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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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armenia's constitution has been demanded the prime minister of armenia said yesterday that yerevan does not accept baku's requests to change its constitution. in two short wars in the last four years, the republic of azerbaijan has recaptured gorbagh from armenia. in this regard, i am having a conversation with mr. seyed ali saghaian, the former ambassador of iran to the republic of armenia. who are with us in the form of a video, mr. saqaiyan , hello and welcome, as a first question , i would like to ask how important do you think this dispute is. how long does its history go back to? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear sir. thank you for
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the time you have given me. i must say that if we want to go back to the past, this conflict is basically over now, and i must say that it is almost being resolved. yes, it goes back to the former soviet era. in the former soviet era , you know, anyway, the republics were not as they are today. borders were not threatened, geographical borders were not known. after the collapse of the soviet union in 1999, countries such as the republic of azerbaijan and the republic of armenia officially became a reality in the political geography scene. of course in relation to these two neighboring countries, i must add that the border issues had not been resolved and the border threat and recognition. the geographical border points of the two countries
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were not feasible in the border threat commissions , i must add, but in relation to qorbagh , as mentioned, the so-called self-proclaimed republic of qorbagh inside armenia was not recognized in any way, even by the armenian government, and then in we saw last year that mr. pashinyan officially announced that karabagh belongs to the republic of azerbaijan, and due to this issue , the republic of azerbaijan opened this part of its territory. he took it back, and at the same time, our official position was that we officially recognized this part as part of the territory of the republic of azerbaijan, and now the border threats and recognition of border points between the two countries are being discussed in
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the border commission under the supervision of the vice presidents of the two countries. negotiations are underway, mr. saghaian, considering that in the constitution of armenia, there is the issue of qorbagh, which should be annexed to armenia, but baku wants armenia to change its constitution, do you think this is the way to go. peace negotiations will not have a negative effect if we refer to mr. pashinyan's positions, no, because officially, mr. pashinyan has announced this , of course, the amendment of the constitution has its own process, but considering that this is one of the principles of the constitution of the republic of armenia, in any case , considering the return of this region to the republic of azerbaijan, definitely anyway. the official position of the government
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of yerevan, just as mr. pashinyan announced , is that karabagh is no longer a piece of armenian territory , that now negotiations are definitely progressing in a positive and peaceful way, and we have seen that the border poles have been set in different places and
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in relation to with the policies of the former and current government anyway, these people, led by mr. baghradian, are protesting this article. in my opinion, in any case, mr. pashinyan, considering the majority he has in the parliament and among his supporters , and the peace progress he had in the region , he was able to solve the economic and political problems in the country, and at the same time he has the support of the armenian diaspora abroad in america, france, and russia , however, he has advanced his positions. and mr. keshishini , according to his fans , they have their own objections regarding the region you shouldn't or karabagh shouldn't be returned to the republic of azerbaijan in some way
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, they are protesting that anyway this is part of the laws and maybe we can say it is a kind of democracy in the republic of armenia, it can't be a very complicated matter. mr. saqaiyan, the villages that were recently transferred to azerbaijan in the tavash region are located on the route of the transit road from the south to the north of armenia, which is economically strategic for iran . ok, and it has had an effect on iran now ok? not so attentive. the fact that this tavsh area is on the way from yerevan to georgia and it will definitely not have much effect, while our trucks carry the so-called al-aql to iran or
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take other routes to the so-called black sea of ​​armenia or georgia. at the same time, this area is not a very sensitive area from the point of view of tranti, and at the same time, the armenian government, considering the positions it has, has definitely predicted a parallel path , just like we did before towards our own border in the year there was a problem in the past, immediately the parallel road built in armenia so that our trucks and passengers will not have any problems, no, this matter, in my opinion, is very damaging to the safe transit of our goods or to the relations between iran
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and the republic of azerbaijan. what is the status of azerbaijan , have there been any signs of improvement in relations, which if we review the news now , are these signs present? is it possible that there is a concern that with baku's control over the transit route of armenia, there will be problems in the way of iran's exports? no, first of all, that iran plays a very important role in establishing sabbath peace in the region there are neighboring countries, including between the republic of azerbaijan and armenia, since the beginning of the independence of these two countries , we have been helping both countries and mediating to resolve border problems or conflicts, and definitely any country that is in this region, armenia, azerbaijan. the republic of azerbaijan and other countries
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are making their own efforts for the safe transportation of high energy, which is more than this peace and stability. the former ambassador of iran in the republic of armenia who is pictured. they were with jahan today program, but at the end of this conversation, the sound lost its quality but as far as i understand, mr. saqaiyan said that the developments that happened in armenia and in the discussion of our relations with the republic of azerbaijan
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, iran's export and transit situation will not be harmed. good night and god bless you. the one you can see on the right side of the picture, whose voice is heard , killed himself with a gun two or three days ago . he was a reserve soldier of the occupying army and was sent to gaza on october 15 last year. behind the american fighters who were clearing the way for them with single bombs. and in war
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he was a bulldozer operator. people's houses that were spared from the bombing were destroyed on their heads . here, for example, as he wrote, he has razed a house to the ground and is going to the next customer. the next family to have their house destroyed. he was in gaza for 78 days. he used to publish pictures like this a lot. apparently , he was satisfied with the situation. now his own news is complicated with this explanation. after returning from gaza, he was infected with pete's disease. a mental illness whose brief definition is post-traumatic stress disorder. a few days ago , when he heard that he should be sent to rafah, he killed himself. of course, the zionists did not recognize his dead as an army soldier. they said that when he killed himself, he was not an active soldier, they did not hold a ceremony for him, and
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they did not bury him in the military cemetery. that's why his mother protested. his mother said: he left for you and your war and became mentally ill. in about 250 days since the beginning of the zionist genocide in gaza, at least 10 soldiers committed suicide. this was announced by the zionist newspaper aart. in the same report, it is mentioned that this number
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of course, i know that the suffering i am suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of the children of gaza. he said these and himself. long before this voice was raised from american universities. people in all corners of the world stood to respect him. and in his country, the soldiers burned their military uniforms.
