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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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there are tax revenues. now the ratio that is considered, the ratio of tax revenues to gdp should be increased to 10% . here, the fight against tax evasion is the issue of making the tax system smarter and of course the issue of making the tax system fair. what is it? see, one of the most important debates is the view of taxes, sometimes this view of taxes is canceled because taxes are an issue, a policy to gain. it can also be a so-called source of income, not tax, but what is more important is that tax is a tool for policy making. in order for you to direct your priorities, in order to shape this justice, you can see that you can do many policies with legislation and tax policy, it is not just that you say, for example, that tax is only one thing for a source of income. by the way, if you are a it's good to have a complete look. i
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will use the tax tool, for example, in the direction of the policy of supporting the producer, in order, for example, to deal with the unnecessary import of these things . i value this tax. it may not necessarily be a source of income for you, but it will give order to your market for the purposes that are for the economy. definition if you did, it gives you direction, it means that it can lead you to your goal, and the justice that we say is one of the things that is sometimes raised about taxes, they say, "okay, sir , do this." a good policy should be made , it will reduce the pressure on the people , it will establish justice. as you can see, many people with small salaries pay taxes, then those with astronomical incomes do not pay taxes. you should have a serious mechanism so that someone there is no tax evasion. finally, in the country, when a worker is one an employee with a minimum salary.
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it is natural to pay taxes that the person who has an astronomical income has different arguments, he should be able to pay taxes and pay his share and prevent him from tax evasion. the powerful government is able to fairly from all those who have incomes especially for those who now sometimes enter a syrian transaction, sometimes enter a paper company, this is very important . it has to be done, so what came in the seventh plan is a precise discussion because this discussion was about this, even the same 10% that was said from that gross national product should be the income of this 10%, that is the average tax income of some countries , i.e. other countries, that has been checked, even 14%, which is defined here as 10%, so that this can be done in the best way, let's go to the issue of housing . now, the definition of the housing access index also indicates
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the number of years needed to buy a house , provided that the entire household income is allocated to the purchase of housing. it is one of the main topics of our country. let me explain a little about this, it is important to see i was just today in birjand, south khorasan province , i left in the evening and came back at night, and here i am thanking the people of south khorasan for the hospitality they have given me , that is, as far as i went, we have a shortage problem in our country. we do not have land. we are a vast land that does not lack land. what is the problem
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? there is a monopoly in the field of land discrimination. this is very important . the discussion is that one of the things that is very important is that in the seventh program of rosh alhamdulillah, there was a good resolution in the parliament that was finalized and approved. the area of ​​the country was allowed to be added to the residential area, either in the city or in the village, this is called one. in my opinion, it is a very valuable opportunity that was created in the seventh plan, the introduction was drawn up, and it was approved. this means that two tenths of the so-called area of ​​the country will be added to that residential area, which means that something close to 330 thousand hectares can be available for construction of housing, so we have the problem of land, alhamdulillah, with this arrangement , which is included in the seventh plan. you don't have it
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, you can use it well for this issue . now, let's take these 330 thousand hectares let's use an analogy, it is something about 13 times the area of ​​one of the relatively large cities that the country is a very good opportunity, but the important thing is to see that the issue of housing for the country should not be looked at in a one-dimensional way, in the sense that when you for a if you are just getting housing, the question is what will happen to this job now, then what is the place of this job in the economy of the country? for example, let's go to them, for example, here is this housing, not beyond this, we should see what is beyond? must let's see the ratio of this housing provision and housing provision with the issue of land development and the macro economy of the country . one of the other good opportunities that the 74th government
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has is that it coincides with the start of the 7th plan at the same time as these policies announced by his highness. leadership about the sea -oriented economy, for example, if you are in the seventh plan, we must have sea-oriented policies , the share that we have from the sea now , for example, 22, must reach 10%. it is economic based on the land use of the sea capacity that we have a very good number, for example, 4900 km, for example , we have a coastline in the south, which, with the north and south , is approximately 5800 km, so this is a big number. very little, because you know that countries that are similar to us
