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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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in the wake of the developments in gaza, the number of widespread violations of children's rights in the occupied palestinian territories has increased by 155. based on this, 7,837 cases of human rights violations against 4,247 palestinian children have been recorded in the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem, all of which are caused by the army and the israeli occupation forces. the zionists we are going to talk about this issue, but before we start the conversation , we say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel one , and we invite you to follow this conversation with us on khabar .
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well, as i said in the introduction of the program to serve you, dear viewers, we intend to the action of the united nations in placing the title of the zionist regime in the black list of children's rights violations in armed conflicts and the developments in the field these days in the occupied territories, let's talk in the studio at the service of mr. dr. haji, an expert on the issues, but before we start the conversation with our dear guests let's prepare the report plan together with colleagues. we are at your service. the children of gaza always have a smile on their faces despite all the suffering and hardships. their beautiful faces are imprinted in the minds of everyone who sees them. anas al-tallouli and his brother
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are an example of anas and his brother suffering from racism it is caused by a severe lack of calcium, but the aggression and crimes of the occupying regime and the siege and brutal attacks on the health and treatment department and the hospital, closing the crossing and preventing the entry of medicine and food have added to anas's suffering. these children need medical attention, but there are no hospitals here. war has destroyed hospitals .
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they live in this school, which has been turned into a refugee settlement center. his family wants international organizations to pay attention to their situation. but are those who have not been able to restrain this life aggressor to will anas and his family listen? mr. dr. haji, an expert. west asian issues, greetings , good time and welcome to your service in the name of god , to your excellency and colleagues, as well as to the viewers of this program. putting the name of the zionist regime in the black list of children's rights violations in armed conflicts, we want to analyze its dimensions. first of all
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, how do you evaluate its importance? see that the secretary general of the united nations has been working for the past few days the pressure of public opinion, as well as the initiative of some arab african countries, as well as the active diplomacy of the islamic republic of iran and other countries of the islamic world , as well as the events that were very pleasant for the human community happened within the american society , and that student movement against zionism and oppression. he was a jew. all these pressures made the secretary general of the united nations
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take into consideration the point that you have mentioned in an impressive and forward-looking action. the united nations asked the countries of the islamic world and all the countries of the world they had to respond to their own legal pressures and their own diplomacy against the historical and unparalleled zionist atrocities in gaza , so these points made the united states of america also interested. in spite of their own will, and in the face of submission and coercion, for the past few days , he explained the draft resolution among the members of the security council , which
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, if you remember, china and russia vetoed the draft resolution and did not allow it to be approved. but yesterday, some amendments were made in resolution 227 35. and this is almost with the consensus of all members, that is, 15 votes giving a positive is different from the quantity, mr. doctor. yes , how important is it now? well, look at this, i am analyzing it exactly now . let's look back 3 months, mr. seifi, and see what happened and why the united states passed resolution 27-35. former america. he writes and explains and now 15 member countries of the security council defend this and the public opinion of the world also defends this issue
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. now, what is the reason for the past 3 months, 4 months, so far, 3 resolutions just for the ceasefire and humanitarian aid, some countries, including algeria and other countries, were brought to approve at least a temporary ceasefire , but what did the united states of america do with those resolutions ? the resistance became more widespread, as well as the resistance of the people and the global scandal of israel and the united states increased day by day, and the power of resistance was reduced by the same attacks that hezbollah launched about 200 rockets today, in addition to the attacks of hezbollah in lebanon from the north , as well as the resistance of the people themselves and the intransigence
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of the complex. these regional events are field diplomacy if we consider the world and the world, we see that the united states, out of compassion , has not come to issue this resolution to be agreed upon by the parties. done, this is the place for questions, and i will answer these questions. one is that for the united states of america, mr. seifi, the essence of israel's existence is the preservation of israel. no, netanyahu means israel minus netanyahu or plus netanyahu, there is a difference for him. any country that tries, the existence of israel means any government that israel should try to preserve the existence of israel and
