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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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what is necessary is that a supra-instrumental work must involve all the forces of all the armed forces and take shape. at that time, one of the very good things was the great success of great people like martyr soleimani. being present at that time , remember me, at that time, one of the debates was that the eastern side of our country had come to afghanistan, the united states had completely occupied it, and the western side of our country had been occupied by iraq, that is, two of our neighboring countries , the united states, which is in the position of in any case , there is an enemy with us, it is completely occupied, so this can be a threat may it be for your national security, within those five or six years, that set of cooperations, coordinations and synergies, which happened to be well done, what was the result, that america could not get any results in both of them . i remember the prime minister of japan after i had a meeting with him. there. he was saying
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that after 70 years, we still couldn't get the us to withdraw its military bases from japan, for example, after he was fired for a while, he came to tehran as a member of parliament, and he told me that yes, we couldn't, and by the way, i am the slogan of the election. that was it , and i couldn't do it, that's why i resigned and he came tehran, as a representative of the prime minister of japan at the time, i told him, but it is not like that, if you have a plan, you will be successful , this will happen, he said no, the americans are there wherever they go. they said no, but now you look at the two sides of our country, these are threats to us, but you see today that america left iraq in 1989, it officially left. for the country or, for example, when the isis insurgency was formed, this is very important. well, if we say that you should know the opportunities, you should know the threats. sometimes you have to take the threat before it takes shape.
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you should know and be able to confront and minimize the syrian cases that happened in the beginning , even inside our country, some people were doubting that sir, now this is right, what should we do here, but anyone who has knowledge there , who has nobles, knows that there this is a sedition , the end of which is the national security of our nation . this is what we saw when isis was created. after syria, it went to iraq and then officially threatened us . but why didn't it succeed? in my opinion, a good move was made in understanding the issue of cooperation between the devices that we should be prepared and help this before it takes shape, and a more important discussion in the same period of discussion was , for example, the rights of the iranian nation. for example, one million of our people needed assets at that time, which required that you, for example, should
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have 20% enriched fuel. about one million people needed this . here, you must defend the rights of the nation , so that you do not allow the rights of the nation should be violated . now, at that time, the issue was you you have to defend this. when we took over the job, some people said yes, they wrote in their memoirs that before they were before us, they said yes , we told us to have a centrifuge. the agency has 6 remaining issues with iran, and we have resolved all 6. the agency said that these six issues are not remaining. we had all of these. my argument is that if you do, it depends on the mission in it you have a position, for example, what was your mission there to defend the rights of the iranian nation, the scientists of iran, from a right of the iranian nation, which by the way, he later showed me that
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if you cannot protect this right , my other rights will be violated. he had the time to defend nuclear rights, today, in addition to that , he is defending the livelihood rights of my people, then there will be someone who is serious about this , then he will be able to protect this right and not allow anyone to attack it . the most important issues that usually cause disruption and slowness. it becomes the country's affairs the issue of bureaucracy or the discussion of bureaucracy. now , the cultural interpretation that is being mentioned, please tell me what plan you have to overcome this problem. in 1992, if you remember, i participated in the same presidential election, perhaps one of the most important discussions that i raised what it was . my argument was that today the country's serious priority is to reform the country's executive administrative structure and that government machine. yes, by the way, after my election, when
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our competitor won, i congratulated him. in my first meeting, i told him that if i want to give you a gift, it should be a priority. put yourself in the government machine, he said, what did i say? see, maybe you and i have two different views, naturally, we were rivals , you had the same view, for example, you wanted to go in this direction, i wanted to go in this direction, but this government machine, not me. they will take you in this direction, no , they will take you in this direction. you have to correct this because the main issue in our country is that we spend the money we have on this car and its output is not enough. now, the cost that we say is one time, we say 85, for example, the country's budget is spent on current expenses, and salaries are lost in this government machine. it's not just that, it's more important than you, all these noble employees who are working in the machine are living their lives for 30 years of the best period