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use almost several times as much as we do. for example, some countries use 46% of their gd from the sea, 36% of their employment is done through the sea, this is very valuable. that we can take advantage of this opportunity, which has now been announced in the leadership's policies and with the program seventh, my suggestion is that looking at the housing, when it can get results, there is a time when we say, sir, let's just come and get a house for someone. we don't have anything to do, just for example, now, then i will suggest that now, for example , let's build a dormitory, let's go for a while . you create a peaceful settlement next to what, next to your land, that is , next to your agriculture, next to your industries, next to your sea, in many places that are next to it at that time. the other issues of your goals will also be provided. this is another dimension that should
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be taken into account in housing. this is because housing is not just a dormitory, it is a living environment and a set of cultural and social discussions. now, for example, in housing, one of the debates that is being raised is that, for example , you can see in your calculations, what is more important is how much did the construction cost, how much did it cost, and how long did it take? architecture and qualitative debates , that is, the debate about the feeling of the space, the memory of the space , the belonging of the space, what are the neighbors of the neighborhood like? the relationships between these are formed because after all we want an environment for our people. we want to provide peace and shelter. this is what i want. now, this is about one-minute neighborhoods or cities , which means that you should arrange it in such a way that he can reach from his place of residence to a resort within one minute, not as they say , for example. well, this is a dormitory for now
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. it will take hours to get there. i'm just looking at housing, so i want to summarize it because it's a discussion now . i'll explain this in more detail later. my discussion is this. to housing first we according to that we don't have the problem of land shortage, but we have the problem of land monopoly. sometimes, we have some of these problems, and according to the resolution in the seventh plan, which allocates two-tenths of the land , when this land shortage problem is solved, then your hands will be open. it can be especially that he had two main views of the macro economy of the land and especially the social culture. mr. dr. jalili in the general policies of the 7th plan on the issue of transformation of the administrative system, reforming its structure based on the general policies of the administrative system, emphasizing on
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the issue of intelligentization and of course the realization of electronic government is emphasized for the full implementation of these things that in what are the general policies of the 7th plan seen in the government? you are there. see , at the beginning of our dear martyr's government, mr. raisi , we sent a plan for this matter . anyway, today, one of the topics that will help you to create your administrative executive structure is the use of this technology. it is a communication tool that, alhamdulillah , is making more progress day by day , and more successes are being achieved in this field. now, for example , they say that the government is intelligent and the government is super-intelligent, which means that once upon a time you only say that the government is intelligent and that you when you visit, your work will be done. the smart thing is that the government will visit you based on the communication mechanisms and technologies that exist, for example, it will inform you that you can get this loan now , you can do this. you can participate here
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, which means that not only you will not be delayed in the offices and no one will answer you, but it is the office that will come to you, which we first presented to the government, mr. raisi, and they also give orders to follow up on this, which is one of those serious discussions. see, we have said this many times. i also said it in the 1992 elections one of the most important priorities is that the government machine should move. remember, your administrative executive structure should be agile and fast. this is one of those debates that we have when we say, sir, we want to start the growth of 88. what is one of these ? one of them is yes, for example, to increase productivity , you must invest and have financial resources, but there is only one, one is the human resources that we have, the other is management, you must apply proper management, and i am one. it is the technology that i mentioned if you pay attention to these four elements do it, then your productivity
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will also improve because of the technology that today, alhamdulillah , there are very good fields in our country , there are good developments , we have very good human resources, now here we need a management that can strengthen this. in the housing section , you mentioned the issue of sea-based economy, let's go to this issue separately, now one of the important axes. in the 7th plan, the economy is based on the sea, and for this reason, the ratio of the population of the southern coast of the whole country should reach 8%. what is chabahar? look, i went there several times , i visited almost all of those beaches , i talked to its people, there are many potentials, and i have a debate in our election slogan. the world of opportunity that we say
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is not a subjective word, it is objective on the ground, these are our shores , which are called our shores, so these are our shores, there is a world of opportunity in it. there are marine opportunities from fisheries and aquaculture discussions. there were many discussions about industries related to the sea, such as flotation, repair, and ships. i went to bandar bass there just two or three months ago. for example , we have a complex there. there is also a very governmental one. ships and floats and these are 3 billion dollars worth of assets of this complex, if it covers an area of ​​about 11,000 hectares. you can see very good infrastructures. i want to say that if there are no elites, how will the work
