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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. promotion of advertising headquarters two weeks before the presidential election , increasing the efforts of candidates and their supporters in introducing programs and views to attract voters, from public presence to online advertising. tv roundtables have attracted the attention of experts with their candid and challenging questions.
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arafat is the destination of more than 87 thousand iranian pilgrims along with one and a half million pilgrims of baitullah al-haram . pilgrims have been waiting for a few hours since noon tomorrow, humming the arafat prayer, the voice of forgiveness from polytheists. and the speed of relief to flood victims in the north and northwest of the country, according to the order of the acting president executive bodies in the provinces are on
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standby. meteorology. storm and flood warnings are still in place in 11 provinces. we will face the possibility of a flood and a momentary storm in the provinces located in the northwest, as well as the central zakros and the southern slopes of neborz. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. good night, respected viewers of the detailed news at 21:00. we present to you the beginning of the hajj rituals in saudi arabia with the huge number of pilgrims to arafat , more than 87 thousand iranians who are on their way to visit the house of god and perform the hajj. it became the land of revelation. today with more
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600 buses left for arafat desert. pilgrims return to makkah after 3 days of hajj rituals in arafat, mashaar and mina to continue hajj rituals. the first group of iranian pilgrims leaves for iran on the second of july. the message of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution to the pilgrims of baitullah haram tomorrow at the ceremony. barat is recited from polytheists in the desert of arafat. ayatollah khamenei, in a part of this message , emphasized on hajj along with innocence and using this duty for the unity and solidarity of muslims.
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the opening verses of surah tawbah, which were recited by abdul basit abdul samad, an egyptian qari, were recited for the first time peace be upon you, after the conquest of makkah and at the command of the prophet , allah revealed verses to declare his hatred of polytheists and break any pact with them. a year has passed since the victory of the islamic revolution in iran, and iranian pilgrims left for the land of revelation. in large gatherings, in arafat, mashar, mena , makkah muazzama, and madinah munurah, bring the social and political issues of your regions to the ears of the brothers of faith and ask for help from each other. the purity of the ritual, which had been silenced since the beginning of islam, was revived again with the procession. and now hajj 1400,
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ah is 9 months, the images that come from gaza are blood it is polluted and now the grieving muslims of gaza have come together in balstein, gaza. today, who in the world is hostile to muslims, fights , kills their wives, their husbands, their children , kicks them out of their homes and lands, who is he? the zionist enemy should be described more clearly than this in the qur'an , but he is not an enemy of zionism, and because of the apparent expulsion of those who help him, what would help him, if
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it was not for the help of the united states, the zionist regime had the power, it had the courage to brutally kill muslim people with women. to treat a child like this in that limited environment , so this year's hajj is more obvious than ever hajj bara'at, the voice of support for gaza is loud in the streets of paris, london, and new york, but in the land of revelation , no voice in support of gaza has been heard yet. the gradual colorization of the provincial trips of the presidential election candidates yesterday and today , the presidential election candidates , having an active presence among the people and their supporters. with this introduction, let's go to the election news studio and join mr.
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zahorian . thank you very much and greetings to our dear and respected viewers the handshakes of the presidential candidates have taken on the color of elections in the atmosphere of the country more than other days. stay with us with the latest election news. the presence of the presidential election candidates among different strata of people, participation in large and small gatherings and face-to-face responses were among their plans to present their programs. the pictures and news of this report are based on the time of events.
