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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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the region and the world can be heard because of your power . to join the service campaign, just do something for the people with the intention of the service martyrs and send the number 8 to 39 1023. greetings again to you, dear viewers , at the unveiling ceremony of the support package for technological and knowledge-based exports, the minister of mining industry and trade
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announced the removal of the land obligation for knowledge-based products. it will be communicated, god willing. this resolution is on its way. it was approved in the commission meetings. in the council of ministers, i think that it will follow its own path well and there is no obstacle because the group those present in the government complex are completely in harmony with this issue according to the point of view of the martyred president. various relevant institutions such as the vice-chancellor of science. first, the presidency, such as the ministry of culture , higher education, or the ministry of health, medical education , strongly supported this issue, and other parts of the government , as well, i think that this very important package can help and create a big change in export-oriented knowledge industry of the hajj conference, from the perspective of the leader of the revolution, is the effort of the supreme leader in awareness and if the intention
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is to know what land is better than mecca and what a higher opportunity. from hajj, the elite and educated gathered in the land of revelation to help them understand hajj's capacity and benefits . one of the axes of this meeting is to recognize the benefits and effects of hajj and its capacities in civilization building and strengthening. it was a unity among the muslims of the world. we have been giving a call to pilgrims from a few months ago with the title of hajj and leadership or the perspective of leadership or hajj in the perspective of leadership . we also give 56 chapters and titles with this title. articles can be found in one of the
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selected articles, the capabilities of hajj as a medium for getting to know each other among muslim nations have been examined. hajj it can be a huge media. because all muslims from all over the world come for hajj. then, so that we can get to know each other's opinions and show the power of muslims, we can use this good potential. which is in hajj, let's use it. other writers have discussed the worldly and afterlife benefits of hajj and its effects in strengthening the unity among muslims, as well as the capacities of hajj for civilizing and raising the level of civilization in the islamic society. part of the mecca meeting was dedicated to the issue of acquittal, and scholars discussed the indicators and practical solutions of acquittal. exoneration from the polytheists and exoneration from the enemies, which is emphasized a lot great leader of the revolution. in this year's hajj
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, it is not just a slogan, but we, god willing, must create the groundwork so that this acquittal is reflected in action, and what i have despised today is a practical aspect in the field of medicine for acquittal of the idolaters of the enemies. at the meeting of the elites and intellectuals in makkah, an attempt was made to discuss the index and the method of operationalizing the hajj's capacity for understanding and dialogue between muslim nations and to avoid the manifestations of polytheism in today's world in an elite atmosphere. thank you for your cooperation.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world today, my hosni sadat shabiri i will accompany you in this program for less than an hour. the united nations security council approved the american proposal for a ceasefire in gaza . mr. osama hamdan, one of the senior members of hamas, also said: although this resolution has problems, but because it emphasizes the permanent cessation of war and the withdrawal of the occupiers from gaza, its basic parts are positive. tonight i ask if the security council
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uses its own tools to force the zionist regime to accept the resolution. before the beginning of the conversation, a selection of palestinian images from yesterday's shaban. oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, lord, lord
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saeed is the servant of all the large numbers of sick and injured people who arrive in gaza city and the number of children injured, that is, i am not talking about the large number of injured people , and i am connected to this islamic war, we are trying to help them in the midst of this crowd and in the midst of this difficult situation and the situation of the worst.
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let's go to the case of the world today, as it was mentioned at the beginning of the program, the resolution proposed by the united states to establish a ceasefire in gaza was approved despite the criticism of the members of the security council. the people of gaza have to agree to it. experts of regime failures the zionist in the field was declared as one of the reasons for forcing the us and this regime to accept the resolution and accept the terms of the ceasefire. the ambiguous and non-transparent but
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loud resolution that the united states proposed to the security council as a resolution for an immediate and complete ceasefire in gaza . 14 members of the security council. the hamas resistance movement has been asked to accept the ceasefire. this obvious problem of the resolution was also raised by the permanent representative of russia in this meeting. in this murder letter, an agreement is cited, about which there is no clarity. while
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gaza is a source of hope for israel's accountability for the killings and the implementation of the court's orders, this murder letter we emphasize the international justice about the genocide in gaza. but the representative of the zionist regime clearly announced to the members of the security council. this regime will continue to fight in gaza until its goals are fully realized. after 8 months of continuous killing of the people of gaza by the zionist regime and in the shadow of the support of the us government , the ceasefire resolutions that were vetoed by the us security council and the resolutions that were approved but not implemented
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, now another ceasefire resolution in gaza. it has been approved in the meeting of the security council, but the big question is whether this time the zionist regime will he be under the burden of implementing this resolution or will he violate it again? ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency, new york. regarding the same question that my colleague mr. rajabi asked, i am having a conversation with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, who is a guest of the world program today . i am serving you and the dear viewers of israel, well, never use any of the international organizations and authorities as a reference. they don't accept it unless it is beneficial for them have their own naturally, if this
