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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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they should fix it. the groups and parties participating in the elections of the first parliament are classified into three general groups. the revolutionary group and forces, the so-called nationalist faction, and leftist and marxist groups. at the head of the revolutionary forces, the islamic republic party, the fighting clerical community of the islamic revolutionary mojahedin organization , which is the great opposition. the so-called national faction centered on the coordination office of the people's cooperation with the president and other groups such as the freedom movement are eyeing many seats in the parliament. tudeh party, people's fedayee guerrillas, pikaar organization and people's mojahedin organization also participated in the elections.
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you are the leader of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power. to join the chele khemat campaign, it is enough to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and send the number eight to 1023 39 in the name of god.
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i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god. hai ali al- salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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hai ali khair al-alam. hai
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ali khair al-alam. dear god , i invite you to watch the news of this hour, wishing you acceptance and worship. the election news is fuller and hotter than the previous days. in the third announcement, the election headquarters of the country announced the identity of the candidates and the legal age of the voters. the minister of the interior also announced the start of sending the definitions of the presidential elections to different parts of the country. the domain of electoral medicine reached the rent of the headquarters. some house owners
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put their property for rent to the headquarters for the next month, between a few hundred million to more than one and a half billion tomans. the more passionate the presence, the greater the deterrent power. admiral siari said this and emphasized his presence. passionate about elections increase security. the pulse of announcing the support of political parties and currents for the candidates is still on the fast track. it has been reported from the fundamentalist camp that the justice seekers party has supported mr. jalili. the association of academicians of islamic iran also issued a statement saying that the final candidate of the association is mr. qali bafe. in the spectrum of reforms, the ittehad mellat party and the islamic labor party supported mr. al-badishian and said that all party offices until the end of the election. active to strengthen the staff of mr. increasing candidates' advertising programs on radio and television, allocating a studio and a personal page on television to each of the six election candidates. they have a 24-hour network that is constantly being
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broadcast from this network on tv through the tv port, and it is possible that this broadcast is recorded, live in the studio and outside the studio. the gifted nation will send a text message to our dear people from today, and it will be specified with a command code, if they really want to, they can use it to activate the candidates. 33 jalili 4 elections across the country have started today. this year at 90,000 points voting is done. in mecca and medina , there is a special ballot box for pilgrims. mr. rouhani
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, the former president, released a statement of 10 questions and said that a person who wants to be the president should at least find a basic solution for these 10 questions. issues ranging from the removal of sanctions to the high cost and full implementation of the law, and finally , the fata police chief's election warning, the fata police chief said that in addition to publishing, even republishing any false and slanderous material, he is a criminal and will be dealt with. tv programs on the first page and with people in the last hour host two. it will be one of the presidential election candidates on the third day of advertising. the third day of campaigning for the candidates of the 14th presidential term is here in the national media. where
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the first program was aired at around 17:00. first, the studio of the first page program in the glass building. where mr. alireza zakani was the host , i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect. referring to his election slogan, mr. zakani said, "be clean, and a true servant , you cannot serve without cleanliness, you cannot be uncomplimentary, and anyone can he wants to be in a service position first he should come and sit on the hot seat, tell him where you were, what you did, what was the result of your work and what slogans you saw today that are consistent with your past or not. i tried to follow the same path, the name of the government is the government of service, and the basis of this government is on participation with the people. an hour later, the program with the people was hosted by mr. mostafa pourmohammadi, another candidate
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for the election. electoral competitions, he said , i will use all my experiences, all the positive points. i have been in almost all the governments until today, all my experiences, all my acquaintances i have spent time with senior managers of the country in all courses from all spectrums, all groups with all orientations and i have a lot of experience. i came to share my experience, ability, awareness and knowledge with my dear people, to whom we owe a lot. in last night's special news talk show , mr. mohammad baqer ghalib considered the issue of productivity more important than investment. we have opportunities in productivity, we can actually capitalize on those opportunities. our intention is to form and move , naturally, there are two important elements in improvement, i.e. according
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to scientific approaches and scientific and specialized topics in let's have a program in this section. another point is a management point. also tonight, after the 21st news , mr. saeed jalili is going to be a guest on the special news talk show sajjad wahhabi of the radio and television news agency. watershed natural resources organization announced that watershed management measures reduced 60-70% of flood damage in sirzdeh areas of ardibehesht. this year's may rains, more than 4 billion cubic meters of water flowed into alleys and streets.
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unfortunately, the infrastructure of this village suffered a lot of damage , such as a bridge opening and a 15- meter-wide street due to rainfall. another flood arrived here in khorasan in the last days of may razoui, which destroyed people's houses and claimed 10 lives with an average of 33 mm of rain, according to the deputy director of watershed management of the natural resources organization , 22% of watershed management has been done in the watershed areas of this province . rainfall system in more than 46 million hectares of the country's area. it was active and in 9 million hectares of watersheds in flooded areas
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, we had done 27 watershed works , and it created about 4700 billion cubic meters of flowing water . let's manage it at the watershed level, one of the successful projects there is an aquifer in the east of kerman province that has managed more than 20 million cubic meters of floods. 100,000 cubic meters in the darzin flood spreading project , we have rainwater storage and running water there, or here in the sis region in east azerbaijan, earth dams prevent floods, as well as soil erosion and wastage in the downstream areas. this permeability of these waters leads to an increase in the level of underground water tables and their strengthening.
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national exam, possible questions, 1616 to tips and test and general technique, only and only in the book. exactly right you heard the modernist, the new star in the country's life sky, a different work from gilna publications. right now, 60 % of publishing sources.