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of their lives, you are spending this money, they would definitely like to work in a place where if this work is effective, see this question. i will give an example, why, for example, our people say from the front of an office, for example, god do not give your job to this office , do not give it to such and such an organization, this organization should be the refuge of the people, it should be the refuge of the people, for example, if the industry department is passed from the front, then tell me , there is a good office that if i want to do this for example one day if i make a production, they come here, they help me , they give me advice, they support me, not saying, "wow , how can i get rid of this scumbag?" in 1992 , i said a sentence about this issue. what is the need for this? do. i used this example a lot. we are in the holy defense. why did he succeed? that was our only battle. because this mechanism
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was changed. he would go forward and tell his forces to come , he would change all those relations, the forces would get motivated he used to say, look, he doesn't want anything from himself , he is going, first of all, he is working, now this culture does not exist in the offices, that is, if instead of the imam's client, for example, going to the back of an office, no one answers him, or, for example, nods him in the face. if he happens to come and refer to you and say, sir, you have this right, you can come and get this privilege, you can do this, this opportunity is for you, especially today with this good success in communication technologies in cyber science . taken by this so-called smart and so-called super-smart government. one of the arguments is exactly this by the way, you people should know that these things will be done to them with the corner they have, so-and-so will be done, and all the relations will be fixed, and this is one of our serious discussions. well, see, mr. dr. jalili , one of the discussions you said is that this government machine should be reformed. it seems that this
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is the resolution of the conflict of interests within the government itself, which we can refer to as the bottlenecks of corruption if you become the president. are the media and corruption reporters allowed to talk about your government without being accused of being against the government without being accused of disrupting the work of the government? criticize, see, i have a point of view that no actor will be successful unless the audience sees his performance and help him by telling him about his iranadas, telling him my strengths , what was this conversation we had in the last 10 years , a conversation i was looking for. i used to raise it in many places under the title of the shadow government, what was this debate , there was no organization, there was no apparatus, this shadow discourse was that everyone should see the current trend of the country to the best of their ability, you have one scope, for example , one in the media, one in the economy, one in the country let's see if
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it's good to help, like that spectator who for for example, that actor is making profit and saying, "god bless you, do this work. if there is a mistake somewhere, what's the point of helping to make it right? tell me, sir, i feel that you are doing it. if there is a flaw somewhere, it is not bad, but it is flawed here. help to complete it. if the government wants to be successful, it is necessary that this discussion, which we say, is the speech of sai's government, that is, if i am the president, i would welcome a shadow government to follow me, and this discussion say this confirmation of the effect of completion, one of which is this media, not just my media in the last two years in every university i went to. especially in the group of professors that i spoke to, one of my statements was that every university should be a shadow government. in my own government, i follow that every university should be a shadow government, mr. dr. jalili.
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there is an answer to that, but maybe it will help the people's view, if you become the president, the role of the members of your election staff in assuming the key responsibilities of the government. he is. in 2012, someone asked me if you use non-members of your staff, for example, in the government and these are the people in your headquarters who said, ask this in a different way. will you use your staff members at all or not? look, i'm saying this seriously, one of the important discussions is that i know this is the duty of my government. if we see great successes in the country today, who created these great successes? i am saying this based on at least 11 years of study . wherever there was success, i went to it, i saw that it did not happen by itself, there are people who sincerely committed, intelligently and efficiently
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created all this success. well, maybe these if it's not you, that's all i can do. by the way, these people are rarely seen and the art of the government should be this. by the way, let's see if it is looking for success. if we say that one world is an opportunity, one iran is a leap, this is not just a slogan, this is a leap iran, this is the use of this one world of opportunity. who can create someone who has this ability? okay, if someone has done this, we see people everywhere in iran, everywhere in the devices, everywhere in the country , who happen to shape these successes and have no claims. some are following this that they should cover this and show themselves, and this is my argument that one of the most important debates in the year 1400, when i was speaking for each province , in this election debate that gave me this opportunity , my radio and television with the province and in the conversation i asked our people
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that you people should introduce these yourself, of course, it is also the government's duty to have a mechanism to look at these, see what is one of the defects of the country, the defects that harm may be present in all ask people to lobby and go back and forth during your elections the headquarters are found in this way, as you say. this is what harms the country . this is where you should be careful . by the way, who has kept the country in the industry, in agriculture , in the economy, in politics? kenny, just who is in your headquarters, you should see who is there for each responsibility. this is not in your headquarters , it is not active during the election, but it