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resolution has anything to do with netanyahu's government , it can only be of interest to them. considering that it was a very vague resolution. that is , it is not clear exactly which side should do what , what are the steps , what are the events that are going to happen after these steps, probably hamas has a good approach. it will not have a positive effect on him , therefore, naturally , it will not bring anything to netanyahu's government either, because of this, the possibility that he wants to have much effect, it will have an operational effect is very small, especially since the executive guarantee is also no, but finally, it is a positive action because for the umpteenth time the rights of the palestinians and the aggression of the israelis in an international organization. as the famous saying goes, he has proved this right. from this point of view, it is a positive action
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, but an action that will not have much effect in the field . mr. osama hamadan also said the same thing, which is fundamentally and generally positive, but we have disagreements with him. but as soon as the actual cessation of hostilities came , they said that we would talk with them. i saw that mr. abu zahari, a senior member of hamas, also said that we are ready to talk. how do you evaluate hamas' feedback? the reaction that hamas showed , there is no need to take any special action here, and the fact that such a letter was issued in support of the palestinians and the recognition of the rights of the palestinians is itself a political victory, it is considered a victory in the diplomatic arena , but the main action that should what should be done is that after the ceasefire negotiations, not the resolution of the ceasefire negotiations, are done, then each of the parties has obligations, the important thing is that it should be done, and
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in the middle of this, one of these mediators, the united states , is constantly making the atmosphere vague. of course, in such an atmosphere, you cannot reach an honest agreement the issue that happened last week was reached and hamas rejected the offer that was given through the way. therefore , the resistance forces also had to conduct many negotiations with various mediators from germany to the united states to qatar. as far as egypt is concerned , they know how to negotiate and negotiate, so they also know what has operational value and what can only be exploited politically and diplomatically, so they are in line with their own goals. they will deal with each of these cases, and in your opinion, the reaction of the regime so far
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what did the zionists say about this resolution and how do you evaluate these reactions ? there is a lot of reaction in the political body of israel, that is , those who are now in the ruling body , not a very positive reaction. netanyahu , because now it can be said that his hand is under the satur of this religious nation and he can't ignore them , so he also makes very vague and dumb comments. this relationship, however, can be said to be the most positive reaction among the leftists, middle-class people, and people whose families are mainly the families of these prisoners. or the people who are against the war, among these there have been more positive reactions, hamas and the resistance groups are almost showing their agreement
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, the zionist regime is showing its opposition, and it seems that the scene is as if the united states has leaked a resolution that is pro-palestinian. hasst, is there really a difference between america and the zionist regime ? first of all, the difference does not mean a deep gap between the rulers of the united states and israel. the issue is that the united states' perception and analysis is that this procedure that netanyahu is using to manage israel will destroy israel. to regress from this.
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he had prepared and delivered it to the united states, but biden brought it up. this was a sensitive israeli plan, and it is interesting that netanyahu hid this from the national religious parties in israel , and because of this, they criticized him a lot, why did this plan go to israel. we don't show it, let's see what its dimensions are. on the other hand, the behavior of the americans is well known to the axis of resistance. this is always their approach. when they say something in the media about the agreement , they bring up something that creates expectations. be it the desired country or even the international community international, but the principle of the agreement is something else, something else has been mentioned. by doing this, they create awareness among
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the officials of the country that is now a party and among the people. for those people to put pressure on the negotiation team and the delegation to accept this. this happened exactly in this last ceasefire agreement . biden raised something in his speech. he said that israel will stop the war completely. hamas also based on that press conference. he said that our approach is positive because it has this, but when the original text reached the hands of hamas, it is not really this, it means that the argument was raised that we want a ceasefire from israel. establish that the exchange of regrets should be done, but the condition of hamas , which was actually a guarantee and an executive guarantee, was not included in it, because of this, problems arose, and hamas did not accept because it wanted a ceasefire plan to be carried out in this way. this is why the americans usually show this duality in their behavior
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. of course, it is not only the resistance . they do the same thing when negotiating with iran . they do the same thing when negotiating with syria . this is the reason for this. the forces of resistance here are quite real and if biden is in the speech says something and hamas confirms it in the speech , but when i get to the agreement, it is there that the issue of legal burden is found, and well , more attention should be paid to talking about the fact that the resolution does not guarantee implementation, why some resolutions of the security council for in other countries, the guarantee of implementation is a prelude to the start of war and attack, but for the zionist regime, this is not the case, it returns to the same executive arm, that executive arm, when it is under the influence and domination of the westerners, especially the united states, and the united states itself is part of that executive arm, naturally it can he should retire now, legally
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this resolution, which was approved, is the next step that we expect. let's see, what if the two sides , the palestinian side and the israeli side, accept this and reach a ceasefire, but this will not happen because, for example , how should the exchange of prisoners be done, how should the reconstruction of gaza be done? is there any guarantee at all? israel should not attack again. will the humanitarian aid entry be allowed to remain at this level? now the things that the representatives of russia and china are saying are vague. you have mentioned very generally that israel must first reach an agreement, stop the war, and give aid. it should allow the arrival of humanitarian cargoes, but how many cargoes should come from which crossings should they come from? egypt should only come, or these aids should come from the side of the crossings that open towards the occupied territories, none of this and what kind of aid should be
