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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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i am from kandur city, khalil abad city , i am from razavi khorasan and you have a bachelor's degree in journalism. you are our colleague. you are very welcome. thank you very much. and that led to sarkar. your education is in the field of journalism and communication. go to this position to become the secretary of the young farmers club . we started the young farmers club in 1982 with about 30 young people. safarzadeh is the chairman of the board of directors and i am the vice-chairman of the board of directors. of course, i am more active in the women's field since 1982 and until 1989
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i was also the advisor to the district director on women's affairs . what products do you produce in your region? you mentioned that from razavi khorasan, yes, khalil abad city and kandur city, the most important product is grapes . what are grapes? in addition to the rest of the crops they have , there are mold grapes, so your presence at the abadgar abad exhibition in iran is, after all, an exhibition it is one of the new technologies that exist, and this is the reason for your presence in this exhibition
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. what kind of breeding did you do in the production of the products that you mentioned now that grapes are among the products of your region? in this exhibition , iran's abad exhibition, where we were the hosts of the exhibition on the first day of the exhibition, the officials of this exhibition pointed out that a large number of students' companies applied to participate in this exhibition and a certain number of these applicants were selected for this exhibition. what type are you with? you came to this exhibition, see, we came , we checked, we saw our grapes, buy them , for example, we say a kilo, which, for example , will go back to the women, because you know that women and men work together in the village, and that women, when they are economically independent, well, his mind is easier and he becomes more interested in staying in the village and not migrating. we came
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and said let's make juice, grape juice , grape juice, for example, they buy it from the same place, so now a liter is, for example, 100 tomans, we said, well, we came, some of our ladies, our artist ladies, we told them to come from shire. let's make the halva with the brain so that we can sell the halva with the brain to, for example, 300 products and products that you can produce from the same ingredients . well, for example, now you have 50 tomans, let me put a percentage on the price, it will be 100 tomans, if you process it like i did, the price is like this. it is a brain and you with a total of products that do you produce, do you participate in this exhibition or , for example, kino
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, or that there are different companies and different people participating in these exhibitions ? participating in this exhibition is to get to know our product and to find the person who should help us so that we can export it and finally expand. very good
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. i want to talk to you about the last action you took. i must have a conversation with sarkari, but allow my colleagues to write a report about one of the products that are produced in this same abad iran exhibition, and in fact, a company, a technologist , a company of academics succeeded, that after 10 years of research work in the same way since you have been working in your company for more than 15 years, until you reached this mass of products, it can almost be said that it is more than 10 years. who are working to design and produce all kinds of equipment used in groves , let us see this report, we will come back with we are talking to you. equipment to increase the yield in the groves.
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after 10 years of research work, the technologists of danesh banyan company have worked on all kinds of agricultural industrial equipment in the groves. we have seen that it is useful to localize the problems of the palm groves, which were all working in a traditional way, and considering the strong industrial potential of the city of isfahan in isfahan, this was designed and built. localized, it is very difficult to turn the traditional work in a mechanized and fast way . another widely used device is the pollen machine spray its localization has increased the speed of pollination from four palm trees in the traditional way to more than 50 date palm trees per hour. regarding pollination, how fast was the work ? it took much less time. we
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can pollinate approximately 60 date palms per hour. as the designers of the nakhlestan equipment say, the set of rotary lifting devices and the date harvesting device increases the yield by 25% in the nakhlestan. before this technology, european and american countries had the equipment used in the groves. iranian products while creating employment for 50 people the cost is lower for the farmer compared to foreign samples. the best ones are made by the italians who make the transfer machine specifically . according to experts, scientific and advanced methods in the groves can increase the production and export of dates for iran. mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan radio and television news agency , well, we saw the report about one of the products that
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is in the abad exhibition in iran, but we were talking to ms. pahlavanzadeh, the secretary. club of young farmers with many products. in this exhibition, abad iran is present, which is processed from the main product and the basis of which is grapes. well , they have done one thing, and that is to create a popular complex for the production of solar electricity, that too for agricultural wells in the region. we want to hear more details from their own words. pahlavanzadeh , where did his idea for this people's electricity production complex come from and why did he come to the conclusion that it should be a production complex. you have? first of all, let me say that the slogan of our leader this year was production leap with the participation of the people and the government. mr. safarzadeh, national secretary of farmers club of this plan prepare why now? because of this , our engines were shut down and this
