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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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as you mentioned , let's look at two issues here. for economic growth , productivity is one of the issues. one part is related to investment. i think productivity is more important than investment. why am i saying this? that's why. that we have opportunities in productivity that i am explaining now, we can actually take advantage of those opportunities. our investment should also take shape and move. that is why article 111 of the law of our program is focused on productivity. when we talk about productivity, we are talking about what we are talking about . we should have scientific and specialized subjects in the program in this department. another point is a management point , so we have come to work for this purpose
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. we should tell all the indicators in all the sectors, the health and health of agriculture , the industry, follow these productivity indicators everywhere. we made the role of the national and the provinces completely clear , what tasks are to be performed , we took into account the relative disadvantages in this program and our anti-concentration now when we say the division of work between the national provinces. so , it means that we divided a national task into provinces , we gave more powers to the provinces , did you decentralize in this program or in other words if i want to look at it from a different angle , we made a difference between commissioning and contracting . all of them indicate that part of the elements
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that you want to do in the field of productivity . you now know that in some countries, which i don't want to name, there is an average growth of 9% over the course of a decade. these are 50% of this 9% growth, that is, 4.5 % of it is taken from productivity. two seven tenths in growth 8. show, in fact, we put it for productivity, but in interest we must pay attention to this, that is, now you are an example of the motivation of the forces that work in this public sector system, our work behavior , our work culture, their motivation is one of the problems that exist now, and it is really a real problem. go and look at your government departments. you will see that two out of two iranian citizens
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are working there in one room. maybe one person spends more time due to higher education and higher expertise, but because, for example, it is an hourly contract . he is less , he has no job security, another one because he came anyway this system has been formalized, our problem in area b has been formalized and he feels that he has job security and their separation may not have the necessary motivation to work. well, in the 11th parliament, of course , we thought of these as solutions. the important point in productivity is how to manage government interventions in this sector. look at what happens when we say that productivity has an effect on investment, here it is. let me give an example. now khodro govt, the share of the government
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in khodro in iran khodro is about 7:7. but you look at this 7. the government has 100 policy making, decision making, pricing is doing this. what is the result? you go to see how much is the remaining debt there? you look after today , he will have to interfere in the pricing, he interfered, then he has to pay the rent there and the government will reimburse his expenses, if there are 7 there, if it has 5 board of directors , if it has 20% of cement, they will give him a site with 7 for there. the board of directors changes , the ceo changes, and what does he do with the money of the government sector and public interests. what
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do we produce? the unhappy government left the debt there the unhappy private sector is seeing the loss, and the producer and the industrial sector of our people are suffering from this. the same issue is right here where the government should go and have precise interventions, do its duty properly , in the area of ​​people like you, come and see what the government is doing now in the field of energy. 50% of our energy, when it is extracted and comes before it is consumed, we waste 50% of it here at the very beginning
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, what does it mean? these burner gases that we burn are all gases that are valuable and precious. and they have a lot of added value. a part of this can be smuggled. so, look, productivity is here , it means we have the capital that we need to bring , to turn the property into wealth and not be a problem for others , this cannot be done here. in fact , let me tell you this way, what is it like in the house we are living in? our water consumption pipe has found a leak in the meter and it is in order. how many cubic meters of water goes out of it a day? hey, we are pressured at home . we tell the lady, sir, use less water. consume less, let the family consume in the house of the father of the family. there is a solution to the situation of this leaky pipe
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. we have this amount of energy, which is all our property and wealth, which can fix this transformation in rost 88. we don't do it. i tell you, this problem is exactly in mining, this problem is exactly in the field of petrochemicals. we produce only seven and a half percent of the 9 million barrels of oil and gas that we have in the country . this is almost 20 billion. now, i will say it at the next opportunity in the next meetings, so take a look. when we are talking about bahrbi, a pardon for the government's stupidity, a pardon for this process that we need to correct that we don't pay attention to, how far are the problems in this mine , at most now, with the efforts that
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have been made in the parliament in the last two years, the government's share of the mines is about six or seven. it has been done, now with a careful control, it is about 44 hemat and 44 hemat . i mean , i have taken advantage of many of these places, i believe that we should follow these opportunities properly, let's move forward. look at this housing in your housing. in the seventh program, you know that we have a permanent law of production. we have produced the housing development plan , that is, we have produced the housing law for the production of housing during the program, which is now in the program
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. so, where is the most important part of the government ? ashley, do you understand the greatness of this productivity? it means that all mehr housing has 9,000 hectares of land . there is one million hectares of land here in this land bank . we decided
