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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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that the main structure, including shasti khodro iranat technical, which happens to the control systems of this car or to the engine of this car, yes , this damage will cause the price to drop, so now we have reviewed what the situation looks like there were different procedures and different prices were probably paid, and different parties or the individual themselves had to pay a series of insurances from their own pockets, a series of their companies, but now, in any order, what has changed from now on, mr. abbasi yafar, that is, if we want it now. . let's go to an insurance company. any car company should we get insurance, from what day and in what form, or even if we have insurance now, does it include it or not, how should we pay or get the insurance? i told you that in this letter , friends have mentioned a recipe for how to calculate the price drop, which fortunately, we have problems before it is approved by the government. it doesn't
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matter . we don't have information about the damages, unless you go to the insurance company if the vehicle is damaged in an accident for any reason. but if he doesn't have insurance and is at fault, it probably won't be known anywhere that this has ever been damaged, so one of the items that we have a method to emphasize is that we must have a price drop for vehicles that have no history of damage . what does it mean that once from the area of ​​the mudguard has not been in an accident and may have been replaced or repaired, and this is one of the issues
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, so one of the requirements that will be seen in this work is that we give the vehicles a once-over. let's give a price, because the drop in price happened with an accident first, in that position, unless it is another position, or now, or the same position, more than what it is now, it is something technical, another issue is this, the second issue is what basically caused the price to happen. we have divided this into two parts. we have divided this into two parts. you have a reminder. one part is the mandatory minimum insurance and the other part is the claims that we voluntarily buy the insurance under the title of optional surplus. you can up to the value of your car 200 million 300
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million, sometimes 400 million, and even higher figures. i have seen, for example, up to 600 million. sometimes i have seen compatriots buy mandatory obligations in our sector. usually, just as the coverage is minimal, the price drop is also minimal, which means that the conventional rule is applied to it. this is an important question. the conventional rule is applied because when the loss itself is the total loss, the conventional rule is applied to it, the loss of the price drop is also subject to the same logic as the tax loss, so if tomorrow a car is higher than the dena plasas or the parsi we are talking about , which is around 800 for example , there was a chinese car that cost two billion and one billion a foreign european german whose money was, for example, several billions, is the same as yours.
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if you buy any number in principle, compensation for the loss of the lost price of your faraj will be from the conventional rule . optionally, you can buy this in principle and cover more than that. that
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the insurers have to pay for it , how much has been considered for the price drop, it depends on the type of damage , we have divided the damages into several categories according to the severity, not me. it is interesting that someone will take it later we approved this in the insurance council . we will definitely approve it. god willing
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, we proposed it in the council once in the evening when i wrote the draft . god willing, in the first meeting, as i recall, the interview of mr. chairman was for almost a month. there is also a record of the damage history of this vehicle, which before this part, for example, not before. this car may not be from this part, but it has been shoveled twice, the wheels have been damaged.
