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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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i am determined to control this and of course the situation is very difficult, i don't want to make promises to our noble nation. our people now distrusted our promises to a great extent. i will focus all my efforts with the best economic teams in the country . in order to stabilize the market as much as possible. this unbridled inflation rate. let's manage to some extent, let's manage the cost of the government , then the energy imbalance is one of the effective factors in increasing the cost and causing inflation, and again , let's manage it somehow. we will succeed to a large extent. but this
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is not something that can reduce this cycle of inflation and liquidity, land rate, interest rate, and so on. look, in the recent period, the interest rate reached from 18 to 20, 21, 22, now the banks are out with 29 cases, even banks with 36, 37 are out in the market. what percentage is 40 4? profits are calculated, it is the cost of capital, that is, you see , even though prices cannot be controlled, this is the basis of the slogan that we cannot come and say that we will control prices tomorrow, but we must know this, those who want to manage, understand this plan. they know the problems of the country they don't want to hide, they are honest with the people
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, they tell the truth, we say our problems, we say our abilities, but most importantly, we want participation. startupia must express, they know, the knowledge bases must be expressed seriously, they know , let's take this big burden together, the important thing is to trust, what i said is the basic pillar of trust, yes , we can, but we must prepare these preparations , i am very optimistic and past experiences now, on the occasion, we were able to implement big projects and big plans in the past, thanks to building trust, alhamdulillah , we got a very good positive answer from the people. the evolution of the tax system is the topic of combating tax evasion
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. issues such as smartening are raised . what are your solutions to achieve what has been emphasized? see, one of the important issues for securing the budget of any country, especially those with good economies, is the issue of the tax system. one line tax it is horizontal. that no one is exempt from everyone , everyone is included, there is a vertical line that everyone has to pay taxes according to their income in order to implement tax justice, so when will it be realized that we have enough information about people, and this information should be obtained transparently with accurate calculations according to the law
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should be taken from the tax authorities, the audit system , the school system, another system, with this big economy, with this huge financial turnover, with these hundreds of thousands of companies , millions, you cannot solve it with the past systems and maadia, i.e. audits, you definitely need a bank here. information society, information complete, powerful system and software to calculate, and then collect the tax fairly. get fair well, in this case , you can prevent many tax evasions. now , when i was in the government, i was a member of the money laundering council. we were going to see that many of my big turnover. i remember, in one project
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, in one case, the turnover was 24 thousand billion tomans. in one case, there was about 35 thousand 36 thousand billion tomans. for example, 67 years ago, the money is not there now . eight years ago, i was in the government. then we saw that you are the head of the team. this is an old woman. you are in a village there is a 7-year-old girl who died, some 13 -year-old people, i don't know, people who didn't even have much education , they had accounts with them, and they had created a huge network in the south of the country and in the central cities . this is the main tax evasion here , but where do we go, whatever pressure we have, we go to the companies that are regular, now small , big, shopkeeper, small producer, these are the ones who have a much easier life, they make a lot
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, now they make a little, a lot. sometimes we put our pressure on them, while now we are the whole pressure we have tax evasion, we have hidden tax points , we should focus on it. look , now our problem is that the ratio of taxes to gdp is between 13 and 15 percent in the world of acceptable economies . the ratio in good economies starts from 20. it can be up to 32 , they say the average is 25. we have reached 6. we were supposed to reach 9 and 10 in the past few years . the latest statistics tell us that the ratio of 4 is again in the 7th plan. we will check it to 10. we have to increase by 1 and 2 tenths a year to reach this. well, you see
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, we have a lot of problems now, that is. we to the extent that we should not tax, but this taxing is not from the weak, nor from those who are organized, nor from those who are transparent. let's not go to the places where they don't pay taxes secretly , they don't have a clear turnover, this is the only way, the same general policy that i mentioned is e-government and today's artificial intelligence, we have to centralize artificial intelligence , e-government governments and give this ability to our tax organization to let's direct the collection of taxes from where they should be to the country's economy.