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if the fight against the group of hypocrites was supposed to start at the dawn of the victory of the revolution, would it have been so successful that day? with a history of struggles and sacrifices of their first leaders and their prisons and their slogans, if they were attacked and purged from the first day with the same history with the same backpack
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, would people accept it? or it was necessary for them to come, say, take a stand, compromise . may time pass over them. let's see from one the side. with qasim lu, on one side, with bani sadr, on the other side , with fedayan khalq, with kamela, etc., etc. it took time for hypocrisy to become clear. the leaves of the calendar reached the scorching summer. when a year had passed since the invasion of iran by iraq and the islamic revolution was three years old. for
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a long time, the revolutionaries were fighting on two fronts. on the borders with the baathist invaders and inside. with the infiltrators , abul hassan bani sadr, as the first president after the revolution , had taken the path of conflict with the imam's people and the revolutionary forces. the election of the prime minister, which tied the knot, was decided by the parliament. choose representatives and let them introduce a representative. of course , they believed that a representative should be introduced from the imam's district. the majlis believed that this work was not necessary and almost believed that the imam would not do this, which actually happened later. until
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it was agreed with the proposal of the parliament on the prime ministership of mohammad ali rajaei. these three people are qualified and the ranking is in his competence, and in the same meeting , we reached an agreement that mr. rajaei will be placed in the top rank among these two and three people, and our opinion was this. we also came and introduced it to the parliament and in that parliament the vote
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was credible for mr. rajaei, the vote of the parliament's preference for mr. rajaei with the majority , i have no possibility to reach an understanding with the president so soon. because it is a detailed discussion, according to his own words
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, he has been studying for more than 20 years in an environment with a series of sources, and i have also reached conclusions for more than 20 years in iran, with the conditions of iran, with the life of iran, with the prevailing beliefs. people of iran, i have lived and achieved results. when i say that i am an imitator of the imam, i believe that this word is from that village a remote person who has not yet seen electricity, water, telephone, and bathroom knows this word and he understands that when i say imam's line, what kind of brother do we mean? seder uses the word dry head for me that even i who am supposed to be advised can hardly understand this
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. and the heart is pledged to the west with the forces that took their line of thought from the revolution and the imam. and they called them a school and imami line, the struggle between truth and falsehood, the struggle between the oppressed and the arrogant throughout history, there has never been a shutdown , there has been weakening and strengthening, but there has never been a shutdown . the rajaei government's plan was to pay attention to the disadvantaged and build a revolutionary society with an emphasis on preserving islamic values, a program that
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runs into internal disputes on the way to its implementation. the heavy shadow of war was over him. we declare that all these people have made a revolution and all these people are protecting this revolution. whatever the fire defense. on the fronts against the enemy , it became heavier, blowing on the furnace of internal disputes intensified. now, the people's mojahedin organization, which has been organized for a long time in various institutions and centers they had taken the president for political show off. all this is just when the situation on the fronts was not favorable. the baathist enemy was advancing and the revolutionary forces were empty of defensive equipment for battle. in general, we are in awe of the equipment. that is, in terms of our facilities, we
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cannot tell people that we are waiting for rpg 7, we are waiting for nara jagdaz, we are waiting for so-and-so. bani sadr's disagreement with the revolutionary forces on how to defend behind the front had cooled. now there was no other way left for majlisi. plan approval. the political inadequacy of abolhasan bani sadr from now on mr. bani sadr as a president has been removed from the dictionary of the islamic republic. at the same time, on june 31, 60, the mojahedin of the people made a statement and announced the beginning of the armed struggle. and saying death to beheshti and hitting my car by attacking this car. they were able to set it on fire and the driver drove himself to the jihad parking lot and as you can see
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, the car is now burning. he was assassinated and a day later on the 7th of july, the office of the islamic republic party was blown up and ayatollah beheshti and 72 others were martyred. a little later, bani sadr and rajavi announced the formation of the national council of resistance for the coalition of all the opposing forces of the islamic republic and for the purpose of what they called the overthrow of this system and the establishment of democracy in iran. a week later, of course, both of them flee from iran to france. the election of the president is open to the people's vote. it is
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recommended that you choose a person who is 100% of the islamic school of islam for the presidency, and 90% of the people vote for mohammad ali rajaee. is awarded the total number of votes that were collected and cast in the boxes was 14 million and 64,252 votes , of which 12 million and 90,019 votes were given to mr. rajais, allahu akbar, allahu
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akbar. let us serve them. with rajaei's proposal and the approval of the parliament, mohammad javad bahnar becomes the prime minister. in a government that was named after a school. it is the fourth government after the victory of the revolution. the
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second interim government was the government of fitrat which lasted for about 7 months and the third is the government of our brother rajaei and this is the fourth government. the votes were drawn that the islamic council voted for the cabinet of mr. dr. bahner with a majority. agreed vote
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. with the decisive vote that the people gave, showing their presence in the revolution and their support for islam. then, the issue of introducing the prime minister to the parliament was done right on time, within the same legal limit. and then the selection of the cabinet members and their introduction to the parliament was the first time that we were able to introduce 22 ministers in one place, with god's help, both of them had started from kamal school in 2013 and 2014, except for motahari and beheshti. they also
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taught. when the revolutionaries for the continuation of the movement education and training had been abandoned. mohammad javad bahnar took up the pen and started writing religious education textbooks for schools . it was a lesson. you look and you see that in the era when taghut was ruling everywhere and if we wanted to publish 200 pamphlets, we could do it with so much pain. some other like-minded friends in the circulation of hundreds


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