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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, my dear compatriots, hello, good evening, welcome to the special front page. the election program on the first page, which is dedicated to talking with the honorable candidates of the 14th term of the presidential election and reviewing the performance records and records of the candidates, and of course some of the programs of these dear ones, paying tribute to the dignitary of the dear and valuable martyrs of our country, imam rahel, especially the martyrs of the first page of service. obviously, martyr ayatollah dr. ebrahim raisi and his companions are very welcome. in this program, i will talk
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with mr. mostafa pourmohammadi, the honorable candidate. presidential election, mr. pomohammadi. hello , welcome to you and the dear viewers of our honorable people. i offer my greetings and devotion and good energy. we are in the good days of the month of dhul-hijjah. in these good days, god, i wish the best for our honorable nation. thank you, god willing, for all people, including your excellency, for appearing in this program. as i said, we have to review the performance records of his highness and of course the other candidates according to the principles of the plan. briefly tell us what stages you went through, from which position you started accepting responsibility until today when we are at your service. in the name of god . i thank god
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that i was placed in this difficult situation in this sensitive situation. i hope that with god's favor and care, with trust in the good prayers of our honorable people, and god willing, with good intentions and sincerity, we will be able to fulfill our duty in this arena and at this stage. before the revolution, 5 years before the revolution , i was 14 to 15 years old. i was involved in the issues of the revolution in qom, an active student in the haqqani majlis under the tutelage of martyr qudosi , martyr beheshti, and the elders of the district, which, well, in terms of discipline. and moral education issues, both scientific and social political issues, trying to educate us properly, we thank god for all these blessings. and having these worthy professors and
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the privileged position that we were given. well , we understood the revolution closely and we were present in the difficult scenes of the revolution before the revolution. well, if there was an opportunity in the next discussions, it would be a question. i will deal with that part. but since the first days of the revolution , the clerics in tehran university have been improving, which was before the fajr decade. bakhtiar, who was the prime minister , prevented the imam from entering i was at the imam's headquarters to welcome the imam, then when the revolution won, i was at the headquarters for a few days , i was doing the missions on behalf of the imam's office , and until the end of march, when the issue of the islamic republic of iran elections was about voting for the islamic republic, a large number of us were students. we were sent to different parts
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of the country to justify the people. i was sent to bandar abbas , and we talked for seven or eight days in the districts, villages, and the city itself. it was until 11/12 of april, i was the observer of the elections in qesh island, the honorable people of qeshm sunnis have very good memories of these two days as both the first administrative experience and the first the election experience for me and the people, we had never seen an election before, with free elections, well, it was a sweet and very memorable moment. it can be said that it was the first administrative experience in the first days of the revolution. now there are some issues. in june , we had a party training and justification of organizational work in tehran, again under the training of ayatollah beheshti and the late bahaner shahid bahaner , it was 3 weeks of training, one week of military training
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, we became responsible for training and creating party organizations in zanjan province, so this is also a second experience of course. we were civil until we participated in kurdistan. province and to liberate some cities and barracks in the anti-revolutionary and separatist elements were surrounded by the marxist groups, which was again a success. in the first months of the revolution , one of our friends was martyred. at the end of shahrivar , my friends invited me to go to their service and do prosecutorial and judicial work. on 24th of shahrivar 1358 , i started my work as an employee of the general prosecutor's office of the revolution
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. i was an office worker in tehran for a few months in 1958. well, mostly office work we were going to complete some of my files and this was done. i had several inspections in mazandaran in shiraz. some issues had happened in fars and adel abad prisons in shiraz. the accused had been mistreated. i visited and reported, and it led to the change of judicial officials and prisoners. that time passed until the beginning of winter 1358 as a prosecutor. i was assigned to the suleiman mosque revolution and several cities in khuzestan province. there were problems and conflicts, the governorship was on fire, and there were issues when i was elected as the prosecutor, and we have special circumstances and a lot of memories. but well, we are going to give a brief explanation
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, not more than seven months had passed since the war started at the end of september 1959 , because salman is in charge of the air center of khuzestan. yes, the air force played a big role in the war. we had continuous daily air bombardment, that is, the siren was continuously sounded in that city, and we had air bombardment. there were military centers there, there was a tank repair factory, and the air base was a day. khordad 60 i was in khuzestan, the week of july, july 6th, the terrorist incident of the supreme leader, july 7th, the martyrdom of shahid beheshti, and the martyrdom was very difficult, very unfortunate. all of these were our elders. well, because we had a close and intimate relationship with these elders as well, maybe it was much more difficult for us . on september 8, the martyrdom of shaheed rajaei, shaheed of bahonar