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in addition to appearing in television programs, the presidential candidates were also active in the field of advertising. mr. jalili traveled to arak yesterday and visited hepco and azarap factories in arak and he met and talked with the workers of these factories . one of our bitter memories was when they said that one of our loved ones tried to commit suicide due to the pressure. and the sweet memory is that an hour ago, when i was present at hadhko , i saw the same dear, proudly and happily saying today, i am at peace, i am comfortable, and all of this is due to those reform movements, especially the martyr
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raees, mr. qalibaf in the crowd. the officials of the electoral headquarters of his provinces called the enemy's goals against the iranian nation as our enemy. today, he is trying to make us disappointed in our future, and he is looking for this there is someone who makes us regret our past and seeks to upset us. we have come to make people feel better for the future. let us hope and be proud of our past. mr. ghazizadeh hashemi also said about the development of technology platforms and internet as one of his goals: at the same time as the development of related industries in access to wireless internet, we must
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compete with what is happening in the world as a driving factor, not as someone. that we are passive in this issue, this requires a serious investment in the government, which i think should be amended in the law of the program it should be done and serious points should be given to it as one of the main projects of the government of the people and the government of the family. he called planning in work one of the most important priorities for running the country, and every person without planning, without order in his life , without planning and compiling his future in the right way , will not achieve results. let's know ourselves and have resistance and try. let's be serious , don't be afraid of the ups and downs of time, don't panic, don't lag behind, and most importantly
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, be a planner, be regular. mr. zakani too in one of his election programs this afternoon , he said about the importance of people's participation in the upcoming elections: his presence on the scene and his continuity provide the possibility to create great things and huge changes in the country. alhamdulillah, both the facilities of the country are adequate and the world is a stable and high condition, and in fact , there is a will to change and a plan for change, and god willing , this great event will take place with the presence of the people, and its continuation will make iran dearer and dearer, god willing. . on friday evening, mr. bizikian attended the conference of his supporting women and his programs for women and he described the girls. from any region, from any tribe, from any race, from any ethnicity, from any gender
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, i will pay the price for my words. you have to sit and argue with many people to be able to do something, but we will defend women's rights without any activity. virtual presidential election candidates continued. mr. ghazizadeh hashemi reacted to the statements of one of the former officials in cyberspace and said that the main obstacle was the imprudence of ahan nale. raised people. mr. mezikian also talked about his management method to realize national interests in the virtual space. the support of university professors for mr. jadidi was the article published in cyberspace about this election candidate. by publishing this article in cyberspace, mr. pomohammadi asked the people to prevent the transfer of the country's administration to political and economic joint-stock companies with their votes
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. polysafar radio news. tonight's election news is full of hot news. from the continued support of political parties and groups to candidates and the completion of their election headquarters to the heating up of rumors. in the virtual world , when this culture starts broadcasting roundtables elections and the widespread publication of candidates' speeches in this program accompanied by candidates' advisers in this round table have attracted the attention of some users. by examining the details of these people's records, experts
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consider the selection of these consultants as a part of the candidates' attention to specialization in their governments. mr. qomi, the head of the islamic propaganda organization , thanked the head of the national media for paying attention to the culture and planning of specialized roundtables in the elections. the start of mr. pour mohammaddi's television network on the internet. users of virtual space can have free internet in addition. tv channels 24 candidates should follow the archive of all the content of the election advertisements on tv every hour. during the announcement of the support of the group and political parties for the 14th presidential candidates, the islamic revolution faithful jamiat and the association of academicians of islamic iran announced their support for mr. ghalibaf. the party of construction agents has supported mr. medzikian, and the students' islamic community union has also supported mr. the attractiveness of the candidates' election headquarters is increasing every day. mr.
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moghimi, the senior consultant and the head of the election headquarters , mr. omid mezikian and mr. salehi amiri , the cultural deputy of the election headquarters of this candidate, became the heads of the 31 mr. zakani's election headquarters were assigned, mr. zaifafan became the deputy of provincial affairs of mr. pomohammadi's election headquarters, and mr. ghaemi took over as the head of mr. qalibaf's supporters headquarters. of course, with mr. jalili's character, mr. amir hossein sabeti, appearing on mr. jalili's tv channel , he invited reformist figures such as mr. ali rabiei, mohammad reza aref and mohammad javad from ali rumi to mr. jalili's internet tv and asked him to talk about this candidate. in the heat of publishing news and election comments, the spokesperson of the national cyberspace center announced a large amount of cyberspace users who published offensive content against the presidential candidates are rabat. mr. mohsen rezaei also
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wrote in his user account in the virtual space: now that the robots of the hypocrites and mossad have been identified, they have created an agenda. they followed hypocrisy and differences between election candidates to avoid consensus . the head of the national media also said that the results of the election poll of the radio and television research center will be sent to the headquarters of all election candidates. various network programs. hai sima appeared to talk about their own plans for running the country. these programs continue until 24:00. we see a selection of these programs that have been aired so far.