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caused a lot of damage to our gardens. in gardens, if water does not reach it in the main circuit, grapes will fall off the vine and we will have no more crops. that's why i implemented this project. and now mr. safarzadeh and his colleagues, our colleagues are following the implementation of this project in the city of kander , it has not yet been implemented, only the works have been completed, at what stage has the station been completed, and now the well motors have had their meetings and are doing the work, i will tell you when. it can be activated in this area the problems that you mentioned should be gone . first of all, let me say that this project is being done with more than 5,000 farmers of kander city . the participation of the farmers is your financial support . i don't know when this project is, because
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i say it is in the hands of mr. safarzadeh, they are following it up , but finally it is raining, thank god, lord of the worlds, this project is going well , thank you very much, mrs. pahlonzadeh until the end. there is one minute left if you have any questions about abad iran exhibition regarding products and collection we hear about the products you are producing , stay healthy, i am happy that i attended this exhibition and that the subcategory of the young farmers club of kander city has more than 1500 women and i hope you will see that all of them are young, we have members up to 45 years old and from 45 we have been using them as consultants for years and up to 60 years . as consultants, they are very excellent. thank you very much, mr. sir , the secretary of the young farmers club, for coming to the studio of sobhi's reporter's morning program. stay with us
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, o my land, in my land, the flower of my life has blossomed. in this grass, my land, in my land, the earth your sky is smooth and my soul, the stars of the sky, you are my light, you are a candle as bright as darkness, you are my moon. i am your spring bud in the date palm garden , i am always proud of you, my rebuke , you are my rebuke, what has been said in this grass , you are my soul, the earth and the sky, you are my spirit , and my soul, the stars of the sky, you are the light of my path. you are a bright saturday
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, my land, in my land, the flower of my life bloomed, in this grass, my land, in my land, the earth and the sky, you are my spirit and my soul, my origin is in you, or i am an angel .
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sabgahi international is a reporter, hello , good morning, take your turn let's go to this part with the visit of the honorable acting minister of foreign affairs to iraq, mr. good morning to you too, in the name of god, good morning to you too , to you and the respected viewers, greetings and courtesy
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. yes, as you said , our foreign policy apparatus has had busy days in recent days. the country of iraq is the fourth foreign capital that mr. bagheri, the acting minister of foreign affairs of our country , is traveling to. before this, we traveled to his first foreign trip to beirut and it was damascus. that happened on a regional trip that it was announced that in this trip they are looking for more coordination around the activities of the resistance against the zionist regime and then we had a trip to moscow and today a trip to iraq which will be a two-day trip . today is actually the first day mr. bagheri will visit baghdad and on friday they will go to kurdistan region and erbil region for different issues. it will be investigated during this trip, especially that according to the
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published news, ayatollah raisi had previously planned to travel to iraq in the first half of june, but this trip will not be carried out. mr. bagheri, in fact, the issues that were supposed to be followed up by mr. raisi in this trip will be on the agenda. mr. nice, we will be in touch so that we can discuss more details. dear and respected viewers , regarding mr. bagheri's trip to iraq, he went to the brics summit two days ago, yes , and he met and talked with many foreign ministers . now it is not bad to mention these foreign ministers. mr. bagheri had various meetings with them on the sidelines of this brics summit, which ended two days ago the foreign ministers of brazil, russia, if i'm not mistaken , it was kazakhstan, sri lanka, south africa. now, i
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remember, if you actually had meetings and other bilateral talks that they had , and they actually could not make this trip , but now we actually intended to let's talk with one of the foreign policy experts about this trip. unfortunately , we haven't been in contact yet, but another topic that we will discuss today in tahriri international is the palestinian issue, which
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is always a regular part of our reporter's schedule. it has been a few days since the minister of affairs abroad america for a period of time, yes, their journey began in the blinken trip in the region, a journey that is supported by a resolution that was approved by the security council , a resolution that was not vetoed by the americans regarding the ceasefire because they had presented it themselves, and the resistance emphasizes that this the resolution is biased and actually favors the zionist regime . well, i will discuss this matter with mr. soltani fard, an expert on west asian issues . hello, good morning. the status of the ceasefire agreement and the implementation of the resolution the security council has heard that hamas has emphasized that it welcomes the ceasefire, but at the same time , the red lines must be observed, and the red lines are the complete withdrawal of the zionist forces from gaza and
