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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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before the european parliament elections, which were held from june 6 to 9, 2024, users asked one another why we should vote. do you want to know why we should vote ? the answer is, how do you want to build the european union? europe is a continent with an ancient heritage. make us a wonderful continent. the most common sentence that was seen among the comments of european users is the slogan of the european union. use your vote , otherwise others will decide for you. futem sharifi, sed and sima news agency. the european parliament elections have consequences and effects in this continent followed but the most important aftershock of the results of this election occurred in france. that emmanuel macron's party could only get a second, and actually half.
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he won the votes of his rival and suffered a heavy defeat in this election. following this result, macron dissolved the parliament and announced that early parliamentary elections will be held until next month. let's talk about france, mr. dolatabadi, first , let's review the results of the european parliament elections in france, basically why the results of the elections it was so important that it wanted to have all these side effects and political consequences in france. greetings and good time to you and dear viewers. the european parliament elections are actually an election that is important in several ways because some of the decisions that are actually made in the european parliament are decisions that directly affect the member states in this union , for example, some of
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the extreme right factions actually . he had announced this election that if this faction can actually win, mr. macron's government should resign. well, mr. macron actually did not make these requests himself. but he actually dissolved the parliament in order to give a chance to the people, because the importance of mr. macron is for the people to show again that their participation in this election is low. it has led
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to the conclusion that now mr. daulatabadi , let's talk a bit more specifically about macron's decision. according to what you said, his motive was that he wanted to because i think the participation in the elections was about 50-51 in france. hold another election, in that election, the participation will be higher and show that this is the first word in france. middle right and right it is not extreme, yes, exactly, in fact, at the moment, the french parliament is a parliament where mr. macron has the majority, but as he stated in his press conference today, he wants to actually win the 2027 elections. close the extreme truth because with considering that this victory is actually. the extreme right can
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be the last victory before the 20-27 presidential elections, so macron actually wants to defeat the extreme right with this early election if he can. the power of the extreme right in the public opinion can be broken, it can actually regain the majority , on the other hand, well
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, their legacy has actually made us disloyal, and what has actually happened is that this right has been carried out. and what to do is to actually remove this party leader even within the party. now this is the latest news that is actually especially in this. yes, as you mentioned, macron made some statements in the media meeting he held. i saw that he had clearly mentioned that we will gain power in 2027 we will not place the direct delivery of the right flow. with what you said, it can actually be said that macron and his party feel that if this path continues like this, they will lose in 2027, and the center-right and radicals can take power. now, in fact, they are
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gambling. maybe they can hold that competition earlier, that's what it means, yes, exactly this point, much more than this. it is also important to note that in fact, in the structure of the french government, we can witness another incident, that if the point you mentioned is that they are gambling, it is really the right thing, because there is a possibility it is possible that in this election , the extreme right can actually win early, and in this case , if mr. macron loses his majority in the parliament, he will have to choose a prime minister who is actually accepted by the majority of the parliament. and if the majority of the parliament is in the hands of the extremists, they will actually go to that phenomenon of political symbiosis , they call it political symbiosis, the last case of which actually
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happened in 1997 and 2002 between the socialist lionel jossman and jacques chirac, in fact gulisty, and since that incident, this is actually due to the change of election dates political symbiosis had not happened until now when mr. macron took this big risk, in fact... he has actually exposed himself to this risk of symbiosis, because if a prime minister from his opposition party comes to work, he will practically destroy important parts of the cabinet. he will lose, and it is even possible that in 2027, with the popularity that this new prime minister is gaining , he has actually given the power to the wing.
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of course, he himself says that legally i am still the head of the party and that what i want to do is practical it will actually increase the number of right-wing candidates who will be supported by the extreme right and will increase the weight of the right in the parliament, but we will have to see in the coming days whether mr. cioti will actually leave the job completely. he will succeed in bringing the rest of the people who are in the right-wing party with him, but in practice, the far-right wing in two parties, in fact, the classic french, where the right and the left are republicans, is practically not very acceptable, and
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i know that can now, at least in that support of the right wing, actually classic and republican it can attract france. thank you . it was a conversation with mr. hadi dolatabadi, an expert. france issues the us has approved the sale of advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and other military equipment to norway worth more than $1 billion. the new missiles will be used in surface-to-air missile systems and f-35 aircraft. in 1400, norway agreed to establish an american military base in its territory. this country since joining. he had announced that he would not allow foreign countries to build bases or store nuclear weapons in this country during peacetime. institutions and in a letter to the head of the international olympic committee, non-governmental organizations asked him
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to pressure the french authorities to lift the ban on the presence of hijab-wearing athletes in this country. the minister of sports of france announced last summer the women athletes selected for the french team. hijab will not be allowed to be held during the olympic games. this action has faced the protest of muslim athletes. hijab athletes, a member of the french basketball team, had to withdraw from this team. the ministry of defense of norway announced that the country will help ukraine with another $257 million in order to strengthen its air defense. oslo earlier support plan he had announced one billion dollars worth of weapons from kiev. the minister of defense of germany also said that together with norway, denmark and the netherlands , they will provide ukraine with 100 more missiles for the patriot air defense system. withdrawal of american troops. after a decade , the military presence at niamey airport, the capital of niger, has started and will end on september 25.
