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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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leave the energy to the province and city. the fact is that the distribution of energy at the national level is not done in a fair way. we have kings who unfortunately belong to one person with a very low number of areas and we have people who have thousands of people from one well. the damage estimate from the place of agricultural electricity outage is about 20 thousand billion tomans. if the friends of the government board who sit together look at the issue from a cross-sectoral perspective, maybe even if we import electricity at the highest cost, this amount of damage will not be caused to the country. in his report to the representatives, the minister of energy first mentioned the dissatisfaction it started in 1997 and reached its peak in 1400. we have a million a year.
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subscribers will be added to our network, which means at least 5-6% growth in consumption. in the development of power plants, during the 32 months of the 13th government, more than 9,000 megawatts were added to the country's power plant capacity, and i can also inform you that about 22,000 megawatts. we also have a power plant under construction, half of which are thermal power plants and half are renewable power plants. the minister of energy is another fundamental step of the 13th government in preventing electricity imbalances in consumption management explained. in managing consumption in the household sector , we tried to reduce household consumption by applying tariffs and savings bonuses. in the administrative sector, by
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changing the working hours of the offices, an effort was made to separate the peak consumption of the office from the peak consumption of other sectors. in the industrial sector, the provision of electricity supply to the industry was a part of the industrial electricity from high-load hours to low-load hours. and on tuesday , the islamic council hosted the minister of agricultural jihad. in this meeting, the minister of agricultural jihad presented a report on the guaranteed purchase of agricultural products, including wheat, as well as support for rice farmers. gave at the same time, the minister of jihad agriculture answered the delegates' questions carefully. there is a discussion about fertilizer, which is really being explained in a very disorderly manner. some people can take too much sunlight. in the matter of education
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, for some time now, farmers have not been able to get education at all , especially in places where the drought has had an effect . in fact, they have not been able to make a profit, but how much they have suffered. institutions are available for the duration of this action that the minister of jihad, as the head of the price council, does not set the price of agricultural products sir, we don't ask you for credit , we ask you to price this quality rice , the product of gilan is two years old , it has not been priced. the first priority is to supply rice and buy rice from the north . it was the first step and the first program that we ordered. we started working. today, the power cut is destroying the farmers. we
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are forming a joint committee with our colleagues in the ministry of energy to make adjustments. the minister of agricultural jihad mentioned the strategy of this ministry to maximize production by preserving production resources and also uniformity in the production of agricultural products. buying wheat from 4 million tons passed. hopefully, for the second year , we will buy wheat in the form of 402. the country's need for wheat supply in two years and there will be no need to import wheat at all. vegetable and sifi products, with the follow-up and strategic plan that we have taken, the year 402 until now, is one of the rare years that we had neither imports nor shortages, we had a surplus and we had exports as well. discussion of payment. dear colleagues
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, now the ministry of oil has been obliged to buy the ministry of oil and finance ministry of jihad agriculture or jtc in line with the mission given to it. at your disposal put a targeted set of helpers and he will also pay . there is a problem with the money that has been paid. we did some follow-ups . we had a meeting with mr. mokhbar. they are creditors , the respected government has promised us to pay the rest of the demands of the dear wheat farmers by the end of the week , which, god willing, will be zero and there will be no problems in the area. the case of agricultural products
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this is prohibited. you must follow up on it. one issue is the explanation of the timely delivery of fertilizer, seeds and poison to agricultural institutions. electricity for 6 hours continuously is destroying agriculture , their organization is destroying, at least our diversity is prohibited according to article 25 of the business improvement law , it is forbidden to cut off electricity. it has also been said that electrifying the wells is a joint task of the minister of jihad, the minister of agriculture and the minister of oil in fact, water and agriculture are unfortunately
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moving slowly. i am asking you to speed it up a bit. but where did you go with the determination of the membership of parliamentarians in 13 specialized commissions based on pencils? a ranking of the representatives and their points have now been presented to them. some representatives have objections, such as their certificates have not been applied or they have not submitted documents. at this stage, those who object can submit their objections to the speaker's board. they have 48 hours to protest. until the joint meeting of the board of directors and heads of branches to deal with objections after dealing with other objections to the so-called commissions will be almost finalized. it will be announced to the honorable representatives . my prediction is that if there is no problem, the same process
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will continue. by the end of next week, the format of the commissions will be determined. therefore, with the formation of specialized commissions of the election parliament, these commissions will be determined. members will be done and the islamic council will start the legislative process of supervision. the islamic council will hold public meetings next week. pishbehar, sed and cima news agency, islamic council.
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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god. i am light of light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light
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on light, in the name of god, light on god , god is great, god is great, god is great
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, god is great. hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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god bless you, god bless you.
