginning of the war, it welcomes the resolution . this is an important point. the resistance forces put forward five conditions from the beginning. not changing their conditions , the exact conditions are unchanged, but the israeli side is constantly playing with them , that is, it changes its conditions regarding humanitarian aid, regarding what kind of government will be in gaza after the war. he is constantly playing with them. this
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means that now we know exactly which side of the negotiation is the one who does not want to negotiate. he has turned it into a political tool with which he can satisfy his opponents or buy a bit of time, and in general, i feel that all these discussions lead us to the proposition that america's action is purely ceremonial, and it will not be an operational result. it will not have similar actions, including the establishment of the pier on the gaza coast, which did not have anything special for the people of gaza . it could even be effective in helping the israelis, and similar actions that they have , therefore, will not be very effective from a political point of view. was. mr. kesirinejad about another issue there is a lack of military units in the zionist regime's army. we want to continue the conversation with you, but before that, let's see a report on the zionist knesset's proposed bill.
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he ordered the governor to extend the exemption of haredi jews from military service. this bill was approved while the minister of war of the zionist regime opposed it and voted against it. the chief of staff of the army also warned about the lack of military units in response to this bill. unfortunately, the army lacks 15 units to carry out its missions . we with. with a severe shortage of ready military personnel we are facing serving in the israeli army, and haredi's disqualification from serving in the army should not be approved. despite this warning by the chief of staff of the zionist army about the severe shortage of military personnel , the zionist knesset approved the bill proposed by the ruling coalition to extend the exemption of haredi jews from military service. approval of a bill to exempt 13 from the population. about 9 million people
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in the occupied territories are also in war conditions in gaza after they threatened haredi, a member of netanyahu's cabinet, if the exemption is not extended. they will leave the coalition with the likud party. netanyahu is trying to block this law by passing it collapse of the cabinet and in this way he wants haredi leaders to stick to the coalition with his party . but with this work , he has provoked the anger of the opponents and this can have bad consequences for him. however, the zionist residents of the city protested the extension of the haredi exemption from military service. the protests have led to conflict and concerns.
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in spite of all these conflicts, the kurdistan people still say that they will stand for their lives not to join the army. i have 30 or 40 grandchildren or great-grandchildren. if you ask me, what do i prefer, the palestinians kill them or become secular, in our opinion, secular becoming is worse than dying. considering that the army is the center of secular culture, we will not go to military service. a jewish rabbi has also threatened that he and his followers will emigrate from israel if military service is made mandatory. the approval of the haredi exemption bill from the military for whatever reason , although it may be temporary. to save netanyahu's cabinet from falling, but more than before , it revealed the severe manpower crisis in the israeli regime's army, which is now tied to a religious and ideological crisis.
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soldiering and the issue of lack of military personnel in the zionist army and mr. kasrinjad, who is still our guest. we can open this issue of the haredi issue, why are they exempted from military service and now there is an objection to this issue? in israeli society, it can be said that there are at least three types of religious people. and hardi is correct in any case, but the rest of the pronunciations are correct, these are because of the principles that are strictly adhered to. to torah teachings, the next category is the religious nationals , whose adherence is a little less, but that's it what is more important is their commitment to zionism, the ideal of zionism, if the khordis do not have a good relationship with zionism, that is, we can say that almost
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half of the population in israel are anti-zionist, and the other half are not zionists, but they come to terms with zionism, and the third religious spectrum of people there are those who call them or they are traditionalists rather than adhering to religion. based on their beliefs, these idiots consider military service as haram. according to the teachings of these, there are verses in the bible that almost all jewish scholars judge that our understanding of this is that god made a covenant with the jewish people and other nations of the world. that the jewish people should not unite with each other against other nations of the world , should not immigrate collectively to palestine, the land of palestine, and should not create a country. on the other hand, the other people of the world should not enslave them. this is why zionism is basically a violation of this
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divine covenant. they know that participating in military service is an example of the fact that we are united against other nations of the world and their zionist authorities
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. they consider learning torah and even working as haram. they also consider earning money as haram, mr. kesin. let's make it clear that nejad is the hebrew pronunciation of this group and haridi is the pronunciation that is now. when we speak farsi, we say haredi, khordi, or farsi haredi, tarsh haredi, the hebrew pronunciation is shamadi, yes , the pronunciation is good, so let's say farsi so that we can be united. you are using our children for your own interests and to protest against this issue, which is a group of a significant number of people.