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to allocate 100 percent of the total area of ​​the country, which can be 30 hectares, to the land, which can be used, that is, once. we take the price of land as an example, so if we say that our effort is to achieve economic stability, it means that we carefully follow this productivity in the field of housing. therefore, talking about 88 economic growth means that we we follow about 3% of these 88 with efficiency. all these points that i have told you create a capacity for us to be able to use these optimally and get that investment in the field of capital. let's bring it and we can continue the work. mr. dr. qalibaf, now that you mentioned housing
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, you mentioned a plan and a goal setting in your respective government, but based on the seventh plan , i will now read the index of access to housing based on the fact that by the end of the program, it should reach seven and a half years. while defining the access index that refers to it takes years to reach home and housing. what exactly is your plan to achieve this goal? now, since you mentioned land and housing , let me ask this as well. then i will go to the other goals of the program. in the field of housing, we saw it in the program. look, we have to go to the direction that if this index that we said, if one of our workers , one of our employees, someone who has income
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, spends all of his income on housing, it should be seven and a half. year of all his income to be able to provide housing, this is the index that we are moving in this direction, and now this index in the country is approximately 13, i think. this is 14 years old, which means that in fact we have to reduce it by half. naturally, this is where we have to finish the housing a little cheaper, so it is here that we use the land properly in terms of productivity. this one million hectares that i said is an affordable part his attention is on the lands that are now inside the boundaries of the city and the village and have fallen and are not using this capacity. optimum use means that productivity is here that does its job and in
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in the plan, we predicted that we will grow at least 15% in the field of industrialization. in industrialization , it reduces costs , increases energy consumption and safety, increases the speed of construction, and increases the land . these will help us in housing, god willing . we will do this with the three laws that are in the permanent laws, but please , i wanted to continue the discussion in 2018. economic growth is one of the serious issues we mentioned in the seventh program and in the inflation that exists, the issue of reforming the banking system is the first thing we did, we
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passed the central bank law after five and 50 years. it is the third or fifth month of six months . it means that the new law of the central bank has come into force. now , the reform of the banking system is one of our issues in the country. what is the disharmony of the banks? this is what happened to the banking institutions. there is so much damage to the people and the loss of lives. where did the food come from ? the central bank used to control us. we had defects in the law. today, the central bank has the necessary power and the ruling has come there, and all the judicial courts in the first district and the secondary district have reviewed it and in all
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stages of the special branches in even the big cities of the center, only the cases they are taking care of the bank so that we can prevent the failure, which is the growth of liquidity. one of the other important things that we have to do in reforming the banking system is for capital. let's determine the task and determine this interest corridor rate. if today's interest is unfortunately 30% in some other decisions. for some projects, the real price of which is completed is 36 37. in your opinion, if the interest rate is this , will production take place in the country, never in production, even in the capital market, does anyone benefit from 36 capital today in the capital market?
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economic growth is not sustainable at all, or we are right in the field of payment of repairs, especially for the production field, we say there is a problem with the growth of liquidity , which is a problem, but if the flow of liquidity is qualitatively towards production and targeted , we will not have liquidity problems, these are some points. that we should follow or make leverage means you look now let's face it, we have many problems for economic growth. one of the points that i said in mining, petrochemicals , energy, we are wasting our capital , what are we doing from this side , we don't have investment security for the private sector, we should definitely set this in the plan, fixed assets with banks they are doing
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this, they only have two and a half years, then they will be taken from the banks . we are really leveraging the resources that are available for production for production and construction works . tehran municipality, with this growth, we were able to build 200 kilometers of metro rail in tehran and carry out the metro renovation, all these metro stations that you know, now you have no complaints. there was no cooperation with the municipality. i did not go to a meeting of the government. a meeting was not held to solve the problems of the municipality. where did i get this from leveraging the capacities of the municipality itself? let's make it, let's use it
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so that we can find the 5% growth that should be found let's see, we are chains. what did we do in article 27, clause a? what are our friends in the social security of production centers saying about the social security sector when it comes to something that will take away something for us ? we have come here in the field of insurance , we have foreseen an independent institution in the plan for the insurance litigation field, which will not put pressure on the producer and the entrepreneur in the tax field . similarly, in the tax field, the government sector body will determine the task here. also a we created the proceedings, so look, we tried to be able
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to create this field for the security of investment and move forward , for example, if we put these in production , put them in the basement, then it is not necessary to come and control the prices by order. we will dictate the price when we come. if the government wants to intervene , the intervention should be where it tries to control the finished price in the production cycle, not to go to the banking sector and give a profit of over 30%, but our producer should take all the trouble. 10 12 is not profitable , then because it is not profitable, the finished price is high we want to get the price order . there is a problem with the wheel. according to these friends , it's like a bee on a bicycle who has a problem with the rotation, the chain comes out of the wheel
