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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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bar has entered into negotiations with the american side for the withdrawal of american soldiers and international coalition forces, and these negotiations have not yet been completed. jalal khalidi of baghdad tahrir square news agency. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with the economic and market news. the price of live livestock in tehran for arafah and eid al-adha will be 330 to 335 thousand tomans per kilo. the director general of the supervision of basic goods of the ministry of jihad agriculture announced this news and added that there is a shortage of livestock these days. does not have. also, the price of
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livestock in each province is determined according to the conditions of that province will be we have more than 1,900 livestock supply centers throughout our country. there are about 15 animal supply centers in tehran, which have 1,800 teams for monitoring animal medicine, and more than a thousand monitoring teams , including two-person monitoring teams in the area of ​​monitoring . the prices are rising , they will monitor this issue from tomorrow, god forbid, and if god forbid they have brought breeding animals for slaughter, one of their duties is to separate these animals before they return to livestock. ok, if our fellow citizens can have a point through the 15 system 12 to announce their complaints.
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yazd combined cycle power plant was put into operation after major repairs due to the efforts of experts in the electricity industry. yazd power plant supplies 500,000 households with 850 megawatts of electricity. the generators in the yazd combined cycle power plant start working one after the other after the basic maintenance period. c is 1. the good condition of the generators for generating electricity is due to the efforts of specialists who have been trying to do these repairs for a few months . it was 12,000 hours of round-the-clock repair work, and these repairs began in the second half of last year on 8 power plant generators. completely they are in orbit with full readiness. one of the parts
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of this power plant has had the most extensive repairs to increase the capacity and base of electricity production. more than 570 types of parts were made inside with the power of domestic companies and installed on the turbine and equipment . now all the generators of this power plant
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are with the theme of all these good events in yazd combined cycle power plant to have a summer without blackouts. gholam reza, professor of the yazd combined cycle power plant, radio news agency. minister of mining industry and trade on the finalization of the coal mining auction seng sangrowood reported. mr. aliabadi said that the sengroud coal mine in gilan province has been closed for several hours before, but the mine is still stagnant. it was decided that we will have a meeting next week in tehran, god willing, representatives from this sector will come so that we can talk with them there. in fact, in the third stage, we want to put this up for auction again. if it finds a private investor , imidro will also take a share of it as a partner. by the way, coal rock.
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it is a special product and its use in our country is special as a result, we have to go and provoke our steel companies to express their help. i will talk to omid, god willing, we will see. what is the result? car production has decreased in the first two months of the year, but growth of 28% is expected until the end of the year. in the first two months of the year, 119,000 cars were produced in the country, which is about 20,000 cars less than the same period last year. the acting deputy of transport industry of the ministry of samat says that with the growth of 28 car production. by the end of the year , it will reach one million and 700 thousand devices. since 1997 , car production has decreased to less than one million units receipt. but from 1040 ad and in the 13th government
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, we started to increase production and remove production obstacles. it was supposed to produce 1,700,000 cars in 1401 , and for 1402, the ministry of industry predicted to reach 1,600,000 vehicles , but this production plan was not realized. in 1400, 950,000 units were produced, in 1401, over 1,200,000 units were produced, and in 1400, 1,340,000 units were produced. according to the report that the three car manufacturers of the country submitted to the kodal exchange system, in two months. to produce a car device. meanwhile , compared to the same period last year, 17 production drops they had. an expert from the majlis research center says there are obstacles to realizing this production growth. imbalances along the supply chain of our automakers and
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parts makers. other things, such as the pricing that has happened and caused these two cars to be extremely unprofitable, and in providing cash for this. the need for production during periods of facing serious problems has caused us to see this fluctuation in production in recent years, and of course there is another issue, the increase in prices that was given to automobiles last year may have its effect today. he has lost his hand and the two instruments are for them it is not attractive to increase the production of the acting deputy of the ministry of transportation. samit says that this year they have a regular plan to increase the production of cars. we have planned to increase production compared to last year and reach the number of one million dollars. and of course, the supply of cars will be regularized. we expect
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that in the second half of the year, we will not have to deal with the queuing again, and the production will be able to continuously deliver to the applicants. ghazvin to interest received. this greenhouse is the result of the efforts of the researchers of a knowledge-based company and solves the country's need for hybrid seeds to a great extent. the products produced by this daneshbunian company have been tested in different regions of the country. fortunately , when i visited this unit two years ago, they were producing hybrid vegetables and safist. well, we now
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have about 100 million dollars more in imports of safist and safist, while our domestic capacity, if they are supported, you have the ability to completely do this. let's meet the need inside. does it even have export capacity? of course, we have some examples because we have the best quality product and similar and even better export that when the farmer grows these , he will give him some of these products. we give the field to other countries and depending on their order, we are fully ready to produce goats for them. at the same time as celebrating the week of agricultural jihad, the type and productivity of the farm. he started working in nazarabad, alborz. setting up breeding farms in order to increase productivity and knowledge base in the agricultural sector has been on the agenda of the ministry of agricultural jihad since last year. 131 technology and benefit farms officially started their own activities.