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is doing its job in the best way, you should do this now this thing is called a record, this is one of our successes in the past 10 years, one of the things we have done, beyond these political games, political factions , social gatherings, sometimes these things that people have tried. in this way, company meetings. we should not participate or at least participate, instead of opening our office door to whom, these are the people who talk, have plans , have a successful track record, in these 10 years, maybe more than a thousand successful people who are different even with different political tastes as he said now it is possible that one is a reformist, i don't know, one is principled , there is another thing, but people who believe in the system, believe in their country, love their country. he has come to improve, for example, he gave an industrial plan, a strong discussion plan, so we strongly welcomed this
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, we had many meetings with them, it was not that we should say, for example, now let's talk for 10 minutes, well, we heard him say, well, not really in these 11 years. we had many meetings with them, in a specific way, in specific working groups, that's not all. in these 10 , 11 years, i had 140 trips to villages, factories, cities, and provinces of the country. you are here and there we saw so many worthy people, and we really tried to do the least we could to highlight their successes. but i remember the first place i gave a speech was before the friday prayer sermons in tehran, i mentioned his name, i said that his people are very good people, and later, by the way, he was not associated with us politically. i went to a city in sistan baluchistan
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there was a woman who was the governor there, a sunni lady being the governor of that city, i saw that i did not recognize my performance, i saw that it was a very successful performance, that is , what you expect from a governor who you say, for example, a person with a jihadi look, for example , basij, if it works, it should do this. face it, even in the cultural and economic fields, in the so-called various topics that were very successful in a governorship, i continued in several places at the same time, even though i mentioned the so-called rival government , i said that this is a very valuable work, by the way, not now. i know it was. if you look at this these glasses are just to see who is with us, who is our gang, who is what some people say, sir, for example, do you have someone, see, a gang is a discussion, it means people who gather together without anything, just to seize power
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, but a team is another discussion, it means people who have a goal. they specify that they have the necessary capabilities. if they are well managed , they can achieve good goals for the country , as they say, footballers can score goals and win , mr. dr. jalili. you name it, i am not saying this because because my argument is that if it is expressed now , he will think that he will say, for example, i only mentioned the same kind of performance that i expressed in these eight. this year shows who my approach will be. recently, one of my dear ones whom i had for 10 years , i was following his work , he was studying in the field of health system. it was health. now i will explain about it here. one of the problems that we have in our country is that
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we did not run the health system in a good, competent and specialized way. himself specialization beyond special medical specialties, for example , heart specialty , eye specialty, health system is a specialty. our same working group under the title of the shadow government, by the way , a few months ago, when i invited them, i told them to come, they say that the discussion was before the elections . he has many very good and detailed discussions and it was interesting for him now that, for example, we have been observing him for 10 years. let's do it, i said, in my opinion, today you should be able to play a very important role in this matter, with the work you are doing, he himself said, how did you observe me, that he is one of the prominent professors of the country, in this field, i want you to see that this model is very important. so that you don't limit yourself, say, well
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, for example, i have several doctors in this matter , there are also good people, so and so, let me bring one of them to the health system. for example, should i use it? no , you should open it. we are the best doctor. they have very good plans , they have ideas to solve the problems of the obstacles to the production of the country's economic prosperity, but these plans, which were informed by these loved ones even in the media , were never represented in the field of operations and what causes them to finally die. we didn't get to taste the sweetness of these programs. what should be done to reach the point of emergence and implementation? look at a debate in 1400 in the election. i said that the program cannot be written with a think tank. i think that the program may be written, i believe that someone who is the boss first of all, he will become the president because now i may
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put 10 programs in front of you, so which program do you want to implement? my point is that the president must have full knowledge of the program he wants to implement , that is, if they put 10 programs in front of him in one opportunity, he should not have done the studies in advance. some agricultural topics, i say , we had meetings for 11 years , and there were different views. having a program that, for example, have opinions . after a while, i saw some professors writing letters to me and the officials saying, sir, this is what this working group told him, and i said , well, this is a good discussion, let's discuss it , sir. we had a meeting with them. they came and raised their arguments. those who were against this