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this year, our hajj is the hajj of barat, according to the teachings that mr. ibrahim gave us, of course , there was barat since the beginning of the revolution . there has been barat in hajj since the beginning of the revolution . the events that are happening in gaza now and this strange and huge incident. this revelation of the face of the vampire is a collection of western civilization, these are things that are special for today, that is, paying attention to him is not special for today and these days, this will go down in history
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, what is happening today in gaza and palestine, these brutal attacks and rabid dogs zionist and zionist vampire elements, on the one hand, the oppression and at the same time, the resistance of the muslim people of gaza, on the other hand , each of them is a huge sign in history, it is a sign in history, these are guests, these are important signs , they will show the way to the future of humanity, death to israel israel, well, who in the world is hostile to muslims today, making war, killing them
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, their wives, their husbands, their children, them. he will drive them out of their homes and homelands. who is the enemy of zionism in the quran? let it be clearer than this , only the enemy of zionism and zahiru ali will expel those who help him. what will help him if it was not for the help of the united states? should a child behave like this in that limited environment? death in america, death in america, you can't
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treat this enemy with kindness, you can't treat them gently, whether it's murder or not. the deputy is murder, he is the supporter of murder, whether he is the one who destroys the house or the one who supports the destroyer of the house. after the leadership position of the president , if the presidency is good, he is the one who serves the
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nation . now the struggle and resistance are mixed up and he raises a series of slogans. we see that in this movement, the revolutionary institutions are being attacked. well , revolutionary institutions, is it right that we, as the only organizations that have been sincerely protecting this revolution since the beginning of the revolution , should for any reason approve a plan that weakens these institutions?
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rajaei also reveals the new anti-revolutionary method to provoke bani sadr administration. counter -revolution has no basis in the society after moving under its own titles. recently, he has found a new base under the name of supporting the president. wherever the president announces a speech, in addition to those who believe in the president and for the sake of the president, there are also many anti -revolutionary people who participate, especially in this recent program , which is officially the participation of beheshti, which aims the harsh slogans of bani sadr's supporters have been answered calmly i am not a person who basically raises slogans against me or
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against me. i am nothing. i am a student and all this hostility towards a student in our islamic society against al-qaeda should be a sign that this student is because it is natural that people expect this. it was said that if he gives such advice, it is medical. as the speaker of that meeting, he should have condemned them, unless this kind of movement
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has no respect for us at all. on march 19, the prime minister introduces the ministers of commerce and economy to the parliament . 13 members of the parliament, all of whom are members of the azadi movement, leave the square and... the parliament it loses the necessary quorum for voting. on march 20, despite the strong opposition of representatives of the freedom movement, the prime minister's plan to oversee three ministries is approved. on the 25th of esfand, the imam calls the country's officials to jamaran and orders the formation of a three-person committee to investigate the events of the 14th of esfand . imam khomeini. he also emphasized in a statement: the standard in the implementation of the institutions is the constitution, and violating it is not permissible for anyone, whether it is the officials of the country or the army, or ordinary people
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, and the violator will be introduced to the people and will be reprimanded. therefore, the involvement of any official in matters related to other officials, it is against the law and the interferer will be introduced to the people. the leader of the revolution like with a warning to the newspaper and radio and television, he writes: because in the speeches of the president, prime minister, supreme court, speaker of the islamic council, deviant groups and opposing the islamic republic conspire and cause corruption. they should not speak until the end of the imposed war. there is no obstacle to healthy and constructive interviews. in the last days of the winter of 1359, the representatives of the islamic council will visit the imam
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if you speak, let it be for god, the one who listens , let it be for god, the one who writes, likewise , there will be no difference if there is a difference. it will be solved in a divine way, not in an evil way . let us all pray that this new year , god willing, may be good for you. let us think that we will do whatever we want for this nation. spend this position for this nation. take the post for emmett. if this matter is achieved, even if it is revealed to me once, this new year will be a year of peace and
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prosperity. on the 29th of march, seyyed ahmad khomeini recites the imam's message on the occasion of the beginning of the new year. imam the new year has been named the year of mercy and brotherhood, the rule of law and fighting against aggressors. from the general public and especially the statesmen. i want them to learn from the bitter experience that came from the difference after the first victory of unity, which reached its peak in recent months and made the times dark for everyone , and be willing to use the experience of brotherhood and unity for a while. with love and mercy
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, they should make it their profession to cooperate and think together, even if it is difficult , and to help each other to build the country, and to treat each other with abu and aghmaz , the year 1360 will bring peace and unity with the hope of the people. thank god, the convulsive state that was going to create a general crisis in our country has been resolved with the hopeful message of our dear imam, and now our people are preparing for a more fruitful year with complete peace . some of
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the achievements of the revolution, the year of peace and construction, the year of activity for production and saving, so that our independence is secured, so that our freedom is secured as much as possible , so that the islamic republic can show itself more as a republic hoped for by the people of the world. despite imam's advice, the movements and armed actions of the group of hypocrites continue slow and bring chaos to the atmosphere of different cities of the country. at the same time, the mojahedin khalq organization talks about its willingness to dialogue in a hypocritical claim. imam on 21 ardibehesht gives a thought-provoking answer.
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if i gave one chance out of a thousand that you would stop doing what he wants to do, i would be willing to understand with you and come to you. there was no need for you to come to me . blah and now i advise you according to the rules of islam, you cannot do anything against this raging flood of the nation. rise up like a particle in front. as long as
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the gun is in your hand and you are expressing your oppression in this article, stating that we want things to be done right and understanding, when you are threatening an uprising here, we cannot accept things like this from you. bani sadr reveals his opposition to revolutionary institutions more. 6th imam of khordad takes more explicit positions in the meeting with the representatives. it seems that imam's public behavior towards the president is changing. and everyone should pay attention . as long as there is nothing to the contrary.


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