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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the start of executive operation of more than 10,000 megawatts is more than the share of 1,000 megawatts . foulad sangan of the 200 mw wind power plant has also started its operational operations , and i also offered 100 mw power plant in kashmir , the same way i offered it. to be completely put into operation. our prediction is that by the end of this year, we will be able to renew the electricity generation capacity of about 2 thousand megawatts. to add to the country's sustainable or green country, a good investment has been made in this government for the development of renewables. one of those measures is the establishment of a green electricity panel, which fortunately has been well received. the suppliers of that power plant are renewable and its applicants are returning to the country's industry, which
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this year, according to the production jump law, must supply 2% of their electricity consumption from renewable power plants, as well as the country's administrations, which must supply 5% of their electricity consumption from renewable sources this year. they buy the green electrical panel they need kenan and arzehish are investors who work in the field of renewables, we hope. it is our job that these railroads that have been done are all aimed at increasing the share of renewable energy in the country and, god willing , in the consumption of fossil fuels that is related to the future generations and also in the current conditions of the country in winters. usually, we have a mismatch between production and fuel consumption, this will help, god willing , mr. nazari, we also talked about water projects , now in terms of water supply for the village. how many
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villages will have their water supply completed with this plan? what has been done and how many are left, and your plan is this, that is, how to plan so that the rest of the villages can benefit from these water supply projects. yes, we had planned that , god willing, until the end of the government . of water they should have health or the same objectives of the network, which we have put more than 500 villages on the agenda and program during this period, and this issue is still going on with the same goal that, god willing, all the villages will be supplied with water, of course, using the capacity. dear ones who
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have a very important help in these water supplies please know that, unfortunately, during the last two or three years, we had a very severe drought, and our villages suffered serious damage, but we hope that while we are managing this situation , we will be able to implement these infrastructure measures related to rural water, god willing. how many villages are there in sarjem, how many have been completed and how many are left? we have 159 villages with more than 20 houses . the so-called ones without water supply network are less than a thousand . the
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remaining term of the government is doing all this let us tell you that i said that about 500 villages, more than 500 villages are in the program and under implementation projects , mr. nazari, regarding the plan that now the ministry of javad has done 19 projects and my number is a large number. obviously, jihad, if i want to mention the most important ones , it is the opening and operation of a milk powder factory, the revival of canals , there are discussions related to watershed structures , which somehow all are related to the topic.
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there is water, the use of modern irrigation systems is on the agenda and part of that exploitation. it has come to pass that the material that i am presenting is active in the so-called private sector investment and it is one of the important projects that have been exploited in today's program related to the agricultural jihad. he is doing the hospitals that have been put into operation . can you tell us in more detail for the viewers? yes, well, a few days ago, with the visit of the minister of health, as a prelude, we inaugurated a number of projects. health
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a village was exploited . god willing, we plan to prepare some very good projects by the government week. among the so-called imam reza cancer treatment center, which is located in mashhad itself, and god willing , it will have very advanced equipment and facilities , golbahar hospital, which has reached the stage of more than 90%, and god willing, it will also be opened in the government week. of course, it is not only these announcement projects. neyshabur hospital and other projects have been put into operation, god willing, in the next two to three months. in the field of health and treatment, these very important and effective projects
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will be put into operation, god willing. well , we talked about the hospital issue and so on. mr. panahi , the deputy minister of health, is also on our internet communication line, mr. panahi. greetings to you. for the viewers, please tell us in more detail what kind of plans were put into operation in the field of health care in the province. just like that you have a monopoly, in general, my government. the government tried
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to advance that function in a problem-oriented manner at mashhad university of medical sciences . there were programs that started two years ago . well, a percentage of them were educational. we opened a community education center that was a collection of several faculties, a research center for medical sciences. in mashhad, we decided to have a set of research centers that can conduct large-scale research in the field of health until it was opened, in the infrastructure field of the science and technology park in mashhad, we have some
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advanced treatments such as cancer treatment and in general , those things that can play a role in pre-shirane , were our plans in mashhad and finally in the plans of mr. president sobor, that they are supposed to come, in fact , it was a series of works in the field of health, which actually happened today with the presence of the first deputy, and i hope that each of these programs can help in reducing the suffering of men in the field of diseases. . god willing, thank you very much, mr. panahi, vice president of research technology, minister of health, provision of medical education, mr. raji mashdi, you also had a campaign
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about this project with energy. do it or not, people are more than this permission. see, you have mentioned a good question . the energy campaign is designed to reduce consumption by about 15% in the domestic and commercial sector . in fact, it is very easy to participate in it, which means that everyone can reduce consumption in this way, even though they have the necessary welfare. valuable prizes they can benefit. as we said, the prizes are 300 cars. in addition , millions of other prizes that include household electrical appliances , digital appliances will arrive from next week, god willing, the twenty-sixth, the twenty-sixth of june, so-called. we will start awarding phase with prior notification that we will give to our dear people.