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was honored until the end of the year. from there, i went to the front for a month. i was in the fatah al mobin operation in june 1361, i became the prosecutor of mashhad and then the prosecutor of the islamic revolution. i was in khorasan. well , we did important things there, and i think it's appropriate to say that it was an important case at the national level. well, two investigators and a so-called experienced and trusted judge were needed . they called me and our sharia judge from mashhad. we went to investigate this case and because it was very important, the imam had told me to give a report and we arrived at their service. it was a very long meeting, 4 minutes. at that time , it was the longest private meeting of the imam . it was an important matter, but they were very kind , we gave them a detailed report of the case, an explanation of the state of the prosecutor's office and
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the handling and enforcement of this. and he said this is true. is not i said that this is not khilafat. anyway, this is the procedure . for example, there were some wiretappings, some of them met with the accused . he said, ahmad, remind me, i will write something, which resulted two or three days later. according to the imam's 8th order, it is good, our people are young right now, especially go to the internet to see the 8th article of the imam's order. it is a very important and significant order from the imam. in that order , he pays attention to the rights of the people, especially the accused. it is very strange that the rights of the accused are respected. you must respect the rights of the people and this command is very prominent in my opinion until the middle of the summer of 6 by the late ayatollah raeesshahri. i was invited to the ministry of intelligence and
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as the deputy counter-espionage, the year after the death of the imam and the presidency of mr. hashemi rafsanjani , i did research work as the head of the strategic review of national security. the year was almost the longest of the longest . i was also invited to the leadership office and as responsible. i became active in investigating the social political group of the leadership office until 1984 when mr.
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ahmadinejad was elected as the 9th president . the 9th government first invited me as the minister of information. prepare that i entered the ministry of interior , 33 months of my administration in the ministry of interior, well, a lot. the secret of descent and many wonderful things were done, which i will try to explain when i have a chance. i was the head of vavazsi organization for 5 years, and after that, i was appointed by ayatollah larijani, who was the head of the judiciary at that time. i was introduced as the minister of justice and was elected as the minister of justice in the 11th government. after that, i came to the judiciary as an advisor to the head of the judiciary, my dear brother. allah , the martyred leader, who came as the head of his group of advisers, said to work, promise, but i said that i
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will help you until the end. we were friends from the beginning of the revolution and before the revolution, after that, because he was the chairman of the board of trustees of the document center since 1974. it was a historical research center, i was very interested in research work, so i came as the head of my center and i am still serving our beloved people. be healthy if you. an important issue of a successful project, you want to learn it during your time of responsibility , please tell me what it includes, i think what is important, well, see, i am dealing with the legal issues of citizenship rights, respect for the rights of the accused, judicial problems of society , the many needs they have and how to prevent and prevention. let's get rid of the crimes and anomalies that are now one. it is an important mission in the presidency, well , i am familiar with it, and because i was a judge for 8 years
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, i was the minister of justice for 4 years , i was the supreme advisor of the judiciary for 4 years, anyway, i am familiar with these issues, so this is an important point that can help me a lot. it is very important to cooperate and coordinate with the forces. in any case , if someone wants to be the president , he must have spent an important and successful period in the judiciary . it can be very effective for the cooperation of the forces. well, this is a point i came to later . when i was the deputy director of counter-espionage, we had a lot of cases and identified the biggest spy network in iraq, which was causing a lot of damage to the fronts. i spent most of my time in the western provinces and war zones to identify iraqi spies who were extremely terrible in the years at the end of the war, we suffered a lot because of them the most important issues are the activities
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of the hypocritical criminals, the depth and breadth of which i have become familiar with during this period . i was already familiar with the revolutionary court . do it and put all our weak points, our hidden points and even the operation of the cities, mr. missile here. it is important that after the operation, the result of the missile rain, the air attack here, revealing the areas, that is, our operations, are very hypocritical in this period, it is really terrible to commit crimes. the history of the hypocrites has not been revealed to our people we killed or wounded 78,000 people in the document center where i was in the document center where i was. they confessed to the authentic documents . they killed or injured only 17,000 people in urban terror, most of which were carried out by the hypocrites. in the last year of the war, they took 2,300 prisoners and so on. it is his own confessions
