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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , my dear compatriots, hello to you, good evening. you are very welcome , especially the program on the first page of the program, which is dedicated to talking to the honorable candidates of the 14th presidential election cycle. we will discuss some of the programs of the loved ones that are somehow related to their performance in the past, god willing, and i request you to accompany us. martyr ayat god bless raisi and his companions, god willing , we wish them high ranks and good health and dignity for you too. in this program, i will talk with mr. saeed jalili, the candidate for the 14th term of the presidential election, mr. jalili . greetings, you are very welcome. peace be upon you. hello to you and all our dear people
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, thank you for appearing in this program and answering the questions that are raised, mr. jalili, as i said, we will check part of your records and other honorable candidates in this program. and of course to some programs we will also discuss it in the future. please tell us in brief what responsibilities you have held from the past until now, how this hierarchy has progressed. you have? in the name of god . perhaps one of the characteristics that i had during my service period is that i entered from the lowest level. that is, as soon as i got my master's degree, the newspaper announced that we registered for employment at the ministry of foreign affairs , participated in those stages, and then got hired. both
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i was an expert, that is, an expert in the ministry of foreign affairs was the beginning of my so-called government work, and i was an expert in this work for 2 years, then we became the deputy of the same department , then we were the deputy for a year or two, and then we became the supervisor and head of that department after a while. well, with these changes that there was, we went back to the bachelor's degree again, we became an expert again , and we became the deputy director again. in another series, well, with those developments, then we became the general manager, then we became the deputy minister, and then, as the secretary of the supreme national security council, i explained that if today we are talking about the office of the president and the head of the executive branch, perhaps one of the things that will help the president a lot is that he should know the work process and order, where the execution of the order that is issued will be placed at the end,
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who should implement it and what will be the outcome. and this familiarity with this process from the bottom to the top level may be one of the most important and influential factors. what if it is not done on a principled and correct basis. it is obvious that i am in these courses i told the expert of the deputy head of the director general's office that i did not know how many months each was, not how many years each entered the ministry in 1968 from 1968 and the year you became the secretary of the supreme security council in 1986. yes, that means, for example, these 18 it took a year for them to reach that stage, for example , that a presidential candidate who has prepared himself to run the moz government. he must
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know all aspects of the government employee body, which means at least he must know what this path is, how it will be followed if you give an order, in the end he will be his colleague. you are at the lowest levels in the government system follow it and reach the result without this process , what is the process, what obstacles are there in it, what factors can help it to be done well , mr. doctor, how did you go through your university degrees, what field did you study, i studied political science until the doctorate degree. doctoral degree, yes , mr. jalili, if we want to go to a topic, now under the title of project or any other topic that you know as an indicator in your activities, that you tried to solve that problem and bring it to success. what would you call a success?
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you can see that one of the most important debates in the work of the government and basically politics is the allocation of power resources, that is, you should be able to manage the resources you have well , use them well, and get the most benefit with the least cost. let me give you an example, for example, when i was in the inspection of the ministry of foreign affairs, these two models could be implemented. for example, you have 10, 120 embassies abroad. well, you know that it costs a lot because of foreign trips and such when you go, there are many expenses and a lot of work. well, this is a job that costs money and takes time, because you go to one country and come back, there are a lot of problems and that means you lose time. the planning you do can be done by using the many
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facilities that exist, which now, well, these facilities have increased a lot. he continued, for example, except for one other case , i did not go on any foreign trip to inspect these issues . let's see the country, we are doing our work, but maybe in the same 6-year period, we were able to create the most so-called elites on the agencies with a mechanism that, well, some of my works had that now, for example, if someone has problems , those problems will be taken care of in time, if that discussion was a violation. to deal with it, i mean that sometimes you have to have this art to get the most benefit with the least cost. yes , it is necessary here to put aside some personal interests, such as the attractions of things. now this is on a level like this it was at the office level
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my argument is that, for example, we were in charge of the supreme national security council for a few years . before that, after a while, i became the deputy for europe of the us ministry of foreign affairs. i said that you are in the same hierarchy as the president. we became after that, we became the general manager in the leadership office for a while, then i became the deputy minister of foreign affairs. there, this course of the path, when you came from below, showed that you have nobility, that means you know what is going on in this course , so we used to make decisions with more power with a noble that you had. therefore, i remember that during my time as vice president of europe, america, well, with the view that , well, we should have extensive and constructive interaction with everywhere. if we had it there, we could make our presence more effective in many places by optimally using the costs. it is implied that our costs do not increase. this is a very important issue. for example , in some of your representative offices and embassies