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an economic transformation in order to secure our non-oil income, god willing let's achieve good stability and growth and transfer our oil revenues to our resources in the national development fund and preserve them as fixed income, fixed capital, and intergenerational capital. seven and a half. this year is considered, now according to the definition which is the index, the number of years needed to buy a house , provided that the entire income of the house is allocated to the purchase of housing, your plan to achieve this goal, i think this statistic is not a very accurate statistic, except for some places. you see, people are watching now
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our viewers are hearing and seeing that with seven and a half years of income, they can buy a house, eat nothing, save money and buy a house. in the past, well, we have mehr housing translation , we have melio housing translation. there is a land issue, which is an important issue . we had problems on different occasions, and a lot of additional overheads were created. i myself, in the mehr housing market organization, wrote a very heavy and detailed report, it took maybe more than 78 months. we have shown
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how successful this method is, how unsuccessful and how much it creates inflation. at the same time, the issue of inflation was a serious issue and the infrastructure that created a lot of new costs , but you see, it is important for us to pay attention to housing. if we are talking about land for housing, we should not discuss the land in a general way and slogans and such, but with a detailed planning. and let's locate in good places , don't complicate our cities again and don't create this population migration again, because already our urban development, the housing that we created in mass gathering has caused migration, we have expanded the outskirts of the cities, these are problems that must be solved. note that one of the policies already it was, but it didn't go as well as it was supposed to . look at the worn-out fabric in the cities. because
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we are an earthquake-prone country , we have a lot of vulnerability. we also have to solve the problem of this vulnerability . later, unfortunately, the houses are dilapidated. there are special people, there are problems, drugs can be sold, problems of infectious diseases are happening, we have problems that we had in the past in the worn-out tissues , i visited almost all the worn-out tissues of the cities in the different periods that i was in, and this is what i am saying. with awareness and visit it is directly from me , i have read the rest of many of these in reports, and these words, first of all, we need to do a more coherent and strong planning in the farsgoleh fabric, and this will help us a lot. it is ready and our infrastructure costs are low. do the police, the clinic , the school is often parked, now it is possible to park
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things that have added services, add access , this is a way, it will help us a lot in the discussion of housing, the next stage is the worn-out land, the next point is the accurately directed loans and in such a way that serious help. okay, for those who want housing, whether they are contractors who want to build a community or people who want to buy a piece of land for 6 to 8 people , for example, they want to build a block, in any case, see the things mentioned in the law itself. but there is one item that i mentioned, now i have the details in my mind and it is in my notes , of course we don't have much time now. but housing is a serious issue, we cannot neglect housing in any way, and of course
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we have to prevent something, today i think about one thing it is very difficult to see that more than 2 million and 500 thousand houses, the latest reports that i have, are empty with prices of approximately 150 and 150 meters above the capital of the country. a very large amount of the country's capital is lying dormant. well, if we were going to do this, we would direct it. we would not allow it to grow. there are different things that we must pursue . the housing issue is a serious concern of all our people, especially our youth, and we want peace if we want it. to give to the society, one of its pillars is to provide housing. it is for our citizens that i am committed in this sense , god willing, that we can be successful. one minute and 30
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seconds is the end of jamandi. yes, anyway, we apparently have many questions. you said at the beginning of the meeting that we have many questions. it requires comprehensive thinking. a comprehensive program is needed. foreign relations must be seen in it. domestic relations must be seen. the government's relationship with the forces must be seen. the government's relationship with capital. you should see the investors , you should see the government's relationship with the people, you should know the amount of government consumption, you should see the amount of consumption of people's resources . efficient managers, committed experts and sincerity in action