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these will play a role as locomotives in the event of accelerating production and productivity in the field of agriculture, god willing. one of these knowledge-based complexes is located in nazarabad city, which has an important role in the production of milk, meat, dairy and agricultural products with 12,000 heavy livestock. in the province and even in the country, we have launched 120 new wide milk dispensers. almost 2 years ago , our milking machines are connected to the latest technology in the world, and recording is done electronically by the machines themselves. a certain time it measures the milk , we use the team r system, all our concentrates are made , mixed with alofe and processed, and according to the
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judicial ration that our animal breeder engineer has prepared for that farm, we execute it according to our formulation instructions. in order to develop and study the working process of these knowledge-based shrines, the government is going to have special support for these collections. all 21 research institutes of the todd and panj organization. we will have 34 provincial centers of this collection so that, god willing, we will be able to transfer the latest knowledge of the world and local knowledge collections, and our friends will also be able to transfer the knowledge to the sub-category . last year, 46 novor farms were set up in the field of education and promotion, and this year this number is going to reach 150. the use of technology in the agricultural industry increases productivity and
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ensures food security. alireza dehghan , nazarabad radio and television news agency. and the last news is that the rural inflation has decreased by 4.6 percent. amir hossein madani, the secretary of the supreme council of jihad sazendagi, said that with the implementation of the scheme of economic participation statistics in the villages increase and b. young work in the village has been revealed . the unveiling of the village development circuit in the form of danesh bayan plans as a village assistant. madar's plan for the development of agriculture in the village with daeshbani companies. now the contract has been signed. we signed it in
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our village, which is a historical village. based on the assessment we made, we came to the conclusion that in the field of tourism in the village, madar's activity in the village is the last of the first meeting of the supreme council of jihad sazendagi for protection one of the innovative and knowledge-based projects to connect the supply and demand of rural development services is the villages that have the greatest economic capacity in our country , and if these capacities are activated , they will make a jump in production in the country. well, we in the village are now witnessing that which is current in a special way in the field of rural production, generally traditional methods, the need for the capacity of the knowledge collection, the foundation of scientific collections, a collection that somehow has access to the latest knowledge of the day, these capacities should come to the heart of the village. it is the biggest production center of the country, let it be tied. in this national plan, the statistics of the companies' indicators
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basic knowledge has been deprived according to the needs of villages and regions. from the beginning, madar event identified 5300 projects in the country and according to the indicators we had, we refined them and it turned into 300 indicator projects that will be able to be supported by the deputy of rural development. people's participation and applying knowledge to strengthen the rural economy is one of the most important goals of this national plan in the villages.
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the use of national widths and local payment instruments from the emphasis of brics members at the 16th summit it was russia. the brics group is a new initiative, both in terms of the components of power, capacity and capability, and in terms of the approach and... the path it has in mind for the so-called future world and has the necessary tools for its implementation. and this initiative has met with good international luck. today, the islamic republic of iran, as one of the brics members, can contribute to drawing the main paths of the future world along with other world powers while defending and protecting our country's national interests. brics members have also
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supported each other in all the summits held by this group in recent years a strong financial safety net based on a quota system and sufficient financial resources and the continuation of the reform of the international monetary fund announced that america uses the dollar to dominate the world and owes a lot of money to various countries . washington cannot afford its own severe inflation. because of this, the share of the american economy in the world economy is decreasing. this approach of the americans has encouraged other countries to abandon the dollar. in this situation , we can. invite in brics. undoubtedly, brics is one of the
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the emerging powers of today's world have many friends and lovers among the countries of the world today, and we want to cooperate with this group . currently, about 30% of the global gdp is allocated to the main members of the brics group consisting of the emerging global economies of brazil, china, russia, india and south africa. about 50% of our country's exports are to brics member countries. about 5. it is a gathering of people who are members of an organization outside the united nations. in terms of size, with the addition of new members, this organization has nearly one-third of the world's territories under its control, i.e. the largest territory
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which has been given to an international organization after the united nations, brics. also, with nearly 52 trillion dollars of gross national product , it is practically the first among economic gatherings in the world and has even surpassed the group of seven. abandoning the dollar as the world currency is an important and irreversible step. brics bank will replace western institutions in relation to development. i wish to see the creation of a currency different from the dollar so that we can use it to sell our products to other countries.
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this voice of harmony belongs to a number of missionary women of the country, gathered together to share their experiences share the next issue on page 9. i have been in this field for a lifetime as a preacher and with a 27
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-year history of praise, i came to praise the women who spread their propaganda these days. we have a group that has at least 400 users and we try to introduce revolutionary candidates from the reliable sources that exist. we introduce them there and inform our users. the letter that the leader we explained that letter to the teenagers and young people abroad , and we opened this discussion for them. one of the students returned for the election and said no, we will not vote. and things like this, our choice has no effect at all, we are one person, we said no, by the way, one vote adds up to one vote, and it causes weapons to come, if we don't choose for our country, someone
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else will choose for us. we compare it to a mother, and for sure, someone who cares about his country and his mother will never let go. at the beginning of my work, i felt that there is a need for young people to enter this field.
