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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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i was among the farmers, the farmers were complaining and saying, for example, i had gone to the livestock farm in qom, 1300, and ahmed , the animal husbandry unit, was looking at the animals . their statement was that now our problem is the seller's problem. they buy for a long time , they don't return the money, and basically the cycle of our economy does not cycle because we have no confidence in the final chain that the government chain of stores must provide facilities through the local administrations which are the municipalities and within dozens of operators are the major aid agencies. create a loop in which you need part of the loop to start the sale, to organize it beforehand , to be able to understand and understand the need to be able to transfer it to
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where? transfer it to the previous links and make all the links transparent with intelligentization, and finally by removing the subsidies at the beginning of the chain , transfer it to the end of the chain so that both subsidies are given and people's baskets become prosperous and the country's conditions go in a different direction. as a result of these conditions, we did not have this situation of smuggling and this situation of injuries in our country. then and now, the other axis of the seventh program, which refers to the stability of the general level of prices, which refers to a series of experiences and a series of solutions. if you have another focus and have another plan, tell us about the exchange rate issue , the single-digit inflation rate, and of course , the 138% growth rate of liquidity in 5 years and direction. liquidity and bank credits for
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productive activities is one of the objectives of the program, mr. raisi's government, which when it was handed over in the recent period , it was reported that during the previous year, it was able to reduce liquidity from 30% to 23%, but this is not enough, the program says 13 is correct. 13 and a half percent of criticism is like water, this water can be directed . it can be used to flood and destroy one of the ways is the issue of housing to transfer liquidity, people's participation in production, people's participation in unfinished government projects, privatization in the true sense and people's participation to attract transportation. he did the work along with this fiscal discipline. generators that
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create liquidity, imbalance, and instability, such as banks, should be controlled, and those that cause inflation by their own actions, now we have a bank that caused 7 and a half percent inflation in the society in the last year and 6 and a half percent in the year before that. what right is this? it has worked, why has the people's table determined who should be responsible? private banks mainly follow a path that is this path. most of them should be corrected to be on the right track . the next point is that the instability in the market is partly due to the conditioning of land prices. but it is possible to do expertise in domestic production, export, and import. he designed it in such a way that
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he reached a correct number, the result of that correct number, we will fix the land rate. not handing over this work to the market is a wrong thing, therefore, it is possible to go in a direction that creates a stability, based on this stability that has been created, i suggest to you that we act beyond our capabilities, may god have mercy on shahid tehrani moghadam, he said, "man is a human being." they are weak and work according to their means . in fact, there are infinite possibilities in the country , which can be done effectively by focusing and working honestly. let's go to the tax revenues in the 7th plan. now, the ratio that has been taken into account, the number and the figures that have been assigned to itself, the ratio of the revenue has been targeted. taxes to the gdp should increase to 10%. now, the issues that are raised in the meantime, the fight against tax evasion is a smart issue. the issue of making the tax system fair, what
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do you do for it? look at the tax as a tool for regulating crying rather than as a tool for the government's income . the governments of the governments should understand that the second point is that the tax should serve the production, not that shiraz will take the production and freeze the production. this is the second point. the work he gave it to them, but what is needed here regarding the big necks who evade taxes and the elements and companies that make huge profits but pay less attention to taxes and make little statements? it needs to be smart, it needs to be accurate and move in the direction that, of course, if tax exemption is given somewhere, they will consider zero tax
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to make the scene clear. the scene should be clear and it should be clear who is doing what in the country. this will to this day. it was not, and this problem is a big problem, so if it is built, someone will have to pay taxes , he should go to those big and possible collections he should pay attention to create tax transparency and be able to take a path that follows the flow of the country's production that stands in front of the flow of the country's production and wants to weaken the flow of the country's production with taxes. the tax regulation system is the best way to do this. he stopped tax evasion and this 10% can be researched . mr. dr. zakani
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has dedicated one of the most important axes of the 7th plan, the subject of administrative transformation and reforming the administrative structure based on the general policies of the administrative system, with the subject of emphasizing the smartening and realization of electronic government in the future government of his highness see what solutions have been seen to realize this issue, now there are special tools that can easily do this intelligentization. in tehran, we moved towards this intelligentization and we started developing its infrastructure , for example, in terms of energy and energy consumption. if we move towards electrification, what can we easily do? let's take him to a position where we can control and actually have proper supervision for him and then we can actually work in the field of administrative system. its creation will make it easier for the people, but on the other hand, it will make the administrative system accountable, and
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it will become clear where we should have our own serious and fundamental works and effects as a bottleneck . e-licensing and follow-up on the portal of the government, mr. raisi, has untied the knots for the people, and all the people's work has moved forward. kurd distribution, in fact , the authority towards the lowest level of appropriate levels. the government should become an agile government based on intelligentization, provide the possibility to provide the best service to the best group who request that service in the nearest time and
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with the best quality . the administration that is not the local management of this federalism, the local management can serve the governance and the central government, and the councils and municipalities can find a logical connection with the central government and complement it, they provide an opportunity to quickly advance the affairs of the country and provided services. one of the important axes of the program seventh, mr. dr. zakani , is the subject of sea-based economy, which now defines the ratio of population. the southern coast of the entire country should reach 8%. let's address the request to makran and chabahar to see what are your plans for the development of these beaches . we have 5800 km of coast, north and south, whoever
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has a coast is making wealth, pride and greatness with it. we have a beach, but we are not paying attention. i had gone to chabahar, people were living in caper . there was really a place for me to sit down and cry. yogurt is good we need to transfer water from the sea to the central parts of the country, but it is better to move the industry we want to build to the coast. helping the ship and providing services to the ships will create huge revenues for the country. the issue of international transit and the use of seaports, the issue