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, these are necessary to be realized, and it is not possible to have a good program in the hands of an inefficient manager or an expert who has no commitment to work, surely this is the fate that we faced at some times . thank you very much, mr. pomohammadi, for your presence in i am saying goodbye to you. tonight mr. mustafa pourmohammadi, one of the other six candidates of the 14th presidential election , was our guest in the special news interview of hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen. thank you for being with us. good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world today . our case tonight is dedicated to the release of mr. hamid nouri , a citizen of our country, from swedish prisons after serving 1,680 days of imprisonment. making a case for the terrorist organization of the mojahedin khalq regarding the failure of this organization's case-making plan in tonight's program hosted by mr. majid nouri, the son of mr. hamid nouri, and also mr. hossein shamkadari will be the documentary maker and mr. mohammad javad hashminejad will be the general secretary of havilian foundation. at first,
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we see a report of mr. nouri's return to the homeland. these smiles and tears are a story of waiting. i have been waiting for years for mohammad hossein and amir ali and bahare to see my grandfather. i said , "god willing, dad, he will be released." in all this time , you were able to see your grandfather. i was only able to see him from my bedroom in court. i am very happy because after 5 years, i was able to see him. sister for brother, my brother coming into captivity means that there was no better idea that god would give us we are happy and the daughter who is now going to see her family again with her father's freedom. i dreamed of this day all these years. their words were gratitude . what these two martyrs did, now we have their results and their place is really empty. today and here at mehrabad airport in tehran
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around sunset, an iranian returned home. god bless ali mohammad. i am from tehran, and now he is talking about freedom in his country, addressing those who filed a case against him in sweden, hypocrites, you were delighted. where are you, where am i? those who said that god can't release hamid noori, you saw that god is me. freed but hamid nouri's release was achieved with the joint cooperation of the judiciary of the ministry of information and the ministry of foreign affairs of our country. from the efforts of the judiciary, the honorable head of the judiciary , the information protection center of the judiciary, the ministry of information, the secretariat of the supreme national security council and the ministry of foreign affairs, which
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jointly held various meetings, negotiations and different capacities throughout this period. thank you for activating the extensive efforts that were made in the legal and judicial field, it was a stage of the work in addition to the numerous political talks that took place , now hamid nouri is telling stories about the violation of the rights of a prisoner in the west who claimed to defend human rights. finally , mr. hamid nouri became a citizen of our country after 1680 days of captivity in prison. sayed's individual returned to the arms of his family, maleeha pejman, sada and sim news agency. well , as i said at the beginning of your service program, tonight we are hosting mr. hossein shamkadari, a documentary maker and producer of the documentary on the homeless, which by the way refers to the same
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issue of mr. nouri's trial, as well as mr. mohammad's table. it is related to the family of the martyrs of the assassination they are the children of martyr hasheminejad, one of the martyrs of terror. i thank you for the presence of both of you . welcome to the world today. i say hello to you and dear viewers. we are at your service, and we are at your service, dear viewers . i received very shocking news today. it was very strange. very majid nouri, my friend. at first he said come here, i have something to do, i told majid don't bother him, he said no, come, you have to come, at that time you couldn't answer the phone . i couldn't believe it at all, you hypocrites swear when we were in this court
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they say eat, look, it's over , he'll be here for the rest of his life, 7 he said, now that they're quoting them that he's ablution, god can't set him free , he said, god can't set him free, and they 're swearing on this matter, how nice it is to be happy. thank god, it was very strange news. i mean, i 'm still in shock. i still couldn't believe that i would talk more, especially with the experience you had in appearing in court and these, mr. hashem nejad. thank you very much for coming . i also say hello. i am congratulating you and dear viewers the release of the innocent citizen of the islamic republic of iran , who, due to the help of the zionist regime, with their design and the agency of the hypocrites, helped
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to prepare a legal process for one of the citizens of the islamic republic of iran in a completely illegal way , and fortunately, this did not happen, of course. in terms of the events that i had and we had in the last two or three years. not very much, but i was waiting for this to happen, but so quickly, yes , it was somewhat unexpected for me. thank you. mr. hamid nouri has been established. mr. nouri, hello , we talked again this evening . hello, i would like to offer you a courtesy to our dear viewers. yes, alhamdulillah, all
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our good friends are with us today. we had to bring his father to the hospital , they need some strengthening because 1,600 days of solitary confinement have finally made him learn a little bit, and we hope to have him with his family as soon as possible. i am from god's hospital. thank you , god willing, mr. nouri will be fine from today in the evening when mr. nouri was released, tell us how your father felt when he arrived in iran. well , we have seen all kinds of things in these 4 and a half years and in these 1,680 days. they read that you will not see mr. nouri again, and the iranian people's family is trying hard to break this resistance and give this message that you should be careful if you are on the side of the iranian people, if you are on the side of the islamic republic
