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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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promotion of advertising headquarters increased two weeks before the presidential elections. the efforts of candidates and their supporters in introducing programs and views to attract voters. from being among people to advertising in cyber space. the tv roundtables have attracted the attention of experts with their frank and challenging questions. arafat is the destination of more than 87 thousand iranian pilgrims along with one and a half million.
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the order of the acting president to the executive bodies in the provinces to maintain the state of readiness . the warning of storm and flood in 11 provinces is still
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in place, there is a possibility of a flood and also a momentary gust of wind in the provinces located in the northwest and we will also have the central zakros and the southern slopes of arabarz. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speed their way. hello , dear and respected viewers . welcome to the 24th news section. the gradual colorization of the provincial trips of the presidential election candidates in the last two days. presidential election candidates , active presence among the people and supporters. had their own
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the presence of the presidential election candidates among the different groups of people, participating in large and small gatherings and responding in person, including their programs , to present their programs. the pictures and news of this report are based on the time of events. in addition to appearing in television programs, the presidential candidates were also active in the field of advertising. mr. jalili traveled to arak yesterday
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and visited hepco and azarap factories in arak and met and talked with the workers of these factories. one of our bitter memories was when they said that one of our loved ones had tried to commit suicide due to extreme pressure, and the sweet memory is that an hour ago, when i was present at hebko, i saw the same loved one proudly khushi says today, i am calm , i am comfortable, and all this is due to those movements a reformist, especially the martyr leader, mr. qalibaf
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, enumerated the goals of the enemies against the iranian nation in the gathering of the officials of the election headquarters of his provinces. and he is looking to upset us, we came. to make people feel better, hope for the future and be proud of our past. mr. ghazizadeh hashemi also said about the development of technology platforms and internet as one of his goals: simultaneously with the development of related industries in wireless internet access, we must what is happening in the world as a cause. shiran, let's compete, not as someone who is passive in this issue, this needs a serious investment in the government, which i think should be amended in the law of the program and serious points should be made for it as one of the main projects.
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it will be the government of the people and the government of the family, god willing. mr. pomohammadi called work planning one of the most important priorities for the administration of the country. society and every individual without planning without order. in his life without planning his future properly it will not work. even today, we must know our time, culture, religion, and our different needs. let's have resistance, try , be serious. don't be afraid of the ups and downs of time, don't be afraid, don't back down, and most importantly, plan, be regular. mr. zakani is also venus. today, in one of his election programs , he said about the importance of people's participation in the upcoming elections: his presence on the scene and his continuity provide the possibility to create great things and great transformation in the country. thank god, both the country's facilities and conditions are adequate
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in the regional and global arena, the country is in a stable and high condition, and in fact, it has the will to change and the plan for change. god willing, this great event will take place with the presence of the people, and his continuation will make iran dearer and dearer, god willing. on friday evening, mr. bizikian attended the conference of his supporting women and explained his plans for women and girls. from any region, from any tribe, from any race, from any ethnicity, from any gender , i will pay the price for my words. i didn't, but if i say now, i will definitely do this for you tomorrow you know it's not that simple, tomorrow you have to sit and argue with many people to be able to do something, but we will be the defender of women's rights, but the virtual activities
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of the presidential election candidates continued. and he said that the main obstacle is imprudence. it was the iron that raised the people's cries. mr. mezikian also talked about his management method to realize national interests in the virtual space. the support of university professors for mr. jadidi was the article published in cyberspace about this election candidate. mr. pomohammadi by publishing this article in cyber space the people want to prevent the transfer of the country's administration to political and economic joint-stock companies with their votes. polisa mehrapar, radio and television news agency. tonight's election news is full of hot news, from the continued support of political parties and groups to the candidates and the completion of their election headquarters to
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the heating up of rumors and the words of the spokesperson of the national center for cyberspace that there is a connection between a large number of cyberspace users who are against the candidates. the presidency also publishes insulting content. when this culture begins to broadcast election roundtables and wide spread the speeches of the candidates in this program, the accompaniment of candidates' advisors in these roundtables has attracted the attention of users. some experts. by examining the details of the records of these people , they consider the selection of these consultants to be a part of the candidates' attention to specialization in their governments. mr. qoumi, the head of the islamic propaganda organization , appreciated the national media for paying attention to the culture and planning of specialized roundtables in the elections.