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not take place, how will those issues not be resolved, then they say that with every project we do, we will repair the ship or build a ship. if we are ordered to do it, a thousand jobs will be created, that is, if 50 of them can do it at the same time with the scope of facilities they have , it will create 50,000 jobs , it will create jobs. and discussions like this , by the way, my collection is government. what was their goal, by the way , they say that some government departments do n't refer us for the same work that we can do. they give us other places, obviously, the relevant devices, like , for example, other places that now, for example, national company the oil tanker of the shipping company, for example, having this problem , this discussion is that if there should be such coherence within the government, that's fine, sir, if i have such a possibility now, can so many jobs
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be created with it? i am criticizing it for a long time now, for example , banking, now, for example, we have about 40,000 vessels passing through the strait of hormuz a year. this means that the economy can be used . ok. my point is , see if we use these now the sea can be formed in various industries, whether in its fisheries, in its marine industries, or in other areas that can be formed by the sea, such as the capacities that we have by the sea in terms of oil and gas, and these , which will then follow the things that are in it is there, i mean, when will we finally reach these locked capacities? if, for example , a country with the same conditions as ours today
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uses 46% of its economy from the sea, 36% of its employment comes from the sea, well, we think very much about this opportunity. this should be done, then, for example, the same question of makran, when you go there, you will see people they are preparing for fishing, for agriculture, for farms, now related to fisheries and various things, and now this can be developed in the processing industry, that is, not only that seed, now it can be processing industries, i know, it can be canning, what else, well, this needs work and is planned. he wants us to have a series of discussions for this. i said, now, the same people who said that i went to that beach twice, i went all the way down, now there is one more interesting thing, for example, there are even tourism capacities, for example, the so-called martian mountains that are there are very attractive, even for artistic works to make films and flan means one it is a set of facilities, now you go there , you will see that it is virgin, that is, many of these
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are still untouched, we have not yet reached it, if the people there are ready to cooperate, one of the serious things that we are following, if we say that the growth of 88 must be done, if we now this has come in the seventh program, based on this, we made our slogan that one world is an opportunity, one iran is a leap, what is the need for this at the time? it is necessary that you have to play the role of people. that is why we continued to say that every iranian has a glorious role, that is, the people who are there or the people who have this preparation in this for the arenas to work, the government must play a role . he should come here to play a role, according to the talent and ability of the people , they will provide them with a platform to play a role. regarding the same people that you talked about, dr. jalili, let's talk about the issue of popularizing the economy in the seventh plan, which mentions that the executive bodies are obliged to
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they should hand over all their shares in the companies gradually until the end of the second year of this law. people in the economy of your plan to realize this issue , this is one of the most important issues, especially since we have an experience of at least 10 years, which this title is a very good discussion, our discussion is that, sir, the government should not have companies , if it has companies, it should leave it to the people, so that the people can participate in it and improve it , make more use of it. let my government be able to have its own supervisory role. ok , he should have his own regulatory role, not our executive role. we have reviewed this again in the last 10 years. it was like hebko like haft debah sugarcane, tabriz machine building and
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many other cases that have existed, why was this unsuccessful? another question, well, wasn't it supposed to be popularization because it happened to not be done in the right way, what does popularization mean? it means that the government should give it to the people instead of doing business . i remember one of the bitter memories we had was that, for example, in hebco, its workers would say, sir, we were here in 2006, when it was new. it was government, for example, about 1,800 cars in a year we used to produce heavy machinery, for example, road construction, etc. after it was privatized , for example, from 8 to 1800, when i remember , there was a labor crisis. the workers were really interested and said, "dad, we are citizens of this person
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who worked." he only had money, but he didn't give me enough money. they came with a series of relationships, for example , getting something with a minimum. now, i wish they would give me money. some of these people have taken it at a special price . my point is that popularization is one of the factors that increase interest. it is to improve their productivity, but on the condition that it is implemented correctly the truth is that the person who does this should have a license. i recently went to lorestan province, darud. i saw there , for example, a persian factory in darud. it was handed over to the same name. after it was handed over, the person who, for example, bought the major shares, for example , went to prison, became something else, then the factory that had 1,200 and 20 workers had only 4 guards. i went to visit and my film was released. my mistake is that one of the most important discussions