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continued campaigning of presidential candidates . in the national media, mr. jalili, participating in the political round table program of the c-sima network , considered foreign policy to be the maximum use of opportunities. today, in the scene of international relations, the opportunities that exist are much, much more than the threats. although the work of foreign policy is to be able to use opportunities to the maximum and threats to zero. reach it or at least reduce it, the arena is a real arena, it is not a romantic arena , you should fantasize for yourself, you have to see the facts , what are the relations in the world, what is the arena, and what opportunities are there for you today, and what threats are there from that side. mr. pomohammadi
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explained on the first page program of the news network about the solutions to clarify the corruption in the manager. the executive of the country presented that if transparency and electronic government are realized in the right way, which i myself have successful experiences in some areas of my work, i am sure that corruption will be greatly reduced. it is also a global experience. we are not the only ones, and this e-government means transparency, which is one of the pillars of the transparency of the freedom of information exchange, agents, etc., and the activists and fielders of this transparency are usually the media and journalists. mr. mezikian also presented his approaches and views in the program with the people of one sima channel. we have to see everyone. iran is for everyone. it is not for a group, a clique or a faction. we must accept that everyone in this country has the right to water and flowers.
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when we could accept this and everyone 's heart is for iran. naturally, we will be able to solve our own problem internally with strength, because then it is right let's give everyone the right to flourish and develop based on their merits. this is something that we have to solve internally. last night, mr. ghazizadeh hashemi, while appearing on the talk show "vizhi khabar" of the khabar network , said about the single-digit inflation rate and the stabilization of prices: "the government of the family undertakes to make the inflation rate single-digit , it is a legal duty according to the law of the seventh plan of the government." he should be able to handle his financial issues in accordance with his income , and the provision of facilities to the banking system of rome should be appropriate.
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certain people should be taken and mr. zakar. tonight at 10:00 p.m. , he will be a guest of khabar network's vizhi news talk show. soran asadi, sed and sima news agency. mr. ghalibaf , at 22:45 tonight, along with his advisers, in the economic round table program of channel 1. the candidates for the presidential election will appear on sima. tomorrow , they will be guests of the national media in the form of various advertising programs. minutes to 18:30 on
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the news channel of mr. mohammad baghribaf in the program with people from 180:00 to 19:00 on channel one mr. saeed jalili in the cultural round table program from 19:00 to 230:00 on channel two mr. mustafa pourmohammadi in the talk show vijeh khabar from 22:00 to 22:45 on khabar and mr. seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi will express their plans in the economic round table program from 22:45 to 24:00 on one sima channel. but the first debate of the candidates of the 14th election cycle. the presidency will be held on monday, june 28. on the eve of this debate, people told about their expectations. your memory is good, isn't it?
