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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

7:30 pm
o servant of all the great numbers of my patients and the injured people who pray to me in gaza city, and for all my injured people. i mean, i don't talk about the large number of injuries in the middle of this islamic army, which is trying to the crew, in the middle of this crowd and in the middle of this difficult situation, and in the middle of this difficult situation, and the situation of al-aqsa , and
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the beginning of the golden wheat harvest in semnan province . for several days, the farmers of semnan province have been harvesting wheat. how many hectares of wheat did you plant this year? 6 tar wheat mr. dos mohammadi is one of the wheat farmers of the province who managed to cultivate more than 40 hectares of his agricultural land under wheat cultivation this year. there are probably four of us. 4 per hectare per hectare yes yes how long will the harvest be completed? it will probably be finished in 10 days, god willing. so far, from 7 thousand hectares of wheat.
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the markets of semlan province have harvested more than 29,000 tons of wheat. i am a combine driver. i start working from 6 am to 12 pm . i harvest 15 to 18 hectares of wheat a day. how was this year's wheat harvest? and this harvesting is being done by the harvesters that are active in the city, whether they are local or coming from other places in semnan province, 31 centers are in charge of buying wheat from farmers. where did you get the wheat from? from avesta how many themes? there are 14 themes. 5 volumes. where did you get it from? from mahmudabad. how many times do you bring it for delivery? the fourth time he had planted some hectares of wheat this year. 5 hectares. 5 hectares. how much do we expect? approximately 4 tons per hectare. this year, according to the amount of precipitation, the forecast of production. there are about 116 thousand tons of wheat in the province and
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it is expected that about 85 thousand tons of wheat will be bought from farmers. 32 shopping centers are planned in the province and necessary preparation for maximum shopping the farmers in the province are ready for the abundant wheat. so far, 10 shopping centers have been activated and so far we have bought 21,500 tons worth of 376 billion tomans of wheat from azaz farmers. wheat cultivars of gohran, sivand, talai, pishtaz and argen provinces. more than 32,000 hectares of dry and irrigated lands of semnan province have been cultivated with wheat and it is expected that wheat harvesting will continue until the end of august. hamedi, sed and sima news agency, semnan. the gardeners
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of zikoh city fill the baskets of farmers with sweet and juicy apricots these days and warm their hearts. the best harvested apricots are offered to our dear compatriots, sweet and delicious, red lips and good quality. most of the apricots produced in zirkekwe are from the local varieties of shahroodi. this is shahroodi. it starts with trees, the next trees are parsley. some models are different, the so-called haj apricot. hasan or apricot, which will be harvested in 20 days and 25 days, is the result of the efforts of these gardeners, a basket full of sugar, yellow and orange fruits, which also fills the fruit baskets of other compatriots. this time , god willing, tomorrow morning, it will be in birjan bar square, other than birjan, it will be in taybad khaf, mashhad, smart level. apricots are 40 hectares in zir kouh city, 80
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% of which are located in shaskko district, and it is expected that 240 tons of apricots will be harvested, which is a 20% decrease compared to last year. it is the best product that worked here. both in terms of quality and quantity, sardaloo has many therapeutic properties, including improving the health of the cardiovascular system, improving the health of the digestive system, improving the health of bones and this year's spring, in addition to the fact that the cold and frosts of march did not reduce the amount of production a little, it has caused a problem in the market suitable for farmers. this year's products are less affected by frost compared to last year it is less than last year, but the price is good. it's better, but unfortunately they don't have a place to sell it. most of the brokers benefit from the hard work of the farmers because this product is produced in fertile plains with fresh water. it is very tasty, juicy and unique
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. it started at the beginning of june and due to the variety of weather, it continues until the end of july , jafar droger khabar. zirkoh baram radio broadcasting for anna allah and anna alyeh rajjoun khadim al-reza, the servant of the president of iran, ayatollah dr. seyed ebrahim. after the loss of this dear, i saw almost all the newspapers i saw all the media in the virtual space, different people from different streams, all
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talking about his services and his day and night efforts, praising him , complimenting him, my heart was burning, my heart was burning, my heart was burning , my heart was burning. i feel for the resistor. during his lifetime, they were not ready to say a word of these words. during his lifetime , they saw these protrusions, but they wrote them down, rather they said the opposite, they insulted him. don't get tired of all this slandering and insulting. you
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are in the presence of god before anyone else. if people's problems are solved by insulting me. can it be our fault in the presence of god? we are bothering him. of course, he often did not answer, but sometimes he came to me and complained. i didn't answer. i liked it. may almighty god increase the ranks of this dear and respected man.
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from the moment he took the qur'an in his hand and under his protection at the united nations until the time he continued to visit bam areas in the crowd of the people of kruchan village in a sandstorm: peace be upon ali muhammad and in all his travels , there are souvenirs in the cameras. the recorders of history were left behind, which is different now. it is worth paying attention to these photos that he was on the ground and in the square with people , and he was looking around iran, even among the people of kapar. he left his bodyguards to prevent people from reaching him , he didn't see them, he heard their words, he responded to their kindness
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, he visited the barracks to the factory of this symbiosis. and the frames of an earthen president , some of them have become an anthology and a source of inspiration for artists, so that they can be briefly and vividly reviewed as the martyr of the president. who was he and what did he do? they were always and everywhere in the mud, in the water, in the cold. i was the last one , because i was closer to god , and they left me. there is comfort in being in this guise and in this responsibility and the comfort of not seeing.
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zahra chekhmoghi of sed and cima news agency. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, light on the light.
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in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god, light upon light.