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i would like to request that in the hotter areas of the country, by turning off the additional air conditioners or setting the temperature to 25 degrees and above , they can have a good reduction in consumption compared to the same period last year. if you want to participate in this campaign, it is enough dial the 15 21 square star and register in this way, it will be clear what their counter looks like and their weekly consumption can be entered by taking a picture through this application system and every time they actually take a picture they can benefit from internet rewards from their electricity consumption meter and they can actually receive proportional rewards that are predicted on a weekly basis, as well as big rewards that can be enjoyed if they continue to reduce their electricity consumption by 10%.
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register in this application or application software system name them, if they have a reduction in consumption , they will automatically participate in this lottery and will benefit from the prizes . let me tell you that because the weather is very hot , most of the electricity consumption happens in the country's cooling sector, which is more than 332 thousand megawatts of electricity consumed by cooling devices in the summer . this amount can be reduced by at least 15% . i did it for gas coolers with temperature adjustment for water coolers using remote slow air conditioners and if they can reduce the additional costs , they can definitely enjoy the rewards of this campaign with energy. in addition, our last year's plan
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, which was also a saving bonus , is still valid, and by reducing their consumption, they can make their bills free. collect points to use the awards provided in this plan, mr. nazari, the ministry of housing also has a series of plans in the news. you say yes , let it be said that this is as you have summoned the projects are based on the backlog, and in fact, the compensation for the backlogs has started. one of the backlogs we had is in the part related to the educational space . alhamdulillah, during this period, 4,000 classrooms were built , thanks to the help of both the ministry of education and donors. dear, a few days ago, with the presence of the minister
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of education, 5,000 classrooms were also implemented, which i hope will be put into operation in time . and about 20,000 plots were handed over to the applicants. in the current situation, 160,000 plots are available we are building at the provincial level from the foundation to the operation stage, in other words, i can say that i have been serving you since the beginning of the national housing movement in our province. 160,000 have either been implemented or
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are being exploited, the housing that you just handed over was the completed housing or the national movement had started, it was finished, no, not completely. thirteenth, we predict that , god willing , new lands will be handed over to the people in the next month or two, by god's grace. until the week of the government, which is called our time we will have about 20,000 construction operations from the beginning to the current conditions, which, god willing, the people will follow until the final stage. another point that i can tell you
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is related to the issue of provincial roads and the province's road network. unfortunately, we had two very important issues. one of the accident-prone spots is about 70. we had some accident-prone spots, and almost 60 of these spots have been fixed . alhamdulillah, the rest are being worked on . the year is 85. the holy mashhad will be visited, the quality is very high these roads were unsuitable and during this so-called period, 1700 kilometers were reconstructed and asphalted. this is a record, according to the comments of
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our dear experts, the maximum record they have is 200 per year. kilometers, but within 2 years, approximately 1700 kilometers of this road have been reconstructed, which was a problem for the dear pilgrims and of course the provincials, and today they have at their disposal the restoration of the jat factory, which is the constant concern of our martyred president. there were a total of 573 production units in both the industrial and agricultural sectors since the beginning of the government revived, we had more than a thousand rocket units both in the industrial sector and in the agricultural sector
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. revival has taken place. thank you very much, mr. nazari, governor of khorasan razavi, for being with us in this conversation. mr. raji mashhadi, your time has come, if you have any summary, please let me know. you see, all our colleagues in the electricity industry are trying their best to provide electricity this summer as in previous years, god willing. the capacity of more than 9 thousand megawatts has been added to the electricity production since the beginning of the government. only the cooperation of all departments various in the administrative, commercial, household, and industry sectors . you are among all the good viewers of today's conversation that has been with us until this moment, may god protect you.