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the start of mr. pomohammadi's tv channel on the internet. users of virtual space can follow free internet in addition to the 24-hour vion channels of the candidates and the archive of all the content of election advertisements on tv. during declaration of support of political groups and parties for the candidate. the 14th presidency of the faithful jamiat of the islamic revolution and the association of academicians of islamic iran announced their support for mr. qalibaf. the party of construction agents has supported mr. mezikian, and the union of students' islamic community also supports mr. jalili . the attraction of candidates' election headquarters is increasing every day. mr. moghimi, senior adviser and head of omid's election headquarters, mr. mezikian and mr. salehi amiri as well. culture of the election headquarters of this candidate. the heads of 31 electoral headquarters of mr. zakani
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were appointed. mr. zari bafan, deputy of provincial affairs mr. pomohammadi's election headquarters has become and mr. ghaemi has also taken over the leadership of mr. qalibaf's supporters' headquarters. of course, the opinion of mr. jalili's character, mr. amirhossein thabiti, with the presence of mr. jalili's tv channel , faces reformist figures such as mr. ali rabiei, mohammad reza aref and mohammad javad ezri jahormi . internet tv invited mr. jalili and asked him to talk about this candidate. in the heat of news and election comments , the spokesperson of the national center for cyberspace announced that a large number of cyberspace users published offensive content against the presidential candidates. are ligaments mr. mohsen rezaei also wrote in his user account in the virtual space, now that it is clear that the robots of the hypocrites and the mossad followed the agenda of creating disunity and discord between the election candidates to prevent consensus
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, stay away from the collateral of planned mischief. the head of the national media also said that the results of the election survey of the radio and television research center will be sent to the headquarters of all election candidates. they attended from talk about your plans for running the country. we see a selection of these programs that have been aired so far today. continued campaigning of presidential candidates in the national media. mr. mr. pomohammadi
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gave explanations on the clarification solutions to deal with corruption in the country's executive management in the program on the front page of the khabar network. if transparency and e-government are realized correctly, i myself have successful experiences in some areas of my work. i am sure that corruption will be greatly reduced. there is a world experience, but not our experience, only this government. that's mean clarification is one of the pillars of clarifying the freedom of information exchange. media and journalists are usually agents and activists of this transparency. mr. mezikian also presented his approaches and views in the program with the people of one sima channel. we have to see everyone. iran is for everyone. it is not for a group, a clique or a sect. we have to accept this. that everyone in this country has the right to water and flowers , when we were able to accept this and everyone
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's heart beats for iran, naturally we will be able to solve our own problem internally with power, because then we will give the right to the rightful, everyone based on merit and merit. let's allow it to flourish and evolve. this is something that you have to solve internally, and mr. zakani, who was a guest on a special news talk program of khabar network , said about his solutions to solve the housing problem in the country: part of my housing package is to create incentives that are worn out and plaque. unstable buildings can be renovated by the people of tehran, this is your big city of tehran. 7 tehran city is a dilapidated fabric. 17 people live in this dilapidated fabric. you give the smallest problem to the people. giving up
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production will lead to employment, and the issue of housing will be solved it will be resolved, this is part of our package that we planned for, soran esadi of sed and sima news agency. i would like to add that mr. zakani was a guest of khabar network's special news talk show at 10:00 p.m., and mr. qalibaf also appeared at 225:00 on the economic roundtable program of sima channel. this time, the open election platform was held at yasouj university. this is yasouj university. where he was invited from our free election tribune.
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although it was the exam season, the students welcomed the open forum. these students didn't have anything to say, we didn't come here to express our feelings let's talk about the president's popularity , we want the president to be dear to the president, and talk about hope and the future, in the hope of the day when the price of the dollar will not be more than f-35, in the hope of the day when the economy will be resolved without explaining to my people, they are from realization the promises of the election candidates, my demands are that they don't make false promises, which of you can pay 20 million or less a month for rent , which of you can buy a car, create a situation that is compatible with reason , and understand the pain of the working class, i expect that the future of employment will be guaranteed.