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in a conversation with the washington post, the prime minister of niger once again said that the presence of american soldiers in the country is useless: america has two air bases in niger , through which it conducts aerial and drone espionage operations in north africa and the sahel region. the us ministry of defense announced that suicide was the main cause of death of soldiers serving in the country in 2014 . according to this announcement, 883 american soldiers committed suicide in 5 years while 96 members of the army were killed in the war. severe storm and power outage in pekin. the wind speed in pekandar has been recorded at 100 km per hour. the wind was so strong that some trees in the city were uprooted. a chinese doctor who is based in italy
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performed a robotic surgery on his countryman's patient in pakand from a distance of 8 thousand kilometers. network communication delay this robotic system in china was 135 milliseconds. the standard delay in remote surgery is 20 milliseconds. and at the end of the world , we see the whole picture. claro, por pasar el tiempo no se al principio parecía que erá un muchacho que un loco que empezo subir, se nos cortó juan, pero con zapatos apparentemente appropriate, mira ahí cuando nos narraba la situación ahí el bombero como que lo atrapa, acorrala contra estructura del edificio, dai lombardi y lo que dice.
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after the leadership position of the president, if the presidency is good, it is serving the nation. you participate in the elections. yes
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, you chose the candidate you want. yes, i chose to some extent. and exclusivity, and secondly, exclusivity. their plans are primarily , as the imam said, not to compromise with any power in the world, neither with the east nor with the west. have you chosen the candidates you want? to some extent, because it is still not possible to comment on these candidates that are considered. the composition of parliaments is important for the people there are many, because the idea has become strong in the society that the fate of the iranian revolution depends on the future parliament . whether it is from a group or a party, it must be popular. well, now we expect to get to work. the people should take care of everything, he expects to reach the country, he should know god, he should serve the society , he should not depend on any authority , he should be in the line of the imam , he should try to preserve the achievements of the revolution and advance the revolution, and he should stay away from compromise with the east and the west. the relationship between america and iran
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was not a friendly relationship between the two countries, the relationship between the u.s. and the u.s. was scheming every moment and to implement the conspiracy and plan. in order to obtain information about the great revolution of iran , the compromising forces of the internal non-revolutionary forces were played, and the students following the imam's line are still exposing them with the documents they obtained from the american embassy. we consider these documents to belong to the iranian nation and we know it is our duty to make the documents available to the heroic nation of iran. in the meantime
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, documents are found about some forces that appear to be with the revolution and the imam, and it leads to their arrest. before revealing mr. minachi's documents , the document related to bammad newspaper will be read and then on the 15th of march , the president's people's cooperation coordination office asks for help from those who voted for bani sadr for the parliamentary elections and warns about the composition of the parliament, the direct interference of the president in the parliamentary elections, and concerns about the parliament.