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, then he takes it off or takes the rotation in his hand. it's going to go away, no, you shouldn't do this, put this bee wheel chain and the chain back in its place, you can pedal twice, we have to fix the production chain , we have to fix the capital market, when the government intervenes in the market capital takes money from large companies, naturally, the market how does the capital want to attract capital from small capitals, what will be the result, the result will be that the private sector will not come, the security of the capital will not come, capital funds and peru fund. they are not formed because they do not benefit from the existing inflation , so we are sure that in the 7th plan
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, these are precisely planned and have the ability to be implemented. production for the capital market , we will reform the country's monetary system, god willing, and we will definitely report the progress of the program to the people in each season. god willing, we will be. mr. dr. ghalib , you mentioned about taxes. now the seventh plan is aimed at increasing the ratio of tax revenue to gdp by about 10 percent . in order to achieve this, the issue of fighting tax evasion is raised. smartening is brought up, the issue of fairness of the tax system is very prominent, and let me see what your solution will be for this issue in the future government? look
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, in the field of taxation, all our efforts are to make it system-oriented . unfortunately, the law was implemented for years, that is, thought. they have been doing this for more than a decade. this is a backlog in taxes. this is part of our problem. second , we have a lot of tax evasion. we sometimes have this number of figures. from less than, for example, 10,000 taxpayers who have tax evasion, who have no tax history, sometimes, if we look at this tax evasion in intelligence, at least many of them, that is, about
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4 to 5 million people from our area of ​​about 9 million people. 12 million tax stomach people we have about 9 million people following the arrival of their folders and these are about 5 million people. when they enter their information, they can not be taxed at all, and we have set a ceiling for their tax exemption, so if we want to increase the tax bases in the program, it is not that we have given tax exemptions to the producers in many places. for many people , financial exemption, tax exemption means zero rate. that is, they report, but they are not taxed. this is one of the definite policies of the program, but you saw that we recently implemented income tax.
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this income tax includes less than 1% of the people , does it include those who play pretend , those who actually buy and sell 500 to 500 cars, those who are in reality merciless with their relationship and rent and in this market now, if we want to discuss it later , we are controlling them so that we can do this in the field of taxation, and pressure on the producer, pressure on the people, and pressure on the small-scale people will never come . the discussion of single-digit inflation and, of course, the interest rate is one of the topics that i am currently talking about. in a if there is a chance, i will explain it to you . i think we will have about 67 minutes until the end of tonight's special news discussion, because it is about intelligentization, it is an electronic discussion, and of course, the important issue
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is the realization of electronic government, which is seen in the seventh program and in the general policies of this program. let's go to the issue of transformation in the administrative system and the reform of the structure based on the general policies of the administrative system. here is just one point, so if we want to go there, look here . the price and discussion about the exchange rate is one of our topics in the program, we paid attention to the fact that we will try to maintain the purchasing power of the household. we predicted in the program that those who
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have the minimum salary, you know, this year the minimum salary became the minimum salary. there is an increase in inflation, these are those who have the minimum salary, let 's raise them to this level, because they are really going below the poverty line, in absolute poverty, sometimes, well, you have to pay attention to this, so that it is considered, and most importantly , one of the discussions that now there is a discussion about the land price, so what about the land price? it happens in fact the width rate we have to say that when our country's inflation is in line with the global inflation, the greater the gap, the more the value of our national currency decreases. what happens when the value of our national currency decreases, anyone? he is trying to go and buy gold
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, something that he feels will not lose its value, he will cause problems in this market two times, or because people will actually follow this damage, or because this currency is unfortunately out of the country. these are the points that we should pay attention to, that when we say another tax, it means your tax here we have gold. to actually maintain the value of the national currency, this means that it is inflation control that can help us by correcting the imbalances that i mentioned . we have 1 minute and 30 seconds. and 30 seconds, and look at your final summary
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. you saw that we saw the same score related to 110 at that time. both productivity and intelligentization advance the quality of work. in tehran municipality, we have more than 200 systems for this work. you saw the intelligentization. now you have seen in the parliament and we are insisting that intelligentization , intelligentization will lead to savings , intelligentization will help us to increase productivity and investment. our program also has an article for foreign nationals, which is article 86 of the program. there , for one thing, our eastern borders are fully budgeted, and the complete blocking of people who are not allowed inside is definitely foreseen in this law. and the people who
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are allowed here. well, naturally, these can help let them stop here, of course, they can also go to the field, because right now, employment is one of our topics. this is also planned . now, in the next opportunities, i will explain this too, god willing. thank you very much, mr. dr. qalibaf, for your presence in the studio. i will say goodbye to you for answering our questions and thank you very much for being with me in tonight's special interview mr. dr. mohammad baqer. ghalibaf, one of the six candidates of the 14th presidential election, was our guest. thank you for accompanying us. good night and god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers, with some news with us. be. on the third day of radio and television advertisements for the presidential election candidates, 3 of the candidates appeared in the national media and presented their views and explained their plans. at 17:30, mr. alireza zakani broadcasts his programs for 45 minutes on the first page of the khabar network


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