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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:29pm IRST

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suab shahr farsh and shahr home appliances participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans, buy, buy , win, the specialized reference for carpets and home appliances, the 3 -year outlook of iran's economy. the report on the economic outlook of countries is one of the most important and reliable economic and social reports in the world. which is published every year by the world bank and in which the economic development indicators of countries are calculated based on criteria such as gross national product, gini coefficient of risk and economic growth rate according to the latest update of this report which deals with the economic performance of the 13th government in iran iran ranks second in the speed of economic growth has won the world. the individual rate has decreased by 74% and reached 20%, and inflation
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is at a favorable rate. this international organization has predicted that if the growing trend of iran's economy continues and there are no disruptions in the country's future plans, in 206 , along with the increase in the jid rate, or the gross domestic product, inflation will decrease to 30%. slow according to the statistical data of the world bank, reducing the religious coefficient and moving towards. the economic condition is another positive feature of iran's economy in the last few years, which is the reduction of the unemployment rate to 7 and 6 tenths of percent the increase of 10% and 9% of the definite employment rate are the factors that reduced the class gap created in the 90s. of course, the economists of the world bank believe that despite the significant growth of the economy in iran, factors such as the decrease in oil sales and the effects of economic sanctions, of course. it is expected that the
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14th government will continue the economic growth process of our country with full knowledge and belief in the clear path ahead while protecting the current achievements. in the name of god, i offer my greetings and respect to the viewers of the khabar network. as you learned a few hours ago on khabar network, mr. hamid nouri , a citizen of our country, who has been living in sweden since 2018 he was in prison illegally , he is returning to our country, and it seems that his success and freedom are golden fruits. the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry
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of intelligence and the judiciary have been in charge. we are waiting to have direct communication with the airport as soon as the plane carrying mr. nouri arrives at mehravad airport. hosted by mr. njandi menesh vakil. we are mr. noori to inquire about the dimensions of the case that was formed for him as a unit . mr. njandi menesh, welcome to khabar chi network. in november 2018, mr. nouri was in a situation where the swedish government wants to take action against him, file a case, and some currents are also anti-iranian currents, especially in the name of
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god, i say hello to you and the esteemed viewers of the khabar network. i would like to congratulate mr. noori's family and especially his mother. i would also like to congratulate all those who were involved in this case from the beginning until now. may god bless you and not get tired . i would like to say especially to all those loved ones who i really know how much they tried and how hard it was. dragging with all the restrictions that existed until this moment in in fact, we reached and managed to free one of our citizens from captivity. in fact , i think the islamic republic of iran has been saved here with a powerful diplomacy.
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legal activities and so on, he was able to do his duty towards his own citizens correctly and at least one citizen himself from the cell. an individual who has been in this solitary cell for more than five years in very difficult conditions, now some may say that sweden is actually a member of the european union and a scandinavian welfare country, but the reality is that no, this is the most difficult time in my life. mr. nouri was in solitary confinement, and anyway, since you are in the details of the case, you say that those are legal rules and regulations.
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the start of this case from england was actually struck from a meeting at the university. it was oxford, and there were a group of opponents from both left groups and hypocrites there, and this question was raised by one of the people who, according to their own words, was involved in the events of 1967. let's see what can be done in a western country or a european country, where one of those who have their hands in the business and who is a legal person, is actually a lawyer. he said that bringing him with you and the rest of the story with us , exactly the same two people who were there in 2018, with him, in fact, they used a trick and , in my opinion, an immoral and inhumane plan , which means abusing
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someone's pure feelings of a citizen. he wanted to come there to actually help another person, and that is to say , he laid the groundwork , he will accept it, that is, if you come , look in the documents of mr. nouri's case, who are the witnesses , those who are zinefa themselves in the case, do they actually have documents, their own memories, their own interviews. that is, what they actually already
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they had written to bring and presented, or even in many places the prosecutor had acted so weakly , that is, his hands were not full, in fact, for evidence and strong documents. against mr. nouri, who actually cited the wikipedia content, well, all of this actually caused a fake case to be presented, but with a dominant political approach, against the iranian citizen, who seems to be more for harassment than what he really wanted. look for a discovery of the truth, this case that was formed for mr. nouri in the swedish court. in fact, two accusations were brought forward, which means that one was actually against the members of the group of hypocrites coming to make the claim that the mersad operation was actually an armed conflict between
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your service and connecting it with the iran-iraq war was an attack by the hypocrites from iraq to iran . being in iran in the 1967s , in connection with that armed conflict, they were executed according to their own claim, and this was actually a war crime, a violation of fair trial . and people other than, in fact, a group other than the hypocrites who claimed to be killed there have been executions, and these were not according to legal standards, and therefore it was murder, but the fact is that, as mr. nouri's lawyers
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, especially during the appeal stage, they were able to convince the court and force the prosecutor to withdraw, but unfortunately because of that political atmosphere. their words were not actually heard, that is, no one was actually heard by any committee other than a judicial tribunal. the committee that actually claimed to be the fortune-telling committee has not been tried and convicted. let me tell you , it was not a creation of the people. in the beginning, in fact, the discussion of the conflict between the hypocrites and the armed attacks that had been organized, and when the court issued a verdict, even if it was a death sentence, these committees came and asked people if they were on the stand or knowing that this the group is a terrorist group. do you still want to cooperate with this group? well
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, many people said that we did not know that this group is actually a terrorist group , we were not aware of its plans, but now that it is actually doing inhumane and terrorist acts, we do not want to cooperate with this group, they repented and returned to their normal life, which we actually have many of these both inside iran right now and outside iran, where many of them have already announced their readiness. that we are coming to testify in the court, but they were a group that had already been sentenced to death by the court, and their charges were mainly murder, that is, they were those who had committed terrorist acts against people's lives, so this is the opportunity to give them it was given , they didn't use it , and they were proud of me.