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that he committed many crimes and the so-called farouq javidan operation, which was the operation of our mersad. come to tehran and make 1 million from the massacre, as they say, complete purge of the prisoners and others and their supporters, and according to their own words , organize the government as they want. anyway, we opened an important case of american espionage . there were more than 30 american spies in the important institutions of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of oil. apparently , as i remember it now, it was the economy. it was the central bank . provide support for the landing of the military aircraft . after 20 years, the americans admitted that the biggest damage done to us by intelligence espionage was the operation to arrest the spies. well, it was the end of imam's life that we reported to the supreme leader. the first year and months of their leadership we presented that they were inspected and
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taken care of by providing security in a special way to defend against the enemy's covert operations. which is hidden from the eyes of my people , no one can see these things, mr. pourme , by the way, i want to say here that you should see a discussion of providing security, one time, hard security, yes, we are facing it, some other issues are soft security, now the most important are cultural issues and so on, but considering the economic priority of the other country, the question of economic security is still there. what is your plan to create economic security in the country, or at all , let me raise this question one step above. do the central slogan that you considered in the election contests and this is related and compatible with your records and light and in a way represents your possible government. what is my slogan, wisdom and happiness? he should be happy
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, he should be happy, he should be happy and he should flourish in culture. in the economy, in the industry, in science, a platform for prosperity should be provided. well, i came , i named my government, the government. first of all, the manager of khadim should be committed to his people and keep his promise. we can't say that we said it, but later it didn't happen anymore. well, sir , we know the country and the predecessors didn't let them do this. now, someone says, sir , it was very bad for a few years, and this happened every time . we came only to compensate for the damage. well , sir, you must know the current situation of the country, and you must understand. say, sir, i can handle this situation. now, how many percentages can be increased or decreased , which is not possible, but it is not possible to
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stop a whole program or half of the program. let's be and my priorities are my priorities my background and the need of today's society is very related to a justice. justice is always the main desire of all societies and all human beings, and it is always lost in all societies and all human beings. humans have always suffered from injustice, discrimination, and we must seriously pursue this lofty slogan of the islamic revolution and the cause of the islamic revolution. the second point of the country, if if it wants to develop, it must be rich, but this wealth must be created by the people. people must be rich so that the government can be rich. what does it mean for the per capita income to grow ? if the per capita income grows, the gross national product also grows. when the country becomes rich
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, it can easily reach its goals and solve its problems . inside and outside, soft power, hard power, the power of society , cultural power, psychological power means security, whether it is internal security or national security. well , if you want to create power, you must be careful to respect public rights, not power against the people, power for the people to defend. if you want to create wealth from people's rights, not for the rich. they want wealth for everyone and that with justice, so justice regulates both power and wealth, god willing if it flourishes, then people will be happy. they will feel better and all this will be done with kindness. for this reason, i
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adjusted my slogans and my priorities in accordance with my past jobs and past experiences, which of course were diverse and in all fields, and today i think it is necessary. the country is serious. look, you said that you were busy serving at least two branches in different spheres. as you have fully understood, both the executive branch and the judicial branch, in total, i was in the executive branch for 22 years, and of course, the inspection organization is also the supervisor of the executive branch, yes , and something close to 16 years, yes, i was in the judiciary branch. four scientific and educational works of contempt i had in different places, well, i want to say here by the way, considering the vast experience you had in the service of these two forces, really for the advancement of the affairs of our country. it is true that in the field of maintaining independence, this number should be reached, there is no debate about this , but this coordination that can move things forward and
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by the way prevent that destructive court system that creates disruptions in the affairs of the country in the management of the affairs of the country see the experiences you had, what plan do you have to solve these problems and to create more coherence we are a country that has many intersecting borders, we both have a presidency , we have a presidency, and we are a parliamentarian, but the truth is that neither our presidency nor our parliament is complete. we suffer a lot in the country. birth certificates are incomplete, very weak , we don't have a good definition of tahzab at all. i have experience of effective party tahzab, even in the monitoring of conflicts, follow-up and training of these