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a permanent ceasefire, and he has informed the americans of this. in this text, may the agreement be made in the coming days, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , to you and the respected viewers of the salam program. in fact, voting for this resolution is one of the provisions in fact, the main points that hamas has always emphasized is the discussion of a permanent ceasefire in this plan, which was presented after 6 weeks, in fact, the exchange of evenings and the withdrawal of the zionist occupying forces from the residential areas, not the complete withdrawal, this is actually one of the things that are in the phase first of all, the included plan for a
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permanent ceasefire will be a negotiated agreement, which hamas has also mentioned. that he will follow these negotiations indirectly through qatar, egypt, the important thing is that what you mentioned is the discussion of a permanent ceasefire because there is this concern and there is no guarantee that after the exchange of prisoners, the zionist regime should not start its attacks on gaza again. moreover, in fact, israel wants to have the guarantee that even in the same period of 6 weeks , it can start its attacks again if it sees fit and wants. these are the points that should be considered. and it was still not successful in implementing the resolution. well, this text of mr. soltani far's agreement also has a legal background, and that resolution is the resolution of the security council. when it was approved, this resolution was actually because all the members of the security council
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have called for a cease-fire for a long time. are with almost 14 positive votes. it has been confirmed, but thanks for the vote giving and saying that we do not have a problem with the principle of the ceasefire , we welcome it, but the text presented by america is biased and actually ambiguous . and in fact, did you realize this too and did you see that in fact this heavy burden of this agreement weighs heavily on the zionist side ? even during the exchange of prisoners, at the same time, in fact, paste could start his attacks well, this is considered a violation of the ceasefire. the next thing is , what is
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the guarantee that a permanent ceasefire will actually start after the exchange of asar in these 6 weeks? let's not start, these are the points that are actually being taken into consideration . the next thing that the zionist regime has always been looking for is the discussion of the future of ghazaleh, that is, the two goals that netanyahu's cabinet was pursuing, one was the complete destruction of hamas in gaza, and the second is the management of the future. gaza should not have any involvement of hamas in any way. these are the cases that in fact, there is ambiguity in the resolution, mr. soltani, an expert on west asian issues. thank you , mrs. hajipour . we are very much at your service. we come back and leave to be close to the 8 am news.
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they traveled to iraq. the news indicates that tehran is heading to baghdad. the purpose of this trip is to meet and
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hold consultations with the iraqi authorities. in your presence, the prime minister of iraq, mohammad shia sudani , had a meeting and discussion. in these meetings , the development and promotion of cooperation between the two countries was emphasized, and it is expected that agreements will be made in this field . there are also agreements that will be further discussed and negotiated in the presence of mr. bagheri, the honorable acting minister of foreign affairs. well , mr. bagheri has had various meetings and trips to the region in the last few days, and this is one of the most important of them. it was supposed to be done with our martyred president . thank you very much for your support, god willing, see you tomorrow at 6:30. we will protect god's minutes. together with one flag, we tied to the homeland, we are not the world when
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we are us too.
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you people are the main heroes of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world , it is because of your strength. to join the chele
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khemat campaign, it is enough to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and send the number eight to 123 39. my secret is that you are an officer
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, don't make mistakes. sarai big irani, the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices , long-term installments and without advance payment in sarai big irani. hello, akbar, mr. mas, i want my father's eyes. tell me, your father has a lot of credit on your account. i will pay with tara's credit. tara has a lot of credit with us. tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans . don't hurt your hands. put them in the refrigerator . why did it hurt? it was like this from the beginning. unless you bought household appliances, unfortunately, no. unfortunately
7:59 am
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8:00 am
hi.good morning. the heating of the election furnace with the presence of the candidates in the field and the speeches of the candidates in public gatherings. on the fourth day of campaigning, all six candidates have programs in the national media today. increasing the product and facilitating the work of nakhlestan by designing and producing
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a variety of equipment and technologies. gone to use this equipment.


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