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one of the most important gaps is the gap between khordis or hardy and other sectors, and this is definitely exacerbated it will do, especially in war conditions, now the families are saying that our children are going to gaza or now, it doesn't matter if they lost in the north. they are killed there, but they are exempted and they are constantly receiving points from the government, even if these points were not taken, maybe their society could be calmed down a bit , but this is not the case. the next point is the gap between the people of israel and the ruling body . well, they expect that there will be no discrimination between who to send to the army , but now there is a feeling that, apart from the hardys , they are actually the meat in front of the cannon. and they themselves now they can go freely according to their own lifestyle. the next point is that the weakness
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of manpower in the israeli army is very serious. since decades ago, the israelis came to say that because our population is small, we should move our army towards a technological army using let's go ahead with technological tools to cover this weakness compared to our enemies now , to reduce the manpower as much as possible , which is not an absolute thing. this cost can be paid at a very low cost those who are very high will be challenged by what has happened now, that is, the resistance forces are challenging israeli fighters with very cheap drones, so this problem of lack of human resources has become very serious, of course , some of these are voluntary.
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before the war, around 200 people volunteered for military service. now that the war conditions have changed, the number of these people has reached 400. of course, the israeli army said that out of these 400 people , approximately 3,000 of them are qualified to serve in the military. they don't have an army, that is, physically and psychologically their conditions are not suitable for the conditions of the israeli army, and even if they want to use them , they cannot use them. the next point is that it creates a gap between the political parties . it is as if it has become an excuse to create a conflict. precisely from that side, the religious nationalists say that you should treat these people a little bit. on this side, they strongly disagree that this did not happen . the middle and left currents say that this is a it is considered discrimination and the challenge between these parties is ongoing he is constantly deepening the politics, and perhaps
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the serious damage he has is that he is moving important discussions in the israeli cabinet to such discussions and creating extra busyness for them. but cyberspace users frequently used the keyword of the collapse of the zionist regime. this issue became hot in the cyberspace after three members of the zionist regime's war cabinet resigned yesterday. the virtual people reported an earthquake in the body of the zionist regime between these people, a user wrote here. the beginning of a collapse of the zionist regime will come with this resignation, which is like an earthquake. another user also wrote the resignation of this regime
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, revealing the differences about the war and its consequences. israel surrenders in real time and the other writes that everyone in the cabinet has failed and announced their resignations and presented themselves to the international criminal court. according to cyberspace users, the zionist regime is collapsing. they know that they are losing the war, but they cannot stop the war because it leads to the main users are in response to the resignation of the cabinet of the zionist regime, who wrote about a punishment next to it. the collapse of israel near silence don't keep asking for netanyahu's punishment. we have to stop it. according to cyberspace users, these resignations are similar to a virus. a virus that affects all the zionist cabinet. and maybe this happiness of the people of gaza will be repeated very soon. this time
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forever. bahar estadi, sed and sima news agency. the member of the ukrainian parliament said that the ukrainian authorities looted 490 million dollars of western aid . mikhail bovandar said that these financial contributions were supposed to be spent on the construction of defense fortifications and against the advance of russian forces. according to this ukrainian official has already filed 30 criminal cases regarding the theft of this amount, but the members of the commission of the ruling party of ukraine from the defendants, with the continued protests in the capital of armenia, the speaker of the national assembly of this country ordered an extraordinary meeting regarding the removal of the prime minister. protests in armenia started about two months ago after yerevan agreed to return four villages in tavush region to the republic of azerbaijan. these villages, which were captured by armenia in the first garbagh war
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, were officially returned to the republic of azerbaijan last week. these villages in genie south to they are located in the north of armenia. the two countries have a dispute over three other rosettes in this region. in the last 40 years, fine dust has caused the premature death of millions of people in the world. studies by the university of singapore show that between 1980 and 2020 , more than 135 million people around the world have died due to the increase in pollution and fine dust. the people of the asian continent are the most affected. and more than 98 million premature deaths have occurred in this continent, most of which were reported in china and india. the wreckage of the missing vice president of malawi was found. the president of this country he announced that none of the passengers of this plane that disappeared yesterday survived . lazarus chakfra also
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declared the incident a great tragedy for the african country of malawi. yesterday, following the disappearance of the plane carrying saul. one of his companions started a search operation from the radar screen and the wreckage of this plane was found today. dozens of storms and tornadoes in the united states have caused 25 billion dollars in damages in the first five months of this year. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration of the united states announced last month that a chain of storms in the west-southeast of the central united states caused a lot of damage to buildings. a city has imported residential houses and infrastructure. due to the increase in air temperature in turkey, the forests of adana, izmir, tokat and balik asir provinces caught fire. the efforts of the firefighting forces from the ground and the air to contain the fire and prevent it from advancing to the residential areas continue, but the fire is spreading due to the strong wind. every year, part of turkey's forests are set on fire for various reasons.