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, we are sorry. it is back that they call it the diplomacy of authority, if this diplomacy place next to other puzzles next to the support puzzle. from the people of gaza, in addition to what we have achieved, thanks to the grace of god, the patience, resistance and intelligence of our good diplomats, it is a great event, and really, you should go to maandu's networks to see what sadness has taken over their entire being and start jumping together. don't trust them anymore, leave the european countries and realize that the islamic republic of iran is now a superpower, a superpower that knows it can, can
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shock the whole world without anyone noticing, without breaking the news, and a person who related to himself free himself. this is a great message to the opponents and the rest, god willing, i pray for them to speak with reason now, and understand that if you want to not be a displaced person and a stateless person, you should stay in the lap of your own people. go back, stop being a mercenary , stop plotting against the people of mr. nouri's partner. in these few hours, there was something special that you heard from your father, please share it with us or the viewers of the news network. i used to come with my father to his hospital, he kept saying the same thing. he can't bring back omid nouri, iran, every ain jolat
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. and these sentences have lost their color today, today they all understood that if god wills, many bigger things will happen than this . he would thank god the father. as promised, well , we have kept alive the memory of martyr isi, martyr amir abdollahian. the article said that it was strange, i was very alone, when i heard the news of the martyrdom of these two nobles, i was very upset he said that the television that was in their prison had shown the news, he had cried for hours and now we had each other, we participated. my heart ached for someone who lost one of his biggest supporters . apart from saying these things , one of the most difficult things was that
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they were not allowed to meet their nephews for 4 and a half years. he had not been able to see them and was very happy to become a family, even though we had taken them to sweden several times and unfortunately they were never allowed to meet them. he was happy, he was happy, mr. nouri, you mentioned both in the conversation you were having now and when we were talking , you talked about the martyrs of raisi and amir abdullahian, and you said about their efforts during this time for the release of my father, which i saw on social networks. it was popular in these few hours of the evening. i didn't get a chance to ask you in more detail, shahid raisi and amir abdullahian, what exactly is their approach to this case and what did mr. amir abdullah do before they came for the ministry of foreign affairs, i reached them in the parliament for two and a half to three hours, and they listened to me from that moment. he
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is always the first to start a conversation with the swedish ambassador if he is in the deputy of the international parliament. they are the people who follow us and give us hope. let me tell you the truth . sometimes i was embarrassed to answer our phone . even though they were so busy, they called us , asked how we were, and encouraged us. he was really the minister of resistance every time he called. our resistance would be multiplied many times, this series that they arrested me , now i say that i was there, i didn't realize it , but after i came to iran, all my friends said that he personally followed up. look how persistent the subject is how concerned you were and being the first person to call after my release , asking how i was doing, and really considering how busy he was with food and other issues , it was unbelievable for me personally that they take time for the issue and are concerned. even now that you have opened your hand and solved this issue after their testimony, mr. raisi was also the accused in this case.
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they had made all these plans to bring him out, as soon as hazrat agha said that this martyr was oppressed, i was heartbroken, i really don't have the heart to give him a trial because of how cowardly he was. they are being accused, slandered and disrespected, but today is the end of 1680 days of disrespect and cursing , all of them will be disgraced today, and we all face this with prayers and efforts . later on, we saw that they want
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to take that one mask in front of them as a plaintiff in these four years, that is the main face, and now they wear their own face as a member of the family of the martyrs of the terror, about the process that went through in these four five years and finally this what do you think about the project of filing your own failure ? the hypocrites in european countries know that it goes back to more than 40 years and the conditions that the host countries provided for them were such that it can be said that we are free from any violation and any criminal act in those countries. european countries have social violations that they never imagined .


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