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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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mr. bozor nasib, greetings to you, in the name of god , i greet you, mr. sadeghi, greetings, politeness and respect, to all the viewers of nimrozi talk , and my condolences. take a look at this area and let's see how this process is going to be done. if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this discussion. follow us on khabar . thank you. yes, you are with us for a half-day conversation . with the expertise of this field, i hope you won't have an accident, but if you have suffered any damage and the value of your car has decreased, you know that
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you should have gone through a judicial process and the judge would have ruled that you or yourself would be out of pocket. if it had damaged another car or if you had an accident and your car was damaged, either the other party would have to pay from his own pocket or the judge will make his own decision. that the insurance company must pay the money, but some of the people until now, either paying this money or taking these different procedures that exist sometimes cause damage there have been some that we will discuss in the program . all these routes ended with the fact that the insurance companies that are issuing personal insurance for the year have to pay the damages and pay the price. let's take a look and see . let's see the statistics here together, how many people died.
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they insure their land motor vehicles because we say land because, for example , a bus includes a motor truck, even from this year it was said that my train will be added to it, and how much were these in 1402, 28 and a half million items, almost third party insurance has been added, if this statistic plus let's say that about 80 engines also say they don't have third-party insurance, they add 10 million to it , 356 million insurance should be issued now that it's 28 and a half. its growth rate compared to the previous year was 7. approximately 35% of the total insurance issued is the third-party insurance we are talking about . how much was it worth? 78 thousand billion tomans, people almost paid for insurance premiums, which has grown by something like 40% of course. we can see these numbers of growth that we see together in damages , inflation statistics and other things as well. it means that we can get a ratio of 78 thousand billion tomans of insurance premium money. giving how much insurance, paying damages, about 55, i am willing to attend. you
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have paid 55 thousand billion tomans of insurance damage, which has increased by 64 , including 33 claims that they paid, how many cases of damage have there been , we have brought you an apology, 19 1.9 million cases have happened here, which resulted in 55 thousand the insurance companies should pay billions of tomans in damages. now that we were all talking about the third party , the price drop, we want to talk about it. he said that the loss of car prices should be paid by the insurance companies . he said that this price change will not affect the insurances . we want to check how this happens. in any case , there was always a point in the discussion of damages for non-conventional cars. for example, if you
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had a car worth 1.5 billion tomans. they were paying you, we will ask this too and we will ask for an answer before we enter into the discussion with the guests of the program, my colleague in the bank and insurance group of the sed and sima news agency will prepare a report and see the report of mr. rahimia fard. according to this tradition. in this letter, damages that lead to price reduction or price drop in motor vehicles are included in the damages that the insured is obliged to pay. for many years, insurance companies do not pay the damages of vehicle prices in traffic accidents. you should also go for the modesty price million council to resolve bad money dispute expert.
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the expert just came and said, sir, you gave 2 million tomans, he will determine the price, now go again , give another 2 million tomans, open a new case, then go and agree . we started following up on this issue early last year. first, we went to the central insurance , the nature of the price drop is actually the accident and driving law, which was approved before the revolution, and there he said that afzde kardan should also announce the word "car price reduction" in his investigations, but despite his clear opinion. central insurance again, insurance companies resisted the law currently, it is not possible to pay the price drop , one of the reasons is that there was no way to calculate the price drop. there was a specific method to calculate the price drop. the supervisory body should come and specify a standard and a reference to determine this and implement it. now, what formula
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should they use to determine it? cutting parts happen . from what year onwards, the cars are affected by this damage. the central insurance has compiled this policy . he prepared the recipe and presented it to the supreme council of insurance and to complete the work of amending article 7 of the executive regulations of article 30 of the third party insurance law, which insurance companies with it was requested from the government. in fact, the proposal was presented with the approach that article 7 mirrors the channel of article 30 of the law, which is the government's problem, to be amended and dropped. the price should be added under its approval. now, after the amendment of this regulation , the head of the central insurance announced that they will notify the insurance companies of the price drop evaluation method within one month at the latest. mahmoud rahimian , sed and broadcasting news agency.
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we saw and heard the report of my colleague mr. rahimian. here in our studio, mr. abbasi afar, the head of the central insurance risk management and regulation center, is present. also. mr. sadeghi namazi, the official evaluator of khasalt the insurance that we will talk with. while saying hello to both guests, i would like to start with mr. abbasi yofar and the question of what happened and what was the process that caused the central insurance to come to this conclusion, please change the procedure. it has already existed so that the insurance companies themselves will take responsibility for the loss of the price of the cars. let me tell you that in the third party insurance law, in article one of the third party insurance law of 1395 , we have defined the causes of damages, which is one of them. financial damages are said there, the legislator said that
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any type of loss that occurs to the property and assets of third parties is an example of financial loss, and this is almost the definition that existed for the central insurance , the consensus that existed in the central insurance, this definition includes all types of losses. do you understand that losses can be generally divided into two groups in the third part, physical losses, now we call them physical damages in the term and losses that have a financial form, which means finance.