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with some people who may not have voted before these women's words, but now they wanted to continue, we arranged to gather with all of them at 7:00 a.m. with the first vote. there are about 10 of my students, who are the first vote, and we are going to go together. please, the committee to set up one of these beds with the same equipment, with an electric sensor display and all these little bits and pieces , costs about one billion and 500 million tomans. each bed costs one billion. and every half year, a number equal to 800 billion tomans in the country. insulin drug is prescribed , insulin is more seriously implemented according to badini's guidelines. it can play a role in controlling the use of this drug. it certainly
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plays a role. it is also a clinical guideline issue and we can be careful in the fourth level of prevention. the clinical findings are at least that we have 30 to 40 in addition to this population. this weight and these people who are diabetic consume more, so by changing the lifestyle, changing the attitude of taking medicine, we can reduce this consumption in the country, this additional prescription means 30 to 40 the numerical percentage is about 300 billion tomans, which means that with these prescriptions, more than 200 hospital beds are added every year. with these indiscriminate prescriptions, the number of drugs in iranian prescriptions is more than the global average. we must standardize the number of prescribed items. the prescription should be the same as the international standard. we
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are slightly higher than the international standard. you can see that the international standard is about two units in the prescription. we are usually between 3 and 4 in different years. now, when it comes to antibiotics, our consumption is a little higher than the international range. the risk of resistance to antibiotics it creates not only medicine, this procedure is in the prescription. it can also be seen in medical tests and imaging. how many tests do you have in a year? how many radiology pictures do you take? a lot of tests, maybe more than 15 a year. yes, they do n't accept the pictures. if it belongs to the hospital, i can personally tell you that there will be seven or eight times a year, by god, maybe more than seven or eight times. he says no, i don't accept this akbar, the patients are asking for so many medicines the doctor writes, "definitely no, patients who don't have expertise. now, especially about us, because
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we don't have expertise. we definitely can't comment on the amount of medicine. i have been tested every week for a few months now. this is the test in general . i came here now, three to four now. until i did the test, now i am going to undergo chemotherapy, for example, from the city of maryam, i am coming here, phase one of thinking. the cost for me is only 20 days in a month . i have to go back. the solution to this problem was seen 10 years ago in general health policies . health in the last 3 years , we have witnessed the development of more than 1400 clinical guidelines, but as a rule , we have a lag in the development of clinical guidelines , but with the speed that this center has taken, we expect it . at least the most comprehensive services, which are faced by the people at the level of the people , should be compiled in a shorter period of time, and the clinical guide
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will be developed by the recipient. the service also wants the service to be defined and we can use it as a reference for our visits and supervision. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, the non-implementation of clinical guidelines leads to 40% of the resources of the health system. mayseh tayeb works for the radio and television news agency. afghanistan is a mountainous country that has diverse and abundant mineral reserves. one of the most important mineral reserves known in this country are minerals. marble is one of the semi-precious stones that can be found in 35 different colors with 45 different colors in 60 marble mines in afghanistan. well, in the field of mining, afghanistan has huge unspoiled mines, so
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far. some of the mines have not even reached the stage of development, some of them have not even been identified . regarding the target markets of marble , there are very rich and numerous mines in afghanistan, as many as 17. there is an important area where expensive and significant marble mines are found compared to other mines in the region, such as maram mine. in herat, ghazni, kabul , experts believe that the increase in the volume of exchanges is due to the use of the industrial and mining capacities of the two countries. the capacities between iran and afghanistan are not limited to mines. in all sectors, we have the capability and capacity to export to afghanistan in more than 80 product groups and 80 tariff chapters. according to the research we have done in our short term game and less than 3 years. we can
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easily estimate the volume of trade between iran and iran let's bring afghanistan above 5 billion dollars . the goal set for the volume of trade between iran, iran and afghanistan in the long term is more than 10 billion dollars, and this goal is easily achievable. last year , it was more than 1.800 billion. and we had 800 million dollars in exports compared to the previous year , we had a 13.5% increase in imports, although still small. yes, but compared to the previous year, we had a growth of 48 percent. in my opinion, this is very, very low considering the needs of both sides and the opportunities for investment, partnership and economic activities, which i can really dare to say to four. it can be increased up to five times, subject to removing the obstacles of more government support and making the economy more colorful in the relations between the two countries. the solutions to increase
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the volume of exchanges say that one of the important and main goals regarding the economy of the mine is access to transportation and cheap transportation compared to other cases. make their own potential and capacity operational and if miners and trade groups want to use the capacity of iran in this field, it will be a profit it can be beneficial for both the afghan and iranian sides in reaching export target markets. a total of 9 billion tons of marble worth 150 billion dollars in materials.
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there is afghanistan, where mining is currently taking place in 17 provinces. sa'ah hosseini of the sed and sama news agency . ahan pir leadership line. arab mentor


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