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let's see if that accidentally caused the price to drop even more we apply the three factors with a zarabi. conventional car in the damages section, the mandatory section and the optional section, which is in accordance with the commitment that the insurance company sold. well, sir, i would like to pray in your presence . now, this is the method. if this method is changed , it will be approved. what should people do? well, it is a very big step. it happened due to the efforts of friends and the legislation has threatened this lack of going back and forth for the loved ones to get their rights at the same time as the independent evaluator. they can refer to the center and they can also calculate the price for them in the same incident and at the same time. the existing report and form will be provided to the insurer to compensate for this damage . there is no need for the people to have a court dispute about the council. it is true that the reason why
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the government and the central insurance company has come to this has insisted that it be corrected. this is our process. don't make the damage more complicated than it is, make it a little shorter. we said before this regulation that anyone who wants to cause damage should pay a price, so to speak , he should pay a lot. that this commitment yogurt. now i am referring to the insurers and the central insurance as my supervisor has confirmed this. we have said this many times in writing. why should people get involved with the judicial system, the judicial authority, the dispute resolution authority
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? their assessment , contrary to their current procedure , they should report an item regarding the price drop. to follow up and it happened that this arrangement happened, it is the mission of the central insurance company, which actually has been doing this work, but they used
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to do this work for the judicial system. i am an insurer, we had a loss for our insurance company , the minimum financial obligations are 40 million tomans. there is no need to report, etc., etc., but, well, now we have problems that we have in conventional cars , we have non-conventional ones. in this case , there was also a price drop. sir, this damage cannot be assessed at all in some unconventional cars. now, no, this is what we were saying . when the price dropped, we said, sir, this modest price does not need to go to court. their damage is 10 million. my modesty cost 5 million. well, this is 15 million in the range of 40 million. why is this? mr. insurer is obligated to pay 15 million tomans, don't you know that the party must file a lawsuit against you, etc. well, it is definitely possible that the party will pay out of his own pocket, so don't tie the insurance . yes, this happened. now we are talking about
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unconventional cars well, we have the issue that later , according to the amount of obligations they have, now the question that is raised here is that, for example, we insured ourselves until next year, and you say that this will happen in another month or two months, now our car is being evaluated. it has not happened that mr. , for example, has been injured here or not there is a need for people to have me after this because it is possible that no accident happened at all . now there was another point that, for example, sometimes people are concerned about the same assessment that you mentioned, that
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the need for the entry of the supervisory body, which is the central insurance or the independent assessor of the people. the same evaluation itself, some insurance companies, for example , have a difference of opinion or object to this price drop, which is now added to it . he can complain about the damage to an appraiser fortunately, this right is specified in the third law that people who object to the damages awarded for any reason can choose an evaluation by themselves, and the opinion of that evaluator is basically necessary.
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now, this is another problem. i will determine it myself as an insurer. you should go to this appraiser to determine the amount of your portion. when we see that alhamdulillah during the previous chairmanship of the central insurance and this period, i am aware that this matter is serious. it will be followed up to ensure that the right of independent evaluators is available to the people make an appointment and people will check it by referring to that offer, i see his expertise. ummm , i will check the item and the things i want , i will submit my file to him, i will tell him how much you want
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, i will accept the license, he will give the central insurance the qualification to the center, he will determine whether or not this gentleman is allowed to be assessed, but the choice is free for the people, that is , if for example, let's say you have an accident with my car with your car, there is no need for me to come to your insurance appraiser, i can go to an independent insurance company. mr. abbasi, how will this happen because it is an almost big change. yes, every year, we set a figure for the salary of this appraiser, which means a lot to the people. well, in this procedure
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, they have to pay more money. yes, they have to pay for the appraisal themselves. they have to pay for the insurance. but, look, now there is an assessment of 10 million tomans. well, in mr. rahimian's report , even though people are saying that i have suffered a loss , i have to pay 300,000 tomans, or as you say, up to one or two million .
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i don't know, why can't the insurance company tell you right after that, because it is possible now in the quantities as well if it turns out to be different, your insurance company, who is at fault , for example, will say, for example , i will pay you 5 million tomans for this part , i will give you 10 million tomans for this accident, the independent appraiser will say no, this is 20 million . god forbid, now people , if they have had an accident, you have to pick it up and deliver it at all. if, for example , i changed the door of the car, the insurance company
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had a point about getting a price. we pay the price
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only if, for example, 5 years have passed since its production date or other procedures that, for example, sometimes
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15 years later, the price drop will not be granted, and this makes sense now, because now you have an understanding , for example , abortion is the same. hi, mr. jahram was also the spokesperson of the government. the discussion was that the insurance premiums will not change with this incident. now, the important question here is how the insurance company should have more obligations now. ok, pay for the price drop , don't take more money from the insurer, how can i tell you why? to you, because we checked the results of this in time , now i would like to make a point. we notify the insurance premium at the beginning of each year, approximately in the month of march , these calculations will be done the following year, yes, in the meeting that we
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report to the supreme insurance council. we raised the issue of how much extra this year and considering that there was no procedure now, it was almost too difficult for us to estimate and evaluate this amount of damage. because of this this year. of course, i counted his works on my own thumb . at that time, it was reported , we presented it to shural insurance.