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god is the witness of the highest hajjah of god, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you.
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god bless you, god bless you.
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if there was going to be a fight with the group of hypocrites from sepideh the victory of the revolution began, was it so successful ? that day when they have a history of struggles and sacrifices of their first leaders and
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their prisons and their slogans. if they were attacked and purged from the first day with the same history with the same backpack, would it be possible, would the people accept it, or would it be necessary for them to come and say , take a stand, compromise, let time pass by them, and we will see from one side. with qasim lu on one side, with bani sadr on the other side, with fedayan khalq and kammele, etc. , etc., and then the faces would be clear, so that the people would know their way, time had to pass before hypocrisy.
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let the leaves of taqid be lit. it was the scorching summer of 1960, when a year had passed since the invasion of iran by iraq and the islamic revolution was three years old. now , the revolutionaries had been fighting on two fronts for a long time , on the borders with the baathist invaders and inside with the infiltrators of abolhassan bani sadr. the first president after the revolution took the path of conflict with imam's people and revolutionary forces. it was his first appearance regarding the election of the prime minister, which caused a problem
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. a representative should be introduced. the parliament believed that this was not necessary and almost believed that the imams would not do this, which was practically the same until it was agreed with the proposal of the parliament to appoint mohammad ali rajaee as prime minister. it was discussed , i said that it is really difficult for them to work. it is not difficult and our society can govern as it has revolutionized, it can govern as it has destroyed, it can build. from the exchange of ideas and getting to the two people who are qualified and the ranking in their qualifications, and in
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the same meeting, we reached an agreement that mr. rajaei is placed in the top rank among these two or three people. our opinion was this. we also came and presented to the parliament, and in that parliament , the honorable vote belonged to mr. rajaee. we are very happy. because i know the honorable family, i hope that people like you should manage these things. for a while later, however, the differences between the prime minister and the president increased. most of all about the choice of ministers.
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it is not possible for me to reach an understanding with the president so soon. because it is a detailed discussion, according to his own words, he has been studying for more than 20 years in an environment with a series of sources, and i have also reached conclusions for more than 20 years in iran , with the conditions of iran, with the life of iran, with the beliefs that govern the people of iran. i lived and got results. when i say that i am an impersonator of the imam, i believe that this word is used in that remote village that has not yet seen electricity, water, telephone, and bathroom. he knows and he understands that when i say the line
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of the imam, what does our brother bani sadr mean , he uses the word dry head for me, that even i, who am supposed to be advised, can hardly understand it. this was the term used by liberals about the revolutionary forces at that time. the constant conflict between the group that had a liberal approach and was committed to the west with the forces that took their line of thought from the revolution and the imam and called them a school and the line of the imam. the struggle between right and wrong, the struggle between the oppressed and the arrogant, has never stopped throughout history. there has been weakening and strengthening. but there is no holiday
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there was no time. the plan of the rajai government was to pay attention to the deprived and to build a revolutionary society with emphasis on preserving islamic values. a program that is on the way to implementation is also a dispute. we declare that all these people have made a revolution and all these people are protecting this revolution. as the fire of defense on the fronts against the enemy became heavier, the blowing on the furnace of internal disputes intensified. now, the people's mojahedin organization, which had been organizing in various institutions and centers for a long time , had surrounded the president for political display. all this is just when the situation on the fronts is also
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it was not favorable. the baathist enemy was advancing, and on the other hand, the revolutionary forces were empty of defense equipment for battle. in general, we are in trouble. that is, in terms of our facilities , we cannot tell people that we are waiting.
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bani sadr and rajavi
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announce the formation of the national council of resistance for the withdrawal of all forces opposing the islamic republic and for the purpose of what they called the overthrow of this system and the establishment of democracy in iran. a week later, of course, both of them flee from iran to france. the election of the president is left to the people's vote. look for that choose a 100% islamic scholar for the presidency, and 90% of the people's votes will be given to mohammad ali rajaee. the number of votes that were taken and cast into the boxes was 14 million and 64,252 votes.
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we are all responsible in front of islam, we are all responsible kalkmar.
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they said that it is the fourth government after the victory of the revolution, the second interim government, the second government of fitrat , which lasted for about 7 months, the third government of our brother rajaei, and this is the fourth government. i will give a vote of confidence to this dear and honorable cabinet. with strength of heart and full confidence, the result of the voting
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was that the islamic council of ministers voted for the cabinet of mr dr. bahner agreed with the overwhelming majority of the votes with the overwhelming vote that the people showed their presence in this and their support for islam. then the issue of introducing the prime minister to the parliament was done again right on time within the same legal limit and then the election of members. the cabinet and their introduction to the parliament was the first time that we were able to find 22
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places where motahari and beheshti were also teaching . when the revolutionaries had put their hands on education for the continuation of the movement, mohammad javad bahner took up the pen and started writing. religious education textbooks for schools. gracefully and with it the privileged cultural characteristics that he had were able to take on an important and sensitive task in education, and that was writing textbooks, and you can see that in the era when taghut dominated everywhere, and if we wanted to publish one pamphlet, we would publish 200. how much headache could we do this?
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this dear martyr, with the help of martyr beheshti, may allah bless him and grant him peace, and with the help of some other like-minded friends , they published hundreds of thousands of textbooks in circulation and hundreds of thousands of readers in classes for the islamic teachings that they themselves knew . they knew how to make the device he did not wake up recently. savak woke up when he started to create a cultural cadre from among the revolutionary forces with art, and his pulpit had been standing in the hedayat mosque of tehran for 3 years. banned and imprisoned several times. never from the tortures that happened to him in prison, even


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