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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] you are angry like a speck in front of this shale, but as long as you have a gun in your hand and you are expressing your oppression in this article and stating that we want things to be done right and to have an understanding, when you threaten an uprising here, we cannot if you accept the issues like this, bani sadr will reveal his opposition to revolutionary institutions more. 6th imam of khordad takes more explicit positions in the meeting with the representatives. it seems that imam's public behavior towards the president is changing. and
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everyone should pay attention. to be single. parliament should not say that something is against someone's opinion this is not right, he should correct himself, this is not correct, he should not go to the guardian council, it is not correct, this is not correct, he should correct himself, the people of iran have voted for the islamic republic , they have put all their effort and ability in the sincerity category , i said we want islam. if you agree with islam, then go to europe and america and live wherever you want, or live here, and if you want the nation, don't say that the nation is with me, the nation is with me, the nation is with islam, neither with me nor with you. and not with anyone else, if i say a word against islam, this nation will throw me out
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they destroy the islamic nation. the nation did not want a person, it is not selfish. the nation of the leader of the revolution, who has the pulse of the society better than anyone else , deeply trusts the loyalty of the nation. imam khomeini rejects the existence of deadlock in the islamic republic of iran based on the knowledge of the people. you have reached a dead end. you are wrong. the islamic country does not reach a dead end. these are the people. adultery, adultery, men , youth, and children are taking this country out of these impasses. you have reached an impasse. you say, "well, what should we do? let islam not exist until we can exist. let iran not exist. you stood until iran was destroyed." if not, stop being curious, be afraid that one time an explosion
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will destroy all of us, be afraid of this. do not be proud of the fact that i am the one who did such and such a thing, rostam dili. why should you not be proud? with his unique intelligence, imam ruhollah predicts the growing trend of chaos and incidents and decisively gives a historic warning to the law-breaking officials. imam's interpretations are hard and fragile. it could not be accepted from you that we do not accept the law, you are wrong about the law. you should not accept from the people, accept from someone that we, the guardian council , do not accept, you cannot accept, we all do not accept you must be bound to accept the law , even if it is against your opinion, you must accept it because
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it is the majority and the decision of the guardian council. that this is not against the law, it is against islam , we all have to accept that after something becomes legal, nagging him if he wants to provoke people is a misdemeanor and the courts should act against him. bani sadr rudely responds to the imam's warnings and insists on his divisive positions with pride born from the al-qa'at of the hypocrites around him. he is against the judicial council
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, he is against the guardian council, he is against the government, he is against. the newspaper is against it, it is against the tv, it 's the same way to count, it can be said in another way, it can be said that all of these are against the president based on the president. his mentality thinks that the people are his supporters, and with this illusion he pulls his horns and shoulders for the nascent islamic system and the companions of the imam . saying these things, first of all , they do not hurt me from the field. let's suppose it came to fruition and became a tree or a tree. or he fell against it the rule does not fall. as the famous saying goes, you have dug a well
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, you move a minaret, you steal a minaret , and then you think about whether it is because of the continuation of this republic or because of something else. if this republic is to continue, the people should get hold of any other aspirant and show him that level of trust, and that is enough, until this moment that i am sitting here , they will always support him and he will become incapacitated, the other one you have. who can come and gain this trust and become a fan? if a university president pays attention
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, he will take charge of the amaz persian language center and another university president this cannot be taken lightly , it goes back to the two concepts i mentioned. allameh taba taba'i university is the host of the fourth. the meeting of managers of persian language education centers is one of the serious programs of allameh tabatabai university in recent years to attract foreign students. we have a center called azfa center, which means teaching persian language to non-persian speakers, both in terms of recruiting foreign students for our own university and foreign students who enter the country for other universities. one of the reasons for the establishment of these centers is the interest in persian language education among different communities. friend they are learning persian language because of its rich literature. it is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world. it is one of
