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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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this situation is within my power. now , it can be increased or decreased by a few percentages, but it is not possible to stop a whole program or half of the program. justice justice is always the main desire of all societies and all human beings, and it is always lost in all societies and all human beings. humans always suffer from injustice. we are offended by discrimination and we must seriously pursue this lofty slogan of the islamic revolution and the cause of the islamic revolution. the second point is that if the country wants to develop, it must be rich. but this wealth must be created by the people. the people must be rich so that the government can be rich . what does it mean for the per capita income to grow, the per capita income
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that grows, the gross national product also grows, when the country becomes rich , it is easy to achieve its goals he can solve his problems . the third point. the third goal of today's power is decisive power inside and outside, soft power, hard power, community power, cultural power, psychological power, which means security, which means creating security, whether it is internal security or national security. well, if you want to create your power, you should pay attention to public rights, not that power against the people, power for the people to defend the rights of the people, if you want to create wealth, not for them to become rich, wealth for everyone, and that with justice , so justice regulates both power and wealth , god willing, the society will flourish, in this case the people will be happy, their hearts will be happy. . it will be fine and all this
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will be done with kindness. for this reason, i have adjusted my slogans and my priorities according to my past jobs and past experiences, which of course are diverse and have been in all fields, and today i think that the country's serious needs yes, you said that you were busy serving in different fields at least two branches that we all know are really necessary for the advancement of our country's affairs, considering the vast experience you had in serving in these two branches.
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we are the coherence of the coordination between forces. it is true that in the field of preserving independence, this number should be taken, there is no debate about this. but this coordination is able to move things forward and , by the way, prevent that destructive court system that creates disruption in the country's affairs in the management of the country's affairs. please tell me what is your plan based on your experience to solve these problems and to create more cohesion. you see , we are a country with separation of powers. but we have a lot of overlapping borders, we both have a presidency , we have a presidency and we are a parliamentarian, but the fact is that neither our presidency is perfect, nor our parliament, we need a political system in order for a good parliament to be formed, and for democracy to organize political activities and work, we are suffering in the country. it is very incomplete. birth certificates
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are very weak. we don't have a good definition of tahzab at all . because i have experience of tahzab, even monitoring conflicts, following up and teaching these, i believe that part of these shortcomings should be done by our bureaucracy with serious follow-up of the tahzab political system. unfortunately, our flaw is that we have a very incomplete bureaucracy before the revolution and... and after the revolution we did not enjoy the way we wanted and the revolution demanded. i know that many of the country's problems are caused by the weakness of the country's judiciary and i am sorry that our senior managers, because i did not grow from the bottom, i never got an elevator, let 's hit a key and ask for a 5. i
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worked step by step in different provinces , i worked in different areas, i came from the bottom to the top i got seriously involved in the areas of bachelor's degree. i discussed with the bachelor's degree. and of course, i am completely familiar with the administrative system and i think that one of our serious weaknesses in the failure of governments is the weakness of our civil and bureaucratic system, and one of my priorities is to organize the country's bureaucracy, which i consider to be a very important issue, and of course a small one. you see, we now have a power dispute resolution board. recently, the supreme leader of this coordination board is the coordination council. it needs the main and upper laws, now we have to help to strengthen the coordination by maintaining the hierarchy that is in the constitution, but for any reason, work interference
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we have a parallel work, we are running out of energy, our government is big and empty, our productivity has decreased drastically, these are the main problems that are currently plaguing the administrative system, and a president is the head of the country's administrative system at the beginning, and i think that many of we managers are not very familiar with the administrative system at all, and we were not, and many of the shortcomings we are facing today are due to the lack of familiarity in this area. i think we need a major surgery . i will admit that this is one of the main issues that i have to deal with as i said, we have a problem in the civil sphere, as well as in the administrative sphere, and if we can organize these two spheres , we will reduce many of our problems. haj mr. pomohammadi, if you become the president