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have me and my job field in the continuation of this discussions about participating in the elections or not. opinions were raised that i will not participate in the elections . the reason is that we do not have active political parties in the country. yes, i will participate because democracy is ruling in my country. i don't vote at all . i personally vote. i vote because i am not indifferent to the issues of my country. if you say that we don't vote , you can't criticize any government. you have a little criticism read the criticism, i also have a car , i am buying a cat, one million, two million, three million, if i shouldn't be like this, but in
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the end, it is important for students to participate in the elections. the intelligent and revolutionary nation of islamic iran will show its authority to the world in this election, as always, by making the right choice and instead of intelligence, unity, faith. the common denominator of all of us are fundamentalist, reformist, middle-class , and regardless of whether they agree with any party or not, we have one common denominator in the name of iran, and we must fight for the prosperity and pride of iran. we have to choose hosseini bai of sed and sima news agency yasouj university. special attention of the audience to the election round table program, a program that challenges election candidates with clear and transparent questions. this program
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is one of the initiatives of this national media period in the elections. the cultural round table of the election was hosted by mr. mohammad bagher ghalib in the first part. a program that has three experts and its experts ask questions of each candidate for the presidential election and the two advisers he has with him. one of the most popular parts of cultural conversation in social networks was here. mr. hossein tazami, university professor and deputy minister of culture he asked questions in the years 92 to 1400. what did mr. ghalibaf do to support the media during his presidency? mr. qalibau talked a little about their livelihood. in the area. their follow-up, their insurance , their services, their housing cooperatives, they are also at their service. he also answered a question about the case of two media activists. you said that now some journalists
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are arrested and sentenced in the primary court in the secondary court. even going to the administrative court of justice the complainants are all private. somewhere in the conversation, mr. shahab esfandiari, a member of the faculty of the university of arts and the president of the university of broadcasting, went to the virtual space and asked what is your plan to regulate grish? we must have a strong and effective presence and governance in the virtual space, otherwise, vandalism will definitely happen. nowhere in the world. it is not that they have allowed governance in the virtual space. speaking of women's support, mrs. hijazi, mr. qalibau's adviser , gave some examples of the actions of this candidate during his previous responsibilities, the women's police and police university, women's parks, cultural centers that the women's demand was established, mr. ghafari, another adviser to mr. ghalib, also said that bringing ideas to the ground
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is a characteristic of this candidate for the presidential election , and that family and education are his cultural priorities. he was a physician, that is, mr. bahraini, a member of the 12th parliament and a member of the university's faculty. mashhad asked and said to mr. bezikian, if you become the president in 6 months, what are your plans for the price of gasoline? the issue is very clear, scientific. any move we want to make in the price of gasoline or any discrepancy should be done first we have to justify and prepare the people and make them accept that this intervention will create a cure. mr. bahraini asked, do you not give a specific opinion about this now? my opinion is an expert opinion. if i give you a prescription now, i said it is irrelevant. because we are not experts in this work. mr. yahya al-ishaq, minister of commerce of the 6th government in
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72-76 asked: regardless of the opinion of the experts , what is your plan to popularize the economy? let's accept this and leave it to the experts who do this let the experts sit down, the evidence is new, even that expert cannot say it alone. tell me, sir, this is the evidence of the world , these are the documents, these are international experiences. mr. danesh jafari, a member of the allameh university faculty and the minister of economy of the 9th government in 1984-1987 , his question was about inflation, how do you untie the knot with limited resources? i will ruin the economy for sure, but if we get internal experts and even foreign consultations to achieve these goals, which are characteristic and ideal, with the collective wisdom and the scientific solutions that exist and the determination and determination that we want to achieve it. let's get there if we are going to reach it,