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the effect is not so great on the costs of insurance companies, because it is necessary to accommodate the people first, and then we now know that there are parallel procedures that can damage the price much more than this in a case of the size of 10 cars.
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different related to bodily damages, so let's make it simpler for the people and viewers , let me ask you this way, now we have the right to do it this way, we say, we want to go and insure our car now, the first year that you have received an invoice from the year second, the 20% or 30% that they add every year for nothing this price drop, how much do i have to pay more for my car, how many percent will it add to the one that you add every year, almost in the compulsory section, i think the number.
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let's assume our losses at all. the number will not be large. i think that if this practical order written in this way, because my insurers are probably more likely to listen to our words today , they should be worried that this will bring a cost pressure. he doesn't pay out of his pocket, he gets it from the insurer, isn't it, in salsam, well, pricing is the only field that the government has. pricing and different years usually, the pricing
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is seen as a kind of expediency by the society of rome, because it is social insurance , the price is always lower than what it should have been, in almost all the years since the implementation of this law , at no time will the price of the insurance premium be changed, for example, until the end of the year, because until this year, when nothing happens to my people that we do not cause trouble , this year, when the insurance premium does not change, usually nothing happens to us.
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in other words, until the end of this year, it is not an issue unless we consider the price of social considerations, for example, this health insurance is a lot of social issues, mr. namazi, what do you think? how much do you think has changed because you mentioned at the beginning of your statement that sometimes it was possible that some insurance companies paid more than what they should have, but now the insurance companies themselves and the appraisers are now independent and they are working more accurately. it may happen. it doesn't help that, for example , he doesn't have a lot of financial burden for insurance companies. yes, i remember about 19-20 years ago in one of the biggest
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insurance companies' branches. our opinion and analysis, which is my analysis , is not a personal opinion, because we, in the association of professional appraisers of the country, examine this in terms of the number may increase, the number of compensation cases will decrease because it has been facilitated because he knows where to get it because it is a right that has been made available to him, but this happens in the case of supervision and expert work by professionals.
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of course, you said that the meetings are held once a month . when will the first meeting be held for this issue? it will be next july . it will be decided in the middle of july. in the middle of july, it will be decided how to promulgate this regulation , so it means that it will be implemented in august. unconventional will make a change or not, this is the same for now no, i just said that the price is the same
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. it will be paid normally in the damages section of the mandatory part. i thank you, your excellency. no , i have no objection. thank you very much to both guests of the program , all the good viewers of today's conversation, who accompanied us until this moment. do not be tired. the beginning of wheat harvest from iranshahr farms. i am one of the farmers of iranshahr region. i had almost 40 hectares of wheat under cultivation
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. i was harvesting wheat, thank god, alhamdulillah, due to the rains we did it and it was good. in the current agricultural year, nearly 5 thousand hectares of the land of iran shahr city has been dedicated to the cultivation of wheat crop. by the harvest of this crop in the city, it is 3 tons per hectare. the purchase of this crop is guaranteed by the government and the suggested price for the crop year. it is considered that as soon as this product is delivered to the nejad factory and after all the administrative procedures, this money will be deposited into the account of the dear farmers. the harvest of this product will start every year from the beginning of april, 50 kanban machines will be used for this harvest. they are healthy products and every year during this period 40 to 45 days of work the collection is done in the city. it
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is expected that the farmers of iran will harvest more than 15,000 tons of wheat and deliver 12,000 tons to the silos . on the fifth day of campaigning for the presidential election, the national media hosted the candidates with several television and expert programs. three of the candidates were the guests of the first-line program with the people and a special news interview.


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