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he was referring to the physical loss and said that the financial loss includes the salary , the price of salvaged parts, moving the vehicle. all of these were mostly related to physical aspects, and the loss of value of the vehicle was not specified in this article, article 30. after the investigation, we saw that the best place is to change the definition we have in the implementation regulations of article 30 in the central insurance and supreme insurance council and finally submit it to the government and accept this definition as a single definition and the basis of action. all
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sides of zainaf, mr. namazi, please let them go until now, if we want to review how it was until now, if people want to visit. because in our country, for example, a car is a commodity capital is a very sensitive change, we are very sensitive to its price. please let me know how it is so far. it would have been done sometimes , if these different procedures that mr. abbasi mentioned had caused wrong procedures to appear , please tell the viewers. or in memory of the martyrs of service, let me tell you that in the matter of damage assessment, i feel the need to give you a brief explanation at the beginning of the matter.
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the authority confirming the competence of the people who do this damage assessment work is a supervisory body called the central insurance of the islamic republic of iran, but unfortunately, in the body of the damage assessment work, this issue is not available to the people for various reasons, not that they sometimes know about it. in relation to the discussion of making it available , the official assessors of the central insurance, who have been given this foreign exchange license by the arrangements made by the central insurance , are not in the hands of the people. the time of the incident is practically the same it determines how much damage you have to give to the people to that insurer. well, this is definitely not a situation where we can say that pure justice is happening in it , and it is far from what
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is meant by social justice. it can happen . currently, one of the cases where i discuss the price difference is a tangle of confusion that when i get into an accident, sometimes this damage is done to me and i don't even know that this damage did not need to be fixed in the first place. yes, the bylaws must be amended, not the bylaws, maybe
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the executive regulations should have been clarified, as i say, in the first step, it was dealt with because it was a matter of taste. how can we give a more concrete example? it does not come from an accident, it says damages that must happen to a physics. let me give you a concrete example. in traffic accidents, an accident happens while the cars are moving. a car commits a violation of turning to the left. it causes the car coming from the opposite side to swerve and overturn. checks he examines and determines that the cars that caused the accident may have been caused by the lack of skill of the opposite car. it is possible that
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the reason for this price drop in the market is the faulty economy, as you said, the commodity has become a capital, and this may not happen in some cultures or in some world economies or societies. but for now, it is what it is, so it is one of the damages to the other party. if you do it randomly, for example, you could sell your car at this price, there will definitely be a change , your car will be random, your car will be painted , smoothed, without paint, or all the modifications that we have heard a lot about in the car market. it turns out that
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this thing has dropped at all, i mean , it's interesting to you that it's working more than what exactly a 10-year-old khedrai is working for, for example , and it really hasn't dropped, it's been five times already. the part has been replaced, it has been smoothed and painted , now it has been replaced several times it has been moved, but they still consider it a price drop , so obviously there is no standard , it's a matter of taste, there isn't a single rulebook, but in general, if our car is damaged and we feel that our car has suffered a price drop,
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we should refer to it. should we go to the dispute council or if there is too much, go to the court. yes, i want to do something about it. i want to point out one thing before i say the rest . we do not expect people to be experts in the matter of compensation and damages. if a dentist sits in my place and interviews you, you will wait do you all know how medical dental operations are performed? in my opinion, when the evaluator comes to determine the damage, he should give an opinion about the loss. he should say, sir, is this your loss or you did not include the loss? the next step is to go to the court. check. they determine the damage and again there the honorable judges and according to the knowledge of the judge or based on various laws, they think that the culprit of the accident should pay from his own place or from the place of the insurance that covers this car and this if the damage is paid
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, the official expertise is no longer a rule because he only provides reasons, yes, but he only provides reasons. a few other countries are more prone to major damages, which means that this is contrary to the special market that
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prevails in iran, where, for example, discoloration is a price criterion. in the world, this issue is not valid at all , because the painting is done in a certain place , it is the same fabric of the factory, and the color is very important , usually the price drop in damages that change the vehicle's performance, for example, the chassis of that country is different, yes, the chassis and other issues. for example , it affects the replacement of essential parts, those items are part of the price drop. this is one of the the issues are that we should not expect that the recipe is here. all the price drops that have become popular in our market in our country now, in my opinion, should be covered . they should be covered, because this car is no longer it's not the previous car, which means you
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can't sell this car at its previous price anyway. or a similar case where this accident did not happen. yes, yes , the definition of the accident. i think the definition of the accident comes here . it says that it is simple. for example, why did you use golgi as an example? for example, a very ordinary car, a 206. dear you, if we must put two cars together in the market, if we want to sell them in iran , the one whose fenders are amulets or paint will naturally have a different price. has this person been harmed or not? yes , if a glass on the driver's side breaks , there is practically no damage to this car because it will be replaced by a glass with the same brand as the factory that produced it.