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, it was not possible to develop relations there. for example , because the living conditions there were good, you had 10 employees, and in some places you didn't have an embassy at all. why? in the event that if you had done this in a good management, where you did not have an embassy , ​​you could have much better relations by transferring the same forces there. i remember, for example, we had a look at latin america at that time in several new countries where representation was established. what was the cost of this and what was the source? very well, i will reduce here and add there, so that we do not increase the country's expenses. after that, how many good effects did it have, for example, we had relations with some countries that we didn't even have relations with, for example, you had a lot of exports, or some countries , for example, i remember, at the same time, we had relations with venezuela. we had some serious agreements in the amount of billions of dollars
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, and that is about exporting from iran to there. the export of tractors that took place there, iranian tractors , the same machines of our domestic cars that were exported there, effective works, for example, several thousands of residential projects at that time , you invested in a place that had so many benefits for the people at that time. mr. jalili, in your opinion , the issue of resource management, which was hidden in your excellency's answer, and somehow targeting the costs, is this it has the ability to provide for all the affairs and coverage of the country. yes, now i am one of our main programs. one of the duties of the president is to know how the resources he has are spent
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, on the one hand, to prevent the waste of resources, on the one hand, to have a plan to maximize the use of these resources in the best way, and this should be the plan. the president is successful. the president is successful if he can use the resources in the best way and does not let them go to waste. this is one of those very important discussions that we have plans for in other programs we will explain in more detail. honorable candidates usually choose a main slogan in the election contests. i would like to ask you first of all what this slogan is and how it compares to your main slogan and the main orientation of your possible government with your records. the main issue that i emphasize very much is to tell my dear people why we came to the arena today , we are presenting our presidential election for
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an important reason. there are many economic and political opportunities in the region the historical, industrial, and even civilizational world is facing him today. the art of the president should be to be able to recognize these opportunities , to be adept at them, and to make maximum use of them with a plan, because i say that there are many opportunities, it is not to say, well , now let's go and check, then we will write a plan. fortunately, in the past 10-11 years, in the speech of the sai government that we were following, we followed these opportunities shadow by shadow, we recognized them, we examined them, and today we have a plan for them, how to use them to the maximum. this is the question that you you mentioned the slogan, for example, what is a candidate? i
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believe that your slogan can say two or three words , for example, it should be beautiful, it should be attractive, but i told this to my colleagues and friends. show your words in two or three words , but your slogan should be a sign that will serve as an example in the next 4 years. it should be your job and people should see regularly whether this slogan that was given is being implemented or not, otherwise you can say beautiful words and create literature, for example , just be rhetorical, this is a discussion, not you. you use the same literature to tell people all this in the form of one sentence that i am going to do this for the next 4 years . it is not a slogan, but it is the extract and summary of the plan that i am presenting that we have for the next 4 years
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. the discussion is that if we say that today there are many opportunities in the world and in our country , then i will present these opportunities that i say that there are opportunities when one sees the global developments and how many opportunities are available for our country. there are many inside. therefore , our slogan is that one world is an opportunity, one iran is a leap, that is, if you have a world of opportunities in front of you, then it must be necessary for the government to have a plan to make a big leap in the dignity of the iranian nation . what is the most important opportunity for the islamic republic of iran? you know , the most important opportunity we have today is to continue mask's slogan. now let me explain this exactly . who do you want to do it with? what are these opportunities? what is the most important opportunity? the most important opportunity for the abilities of
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individuals in iranian society. all members of iranian society. this it is very important to discuss that one of the historical opportunities we have today is that you have a generation of intelligent, educated, creative young people who can play a role here , so the discussion we are having is that it is the most important opportunity if we say it is an opportunity. this is our human force, these are our people who play roles in different places. the continuation of our discussion is that every iranian has a glorious role, which means that the government should do this. we say that this leap must be done , if we say that we must use these opportunities in the best way, by whom will this be done , when your government is the leading government, this is the discussion. we are a role-playing government that can play a role at the national level, at the regional level, and at the global level, and can
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provide the opportunity for each of its citizens to play a role . this is not really just a slogan and it is rejected , it is not our plan that is summarized in this slogan , mr. jalili, you see, one of the most important issues that is needed to move things forward in the country is the coordination and coherence of performance at the level of the forces at the high, middle and high levels. according to the experience you have and the program that you have just set up, do you agree with this? you have paid attention to the category and analyzed what problems there are in the discussion of power relations, whether it is high levels or middle levels. fortunately, one of the responsibilities i had was the secretary of the supreme national security council for 6 years. you know that the secretary of the supreme national security council is beyond a task force is that not only between the three forces, but also other institutions, the armed forces and other sectors