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we go again, we kill again , we bomb again, so these people may actually have been executed the sentence issued to them, not that these committees have actually issued a new sentence, and this was something that the swedish court never wanted , in fact. to understand this, the swedish court never came to investigate that this group of hypocrites and those who are witnesses and complainants are themselves terrorist in nature and have terrorist activities. that we had to court and still in we have a fact and we never consider this vote to be a legal and legitimate vote. the fact is that the swedish court has never investigated outside of sweden other than the writings and statements of the plaintiffs and the same hypocrites. do it in spite of the fact that the islamic republic of iran, through the requests
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of mr. nouri's lawyers, declared their readiness, even some of the dear ones who were in these f committees declared that we are ready to present our own narrative in the court of what is true . let's do but sue's prosecutor actually threatened from the very beginning that any of these people read the statement that i am detaining, which was later agreed to be in the form of a video conference, but it failed again. in fact, the swedish prosecutor and the judicial system delivered that letter to the domestic authorities very late, so that if i remember correctly, a or two days , until then, for our witnesses to read and testify online, and naturally , it is not possible to respond to such letters within a day or two, at least 20 days are needed. thank you very much. how did this situation go for mr. nouri
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? during this time, i counted 1680 from november 18 they have been imprisoned for a long time. first of all, according to international regulations, when a government detains a foreigner for any reason, you must immediately inform the consulate or embassy of that country that we have detained your citizen for any reason. he actually wants to provide consular services, help him, he wants a translator , i don't know, he wants consular support, he wants to do anything , this is our first step, this is our first step, but the swedish government , if i'm not mistaken, didn't even notify mr. noori's family officially through the news after 7 months. they found out that mr. nouri was arrested in sweden, that is, and after seven months to approx.
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almost june, it can be said that the swedish government has committed the crime of enforced disappearance, which is a crime in human rights regulations and in fact in the european convention on human rights. therefore , mr. nouri's family was never officially informed by the swedish government, the consulate of the islamic republic of iran , because it was the right of the islamic republic of iran to be informed that his subordinates were arrested, but the swedish government did its own legal duty . there is an interesting point here, if i am correct. let me tell you that mr. nouri
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will be arrested when he arrives at stockholm airport. you see, mr. nouri, in fact, a day before if i'm not mistaken, he will be arrested on november 8, sorry . he will be arrested on november 8. the prosecutor had issued an arrest warrant for him and asked the police to enter sweden. before he entered the swedish territory, an arrest warrant had been issued for him. therefore, an interpretation with it is strange from a legal point of view, and yes, in a way , it is contrary to an interpretation of universal jurisdiction, because in order to apply universal jurisdiction, the suspect must be found in your territory, not that it has not yet come, the verdict was in fact, yes , november 4, if i am not mistaken, one of these people who
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i said 2010 was in oxford with an institute it means that the legal ground has been prepared exactly with an institution. that is , they had prepared the swedish judicial system and informed them that mr. noori was going to travel, and they themselves had bought a ticket for him on a certain day, and they knew exactly what time it would be. as soon as he boarded the plane, the police came and actually handcuffed him on the steps of the plane. then what happened during this time? well, after that, we actually come to the issue of choosing a lawyer, which is a very important issue that is actually written in the legal documents. bushra emphasizes the right to have a lawyer and to choose a client
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lawyer, but the fact is, i can boldly say from my own experience in this case: the right to hire a lawyer or to have a lawyer faces very serious challenges. first of all, at that stage, a list of swedish lawyers with all swedish names was given to mr. nouri, so that you could choose one or two of these names. well, when in fact you are a foreigner who has no knowledge, it doesn't matter which one of these names you want to choose. and just before those names.