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. the text of the agreement that the recent agreement that biden had had 5 pages of full details , if a resolution with several ambiguous clauses with several ambiguous clauses does not open any knots of this work, by the way, it can happen if accepted it can make the situation more complicated, so i don't expect anything special to happen , however, it seems that because the resistance has the upper hand, he says that it's okay, i will talk and i welcome it, while also welcoming the approval of the resolution. at the same time, it has its own conditions , that is, according to the same five or six conditions that it had since the beginning of the war, not now since the beginning of the war , it welcomes the resolution according to it. this is an important point. our conditions are the same and we will never change them. the conditions are unchanged exactly the israeli side is constantly playing with this, that is , it is changing its conditions regarding humanitarian aid
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, what kind of government will be in gaza after the war. there is no negotiation and he has turned it into a political tool with which he can satisfy his opponents or a little bit. time will take, and in general, i feel that all these discussions lead us to the proposition that america's action is completely ceremonial , that it will not be an operational thing , and it will not have any results, similar to the actions such as the establishment of that wharf that they did on the gaza coast , which did not have anything special for the people of gaza, might even have been effective in helping the israelis, and the similar measures you have taken. it will not be very politically effective. mr. kathirinejad , we want to continue the conversation with you about another issue, which is the lack of military units in the zionist regime's army, but before
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that, let's see a report that the zionist knesset approved the bill proposed by the ruling government to extend the exemption of haredi jews from military service. he became a soldier. this bill was approved while the minister of war the zionist regime opposed it and voted against it. the chief of staff of the army also warned about the lack of military units in response to this bill . the army lacks 15 units to carry out its missions. we are facing a severe shortage of military personnel ready to serve in the israeli army, and the haredi exemption from serving in the army should not be approved. despite this warning from the chief of general staff of the zionist regime
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, out of the population of about 9 million people in the occupied territories , in the conditions of the war in gaza, after the haredi leaders had threatened a member of netanyahu's cabinet if the exemption from the coalition was not extended.
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what do i prefer, the palestinians kill them or become secular? in our opinion, secularization is worse than dying. considering that the army is the center of secular culture, we will not join the army. a jewish rabbi has also threatened that he and his followers will emigrate from israel if military service is made mandatory. the approval of the bill to exempt the haredi from military service is of any motive, although it may be able to temporarily netanyahu's cabinet. save it from falling, but more than before , it revealed the severe crisis of manpower in the army of the israeli regime, which is now linked to the religious and ideological crisis.
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eaten mojtwa shah soni of radio and television news agency , the exemption of haredi jews from military service and the issue of the lack of military personnel in the zionist army, and mr. kathirnejad, who is still our guest , can we open this issue of haredi jews a little, why are they exempted from military service and now there is an objection to this issue . see, in israeli society, it can be said that there are at least three types of religious people. one is the same range of purchases, which you bought is correct, that is, you bought it wisely and hardy, both are correct, but the rest of the pronunciations are not correct. these are because of the basics, firstly, strictly adhere to to torah teachings, the next category is the religious nationals, who are a little less committed, but what is important is their commitment to zionism
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, the cause of zionism, if it is worth it. they don't have a very good relationship with zionists, that is, we can say that almost half of the population in israel are anti-zionists, and the other half are not zionists, but have come to terms with zionism, and the third religious spectrum is people who are called masoruti or traditionalists. as long as they adhere to their religion, these people consider military service as haram based on their religious teachings. sir's service they consider it haram. according to their teachings , there are verses in the bible that almost all jewish scholars judge that our understanding is that god made a covenant with the jewish people and other nations of the world that the jewish people would not unite against other nations of the world. collectively , don't immigrate to palestine, the land of palestine, and don't build a country. on the other hand, other people of the world
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shouldn't enslave them. this is the reason why , basically, they consider zionism to be a violation of this divine covenant, and then they consider participating in military service as an example that we united together against other nations. the world and the authorities of the zionist regime accepted this condition, yes, from the beginning of the establishment of israel , they did not show happiness. service you are an exempted soldier, of course, you can say that there are a few units in the israeli army that voluntarily bring in the purchases, but now, since 1948, every few years , this exemption has been approved and extended. we could have this crisis every few years again, they are doing demonstrations, but now the dimensions are much bigger because if
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there is any doubt. there was the fact that serving in the military may not violate that covenant , but now that it is in a war situation, it is quite clear that it is a violation of that covenant, so they consider it a haram ruling, while the khordis believe that their only duty is to learn the torah and even work. they consider it haram, they also consider it haram to make money, mr. kesin nejad, let's make it clear that kharidi is the hebrew pronunciation of this group and haridi is the pronunciation that is spoken in farsi now.
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one of the most important gaps is the gap between purchases or it's the same for hardy and other sectors, it will definitely intensify, especially in the current war situation , families are saying that our children are going to gaza or now, it doesn't matter if they were killed there in the north, in the west bank. but these are exempt and they are constantly getting points from the government, even if it wasn't for getting points, maybe their society could be calmed down a bit, but that's not the case. it is that there is no discrimination between who to send for soldiers, but now there is a feeling that


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