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they occupied iraq and today coincides with the 10th anniversary of the occupation of this city, in the liberation of which the martyred general hajj qassem soleimani played an irreplaceable role , the requests in iraq to end the military presence of american terrorists have increased. as far as the iraqi side is concerned, the negotiations between the americans and the iraqi side are still in a state of ambiguity. americans in the previous three rounds of negotiations and they do not spare any plan to prevent them from leaving iraq. nevertheless, i believe that
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the nation will have the last word about the expulsion of americans. before this, iraqi islamic resistance groups had accused the americans of ignoring the negotiations to leave the country. i believe that if a timely plan to end the presence of american troops in iraq is not approved, the iraqi resistance groups will take action. the axis of resistance has so far provided the government with several political opportunities to solve this problem, but the americans have never fulfilled their political commitments in this country. they did not adhere. the government of iraq since the 7th of bahman . bar has entered into negotiations with the american side for the withdrawal of the american military and the international coalition forces, and these negotiations have not yet been completed , jalal khalidi of baghdad's tahrir square news agency. army to perform duties.
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his orders are 15 units short. we are facing a severe shortage of military personnel ready to serve in the israeli army, and the disqualification of haredis from serving in the army should not be approved. despite this warning from the chief of staff of the zionist army about the severe shortage of military personnel, the zionist knesset proposed the bill the ruling coalition approved the extension of the exemption of haredi jews from military service. passing a bill to exempt 13 of the population of about 9 million people in the occupied territories in the war situation in gaza , after the leaders of the cabinet threatened netanyahu's cabinet, if the exemption is not extended , they will leave the coalition with the likud party. netanyahu is trying to prevent
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the collapse of the cabinet by approving this law, and in this way he wants haredi leaders to continue to adhere to the coalition with his party, but he is angry with this. he does not arouse the opposition and this can have bad consequences for him be however, the zionist residents of the city protested the extension of the haredi exemption from military service. the protests that led to the conflict have increased the concerns of other groups not going to the military. the results of a survey by the zionist institute show. 40% of settlers refuse to serve in the army if haredi jews are exempted from military service. despite all these conflicts, the haredis still say that they stand to the end of their lives not to join the army. i have 30 or 40 grandchildren or great-grandchildren. what if you ask me? i prefer that the palestinians kill them or become secular, in our opinion secularization
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is worse than death. considering that the army is the center of secular culture, we will not go to military service. a jewish rabbi has also threatened to emigrate from israel if he and his followers are forced to serve in the army. the approval of the haredi exemption bill for whatever motivation may be, although it may temporarily save netanyahu's cabinet from falling , but more than in the past , it revealed the severe manpower crisis in the israeli regime's army, which is now linked to a religious and ideological crisis. eaten mojtawa shah
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stop we can't move please stop back up. get up, we're trying to get out, i just want
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to work for these people, are you kidding me? what do we want when do we want it free free palestine free palestine yo i just talked?
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hey folks, we don't put this thing out, we're going to get you out of here, you're going to have to leave this area.
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here in the land of revelation and at the world hajj congress , the palestinian flag can only be seen and the ihram clothes of the pilgrims who came from the west bank since the zionist attack on gaza in these eight months. in the past, there was hardly a day when the body of a martyr was not buried. before their arrival, this local palestinian official says: each of these pilgrims
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carries a mission and a message. they carry the message . the message of the devastating attack on gaza is the message of the besieged palestinians, and they are carrying the message of the spilled blood with them. pilgrims are the messengers of palestine in mecca. we hope so. may their prayers be answered to solve this problem of the children of palestine. in the absence of pilgrims from gaza this year, about 4,000 palestinian pilgrims from other regions of the west bank visited the land of revelation. we are ready now. bus are ready we are gathered here to start our movement. this same pilgrim prays for salvation in front of god's house.
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baitullah al-haram are busy preparing themselves for hajj and stoning satan these days. collecting pebbles to throw at the canine devils is one of them. but for the palestinians, this ritual of hajj means throwing stones at the impostor. they have experienced tin outside for many years.
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