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less damage to the global legitimacy of the united states. the united states of america is the defender of that state, so it is necessary to build a state for the overthrow of the state. america felt threatened in this situation, it really saw that until yesterday , netanyahu was its strategic partner, but today, minus netanyahu, what can he do to preserve the existence of israel, that's why people who were in the war cabinet were present, like bani bani gandes , who from two days ago he resigned in the past, now because of huge differences and. the broad that he had with netanyahu, of course, with the green light of the united states america, in my opinion, america has a calculated and managed engineering that this war of dignity that has happened for the last 8 months, i always say that this war
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is a war of dignity, i mean the last war, and a war of dignity and reputation, which means that the fight for survival is the winner of every the winner of the war is permanent, the loser of this war is buried in the history of their own territory , that is why the united states of america has felt that israel is on the verge of absolute collapse, that is , the existence and absence of israel is now being discussed , it was forced to surrender and save itself, not mr. netanyahu to save the zionist regime israel needs him to move the playing field in the direction he won. that is
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, it was accompanied and pardoned by america, and it was a demonstration and now a so-called tactical action in order to be able to reduce the pressure of public opinion against america and the zionist regime. therefore, this domination of america continues more or less , unfortunately, it means that the dirty, corrupt and dirty policies of the united states are currently ruling in the legal system, unless there is pressure behind it. the history of human wars. we have an element called the element of war, they say war for peace, pay attention, they say
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fight for negotiation, fight for peace, but this is different. let's talk about what factors caused us to talk now, apart from the debates that were involved in reducing the pressure on america and the zionist regime, what other factors were involved, such as public opinion , but allow us to communicate with mr. dr. seyed hadi seyed oghahi, an expert on issues west asia, let's hear their explanations. mr. doctor, hello, good time. i am at your service, dear guest . greetings and respect. greetings to you, dr. seyed afghani. well, are you aware of the action that the united nations took for the first time and the zionist regime
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blacklisted. he added that the violations of children's rights in armed conflicts had many dimensions and many reflections in the world's media. in your opinion , how much public opinion was involved in this decision of the united nations, such as the protests of american students and now other western countries. mr. doctor, you received my voice, then it was disconnected do you understand my question, mr. doctor, or should i ask it again , mr. doctor? how public opinion and especially student protests in america, western countries and
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other countries against the zionist regime have been effective in this action and the decision of the united nations. well, it is internet connection and unfortunately mr. dr. saeed afqaei. in the history of wars, they say, be the attacker of alcohol for peace or be the defender of alcohol for my peace. the point you asked mr. oghahi was also asked of me first. here i am. i will discuss more i argue more legitimately. look at hamas, the oppressed people
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of palestine, since the last 8 months in the al-aqsa storm operation, the legitimacy of the attacker is the legitimacy of the attacker against someone who was an illegitimate attacker, that is, he came illegitimately and usurped the palestinian lands, after that israel committed a crime. together, of course. the united states of america and the help of europe. yes, then i became a legitimate defender here, that is, for 8 years , no one really imagined that the people of gaza, without a head, without shelter, and without the least humanitarian aid, which closed the borders to israel, would resist and seek refuge in the other lands, for example, to egypt there in addition to the fact that the operation you mentioned in northern
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lebanon was a serious danger to israel, the united states of america understood this. he put all these puzzles together, along with legal issues, military issues , security issues, and these issues of the world community that the prophet mentioned for the holy day of that world community, which caused the students to repeat the scene and story of vietnam once again, america saw that if not really if this indestructible attacker. he was himself, and in the same way, israel was a usurper, so don't stop here somehow the principle of existence and identity israel is in the air, so this made america come to the negotiating table and write a draft resolution, so we have to accept the principle that sometimes the power of force and the logic
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of force works for those whose logic is strong . let's talk about the decision or action of the united nations , what do you think the effects of this action will be on the zionist regime? now, or in specific terms , what are the legal and political implications of this action for the zionist regime ? and the lack of minimum legitimacy of netanyahu's government let me break this down, the united states of america and mr. biden on the eve of the presidential election
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would like to attract a part of the jewish and zionist votes to you, and let's remember that netanyahu is not only israel for the united states, but only the likud party of israel, which is headed by qasim. netanyahu's ruling fault is that he is not the whole of israel, but now the left-wing trend is against turkey, and wrong policies. mr. netanyahu's war over the security issue will cause the political faults that are now in the government of israel's politically hated society to split. it shows signals and signs that mr.