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you are still watching the world today. let's go to france. the heavy defeat of the french ruling party and the decisive victory of the rival party in the european parliament elections caused macron to order the dissolution of the parliament for the first time. to announce the general elections of the french parliament are going to be held in about 3 weeks. after the decisive victory of the far-right national union party in the european parliament elections and the humiliating failure of macron's amalem party , we have seen many reactions among the public opinion and political circles in europe and france. in recent months, the ruling party of france made every effort to prevent the victory of the far-right party of ms. marine le pen in the european parliament elections , but failed. they all scare us
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not to vote for marine le pen's party, but i voted. according to the announcement of the french ministry of interior, jourdan bardhella. the candidate of the national union party was in the first place with 31% and mrs. valerie haye of macron's renaissance party was in the second place with more than 14% . emmanuel macron announced the dissolution of the french national assembly after this heavy defeat in the first reaction. notre avenir par le vote i j'ai décidé de vous redonner le choix de i have decided to leave the upcoming elections of the national assembly to you people, and here i also announce the dissolution of the national assembly. according to political experts and even some members of the ruling renaissance party. the dissolution of the parliament by macron was a mistake and an inappropriate decision, because in case of failure and loss of the majority in the next parliament, a coalition government must be established, which
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will not be favorable in the current situation. the early and nationwide elections of the french parliament will be held in about 3 weeks on the 10th and 17th of july. shahzovar hosseini of paris radio and television agency.
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kommando ist norbe freimachen und und somit ist die hose verbunden ja.
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what you saw was the world according to the picture, as the end of the world. today it was presented to you. thank you for your cooperation, god bless you. it is the month of june and the work of harvesting golden clusters wheat has started from the surface of 1900 hectares of land in tabas city . here, 10 hectares of head wheat from kashmand
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was the same amount last year, but the yield is better than last year's harvesting operation by using 7 local combine harvesters and 17 immigrant combine harvesters . more figures. the cultivated wheat is the improved varieties of sistan, arg, barzegar, narin, sivand, and ogh local varieties. the modified narin wheat has a very good yield depending on the density and the roughness of the land . we harvest between 10 and 12 hectares of wheat daily. which is about 6 tons of wheat from each hectare of wheat it is taken we harvest 6 trucks a day. our trucks are the wheat shopping center. last year 15 thousand tomans, this year 17. at the beginning of the planting season , the pricing council announced the price of wheat at 1950 tomans . what are the farmers' opinions on this price
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? the farmers' opinion is that at least the same price of 1950 tomans should be included in the pricing council. in order to transfer the new findings of a model farm, a comparison of the performance of 5 cultivars of new improved wheat cultivars compared to the local control was carried out at the level of one hectare in fahalanj village, and the results after harvest the farms will be given to the operators. the guaranteed purchase of wheat for the farmers of tebast city is currently carried out by 3 shopping centers .
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everyone has a style. what is your style something that makes you feel better. something made for you . easy with it. in harmony with the energy of the environment, something that is your own style, at any moment, in any place , men's clothing, how can i help you? that at this price he came to serai taqofi, dad, i also came to ask
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the price of that refrigerator, which is a lot because this is a discount store, and all the appliances here have a special discount in addition to the discounts of iranian sarai, then when will these purchases reach us? it will be delivered to you in a moment, attractive and unbelievable discounts in the discount store of sarai bozor irani.
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our lucky winner of 100 million tomans today , number 123 849, will benefit from special discounts on all products in the city's big festival. and in addition, just by being present at any of the branches of shahr farsh and shahr home appliances in the daily lottery of 100.
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hello, dear and respected viewers, welcome to the football magazine, join us to follow the 23 interesting and lively minutes in the country and the world , the 2026 world cup qualifying football, iran, with a draw against uzbekistan , went to the next round as the winner of the group. in its last game, farman played against uzbekistan in the second round of the 2026 world cup qualifiers in the asia region tonight at the azadi stadium in tehran, which ended in a goalless draw. with this the result of amir gholnoui's students with 14 points and thanks to tafazel's better goal than uzbekistan, the same point as saad nashin's team is on its way to the third round.


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