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, can the media be reporters of corruption without worrying about being accused of being against the government? and to say , sir, they are destroying the work of the government, and that's about it. from the headlines that we usually hear , they can criticize the government, they can bring these reports to you , they can reflect them to the media and the people. the secretariat of the national security council was formed, many experts were invited from the senior managers of the organization , i don't know whether i was the minister of justice or the advisor to the head of the agency, i was invited to that meeting . i told them that with my extensive experience in the fight against corruption and that perhaps there are few people in the country who are as involved in anti-corruption management as i am , i came to a clear conclusion that one of the main ways to fight corruption is transparency. to create transparency, you
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need electronic government, and of course not the electronic government with broken hands that we have now sometimes it's a nuisance, which i can't explain now. until the reform of the administrative and judicial system , i have to explain why this electronic government is broken and inefficient , it will not satisfy our needs if transparency and electronic government are realized in the correct way, which i myself have successful experiences in i have some areas of work , i am sure that corruption will be greatly reduced , there is also a global experience, not only our experience, but this government's. electronics means transparency. one of the pillars of clarification is freedom of information exchange. media is usually the agent and activist of this transparency they are reporters. for this reason, if i want to claim that we want to fight corruption
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, it means to act transparently. report to the people. let's respect the reporters and give them freedom. i make this appointment today. dear people , reporters and media are free to report on the government, whatever they want, even if they report falsely, i will try to explain and inform the people that this information is wrong, but i don't want to stop the report, experience has shown that if we should have freedom of action in informing and exchanging information and freedom of information circulation to ourselves it helps the most. there is a margin of error. we must intelligently minimize the margin of error, but
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we should not prevent the freedom of information exchange and the journalists. be the president , what is the role of the members of your election staff in assuming the key responsibilities of the government. i was always told not to work with weak people . my friends always criticized me. why do you work so much with strong people ? i said i was afraid that he would leave me let me work with a weak person for a lifetime , i will not tolerate it for a day because i am afraid that he will change me and change me, but i have never deprived myself of the pleasure of working with strong people. i am an expert and an expert. i appreciate
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it . i am serious. i am a serious and decisive manager in my work. do not let the taste rule, see me again in the position of president , i am not with one orientation and one idea. i am the president of this country and all my people. i have the duty to choose the best for the people, and this is our destiny. you will see . from the government of reforms, all the governors were senior officials of the reforms, of course , the number of people in that government was almost moderate in today's terms, but we have a history of being single, so we have
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to put all this aside . i pulled it and changed it. i said to mr. ahmad nijad, mr ahmad nijad, they have been serving since the beginning of the revolution, now they have been governors, they have been ministers , they have been assistant ministers on issues, now their political tastes are different from ours, we qataris have to be like them, they have lives, they have personalities, and then their personalities are respected. let's go. he said what should we do? i said that i had requested 10 posts of advisor to the minister. i said , give me 20 posts of advisor to the minister. i will give them exclusively. mr. ahmad adam, you were so kind . i kept the most service and the best service in my life the ministry of the interior is giving the minister of the interior all the laws from the top of the constitution of the ministry of the interior and the ministry of the interior , adjusting and enemas and rewriting the regulations and
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bylaws . i think that one should work with the best, who is loyal to the system, to the people, to islam, to the revolution, to the leadership, to the imam , with any taste and inclination, we should ask him, appreciate him, and entrust him with a responsibility. if he is a committed person, he will not exercise his taste, he will do his duty i have this experience and i think that the country needs this view. we must have this view. i have a successful and positive experience in various fields, god willing. administrative system and of course in employing managers and experts. of course, if my staff friends are qualified, they have the right to take priority
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, that is, those who helped me, those who are closer to me, those who share my political views, of course, if these are people with those characteristics, they have the right to take priority. we accept what is your mechanism? now, because we don't have a party , we have a problem in identifying the troops, but because i was in all the governments , i was in the government of the supreme leader from 6 to 68, in all the governments of mr. hashemi and the subsequent governments. now, for example, the reform government is a few months a year. in this and the following governments , i am familiar with many guidance directors and i am familiar with many experts in the country, and i think that the arrangement that i want to make should be significant and constructive and valuable and transformative in the administrative system of the country. you are the right people to read now. leave the key of the government at their disposal, you can name them and see our conditions are not very suitable for naming names, the reason