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biden is calm and gentle with a gentleness. they are trying to take care of mr. netanyahu without trial, put aside the legal regimes of the world, why if the crime of netanyahu and israel continues, the international court in the hague, based on the principle of the pressure that public opinion has on consciences, and the united states and the western countries, especially the european union, which has a lot to say, which i will say here , surrender these things to save israel, so why do this because sooner or later america will it could not be the undisputed power of the political world
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. if they allowed that israel's crime was more than the previous days, if israel or netanyahu went, he would be condemned at the international criminal court in the hague . let me answer you. two: netanyahu's condemnation for the crime against humanity of mr. seifi's installation
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, pay attention here? this condemnation of israel is not just netanyahu's. it is here that damages and harmful effects are legal. does not have and the loss of israel was coming, so these reasons made america come to the field and give an alarm to netanyahu to slowly leave the power and hold early elections in the occupied territories and netanyahu to decide on america, at least within the rule of the system. therefore, the political legitimacy of mr. netanyahu with these events that happened
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was based on the faults of the earthquake. now, in my opinion, the earthquake has turned it into ruins, considering that three or four members of the war cabinet have left the cabinet and can exert pressure on the parliament and netanyahu in general are their own coalition break it and put it aside with the green light of america, which is ensuring america's interests now, because here the political legitimacy and legal legitimacy within the israeli political society was also on the decline. if netanyahu's government falls in some way, now i say from the americans' language that it is honorable to put it aside and move towards the project that has been defined for discussion
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, that is, you believe that this action of the united nations is a way to bypass netanyahu. in the long run, you can see it netanyahu passing through israel. yes, yes, i believe that moving on from netanyahu means moving on from netanyahu. netanyahu now has an ugly face and hatred has become a negative face both within and within the jewish community and the rabbis themselves , because of the wrong policies that mr. benigant says that you should be tried, he says that you should be a court, what does he say that you should be a committee, how much did you miss when al-aqsa storm came and stormed the honor of israel
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? please pay attention. because of this, i think that netanyahu's expiration date has expired both for america and for the political society within the structure of israel's dictatorial regime , and for america. it's over, all right. mr. dr. saeed ofghari, an expert on west asian issues i am at your service again. i am at your service again . greetings to you, mr. doctor. well , fortunately, communication has been established. please tell me about the importance of the action of the united nations, which for the first time added the zionist regime to the black list of children's rights violations in armed conflicts. mr. haji believes that due to the fact that the situation was going towards a crisis anyway and it was possible to try the zionist regime in international courts, the americans
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tried to reduce the pressure of public opinion with this measure. while you give your opinion to why did the us agree to such a decision and what kind of consequences do you think it will have for the zionist regime? mr. dr. saeed oghahi, you have my voice, your voice has been interrupted, mr. seifi, please tell me, in your opinion, what is the importance of this decision of the united nations and what implications does it have for the zionist regime. well, unfortunately , it seems that there is no chance for us to be with mr. dr. seyed afgari today. well, mr. haji, let's skip this
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issue and go to the ceasefire, maybe. the united nations security has approved the us proposal regarding the ceasefire and amas has also said that although this resolution has problems, it is generally positive because it is based on a permanent ceasefire. the war and the withdrawal of the occupiers from gaza is emphasized. now there are many questions and ambiguities in this regard. what happened in this regard, that america came to such a decision? well, for the same reasons that i said, america had come to the conclusion that a ceasefire has been reached. the exchange of prisoners happened, but the resolution that sees the situation as very critical for the zionist regime, yes, see the implication that yesterday's resolution 35-27 has some substantive differences with other resolutions, the same resolution that was drafted last week by china and the russians. facing you , what did that resolution say and what does this one say? first of all let's say a few paragraphs about it, then
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we will mention its implications. that resolution said that mr. city's truce would be an immediate exchange of prisoners. he said, "well, what does that mean , a truce should take place for a week and 10 days, and the exchange of prisoners would take place day after day, day after day, which means that both china and the presidents had read the illegitimate handwriting of america." it was and hamas had read it. china wouldn't do it to you, russia wouldn't do it to you, hamas wouldn't go under this burden, islamic jihad and hezbollah, the lebanese resistance front wouldn't go under the burden of this, they make their own independent decisions, so saying no first to a ceasefire, then the negotiation process, the opening of ways to help means that seven crossings should be opened so that humanitarian aid
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can flow. the oppressed palestinian people surrounded in gaza should breathe a sigh of relief, besides, it is very important that israel, the usurper of its child, withdraw from gaza. in our resolution, they said something else before . let's sit back in three stages, but now this has been corrected so that israel, the israeli army, after the ceasefire , the process of providing aid will be done, the borders will be opened , and after that, they will sit on the provisions of these issues in egypt or any country that has been helping for years. in the past if you have been in egypt or qatar, please help. and
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define more processes. in my opinion, in my opinion, this means deceiving the united states of america , that is, the scenario of deception before, or it means buying an opportunity for netanyahu to come back to power, continue that crime, in my opinion , this is a failure. there is no room for discussion. of course, in the world of politics, anything is possible, the united states of america may also have a fraudulent scenario, but now rational and logical reasons dictate that we consider this in distant borders . the spokesperson and some of their generals said that america
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is for themselves. the security council has passed resolution 27-35 for itself. we will continue the war, but i think that this bluff is more psychological about the reaction of the zionist regime . yes, the zionist regime, but in general, the question now is whether the americans are now a tool of the security council in the course of the united nations. there are things that can force the zionist regime to agree to this resolution, see the tools that are too many, if this for example, under the sixth charter, not only under the sixth charter, mr. seifi did not fight in these 8 months, but also to strengthen the united kingdom, america gave one-ton missiles , the united states and the european union are actually partners in crime in their own genocide. today the
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european union issued a statement.


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