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, i believe that part of these shortcomings should be done with serious follow-up of the political system of tahzab. unfortunately, our bureaucratic body is flawed. we had a very imperfect bureaucracy imported from before the revolution, and after the revolution , we did not enjoy the way we wanted and the revolution demanded . with this heavy experience that i have, i believe that my first task should be to organize the crazy system. good country, i know many of the country's problems are caused by this crazy weakness of the country, and i am sorry that our senior managers, because i never grew up from the bottom, i never got an elevator to hit a switch to the top. i worked in different fields, i came from the bottom to the top , i got involved with the fields of expertise, i discussed
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experts, of course, are completely familiar with the administrative system, and i think that one of our serious weaknesses in the failure of governments is the weakness of our civil and bureaucratic system, and one of my priorities is to organize the country's bureaucracy. i know that this is a very important issue , and of course, you see, we have a power dispute resolution committee. recently, the supreme leader of this coordination committee formed the power coordination council . it is clear that we have a weakness , we have inconsistency between our forces, of course, of course, the main and upper laws are needed. now we have to help this by maintaining the hierarchy that is in the constitution coordination should be strengthened, but for whatever reason , we have overlapping work, we have parallel work, we are now running out of energy, our government has become large and empty, our productivity
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has decreased drastically, these are the basic problems that are plaguing the administrative system now, and a president is the head of the system at the beginning. the administration of the country and i think many of us managers are not very familiar with the administrative system. and many of the shortcomings that we are facing today are due to the lack of familiarity in this field. i think we need a major surgery. now, i will explain some of its principles in the program of dia beseh, which is fine. one of the main issues that i have to deal with is the civil sphere, which i mentioned, we have problems, as well as the administrative sphere, and if we can organize these two spheres , we will reduce many of our problems . become president. can the media be reporters of corruption without worrying about being accused of being against the government and saying that they
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are destroying the work of the government. it can be said that they can criticize the government , they can send these reports to the media and reflect them to the people. it was national security, it was organized and many senior managers were invited. all the main officials in the field of anti-corruption. i told them that with my extensive experience in the fight against corruption and that perhaps there are few people in the country who are as involved in anti-corruption management as i am, i came to a clear conclusion that one of the main ways to fight corruption is transparency. to create transparency, you need electronic government, and of course not the broken electronic government that we have now
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sometimes it's a nuisance at all. be detailed, i have to explain in another place, until the reform of the administrative and judicial system, why this electronic government is broken and inefficient, and it will not satisfy our demands, if transparency and electronic government are realized in the correct way, which i myself i also have successful experiences in some areas of my work. i am sure that corruption will decrease drastically . it is also a global experience. it is not just our experience. and this electronic government means transparency, one of the pillars of the transparency of freedom of information exchange, active and active, this transparency is usually the media and they are journalists, for this reason, if i want to claim that we want to fight corruption, it means that we should act transparently, report to the people
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, respect the reporters and give them freedom. he calls on the government to report even if they report falsely , contrary to the report, i will try to explain and inform the people that this information is incorrect, but i do not want to stop the report. to have to ourselves it helps the most. it has a margin of error. we should intelligently minimize the margin of error, but we should not prevent freedom of information exchange and journalists . if governments want to succeed, they should welcome criticism and be happy with the activities of journalists and reward mr. pomohammadi if to become the president, the role of the members of your election staff in
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assuming the key responsibilities of the government. how is it ? i was always told not to work with weak people . my friends always criticized you. why do you work so much with strong people? it is easy because there are strong people in your organization . strong, i never deprived myself. i believe that the work should be entrusted to competent people and this is the right of the people. i myself because i think i am an expert and i value bachelor's degree. i am serious i am a serious and decisive manager in my work. of course
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, we are closer to the expert, experienced, knowledgeable, committed, popular, people-friendly and serious managers with any taste and any orientation, of course, we are closer to our political like-minded people, but i do not allow my taste to rule under any circumstances. you see, i am no longer in the position of president with one tendency and one idea. i am the president of this country and all of my people . i have the duty to choose the best for the people, and this is our decision. ok. you will see, i experienced, i became the minister of interior in a principled government after the reform government, all the governors were senior officials of the reforms, of course there were also moderate people in that government in today's terms, but we have a history of being single, we have to leave all this aside. i have almost 30 provinces of daru, of course, one of them it took one year and eight months. i changed to mr


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