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in the popularization of that performance is that i say it again the president must be noble and know that it is not enough to just have a right policy and just a right program. you have to see how it was implemented, whether there are examples and the things that are going on, the path that he is going to reach the goal that he wants. the issue was whether it was achieved or not, because what was the purpose of popularization, what was the purpose of improving productivity, what was the purpose of making the government smaller , not that the problems of the government will increase after a while , so i believe that this is one of the very good discussions, but on the condition that they are implemented properly. eligibility should be taken care of, people should be taken care of. the same hepko workers who have been working for many years say this, sir we did not let it happen like this, and it is one of the most interesting things for me. it was that the workers, for example, hebko, when they came to raise their problems, they said, "we are heartbroken that a capital of the country, for example, from 1,800 units per
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year, has reached 8 years, and again, i say, may god have mercy on our beloved martyr." dear mr. raisi, who made this change at the beginning of the government , i visited the same hebko that i went to a few months ago . fortunately, it had reached 800 units a year again , and then they said that it would be a lot. mr. jalili, let's go to the energy department of the 7th plan, which mentions the quantitative and qualitative increase in the production of various types of energy carriers, along with the issue of reducing energy consumption, and of course, the full implementation of plans resource optimization requires resources. where will it be provided from, while the solutions of his highness for the implementation of this issue are defined as its complete realization? look at this. we had several visits in 1995-1996. we did serious studies
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. we went and checked. this is a debate . alhamdulillah, it did not succeed, for example, he said the embargo on the purchase of iranian oil so that no one buys oil from iran, which , alhamdulillah, was unsuccessful. in the government of mr. raisi , this issue was followed with power. iran was not supposed to sell a barrel of oil, now they are saying that it is selling 2 million barrels, but now we are not selling 2 million barrels, but whatever capacity we have and want to sell, we can sell more than half a million barrels, but the discussion we raised is a valid discussion. now this should be used to the maximum my argument was that why should we sell oil at all, if only those who buy oil from us. what do they do? they turn this oil into a product and sell it to us or to other places at several times the price.
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what is one of the most valuable capacities of our country today? a country that has oil for more than 100 years and today has a lot of experts and young experts in this field, today it has to turn its oil into a product first and then turn it into a downstream petrochemical industry. now we only market in the area around us. 135 billion dollar downstream petrochemical industry two minutes at the same time that is, if we use this in the best way , then we can be successful in not only not selling oil anymore, but also buying oil and turning it into a product, and this can also be more employment , and can be more productive, and our discussions, but the only question is, where does this discussion come from ? well, sir, this investment is one of the most important discussions. you can see why people are now
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producing gasoline when the mel market became self-sufficient, if, for example, with the capacity of the persian gulf that you made today, for example. 400,000 barrels means if you have 5 of these you will not even need to sell oil , but you will turn it into a product, but let the people participate, let the people participate in this, the people are willing to invest the same capital that they will go there if they know that it will come in the energy industry, which is the relative position of our country. in this way, it can have multiple benefits for the country, provide employment for their children , generate currency and increase their income. let's give the consumption management to the people and let the people participate in the consumption management again, this will have good effects that our one design is completely based on what i presented earlier
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. thank you very much, mr. dr. jalili, for your presence in the interview studio, as we mentioned in tonight's interview, mr. dr. saeed jalili , we were one of the six candidates of the 14th presidential election. good night and god bless you.
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dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in an hour. they told us that everything can be done in installments . yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. why are you going to say that you don't want a check, you don't want it, you don't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go and see if you
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have a toman, give me my hand. no need to go to the bank.
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believe me, for the faith of imam esteghlal , freedom, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the corner of time , the cry of the eternal body. eternal islamic republic of iran.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace. greetings, dear viewers . it is 6:00 a.m. 3 days have passed since the start of the campaigns of the presidential election candidates, and according to the language schedule , the candidates' television program is being broadcast on various channels. due to the small amount of time advertisements in the upcoming elections played an important role in introducing the views and programs of these programs. the broadcast schedule of the national media's election programs on various networks has been determined and this schedule has been completed , from discussions with people and specialized roundtables to front page debates without compliments and special news talks.


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