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is that i have devotion to many of them and i think that i would be happy to invite them, but so far we have not voted, and naming names and these things requires different consultations . there are certain things that require a series of opinions and special consultations. of course , it is not possible to repeat, but i think that different governments, especially many friends in our group of like-minded revolutionary forces, are happy, i am happy. you will monitor the performance of your possible government from season to season in relation to the measurement of your election promises based on these promises, the programs that you announced will prepare a report, reflect to the people and maybe even criticize the government. god willing
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, first of all, one thing that i want to do at the beginning of my government will be an existing situation. what exactly is our situation in different fields? how is our economic situation? what are the statistics in different departments? who do you get this report from? among the existing authorities , see the central bank, statistics center, ministries, and organizations. you see, at the beginning of the matter, we must first have a description of the current state of the country and announce this. sir status this is our economy, this is our employment situation, this is our inflation situation , this is our cash. our export is our production, for example, oil and other things, the statistics of indicators of social and cultural discussion, where there are statistics and can be reported with statistics, let's record this first. if anyone has a problem, tell them the problem, say here, your statistics are wrong, here is a little too much, there is no problem, see this first step. for sure, we should now it is known in the world that it is 100 days
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, yes, i believe that a season of 100 days and in any form, maybe a season is better for us, the number is better. a series of quarterly reports should be presented, a bi-seasonal report should be made, and a series of annual reports should be made. i believe that i'm not afraid to report failures and failures , i believe that being honest with people , giving correct reports of failures and failings is not a problem, people are right. they are sad to say, not to say that we couldn't, we made a mistake, anyway , we made a mistake, we went half way, well, we got it wrong , this is the way, now we understand that we made a mistake , we will fix it, my people say that this was done honestly , this in itself creates energy, creates social connection and strengthens it makes social relations and
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helps the government to succeed , so i hope and make this appointment. god willing, we will give this quarterly report, god willing, in the quarterly report, we will tell about our weaknesses. if there is a difference, let's do a recheck , collect accurate statistics, and publish it. it is very important not to be afraid of people's problems. now we don't give numbers, but the people who understand the problems are now saying that our economy is very good, not inflation , but people, something is a reality on the street. we see it ourselves at their table and on our trip . let's talk to the people honestly , tell the right statistics
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, get help from the people, the elites, the activists. i think many things will go better this way. i have a final question. i would like to serve you better , but if i interfered with the disclosure of the records that you are considering, please let it be disclosed, and if not, see my question. i have heavy experiences in different areas, for example, i was the head of the country's secret diplomacy for 9 years, and i solved many of the country's problems. which could not be provided through the normal and open way, so i provided it through a hidden way because of the acute problems of iraq, i went to meet saddam hussein, my longest meeting with saddam hussein. i have two hours and 40 minutes. saddam hussein , whom i hated, and two of my brothers, my wife , and my son-in-law, were martyred. asra, i had a mission . it was the time of the late mr. hashemi. he told me that you will go
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there if saddam hussein comes and resolves the resolution . it was a heavy negotiation . i will explain and that key he had to surrender and these are the peak of powerful diplomacy and now the interpretation we use today is the field and diplomacy. i saw its symbol there because i was a man in the field and in secret diplomacy i was the director of secret diplomacy. this combination was there and we did a wonderful job. we gave the explanation, now i said it should be done in other places, different places. well, i had a meeting with the heads of the major services in the world, either in tehran or in their capitals. well, this is a big job , or the transfer of technology and knowledge is a very important job that all our intelligence services in america do as
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we help the muslims, alhamdulillah success is and has been the source of the country's scientific development . anyway, these are great achievements. well , when i came to the ministry of interior, we had the first experience with the fuel card . well, i did it in the ministry of interior in cooperation with the ministry of oil, and today i think that the problem of the fuel crisis is that we have and we have this high volume of 120,30 million liras per day. turkey is next to us , its population is like ours , it consumes less than 20 million liters per day. i am prosperous and developing. my industry is good, my tourism is good, so i don't consume well , we are wasting. with the experiences i have there, i can find a solution for this sector. to predict and have, of course