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, the necessary harmonies and synergies are necessary for serious successes, especially. that the supervisor of national security creates, this is a very important discussion. i am one of them , by the way, perhaps one of my best memories from the era the responsibility of the secretary of the supreme national security council is that , unfortunately, at that time, especially in the last years, due to the reasons that our people are dealing with now, there were differences between the armed forces, which sometimes appeared in the same formats, and in the end, it all came from that. the behaviors and sometimes the acrimony that had formed between qawaizganeh , the lack of satisfaction from the leadership, the lack of satisfaction , i am sorry for your presence, people were upset that, sir, for example , why was this tour not good, but i want to say that at the same time, we had this success in the secretariat of the supreme national security council. that is the best and strongest relationship we had a meeting with the seghan forces at a time when the forces sometimes had disagreements with each other and
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had complaints against each other, and by the way, the secretariat had become a refuge for now. let those disputes or some of those issues or some disputes come to be resolved there . i remember that we had many meetings on various issues. first and being prosecutors, these are almost permanent members of our meetings who come from the judiciary and the two vice presidents who are almost always present. attending meetings. i remember from the government that the ministers of the organization and i sometimes say to keep these meetings. now, in this situation where sometimes there is no coordination between the forces, this is a good place where these coordinations are established. alhamdulillah, it was a good atmosphere and by the way, blessings. it was very good, that is, at the same time, some national issues, what issues should be done positively, what
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issues should be dealt with, for example, in the fight against corruption, and the support of the government. he wanted to say, alhamdulillah, there were some good successes here, one of them the very important things that were being done at the same time , again, in discussions beyond internal issues, security is another broad issue, security is not just about you saying, for example, let's just go to our borders, for example, to maintain our borders . you must be able to provide the necessary security for your citizen in all fields, for your people , this is necessary, that a supra-instrumental work must involve all the forces of all the armed forces and all expression , and that time is one of the very good things in the shadow. this cooperation and empathy that took place great successes were achieved. great people like
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martyr soleimani were present at that time . remember me, at that time, one of the discussions was that the eastern side of our country had come to afghanistan, the united states had completely occupied the western side of our country, and it had occupied iraq. kurd means our two neighboring countries , america, which in any case is an enemy to us, had completely occupied it. well, this could be a threat to your national security. within those five or six years, that set of cooperations, coordinations and synergies , which happened to be well done. he got the result that america could not get the result in both of those places oh wait, i remember first. after i had a meeting with the japanese minister there, he said that after 70 years, we still could not get the us to collect its military bases from japan, for example , and then he was fired for a while. he came to tehran as a member of parliament. he said that yes, we couldn't, and by the way, my election slogan was this, and i couldn't, that's why i resigned, and
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he came to tehran as a representative of the prime minister of japan at the time. i told him , but it's not like that. gire said no americans anywhere they said not to go there, but now you see the two sides of our country, these are threats to us , but you see today that america is the same year. he left iraq in 1989. he officially left. he said no , the costs have become too much for me. these are the things that bring security to the country, or for example , when the isis insurgency was formed. well, this is very important . well, you know the opportunities and the threats. sometimes we have to know and deal with the threat before it takes shape and minimize it . doubting that, sir, this is right, it is wrong , what should we do here, but anyone who has knowledge there knows that this is a sedition there, which happens to be the end of the national security
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of our nation, the same isis that was created , we saw the same after it left syria. when he came to iraq, he officially threatened us, but why didn't he succeed? in my opinion , a good move was made in understanding the issue of cooperation between the institutions and that we should be prepared and help before it takes shape, and a more important discussion at the same time. the course of discussion was, for example, the rights of the iranian nation, if, for example, you are your nation, your scientist today, your physicist has a right for scientific research and for the development of the country, for example, we, one million people, needed assets at that time , which required that you, for example , have 20% enriched fuel, about one million people needed this here. you must defend the rights of the nation . that you do not allow the rights of the nation to be violated. now, at that time, the issue was that you must defend this. when we took over the job, some people said yes. they wrote in their memoirs
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that before they were there before us, they said yes to we said that we are not allowed to have a centrifuge give, but it's time for us, these 19,000 centrists say that the agency has 6 issues with iran that are left, and we have solved all 6. the agency said that these six issues are not left. they say, for example, you cannot have those enriched materials , they were all for peaceful purposes, we had all of these, my argument is that if you depend on the mission you have in that position, for example, what was your mission there to defend the rights of the iranian nation, iranian scientists, from a right of the iranian nation, which by the way, he later showed me that if you cannot protect this right, it will come to rights. the topic is being attacked now, i believe that the president is here again, if at that time he defended the nuclear rights, today, in addition to that, he defends the livelihood rights of my people, he must be someone who is serious about this, then he can protect this right.