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work were a group of 13 people. there were about 10 or 11 people. my discussion was completely specialized. i said that since this is a specialized topic, sit down, both of you are motivated to serve the country. how to discuss, we started a series of discussion sessions between them it took 2 years, and the result was that they themselves reached a point of commonality, a point that should be studied more now. i say, do this in agriculture at that time. my point is, what is one of the issues that will move the country forward? correct and timely decision making. you should not decide to disrupt the system. if the president does not have nobility to the subject. the issues and the process that follows this decision will be implemented and come to an end at that time you may have doubts about a few issues
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, and then you will be delayed in making a decision, and then you will be hesitant in making a decision. what i am saying to our people is something that we may do now during the election campaign because the topic is propaganda . if we say this, we are saying that we do not have time now. you should have done these studies before . your priorities should be clear from the day you become president. you are in charge of the republic. you know what you want to do. yes, i mentioned that point. now you are in in the end, some people may say that your points are good, but for example, these points should be strengthened a little, and these points should be expanded, that is another discussion, but you should have made your decision , mr. jalidi i think we have four or five minutes. one question is, do you see the commitment to the media, especially the national media
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, that your election promises and the plans you are announcing now will be measured and monitored from season to season, and now in addition to criticizing the result , reflect it to the people. i have said this to all the universities . i have said this many times in the last two or three years . i said that every university i went to, i said that you should be the shadow government. the shadow government is not for example to sit down and just define it. you have to follow it. tell me, don't hurt your hand, tell me, sir, it's good here, carry on with your business , you have to tell me in some places, sir , i say as a university, there is a problem here, or the government can defend itself or it can't, if that 's true, that's fine. well, your problem has been solved . you should appreciate him too, and if not me, then you there, now it will be the government of sime for that university , you say, look, there is a problem here, because , for example, there was little information here, here you
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have an idea, here is where that social vitality is created, your university, your people, and especially your media , thank you very much, please end this part. conversation and in the little time we have, i would like to ask you to see your opinion on it . if i want to talk about the character of shahid raisi, because we have a long-standing friendship with him, we were fellow citizens, we were neighbors, until these last days, when we were able to serve them. one of these things that i let me tell you that one of the most valuable characters of this discussion that i am talking about was that if we had followed this discourse of the shadow government in the past 3 years, it would have been welcomed by shahid raisi , who said that this is good, which means that he would have accepted this approach. i was saying that one of the help to the government is precisely that there are people who, god willing
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, tell the government its strengths and the areas that need to be corrected. interestingly, in the past 3 years, i have probably had a lot of correspondence and many meetings between two people or more than that, i had a meeting with mr. raisi , he always welcomed these issues , now we will show this to my people, that is , almost the majority of our letters, for example, this is what we think, sir, this is it, within a day or two at most. you can see that they give thanks with a very strong expression and say to follow up . sometimes they even do favors. they even write letters and thank you. this is very valuable, so that those who don't accept these things at all , don't believe in these things, that's calling a martyr raisi a martyr. what a president does is that it causes our people to leave the martyrdom incident of shaheed raisi , make an epic of this incident. when people see the honesty
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, when they see that passion for service, these things were valuable for the people. you have seen that the weight of the country has increased from this incident with the epic that was created. thank you, mr. saeed jalili, the honorable candidate of the 14th. presidential election thank you very much for appearing in the program and answering the questions on the first page. i also thank you and all our people for giving me this opportunity and listening to our petitions, and i wish success for our country. the same slogan that we have one world, one opportunity, one iran, the leap of every iranian , a glorious role. may you be healthy and enduring . i thank you for the companionship of the dear and respected viewers of khabar international network, wherever you are in this vast world and our beloved country, the great islamic iran , may you be victorious and stable, may god protect you.
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there is a special magnet here, somehow , when you come, even if you don't want to, you will be attracted. it's a strange thing. i was told that it was a piece of heaven, but i can't believe that it calmed down today. you are the main one of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power
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to join the chele khemat campaign, it is enough to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and send the number eight to 123 39.
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hello, welcome to half day news. the more active campaign headquarters of the presidential candidates and the increase in hand trips of the candidates simultaneously with intensive television programs, the candidates answered the president's question about the management of the gasoline subsidy . they see that they try to experience several.


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