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of the use of tanks, in fact, food in the sea , various issues can give a possibility that the makran coast and its related complexes will be the main economic development pole of the country. servant as a definite matter, i will move in this direction and in the 4 years of the government, god willing, a big change will be seen in this area. about 5 minutes until the end of tonight's special news talk on the subject of nationalization of the economy in the seventh program, which mentions that the executive bodies are obliged to hand over all their shares gradually by the end of the second year of this law . what about the issue of increasing the role of people's participation? do you have any plans? look, we confused privatization with privatization. in the past, article 44 law, which was implemented
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, became private, and the country's facilities were in the hands of capital. now, we have to go to the explanation of the facilities and privatization in the hands of those who can be the powerful arms of the empowerment of that sector in this privatization, workers, economic activists , those who are in the context of our society. this is the main path of government service, and we want to follow this path in the best way. the second point is that the government must adapt itself, the government must become a policy-making government, a supporting government, a facilitating government, a supervisory government, and a complementary government . not the executive government that puts the burden of the people on its shoulders and cannot actually transfer the burden . our attention is to focus on let's get a government, distribute power, which we do
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, share the country's facilities with the people , bring the people's capital into these facilities, and be able to do real privatization , give the management to the people. giving centralized management came to manage and ruined the work . we have about two minutes . yes, but allow us to hear your point and content and summary in these two minutes. the issue of energy is also an important issue. we have a package for the household basket for the energy issue. based on by paying attention to the environmental field and by paying attention to the organization of energy in the household field, it will be possible for the fair distribution of subsidies to take place in such a way that the entire nation of iran, with any ethnicity, with any religion, with any religion , with any geography, with any region. to be able
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to use this great kindness, the kindness that saves our environment is controlled by the reduction of consumption by the people . in fact, the capital remains for the people and does not create an obligation for the government, and the government can do the greatest service in this way, so the program what we have in the area of ​​nat subsidies is a fair explanation of them. we will definitely implement article 46 of the 7th plan, the structural focus of management and creation of service. in this direction, we will optimize the fuel under the government and we will provide a possibility for the people
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to use all these capacities. the point i have with our dear people is that the government is a public service based on a detailed program based on open to a well-defined performance schedule and by regulating the resources of your life. will do and in front of your table that opens your purchasing power it increases the problems of the country and the progress of the country , god willing, in setting its own goals in the following areas. i am following the best way with your presence and participation. thank you very much, mr. zakani, for your presence in the vijeh news talk studio. thank you for your company.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza shashamzadegan with the world, i am with you today, on the 25th and second day of the war and genocide in gaza, as always , according to the routine of the world program, today
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we will start the program with the latest pictures from palestine.
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allah is the best, the best is to take us to paradise maak ali jannah.
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the first case and discussion of tonight's program, we want to examine the challenges and obstacles on the way to a peace agreement and ceasefire in gaza. to investigate this issue
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, we will go to washington in america to talk to mr. michael spring, a former diplomat of the us foreign ministry. hello mr. springman, thank you very much for accepting our invitation. thank you very much for inviting me to this program, mr. springman joden , on the sidelines of the group of 7 summit , rejected the possibility of a ceasefire in the near future , while we are in the ninth month of the war and it has been two weeks since biden presented a plan for a ceasefire. that even with reforms in the un security council were also approved, and hamas also gave a positive opinion.
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because now we are witnessing that for five months , in the last five months, money has been pouring into israel from the americans, and in fact, it is helping them to continue their swindling in the american congress. try to they can approve this money and put it in the service of the zionists or the jews who are there, mr.
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prem. another aspect of the story was that , anyway, the un security council issued a resolution, but some officials of the zionist regime according to their representative in the united nations. this resolution declares that the war will continue. why can't the resolution of the security council stop nastaki ? how does israel see itself above international laws? yes, america actually controls the united nations and uses its own veto power in the security council, and the israelis . they are taking advantage of this issue , they have various campaigns, in fact
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, they are persuading the american government, especially the federal government , to support israel . always declare your support. the jews are in control of the american government. the jewish media actually have extensive activities in america and this control is in all their affairs . you are well aware that in addition to international laws, we also have regulations in the united states that
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set frameworks for the international cooperation and support of the american government. for example , according to the laws of its own government , the american government should not give weapons to those who lack human rights. does he act in this field?
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they are actually using the freemasonry that the israelis are creating for themselves, and this is why they are actually using these weapons against hamas and hezbollah in 1997, and on the other hand, we had several laws in this field, but the witness
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we believe that in order to ensure israel's security, the violation of international laws is ignored, and based on this law that we have in the united states
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, it cannot be implemented. i want to ask you about this in more detail answer me, exactly which people and organizations in america were able to create an environment where israel can see itself for the laws . there are various organizations in america that have special power and influence that we cannot, in fact, economically , i would like to name them, but in we see that ipec is one of these organizations and has a lot of money and many members, and they have a lot of advice and policymakers.
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israel is violating the international laws that it is applying, and we can say that in any way they can support themselves. they have from israel and i know everyone who actually cares for israel and knows that israel deserves it, they have the idea that
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