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don't let anyone interfere with it, this is the discussion that , thank you, doctor, one of the most important issues that usually causes disruption and slowness in the progress of the country's affairs is the issue of bureaucracy or bureaucracy. what program problem do you have? look, i was in 1992, if you remember i participated in the same presidential election , what was perhaps one of the most important debates i raised? my argument was that today the country's serious priority is to reform the country's executive administrative structure and that is the government machine. after my election, when our opponent won, i congratulated him in the first meeting. i told them that if i want to give you a gift, it is that you should put your priority on fixing the government car. he said, "look what i said. maybe you and i
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have two different views. naturally, we were rivals. you had the same view, for example. you wanted this position go, i wanted to go in this direction, but this government car will not take me in this direction, it will not take you in this direction . the output is not enough. now, when we say that there is a time, we say 85, for example, the country's budget is spent on current expenses. it is salaries that go into the same government machine. it is not only that, but more important are all the honorable employees who are working in the machine. they are spending 30 years of their best life they must like to work somewhere , work in such a way that this work is effective. let me give you an example, why, for example, our people are directed to an office from the front. people should be people's shelter. that is
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, for example, if someone passes in front of the industry department, then he says, "oh, there is a department that if i want to do this production, for example, i will go here . they will help me, give me advice, and support me, not to say, 'oh, how did you pass this house?'" in 1992, i said a sentence for this topic, this is necessary it's not that, for example, you should accuse the employees, not that you should change the mechanism. i used this example a lot. for example , the opposite side of you was discussing something, for example, the commander in his camp would tell his troops to go, for example, fight here , why did this change, because here the commander would go forward and tell his troops to come, this would change the whole relationship, the troops would get motivated, he would say, look, nothing. he doesn't ask himself, this is going, first of all, he is working, now he can't bring this culture into the offices, that is, if instead of the imam's clients, for example go behind your back in an office, if no one answers him or
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, for example, this opportunity is for you, especially today with the good success in communication technologies in cyber science, this so-called intelligent and so-called super-intelligent government is exactly this. by the way, you should let people know that these things can be done to them with the phone they have . one of the topics that you said that this government machine should be reformed, it seems that this is the elimination of the conflict of interests within the government itself, which we can also refer to as bottlenecks of corruption, if you become the president, are the media and corruption reporters
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allowed to criticize your government without being accused of being against the government, without being accused of disrupting the work of the government? look, i have a view that no actor can succeed. unless the spectators watch his game and help him by telling him about iranada, tell him my strengths , what was this discourse that we had in the last 10 years , a discourse that i have been following , i have brought up this debate in many places under the title of the shadow government. what was the organization, there was no deacon, there was no apparatus, this shadow discourse it was that everyone should see the current trend of the country to the best of their ability. you have a scope, for example, in the media , see one in the economy. if there is a mistake somewhere, what's the point of helping to make a picture? tell me
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, sir, i feel that you are making a mistake. it is necessary that this discussion that we say, for example, is the speech of dolat sai, that is, me if i am the president, i would welcome a shadow government to follow me and confirm these discussions and the effect of completion, one of which is the media , not just the media. in the group of professors that i spoke to, one of my statements was that every university should be a shadow government. i follow this in my government. i say that every university should be a shadow government, mr. dr. jalili, this is a small question, maybe now there are some reservations in the answer to it, but maybe it will help people's view, if you become the president, the role of the members how is your election headquarters in assuming the key responsibilities of the government? in 1992, someone asked me if you
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use non-members of your election headquarters. for example, in the government and these, those in your headquarters said, ask this in a different way, and he said , will you use the members of your headquarters at all? look , i'm saying this seriously. look, one of the important debates is that i know the duty of my government . today, if we see great successes in the country , who created these great successes? we know this based on at least 11 years of study wherever there was success, i went to see it. this didn't happen by itself, there are people who sincerely committed, intelligently and efficiently created all this success. well, maybe these are not your profession, i don't care at all . by the way, these people are rarely seen, and the art of the government should be to see them by chance. if you are looking for success, if we say one world, one opportunity, one iran , leap, this is not just a slogan, this is one iran.


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