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, different devices should help . i have the first experience of electronic elections in my country. when i came to the inspection organization , i used to report 2,300 devices online. to have an electronic report , i came to the ministry of justice. i did the penal organization and the salary. children of jamavari's extensive plan for children's information in the country , children under 18 years of age, well, it's a very important and significant issue today, if i say electronic government, i don't want to give a slogan , i don't have a hand in the fire, right now there are 3 intelligence projects in the document center. a heavy artificial one, one of which will be awarded as the top plan, which will be awarded with the behman bodan award, god willing , but it was chosen as a sample report, anyway , when we talk about the artificial intelligence of electronic government today. my wife is experienced in this work and i tried a lot, and i think that saving the country is e-government, but if it is well implemented, it is corruption elimination with transparency and
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e -government. continue with this capacity and manage that they have not seen the second and third people from afar. don't read, need to report, yes, i do i don't know everything , i need an expert report, but i am not a stranger to the issues, that is , i have an expert view on the issues, but in any case, the important issues of the country and the group of experts should sit down and sit down . knowing they will be grateful and grateful. thank god and surely a new era in the country's management and country's development , we will pursue the country's progress inside and outside, a strong diplomacy without doubt
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, we are not afraid of any field, we will not be afraid , we are not worried about any negotiation and we will not run away. we pursue this step seriously with all the capacity of our national power, the national power of our armed forces, our hard power and our soft power for progress. in the diplomatic and international arena, we will use all the capacities, all the facilities and all the experts, and fortunately, the extremely valuable human capacity of our unmarried forces, especially the young men and women and worthy men that we have in abundance in the country, and the accumulation of experience. what exists now in the country , god willing, we will witness a new era in the future management of the country, different from the past. i really did not want to enter the field, i had gone to pursue cultural and research work and works that are closer to the age and age of a few months, research issues, but really with this incident that
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happened to my dear brother shaheed raisi, may god's mercy be upon him , with whom i cooperated judicially since before the revolution, at the beginning of the revolution. when i became a prosecutor, my muslims did me the favor of cooperating with me , and then we cooperated throughout history until the last days, and i send my greetings to the great soul. shon and martyrs, especially the traditions established by mr. raisi, his good manners, his good manners, his magnanimity, his travels, his pursuits, his respect for the people , these are worthy and outstanding decorations. it must be established, it must be permanent, now with this incident, i feel that there is a responsibility on my shoulders . we must continue this path with strength. i am not worried that any government has done a good job, i can say that it belongs to that government and i want to use that experience and the competent, reliable and committed men who
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worked or consulted during that time. i think the country needs this view. thank you, mr. hojatul islam muslimeen, mr. mustafa pour mohammadi, the candidate. dear president of the 14th presidential election , my final question was to hear from you how you describe the personality of the martyred president, as you said at the end of your speech, and i thank you for appearing on the first page program and answering my questions. and well , it was a review of your performance records and of course some of your programs. inshallah, you will be healthy and persistent . thank you very much . peace be upon you, thank you dear viewers who have been with the front page until this moment, i hope that this conversation will be of interest to you and that this program and of course other
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programs prepared by the national media for the presidential election will be a bridge for you to reach the top choice. be a steadfast weapon and be steadfast god, thank you very much, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great.
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the muslims of gaza are drowned in blood, or here, the muslims of gaza are drowned in blood, or the muslims of gaza are drowned in blood , or the muslims of gaza are drowned in blood.
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hello, welcome to today's news. the message of the leader of the islamic revolution to the pilgrims of baitullah al-haram the need for global acquittal from the zionist regime and the united states , acquittal from the executioners of gaza, beyond the hajj pilgrims and the hajj season, should reach all the people of the world. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the complex rites of hajj are heart-warming for muslims and terrifying and awe-inspiring for ill-wishers.


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