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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm IRST

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and from the moment that the lease contract is leased , they are worried about the next year, that basically they will have enough money with this rate of rent growth, or if there is no need for the government to build housing, the people should jump in production with the participation of the people . this year is called mubarak. beseh means what is the meaning of right planning. and the correct decision and will of the whole country will turn into a construction site, people will build instead of 4 million promises which is the legal rule and the government should build 1 million housing units a year. i told the government that the people themselves would build 10 million housing units. against saying that this is a sharia ruling that where people can work, the government should not interfere , the government should come
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and provide the people with the means to carry out great measures, so part of my housing package is to create incentives in that worn-out fabric and license plates unstable, it can be renovated by the people of tehran, this is the big city of tehran, 7 % of the city of tehran is dilapidated. 17 people live in this dilapidated fabric. you are the smallest incentive to the people. liquidity will be transferred to the field of construction, production will start, employment will be solved, and the issue of people's housing will be resolved could this be part of our package that we planned for? some people wanted to make the country more expensive , starting from tehran, having our government before mr. raisi's government and being proud that they did not build a single housing unit .
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we started the path of cheapening and based on these measures, one package, i told him , was 23 thousand housing units, this was done recently, and then the incentives that basically open the knot in people's lives were set up in the program itself. it has been and has been seen that in order to facilitate the transfer of land and remove the price of land from the reality the issue of housing can be very effective, and renting on the condition of acquiring industrialization based on iranian islamic architecture, which can create strength and create safe housing, renting, renting, and professional leasing forms different aspects of the housing package of bandar , by the way, this is a place full of power. that we can tell the people, dear people, within 4 years , we will solve your housing concerns and the one announced in the program.
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therefore, we will be able to solve this big problem of the country with the variety of methods and actions that we take . mr. dr. zakani in the general policies of the program seventh, providing judicial security and producing at least 90% of basic food items inside, along with maintaining and improving the preservation and promotion of genetic resources and excellent resources and increasing the level. the health and safety of food has been assigned to address what are your plans for the realization of these issues in view of the restrictions that exist at the present time. it is very natural that when we do not know what we are facing , we cannot make a precise fasting plan for it. society than the needs of this more . four million people and on the other hand, the capacity and
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capabilities that exist in the country are rampant one day they grow a lot of onions , and the farmer is left with less onions. one day, the people's table will be empty of onions. one day, in fact, the situation will go to the direction where the burden will be on the farmer's hands, and the poor farmer will become poor. they themselves may not see a possibility, so the most important part of the story is the matter of accurate information and planning of the minute, this has not happened yet. we have and the guarantee of buying from them is with
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the purchase of the contract. we succeeded last year in the price let's keep the chicken in our fields. we went to negotiate with the chicken farmer . we bought 62 tomans of chicken. we said that if the price goes up or down , 62 tomans is your guarantee . we did, but if it becomes more expensive , we did not give the people the stability to see the people's will and authority to see this year's eid night. we decided to buy 5000 tons of fruit under a contract from the farmer . eid 1402 we offered, the prices
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had become more expensive, but we offered quality fruit at reasonable prices. yes , some brokers are upset. those who are comfortable, farmers, ranchers, people , as a consumer, i always felt sad, why is this? you can't do this for the whole country. you can do this for the whole country. in the government of mr. raisi, we signed a memorandum of understanding with the jihad of agriculture. by mr. raisi's personal order, and with the planning and management of the meeting by mr. mokhbar , the memorandum was written. the result is this. the memorandum of understanding was that we could be part of tehran's urban management complex we should take hold of tehran's capacities in the direction of the issue of people's livelihood, even in providing it , and in its distribution , we will deliver it to people's homes with dignity. now, you
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are in our fields. meat per kilo is 319 thousand tomans, and sheep thigh meat is 319 thousand. how much is the toman in the market? in our fields, the fruit is between 30 and 7. it is cheaper than going out, 1 million, 1 million daily, and you can visit our markets. this can be done for the whole country, and the next steps can be arranged with the grocery stores so that people can get the highest quality possible at a fair price. they understand that this particular path has its own , the subsidy should be placed on the last link of the chain of delivery to the people, so that all smuggling is removed from our subsidies, from the link that builds capacity to serve the people, the same thing that happened in the field of bread is not expensive in the country. it won't happen, the price of bread
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won't change, but from the subsidy they consider first and create 11 opportunities for the economic religion and brokers, when they transfer this to the last link to the baker, they create a possibility that people will have the same price. take their bread and have the right to choose to buy bread and the quality of bread, and this is the next point it is that the baker tries to bake the best bread so that people come to him, and on the other hand, the baker is the guardian of the flour that he gets. support the government to settle it and this is completely possible and the infrastructure exists in the whole country, this can be extended to other areas, and what shortened the hands of the brokers who sat on the path of people's lives and property , we have set models in tehran municipality