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the classical languages ​​of the world. it has many fans all over the world. except that at some point it was the language of science and so on. it has a good situation in this matter and we are trying to redefine the persian language as the language of science and bring it to its original position. one of the goals of this meeting is to express solutions to facilitate the teaching of persian language to non-persian speakers, universities, persian language teaching centers, their tasks are not very clear. because of this, unfortunately, different universities maybe with the center. have different behaviors. in my opinion, if this problem is solved, it means that the ministry of science should announce an independent chart for universities and the universities can actually apply that chart
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. centers will be more successful in expanding their goals. the discourse of science in persian is a subject that has been one of the concerns of martyr raisi. emphasis that, well, honorable president, what are you talking about? it happens the recruitment of foreign students in various fields has increased in these few years. i think we had at least a 50% growth in both the growth of the persian language teaching space and the recruitment of students international. what fields
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do you prefer for international students? there is a computer that many students are interested in now. there are fields such as mechanics, which are actually fields that students are very interested in, especially in our campuses. in our mahshahr campus, in our banda campus and in our garm campus , we have many fields of management departments and mba, which students actually want to enter asfad centers. they are active in universities all over the country and according to the director general of the international student affairs organization, their number is to increase we now have about 47 persian language teaching centers or azfa in the country's universities. currently, we have 20 other requests that must be presented and reviewed in the working group to be granted permission, and considering the policies of the islamic republic for the seventh program, which attracts about 300,000 foreign students, considering that we need this authority. scientifically speaking, the development of
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persian language teaching centers and increasing their quality is one of the priorities of the islamic republic and the government . khorasan razavi is the homeland of shah khorasan and the refuge of ahl al-bayt, peace be upon him, this time in chale the martyrs of service are the hosts of the inauguration of a plan that
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was brought to fruition in the 13th popular government and with the action of the high-ranking martyr seyed ebrahim raisi. implementation and operation of dozens of large water and electricity projects worth 33 thousand billion tomans. opening of the gas section of two power plants at night. inauguration of the first settlement unit of perkand abad and 46 km waste water collection network in mashhad. inauguration of nabi akram water supply project in mashhad and torbat heydarieh and water supply. to 70 villages of the province in the form of jihad
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water supply project, the operation of the 23 km water transfer line from tabarak dam and the supplementary phase of the irrigation and detoxification network of the virtual dosti dam of bazaha is a famous saying. they are saying: some pictures have sound. the sound of these photos may still be heard from may 2017. i sat on the rail until help came. come to meet me and the governor. it had been many years since hebko was on the rails. the conditions had dragged the workers on the rails. they said that they do not sleep well and that they have closed the road, but that their voice can reach the government. where have you been since 7 o'clock in the morning? machinery company
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. they talked about their sufferings in the streets and alleys until the decision to appoint a new head of the judiciary was made, and the children went to the meeting of mr. raisi at 12:00 noon. then came the decision to ax the workers who had been filed for gathering and blocking the railway tracks. for weeks , the news of the removal of the jam and the judicial graves of hebco were at the top
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until the president's appearance in this factory again to complete the process of revitalizing the abka factory. i don't want to talk behind the camera. if you weren't in the judiciary, you wouldn't have done those things, and you wouldn't have saved these workers from that misery . i swear to god, there was no factory now that you want to come inside. he was supposed
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to come. take care of us, sir. they talk, they say that a hebco worker knows how effective a ray is, they say that the value of choosing the right one can be seen from the condition of the people in this picture, maybe you have heard it, they say that some of the pictures have sound , we like a boss, we like a boss, fatemeh rahnema , sedah and sima news agency. . you are the main one of this field, if today our words
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are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power. to join the chele khemat campaign, just do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and send the number eight to 1023 39. okay, now, yes, okay. check the box once again. now that the presidential election candidates are known. very you have demands from the future president.