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he gave actually, well, he was actually rejected, he came again from the list saying, "mr., choose, again" he saw a name he is an iranian, he chose one person, and when he came after a few meetings, he came and said that mr. nouri, i am ashamed because they threatened me, my wife, and my child from outside because my life was threatened . and then 2 lawyers for them in the preliminary stage of the court. in fact, he imposed, one of them had obtained a lawyer's license in 2015, and one of them was relatively new in 2015, that is , very new. i would like to think that
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the most severe sentence in swedish law is life imprisonment . well, naturally, in such a case, you should be a lawyer. introduce to the client a lawyer who is an expert in international criminal law, not that you want a long list and give a list, say, sir, these are 10 lawyers who specialize in, for example, the field of war crimes , they are international crimes, choose from these while choosing the best lawyers it was given to the other party and in the appeal stage, when mr. noori came again , he chose a lawyer himself, the court refused and said, "i want to pay these lawyers, i have to specify who the lawyer is." ok, that means here again, in fact, mr. noori had no right to choose a lawyer, and after a few steps, he actually came. that two lawyers were actually considered for them, mr. dr. njandi , i am you. now, some of the audience may not know
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that you are a law professor at the university. it comes from the outside, for example, in one case, you said the same thing, the freedom to choose a lawyer, other cases, human rights, in a case like this, in which you also had academic and legal experience, and you were seen as a lawyer. what was happening? what distance did you see between those words and slogans of human rights declaration and what is happening now that a case has been formed in the court of sweden, which is a member of the european union? you have pointed out correctly. we have a declaration of human rights and a practical human right. really, what we read on paper is what we read in documents, we read in covenants . i don't know what kind of world the universal declaration of human rights
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describes . the practice is not really like this, obviously, why am i telling you about mr. noori's case as a university student , i was studying human rights and i was teaching human rights and international law. it is completely different in every era, that is, even for you , it is a question for me, why do we say so much about the rights of, for example, detained people, if they have certain religious beliefs, they should be respected, but mr. nouri, in the holy month of ramadan, there is no difference in fact with the rest of the prisoners did not have it , while we in the islamic republic of iran, what about now and even about these hypocrites in the 60s , in fact, the behaviors that are related to their beliefs were fulfilled, that is, someone who
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fasts in the month of ramadan, for example , would have been given a warm judicial promise. in a 56 -meter solitary cell and his connection with the outside world was completely cut off , for example, i said we would give them a tv, but a tv that was completely swedish. yes , for a person who does not actually know swedish, whether or not there is a tv makes no difference, thank you. we seem to be related to mr. majid nouri mr. hamid nouri's son has been established at mehrabad airport, if i am not mistaken , they are waiting for their father to return to iran. mr. nouri, hello , you can hear me. yes , hello, i am at your service, mr. nouri
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. you were a member of the family that was strongly pursuing your father's release. you even had a trip to sweden, where the swedish government once arrested you. how do you feel now that you are waiting? after these 4 years and 7 months, my father is returning to iran, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. the blessing of our beloved house, shahid raisi, shahid amir abdullah, their lives are very empty. the effort these loved ones put in to preserve and protect the existence of our country and the iranian people, we are really happy today, i tell you, it is very empty. being able to do anything means that i can boldly say that in this case, there was a real scandal and shame on those
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whose human rights claims were turned on deaf ears. false accusations and i went to solitary confinement where my father spent 1,600 days he had lived alone. all kinds of hardships that they could inflict, i thank god that today we won, today we will hug our father in a few minutes, god willing, and we can promise that iran's authority, which was proven many times in the past years, will we thank god that he was seen and heard on an international stage, and god willing , we will all see him in the next few moments . we pray and hope that all the innocent prisoners who are in prison will be released as soon as possible and return to the country we
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are waiting for our father to return to iran . as soon as his pictures come from mehrabad airport , we will present them live to the viewers of khabar network. mr. njandi menesh, we have one minute until the end of the conversation, if there is any final point, we are at your service. i would like to tell you that there is a point that mr. majid actually mentioned in his speech. there is a gap between what is claimed in the field of human rights and what is practiced . mr. nouri's family has been given time to meet here many times and with these expenses in fact, as soon as they arrive at the door of the detention center, they say that it has been cancelled , for example, mr. nouri josh has changed, but they never came to say, well, anyway, this person, whose father or, let's say, mrs. ishun, is actually from this.
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iran has come to its feet, with all this difficulty, a plan should actually be thought out so that they can meet their father and her husband, or even in the first days when they were actually gone, they say that the condition of meeting is that you be interrogated, which in my opinion is actually an abuse. thank you very much, mr. nash. congratulations again. anyway you have been following up a lot during these few years , we have reached the end of the conversation, we are still waiting for mr. noori's plane to reach mehrabad airport , for now we will say goodbye to you.
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