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we will buy it, but some parts that are the main structure of the car, such as the chassis, technical problems that happen to the control systems of this car or to the engine of this car, this damage will cause the price to drop. it seems that there were different procedures and different prices were probably paid, and different parties or the person himself had to pay a series of insurance out of their own pocket and a series of their companies, but now, in any case , what has changed from now on, mr. abazian? the difference is that if we now want to refer to one let's insure our car from any insurance company. what day, in what form, or even if we have insurance now, will it cover us or not, how should we pay or get the price drop insurance? a recipe has been seen for how to calculate the price drop , and fortunately, before it was approved by the government and
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there would be no particular problem, we prepared this draft as well. it can be determined. obviously, i will mention a few main points. one is that it is our issue because we don't have a database of damages, unless he goes to the insurance company, if a vehicle is damaged in an accident for any reason but does not have insurance and is at fault, it will probably not be known anywhere that it has been damaged one day, so one of the items that we we emphasize that we should reduce the price of vehicles that do not have a history of damage. what does it mean? it means that they have not had an accident in the fender area and it has been replaced or repaired, and this in itself
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is one of the issues of reaching this database , so it is one of the requirements in this manual. it will be seen that we give a one-time price drop to the vehicles, because the price drop usually happens with a first accident. we buy insurance on an optional basis, under the title of optional excess, we know it in the financial sector, for example , if 60 million is mandatory this year, you
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can buy up to 200 million, 300 million, sometimes 400 million, and even more, for example, up to 600 million. sometimes i saw compatriots buy mandatory obligations in our sector, just as the coverage is minimal, the price drop is also minimal, that is , the conventional rule is applied to it. the total loss is applied to the loss of the conventional rule, the loss of the price drop is also subject to the same logic as the tax loss, so it means if a car is higher than tomorrow. a foreigner whose money was, for example, a few billions, you
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are the same as in the compulsory sector, in our compulsory sector, as much as the conventional car, which they say now, for example , it will be a peugeot pars car or another car, we will compare its price drop and one of the issues the issue is insurance. the guest can choose how much the roof and shoes should be. there is a mandatory floor. a floor has been seen in this regulation. the gentleman said that it is mandatory. the characteristic is now, for example, this year, 60 million more than the year of the financial obligation, the obligatory financial obligation is 60 million more than that, whatever number you buy in principle , compensation for the price drop of that loss will be in the form of a conventional rule. optionally, you can buy this in principle and the coverage is more than that . well, now the floor that the insurance companies accept and
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the people who take the insurance must pay for it . how much is considered for the price drop ? in terms of severity, no, i mean that now you say, for example, financial damage, which i start with forty million i will pay how much to 60 million if you insure me. there are several reasons for your question. first of all, this car is a used vehicle. so, if anything is added to the life of this vehicle , it will reduce its price. the second issue is the severity of the accident. we have divided the events into several categories, which are now for discussion. let's not discuss the details here, the listeners are bored with the details, which are interesting. if someone goes and takes them tomorrow, we approved this in the insurance council. we
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will definitely approve it when. as soon as possible, because i drafted it, we already proposed it once in the council god willing, in the first meetings, because i remember that the interview of mr. chairman was that it will be done in about a month . while we respect our boss, they say that he has one meeting a month . the month of this month has ended, the meeting has passed, the next month, now or the next month, god willing, it will come. is it possible that you have turned from this part, for example, not before , this car may not be from this part, but it has been shoveled twice, the wheels have been turned, this
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and this history is a bit of a principle of complexity , although we have to see that it accidentally caused the price to drop. we want more. finally, we apply these three factors with a multiplier, with a conventional car , in the damages section, in the mandatory section, in the optional section , which is in proportion to the commitment that the insurance company sold. if the letter is changed and approved, what should people do? a very big step to the effort of friends has happened and the legislation has confirmed that this is the non-return of the loved ones to get their rights. now when they can go to the independent appraiser of the central insurance , they can also calculate the price drop for them in the same incident and at the same time in the same report. and the form that exists is provided to the insurer
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, there is no need at all to compensate for this defect. let's get wet before this ritual we said in the letter that anyone who wants to cause damage should get a price, so to speak.
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one more step, friends of evaluators, as a rule, in their evaluation report, contrary to their current procedure, they should report an item about the price drop and say that this car has these costs in terms of repairs and replacement of parts, and it is so free, mr. namazi, how much this is for the benefit of the people as well now the companies that are providing insurance now have a difference of opinion in this case. in the continuation of my comments , i would like mr. abasmer to separate the supervisory body from the insurance companies, because we had this, that is, we announced that this weakness my supervisor has entered and is doing this work . now, in my opinion, it is the essential mission of
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facilitating the payment of damages. they do this for the judicial system, sir, this car is so damaged, now it is done directly by the insurance company, but our insurance company had a loss, the financial obligations are at least 40 million tomans , there is no need to report, etc. we have conventional cars, we have non-conventional ones in this case, there was also a price drop, what was it that we were saying, sir, that this damage can be presented in some unconventional cars.
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this happened, now we are talking about non-conventional cars.


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