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today, in the election taxi , they will talk with you about these expectations and of course other issues related to the elections. hello, madam, we are an election taxi. we talked about the elections . we are not broadcasting the news. my colleagues , we are not broadcasting iran. do you vote or not? why don't we see? why don't you vote ? are you both employed? yes, but what do we do? someone who knows where to
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go with 9 tomans and 10 tomans , be the trustee of the people, take care of the people's problems , take care of the people's demands, be a young thinker. people are really having problems when it comes to livelihood. buying a house has become a dream for people . even renting a house has become impossible for some people . they are worried about housing and jobs, and now they have many young people . is the president's hand finally going to be published somewhere? it starts somewhere when the president comes, he can, yes, why can't he? we are a nation, we have always stood behind our elders, like our president, like our leader, our expectation is that
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social welfare will increase, people's income will increase. we are an election taxi. yes , we want to talk about the elections. yes, i am on my way i will take you to my destination. i will not ride . we expect that after one of them is elected president, what will they do ? they will stick to their word, work for the people. when yes, it is very
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important because it worked. today, there were some guests of our election taxi. election talks will continue in this taxi in the coming days. 3-year outlook of iran's economy. the economic outlook report of countries is one of the most important. it is the most reliable economic and social report in the world which is published every year by the world bank and in
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which the economic development indicators of countries are calculated based on criteria such as gross national product, gini coefficient, poverty line and economic growth rate. according to the latest update of this report, the economic performance of the thirteenth government in iran iran has gained the second place in the economic growth rate of the world. it has reached and the inflation is with a favorable slope. this international institution has predicted that if the growing trend of iran's economy continues and there are no disruptions in the country's future plans , 2026 will be accompanied by an increase in the production rate. gross domestic inflation will decrease to 30% according to the data of the economic justice department, among other positive features of iran's economy in
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the last few years, the decrease in the unemployment rate to 7.6% and the increase in the unemployment rate by 10.9% are two factors. which have reduced the class gap created in the 90s. of course, the economists of the world bank believe that despite the impressive growth of the economy in iran, factors such as sales decline. oil, the effects of economic sanctions and of course the continued decline in the value of the national currency can seriously threaten this process . it is expected that the fourteenth government will recognize and be fully believing in the clear path ahead while protecting the current achievements to continue the economic growth of our country. the one you can see on the right side of the picture whose voice is heard, two or three days ago he finished his work with a gun. committed suicide reserve soldier
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of the occupying army. he was sent to gaza from october 15 last year. behind the american fighters who were clearing the way for them with single bombs. and in the war of the attendant. it was a bulldozer. people's houses that were spared from the bombing were destroyed on their heads. here, for example , as he wrote, a house is razed to the ground done, he is going to the next customer. the next family to have their house destroyed. he was in gaza for 78 days. he used to publish pictures like this a lot. apparently, oda was satisfied with his busyness. now your news. with this complicated explanation, after returning from gaza, he was diagnosed with ptsd, a mental illness whose brief definition
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is anxiety after an accident. a few days ago, when he heard that he should be sent to recuperate, he killed himself. of course, the zionists did not recognize his dead as an army soldier. they said he was not an active soldier when he killed himself. they didn't have a ceremony for him and in the military cemetery they did not bury him. that's why his mother protested . his mother said: he left for you and your war and became mentally ill. in about 250 days since the beginning of the zionist genocide in gaza, at least 10 soldiers have committed suicide. this was announced by the zionist newspaper arts. in the same report, it is mentioned that this number is not complete. the army keeps the personal statistics of the military in the dark. this sister is the operator of beldzer. he says: now that he is dead. instead of mourning him,
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we should look for his honor. this is the west bank in palestine. the reporter has to name a street. there is nothing compared to the suffering of the children of gaza. these he said and set himself on fire. in the midst of burning, until the last moment , he said: free palestine. long before this voice was raised from american universities.
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people in all corners of the world stood to respect him. summer waves summer waves with exciting prizes every day eight prizes of 8 million tomans will be given to 8 people this summer at the
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mashhad blue waves sports complex. you can be the winner of this prize. mashhad blue waves sports complex. did you buy a truck? we bought a truckload of tools. you found a treasure. i didn't find a treasure. so what are these tools? jangzia is my daughter. all you are serious about buying somewhere. dad, i was joking. are you kidding no, when sera has a good discount, it has a wide variety of items, and it has whatever you want. you didn't buy all the dowry at one place , why did you buy it in installments, as you wanted, the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran , in sarah afsariye, the middle level of yaqut, yaqut . and let's go with peace
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of mind, how should we proceed, just go and ask for more than what we give and take and start the work easily. prosperity to the aid of the nations, yaqut of the nations, special business plan, the credit institution of the nations, dad, let me go, i'll take it. today's lucky winner of 100 million tomans, our number 123 849, in the celebration of barah bozur shahr , enjoy special discounts on all products , and in addition, just by being present in any of
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the branches of shahr farsh and shahr home appliances, in the name of allah rahman. . rahim, hello , dear viewer, it is 20:30 and we are at your service with some news. the press of tehran province should receive approval for the arbaeen procession. security deputy of the governor and deputy of the headquarters of arbain in tehran province he said: "foreign press who intend to set up a procession on


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