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we followed that these models are applicable in chabahar, bashograd, and applicable in the farthest parts of tehran. there are also the farthest parts of the country, it just takes will and movement in the direction of smuggling, smuggling and regulation he paid attention to detailed financial affairs and a basic planning to make this happen. yesterday, i had gone to livestock farming and i was among the farmers. when you were looking at the animals, their expression was that now our problem is the seller's problem. in this sale , some people buy our goods, take them , buy them for a while, they don't return the money, and basically
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our economic cycle does not cycle because there is no certainty. we do not have facilities for the final chain, which is the government chain of stores, through the local administrations , which are the municipalities, and within dozens of operators. villagers are to create a circle in which the circle of the department. the need for the sales department to start organizing it before , to be able to have an understanding of the need, to be able to transfer it to where to transfer it to the previous links and to clarify all the links with intelligence , and finally by removing the subsidies at the beginning of the chain. transfer it to the end of the chain so that both subsidies are given and the people's portfolio prospers and the conditions of the country go to a direction where we
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do not have these conditions in the country, this situation of smuggling and this situation of injuries, this is completely possible, mr. dr. zakani, let's go to the next chapter and now another axis the seventh program, which refers to stability in the general level of prices, which you mentioned a series of experiences and a series of solutions, if you have another focus and plan, tell us , it refers to the issue of the exchange rate, the single-digit exchange rate. turm mentions and of course mentions that liquidity within 5 years and directing liquidity and bank credits to productive activities is one of the goals of the program. mr. raeesi's government, which was handed over in the last period of the report , was able to reduce liquidity from more than 30% to 23% during the previous year, but this is not enough. he says 13 is correct. liquidity remains like water. this water can be diverted, used,
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flooded, destroyed. one of the ways is housing to transfer liquidity. people's participation in production is people's participation in unfinished government projects. privatization means the right and participation of people to attract transportation. if these things happen, i will die. they say that the country will jump and it can be done. in addition to this fiscal discipline, generators that create liquidity imbalances and instability, such as banks, should be controlled , and those that cause inflation by their own actions now. we have bankio, which caused 7.5 percent inflation in the society last year and 6 percent inflation in the previous year . why did it do this ? who should be responsible? private banks are mainly following a path that most
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of them need to be corrected to be on the right path. the next point is the instability in the forgiveness market. there is, what does that mean, you can't solve the issue of the width rate with an order without expertise . but it is possible to do expertise, to design domestic production, export, and import in such a way that if the right number is reached, the result of that right number is to fix the land price, the will of the government must come to him. they don't give the current rate to the market. this is extremely wrong. therefore, it is possible to follow a path that creates stability. based on this stability that he created. let me tell you that beyond. in fact
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, there are infinite possibilities in the country, which can be done efficiently by focusing and working honestly. let's go to the tax revenues in the 7th plan. it has been that ratio the tax revenues to the gdp should increase to 10 percent. now, the issues that are raised in the meantime are the fight against tax evasion , the issue of making it smarter, the issue of making the tax system fair, what do you do for it ? the government's income should be good. as the government officials, the governments should understand this. the second point is that the tax should serve the production, not that shiraz should take the production and stop the production. this is the second point. the third point is that regarding
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small companies and guilds, you should deal with agmaz. possible he gave them the job. but regarding the big necks who escape from taxes and the elements and companies that make huge profits, but pay less attention to taxes and make little statements. what is needed here? need to be intelligent. it requires precision and movement in the direction that, of course, if a tax exemption is given somewhere , they will consider zero tax to make that scene clear. the scene should be clear and it should be clear who is doing what in the country, this will has not been done until today and these problems are big problems, so if someone is going to collect taxes , they should go to those big and possible collections. let him create tax transparency and be able to take a path that
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goes along with the production flow of the country, which stands in front of the production flow of the country and wants to weaken the production flow of the country with taxes. the tax regulation system is the best way to do this. dad stopped the tax fraud and this 10% can be achieved. mr. dr. zakani has dedicated one of the most important axes of the 7th plan, the subject of administrative transformation and reforming the administrative structure based on the general policies of the administrative system, with the subject of emphasizing smartness and realization. electronic government in government what solutions have been seen for the realization of this matter? see, now there are special tools that can easily do this smartening. in tehran, we moved towards this intelligentization and started developing its infrastructure. for example, regarding