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asfand ayatollah khamenei in his friday prayer sermons talks about the betrayal of armed groups and the abuse of freedom of speech. from the day of the victory of the revolution until today, we have seen all this in all parts of the country, that groups with abuse. the freedom that is available to everyone, even this boldness they allowed themselves to take up arms and open on innocent people and
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try to justify their work, their treachery, their attack and their attack by using freedom of speech and freedom of the press. the member of the revolutionary council also mentions some points about election campaigns. we are on the eve of the election of the nation's representatives in the islamic council. it's time for people to wake up. time to care for accuracy and piety. spending all the people and each and every official is a matter. this parliament is destiny maker. this parliament is the design of the future. those brothers and sisters who support this or that candidate should try to tell others do not insult try
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not to slander and slander other people's friends and friends in order to define their friends and associates. everyone should advertise, but no one should prevent others from advertising. try get to know the people following the first round of the elections of the islamic national council of the islamic republic of iran, some issues have been raised that led us to discuss freedom with several experts and officials of the country. various debates are held in the media about how to hold elections. about the parliamentary elections. to formulate an election law in each period according to the requirements of that period and the possibilities of that period
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let the revolutionary council of the islamic republic of iran, which is responsible for enacting laws at this stage and should have enacted laws anyway, because if it did not do so, the elections could not be held at all, according to the constitution itself, which states that we cannot hold elections , elections are a bill anyway. he wanted a law. shahid beheshti responds to the questions and doubts of some groups with a hundred hours . this is one of your mistakes. let's put this pessimism aside and if a plan that at least when it is brought up, it can be a way forward in the future and show the solution to the problem. now you mentioned it. on march 22, imam khomeini
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publishes an important message about the elections. imam is worried about two things. first, the reduction of people's participation, and secondly, the presence of some influencers in the parliament due to people's negligence in paying attention to the criteria for selecting representatives. i am afraid that in the effect. the islamic republic has been trying to weaken it with every possible means within this one year and recently, when the dear alert nation is taking the last step of victory, propaganda and rumors have reached their peak, and since they found themselves and their inspirers on the verge of final defeat , they do not stop making any assumptions that our dear young people , who the movement itself. they have promoted islam in this final stage, they show coldness and laziness , and they are affected by these rumors and refuse to participate in this vital islamic matter. on this side
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, i dedicate my unworthy life to serve the islam of the honorable nation in the class of sincerity, it is hoped that my parallel request and benevolent supplication will be accepted. accept and with your public participation in the elections, cut off the hope of the enemies of the islamic republic and those affiliated with. i am also preparing my recovery for the company . i am afraid that the advertisements for people who do not believe in islam and the islamic republic, and their actions and words in this one year have witnessed it , and now to find their way to the parliament and to break the work. and the controversy in the sacred environment of the islamic council, the muslims position themselves as supporters of islam to influence a section of the nation and pure-hearted youth and give their sacred votes to those who fundamentally oppose islam and the islamic republic for the benefit of foreigners. in the last days left
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in the parliamentary elections, revolutionary parties and groups form an alliance to give a joint list in tehran. finally, a list of 30 people was prepared under the name of the great sobhar coalition. it will be broadcast on march 22 in tehran. while there is only one day left for election campaigns. mr. mohammad khamenei from the islamic republic party, mr. shahabadi from the militant clergy community and one person from other revolutionary groups signed the list of this grand coalition. it will explode on the coalition like a bomb in tehran. the freedom movement, the supporters of president benisadr and other groups also
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list, there is no authority in iran but power it should be that a lawyer imposes on the nation , if the people stand aside, the faithful people, the committed people , stand aside, and the people who fought for this country from the left and the right enter the parliament, the whole responsibility rests with the nation, every step they take against islam the letter of the nation's actions, whatever they do, is the responsibility of the nation. today
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, the fate of islam and the fate of muslims in iran and the fate of our country is in the hands of the nation, and if they listen to this matter, do not go and do not vote , the responsibility is on them, namely, as the election time approaches. imam khomeini he considers the responsibility of the people to be very important in the current situation of the country and invites the people to be careful in choosing the candidates. this is what i have the power to say. the nation did not listen to this, i have a reason. tomorrow
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, we will be questioned in pisgah by god almighty. i say that where i told the people about the corruption. i said that if you reconcile. those who want to arrest you. those who are against islam, those who are with the islamic republic from the beginning until now have opposed these will advance. and if , god forbid, they lead our country back to the way it was before, or if it falls into the hands of the leftists or into the hands of the rightists, all the responsibility is on you. finally, the day of voting will come. march 24, 1958 elections of the first term
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of the islamic council. we know that the parliament is filled with people who really want to build power and send it to the parliament to weaken it. that is, we should send people to the parliament with the efforts of those muslim people of this society who can advance our revolution, god willing. those who what characteristics should they have in the parliament ? the characteristics are that they know islam, believe in islam , and that they must solve any demands that the people have. the groups and parties participating in
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the elections of the first parliament are classified into 3 general groups. the revolutionary group and forces, the so-called nationalist faction, and leftist and marxist groups. at the head of the revolutionary forces are the islamic republic party, the militant clergy community, and the islamic revolution mujahideen organization, which have formed a grand coalition. the so-called national faction centered on the office. coordination of people's cooperation with the president and other groups such as azadi movement is eyeing many seats in the parliament. tudeh party, people's fedayee guerrillas, pikaar organization and people's mojahedin organization also participated in the elections.


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