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it has the highest participation rate in the country. it forms the largest private sector in the country. it is 3 times more efficient than the industry. it accounts for about 30% of the country's employment. it should be a food supplier for about 89 million and 500 thousand people and also have an eye on exporting to the other side of the borders. all these capacities are gathered in the agricultural sector. before the revolution, 14 million subjects in agriculture. 26 million toms in total dairy products chilat at your service, we used to produce 26 million tons of horticulture, today we have reached 125 million tons, despite the semi-arid and arid climate and lack of water and low rainfall in the area of ​​one million and 873959 km of iran, more than 400 thousand farmers
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who have implemented more fully, it will reach 500,000 farmers who are working in the cultivation of various rainfed crops. on average, each farmer manages 6 hectares of rainfed land in the country. now, paying special attention to the agricultural sector, which brings food security to armaghan , is considered two important and essential tasks of the government of the parliament. that too in a leap year production with the participation of people. which the leader of the revolution has emphasized in paragraph 9 of article 4 of the third constitution. the report of mr. nikbeh, minister of agricultural jihad, the second economic minister of the 13th government. who came to parliament this week to present a report on agricultural products and bottlenecks and food security programs of the country. the discussion of determining the price of wheat. the payment of 50%
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of farmers' demands so far and the increase in wheat production were some of the news that mohammad ali nikbakht gave. purchase of wheat exceeded 4 million tons. god willing , we will buy wheat for the second year after 402. paying attention to the implementation of judicial security programs and priority the jump in production with the participation of people, such as shila, the development of greenhouses and medicinal plants for export, industrial animal husbandry , and the new professional export of agricultural products with the initiative of iranian businessmen, and the increase in electrification of wells and the replacement of modern agricultural irrigation were the main points of this minister's report to the dear producers. at the head of the country, i announce that they should produce without any hesitation and these inputs are available. supplying agricultural and livestock inputs, expansion of conversion industries, the need to deal with the distribution
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of poisons and counterfeit drugs, timely and immediate payment of farmers' demands, strengthening rice farmers and reducing importing rice, up-to-date and appropriate pricing of agricultural products, paying attention to export products such as dates, saffron and pistachios, and supplying electricity and fuel to agricultural wells to increase the duration of irrigation from the views of parliamentarians to strengthen farmers and ranchers addressed to the minister of agricultural jihad today, we not only started drip irrigation and new and under pressure, against the general policies of the leadership, which is to improve the efficiency of water in the production of agricultural products, but we also fill people's wells, agriculture in the current conditions without changing the cultivation pattern. without the support that should be in
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infrastructural areas, for example , i do not know what the ministry of energy should do in this sector is successful, we do not negate the services of the government in this field, but the reality is that it is not enough. our country is a country that has modern agricultural capacity in large parts. . export is prohibited in the case of agricultural products, so you must follow up and comply with this. one issue is the timely explanation of fertilizers, seeds, poisons, delivery to agricultural institutions. at the country level, there are dissatisfactions in this regard , which friends have pointed out. we have to remove cumbersome laws. short rules in favor of the farmer ok. finally, for the judicial security of the country, finally , the farmer must be united if he wants to come and do production, that is in the year that the supreme leader
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has named the production jump year with the participation of the people, in the public session of the parliament next week , another economic minister of the 13th government is going to give another economic report. hamidreza golddozi, a reporter of the islamic council of iran's islamic council news agency, presented to the representatives of the nation. this year's hajj in baharestan is the hajj of bara'at according to the teachings that mr. ibrahim gave us . it has flowed, i have to stay and that's it. however , this year's hajj is a hajj of innocence, especially the events that are happening in gaza and this huge strange event
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, the revelation of the vampire's face, is a collection of western civilization, these are things that are special for today , that is, paying attention to him is not special for today and these days. it will remain in history. what is happening today in gaza and palestine, these barbaric attacks and zionist rabid dogs and zionist vampire elements on one side, the oppression and at the same time the resistance of the muslim people of gaza on the other side.
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it is a huge sign in history, it is an indicator in history these are important indicators , they will show the way to the future of humanity, death to israel, death to israel, well, who in the world today is hostile to muslims, making war on them, killing their wives, their husbands, their children, driving them away from their homes and he is expelling them from their country. who is the enemy of zionism in the quran should be described more clearly than this . i am only the enemy of zionism, and i will expel those who help him, if
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it was not for the help of america. the zionist regime had the power and courage to treat muslim people, men, women and children in such a limited environment. death in america, death on america, death in america cannot be done with this enemy , you cannot treat them gently. the one who is in charge of murder, the one who is the deputy of murder, the one who supports the murder, the one who destroys the house, or the one who supports the destroyer of the house.
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don't hurt your hand, put them in the fridge . didn't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately no. unfortunately, what is no? buy household appliances from the city. why? because it has both quality and discount. discount? discount not discount. both discount and bonus. every night a winner of a hundred million tomani shahr farsh, the city of household appliances. yesterday's children, today's elders, the season is ripe. how
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high is the consumption of electricity? we don't waste electricity. this is the right way . we don't waste electricity. this is the right way. if we reduce electricity consumption together, we can increase our country's energy . iran is clear with you, saraf is fast. sarai bozor iranian, the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long -term bookings and without prepayment in sarai bozor.
4:00 pm
in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful. 5 helicopters and one aircraft in the western provinces of the country a water-sprinkling plane from the red crescent and the irgc aerospace force has been sent to these areas . the spokesman of the country's crisis management organization said that the process of extinguishing fire by ground and air with the participation of the crisis management headquarters of the provinces


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