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we will adjust our regulations in that framework. further, mr. bahraini asked mr. bizikian: do you have a solution so that the people's share of treatment costs will be below 30%? to which mr. mezikian replied: the solution is in the law and the problem is implementation . today's political round table. the host was mr. saeed jalili. his speech had some merits that became the subject of the question of mohammad kazem sajjadpour, a member of the faculty of the ministry of foreign affairs and the advisor to the minister of foreign affairs of the 12th government. how do you translate your needs into concrete politics? do you convert it needs creativity, it needs initiative, it needs follow-up, it needs to understand the priority and it needs to be focused. you say yes, but how? that you understand. what is the priority now? to go to the country, after all, they don't give you anything , whether to impose sanctions again or not, for example, say sir , these opportunities can be created right here . mr. sajjadpour's other question was
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how to reach a national consensus in foreign policy . some people say no , what should you do as a country and a government that is responsible for your people? you should have a chance everywhere. there is, get these things that are not east or west, north or south, wherever it is, you have to get it. university of tehran pointed out that mr. jalili brought two economic consultants with him and asked what is the program for public diplomacy besides economic diplomacy . they are not less than them in terms of analysis and readiness to play a role. and they can play an active role in the fields of public diplomacy for multiple indicators of power creation in the world, what is your plan? mr. jalili
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gave an example from the book of harry kissinger, a veteran american politician, who wrote about the role of artificial intelligence in the future power of the world. sometimes, if you don't focus on a priority in the next 5 years, for example, 4 years, it doesn't mean that you will be 4 years behind. you may go back 40 years. the government should let it play a role here and again provide a platform for every iranian to play a role. today, the presidential election candidates will be guests of the national media in the form of various advertising programs. mr. alireza zakani in the roundtable program political from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on c-sima channel by mr. masoud bizikian in the first page program from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on khabar channel by mr. mohammad baqer ghalib in the program with people from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on sima channel 1 by mr. saeed jalili in the roundtable program
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cultural from 19:00 to 20:00 on sima channel 2, mr. mustafa pourmohammadi in the talk program "vejeh habari" from 22:00 to 225:00 on khabar channel and mr. seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi in the economic round table program from 225:00 to 24:00 on sima channel 1. will pay the first debate of the candidates of the 14th term of the presidential election a very excellent republic, with one question , we took the interviewees to the spring of 1400 and even earlier to 1396 , 7 years ago and 3 years ago. do you remember days like
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june 1403? but some had a good historical memory . they remember all the presidential elections and debates very well, not only in their minds, but also on paper . you started this debate when we say that the table is the problem of the people in 1400, a promise for them it was nice that mr. dr. raisi said that i try to talk to people. i want to solve the problems of the people and knowing the unknown was attractive to them , exposing was very attractive to me. we are asking the election candidates
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to talk about the things they want to do instead of destroying them, the work that has actually made people more aware of the candidates, we should see the debate. what are their plans, what plan do they have for discussing iran's livelihood and economic situation, then, god willing, we will be able to choose him. the 143 election debates will begin on monday, june 28, and the election candidates have the opportunity to hear the people's words before then and base their plans on them. it will be presented on the day of the debate.
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conducting a radio and television broadcast, in a phone call with the authorities of mazandaran province , mr. mokhbar emphasized the re-opening of transportation routes to deal with flood victims and all-round preparation for possible future incidents . nose the relevant organizations demanded the all-round preparation of the executive and relief agencies in the provinces. in shaban last day, heavy local rains left some damages in some plains of mazandaran, east azarbaijan and ardabil provinces. according to the announcement of the azad country roads management center, tehran north road and chalus road return route until further notice.
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it is blocked. these two routes were blocked since last night due to torrential rain and flooding and falling rocks in darband area of ​​chalus road. the general director of crisis management of mazandaran governorate said: seven unmanned vehicles in this area are affected by floods with the help of red crescent rescuers, 12 victims were taken to safe places in hedayat and four injured were taken to treatment areas. the secret reaction and getting excited. fortunately, in the first hour, the four mentioned cars were searched and four unmanned cars were found and the road was cleared. heavy rain and flooding also caused damage in some areas of east azerbaijan.


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