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energy consumption, if we move towards electrification , what can we do easily? with intelligence. let's move the capacities to a direction where we can have control and in fact proper supervision for him and then we can actually work in the field of the administrative system. smart administration makes it easier for the people , but on the other hand, it makes the administrative system accountable and it becomes clear where we should be as a bottleneck of the serious and fundamental effects of this special work that was done in people's businesses and the electronic license. being and following up on the government of mr. raisi
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, the whole knot was untied for the people and their work went forward. distribution kurd actually gave authority to the lowest level of appropriate levels the government should become an agile government based on intelligentization, provide the possibility to provide the best service to the best group who request that service in the nearest time and with the best quality . local management is not this federalism, local management can be at the service of the central government and the councils and municipalities can find a logical connection with the central government to complement it, they provide an opportunity
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to quickly advance the affairs of the country and provide services. presented one of the important axes of the program seventh, dr. the issue of economy is based on the sea , which now defines the ratio of the population of the southern coast to the whole country should reach 8%, especially mokran and chabahar, let's see what are your plans for the development of these coasts. the beach has wealth with it. tendozi is a great honor , we have a beach, but we are not paying attention , i had gone to chabahar, people were living in caper, there was really a place for me to sit down and cry. well, we are from
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we need to transfer water to the sea for the central parts of the country, but it is better if it is the industry that we want. let's take it to the beach. we can use the capacity of the sea to provide an opportunity to create extraordinary revenues for the country through banking and fueling and helping ships and providing services to ships. the issue of international transit and the use of sea ports, the issue of the use of tanks in. in fact , food in the sea, various issues can give a possibility that the coasts of makran and the related collections will be the big pole of the country's economic development. as a definite matter, i will move in this direction and in the 4 years of the government, god willing, a
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big change will be seen in this area. about 5 minutes until the end of tonight's special news talk on the subject of nationalization of the economy in the 7th plan, which indicates that the executive bodies are obliged to sell all their shares gradually until the end of the second year. what plans do you have for increasing the role of people's participation? look, we confused privatization with privatization. in the past, article 44, which was implemented, was appropriated. the facilities of the country in the hands of the capitalists. now we have to go to the explanation of the facilities and privatization by those who can open this privatization themselves. the strong spirit of empowering that sector should be workers, economic activists, those who are in the context of our society, this is the main path of the government to serve, and we
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want to follow this path in the best way. the second point is that the government must be agile. facilitator of the supervisory government and the complementary government, not the government. the presenter who puts the burden on the people, will not be able to actually transfer the burden, so our attention is that we should take the focus from the government, the distribution of power that we are doing with him , share the country's facilities with the people , bring the people's capital in these facilities and be able to do real privatization, give the management to the people . it was like giving management shares. he came to manage it centrally and ruined the work. we have about two minutes. the issue of energy is also discussed, but let us hear your points and content and summary in these two minutes
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. the issue of energy is also an important issue. we have a package for the issue of energy. housewives are based paying attention to the environmental field and paying attention to the organization of energy in the household sector, it will be possible to make subsidies fairly so that the entire iranian nation, with any ethnicity, with any religion, with any religion, with any geography, with any region, can benefit from this. it is a great gift to use. the gift that saves our environment is controlled by the reduction of consumption by the people. the reduction of consumption is controlled by the people and is compensated by the government with gold, which is outside the scope of inflation
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. and the government can do the greatest service in this way, so the program what we have in the area of ​​nat subsidies is a fair explanation of them. we will definitely implement article 46 of the seventh plan . i would like to tell you about the structural focus of management and the creation of services. we want people to use all these capacities. the point i have with our dear people is that, dear people, the government is a public service that is based on a detailed program based on a clearly defined record. executively and by adjusting the resources , it will open knots in your life, and on the other hand , it will open your table and your purchasing power.
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it will increase the problems of the country and the progress of the country , god willing , it will follow the best way in setting its own goals in the field of infrastructures . i am very grateful for your presence and participation, mr. zakani, for your presence in the special news conference. thank you for your company, dear compatriots. good night and goodbye.
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iran's economy, the economic outlook report of countries is one of the most important and reliable economic and social reports in the world, which is published every year by the world bank, and in which the economic development indicators of countries are based on criteria such as gross national product, gini coefficient, poverty line and speed economic growth is calculated according to the latest update of this report, which deals with the economic performance of the 13th government in iran. iran has achieved the second place in the economic growth rate of the world. the loss rate decreased by 7.4 percent and reached 20.


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