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very good. with one question , we took the interviewees to the spring of 1400 and even earlier to 1396. 7 years ago and 3 years ago, do you remember? days similar to june 1403. some with a little thought again something. it didn't occur to them, no, i don't remember much, but some of them had a good historical memory, the presidential elections , the debates , they remember all of them very well, not just in their minds, they also recorded them on paper. no, you said that on this date. this debate, when we say that the table is the problem of the people in 1400, a promise for them. it was nice for mr. dr. raisi to say: i try to be with the people and solve their problems, and it was interesting for them to know what they didn't know
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. exposing was very interesting for me. they say not to insult each other and now they are waiting for the 1403 debates. we are waiting for the debates to start . they should speak what they actually do and say the same thing. people have no more expectations from the candidate, the honesty he had. they should be and act on what they say , say what they really want to do, tell them about their plans for the youth and the economy of the country , tell them to solve the problems of the youth, see what the needs of their society are, they should talk about the economic and livelihood problems of the people, know the problems of the youth, jovana. what concerns they are thinking about the people, the debates have made people more aware of
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the candidates. monday, june 28, begins, and election candidates have the opportunity to hear the people's words before that and plan their plans based on that on the day of the debate. present. bahar estadi, sed and sima news agency. well, dear viewers , we have reached the end of the election news of this news section. we will be at your service tomorrow with the latest news. i invite you to watch the continuation of 21 news with mrs. hosseinzadeh. thank you very much , mr. zahouri. acting president in a phone call with the authorities of mazandaran province on reopening the transportation routes to deal with flood victims and
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he stressed comprehensive preparation for possible future incidents. according to the possibility of the continuation of these incidents, mr. mokhbar called for the all-round readiness of the executive agencies and rescuers in the provinces based on the forecast of the related organization. over the past day and night, heavy local rains caused damage in some areas of mazandaran, east azerbaijan and ardabil provinces. according to the announcement of the azad country roads management center, tehran north road and chalus road are closed until further notice. since last night, these two routes have been flooded and rock fell in darband area of ​​chalus road blocked shodh, the general director of crisis management of mazandaran governorate, said that seven unmanned vehicles were caught in the flood in this area, and with the help of the red crescent rescuers, 12 accidents occurred.
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they were taken to safe places and four injured were taken to treatment areas. the reaction was secret and my members moved. fortunately, the four mentioned cars were searched in the first hour and four unoccupied cars were found. the road has been cleared. heavy rain and flooding also caused damage in some areas of east azerbaijan. the head of the crisis headquarters of east azarbaijan province said that there is one flood. a passenger car and some clay he took the livestock with him and damaged the graves and gardens of some villages. khorram city has been flooded with heavy rains, which has caused damage to the agricultural products of the gardens. the assessment teams consisting of the housing foundation , jihad agriculture, district and insurance are present at the site and are investigating the wife and the mother-in-law. the head of the country's highway police announced that traffic is currently in place.
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according to the head of the flood crisis headquarters in meshkinshahr, four cars in this city were caught in the flood and the occupants of the cars were saved with the help of people and rescue forces. glu gomlə 550 the province has issued an orange warning that these rains will cause flooding in roo.
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seasonal houses will be. hassan farahani, sed and cima news agency. but the news that has just reached us is that, according to the country's police, the chalus road has been blocked again since last hour due to rock fall. hello, good night. well, today there are no shortage of cities from which it rained heavily and even darkly like alasht and he knows the report. but for tomorrow , it is predicted that we will still have rain and the risk of flooding in the provinces of west and east azarbaijan , we have scattered rain in ardabil in the province kurdistan in central hamadan province, those who are in isfahan province will have wind and rain tomorrow, the southern slopes of alborz, such as zanjan , qazvin, alborz, tehran, and north of semnan, this same
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night. we have the conditions ahead tomorrow for the caspian, gilan , mazandaran, golestan and north khorasan, it is not unlikely that heavy rain and wind will occur in the southern areas, i.e. north fars, or on the other hand , in kerman province, the same conditions will also be expected in yazd. also, there will be a temporary wind blowing for the next day, sunday. the same situation with less intensity in this we will have the provinces ahead, while it is predicted that strong wind for tomorrow can cause damage to temporary structures in the eastern areas of the southern slopes and alborz, and on the other hand, in the northwest of the country, and windy in places where there is no rain. it can cause the production of dust and reduce the quality of the air. it is also predicted that tomorrow
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the temperature in tehran will reach around 34 degrees above zero. this park has increased compared to last year. rising water level the lake has enclosed the islands of security for migratory birds. lake urmia water. reached the highest level in recent years. compared to the previous year, the same as the previous year, 23.


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