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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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don't be afraid, don't say that he doesn't have a customer at first. shiyasazan buys products. smile at your dreams, shiyasazan. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. introduce your government members. while different parties and groups specify the candidate they support. in a letter, 13 offices of the islamic association active in the country's universities asked the candidates for the presidential election to introduce their government members so that people would be aware of their approaches in the elections.
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the moderator of the debates, which is usually the hottest program of the presidential elections, has been identified, mr. mehdi khosravi, the news anchor, the moderator of the election debates. there will be new decor and the type of work will be different. the program without compliments with the presidential candidates starts with the election of the candidates, which has always had a special attraction for the audience . the opening of the third television channel of the presidential election candidates, the internet network owned by mr. ghazizadeh hashemi has started its activity. according to the latest statistics, about one million first votes are cast in the presidential election. educational and cultural deputy of the ministry. education
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has announced that they have various programs for the awareness and participation of this group. declaration of support of parties and the politicians of the candidates continue. the islamic iran front has announced that it will support mr. jalili in the upcoming elections. the islamic youth party of iran and the islamic association of the medical society of iran are not behind mr. students demand from election candidates. islamic associations. in a letter to the presidential candidates, the university asked them to introduce their cabinet so that their real determination to fulfill their promises can be measured more concretely. mr. hossein tazami, a media and cultural activist who is a cultural expert in specialized election roundtables in the virtual space he wrote: thank you for the radio. there are no restrictions on the statements of experts supported by the panelists.
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in addition, an innovative task is that they are going to give their polls to the candidates regularly and they are also allowed to publish them . in a report, sada and sima news agency's reporter has described the national media's hosting of election candidates. the daily visits of the presidential candidates to the national media to participate in the programs promotional special news talk, first page, program with people. specialized round tables too.
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it hosts the candidates of the 14th presidential election. on the sixth day of the campaign, mr. masoud bizikian was a guest of the tv program on the first page of khabar network. in this program, mr. masoud bizikian explained about the operationalization of equal access to healthcare services. there is a principle in health and treatment and that is that we cover in order to be able to. basically, we need to know who is responsible, what service should be provided, at what price, and if not, how should it be provided be accountable, the government should see those who cannot be seen by the eyes. the program with the people on channel one was hosted by mr. mohammad baqer qalibaf. hello, in this program, mr. mohammad baqer qaf said about the improvement of people's living conditions, the reduction of purchasing power. households
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, we definitely have a plan for this in the 14th government, we have an implementation method, and we have an executive guarantee. during the past years , mr. mustafa pourmohammadi hosted mr. mustafa pourmohammadi, a special talk program on the khabar network, in this program, mr. mustafa pourmohammadi spoke about the need to build trust for the people and called double behavior the cause of people's distrust. trust the government's policies. when they say, sir , go to the stock market, people will go to the stock market and see for a while. the investor wants to go to the bank , he says how much should i deposit, how much interest do you get? a
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number changes for a while. announced the national media will host the candidates of the 14th presidential election until july 6th . mohammad jafari of sada and sima news agency , checking the latest status of the construction of the 160 km railway line rushd astara and the minister of roads, in the meeting of the special assistant to the president and the head of the foreign policy commission of the russian state duma , considered this railway as the missing link in the north-south route and said: with the finalization of the financing of this project by russia, iran will start operations as soon as possible. it starts executing
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. the special assistant of the russian president also said: russia wants to increase the volume of transit through iran and complete the north-south corridor. another success for the doctors of our country, ahvaz twins who were attached to each other at the abdomen were separated in a successful surgery. this surgery is very complicated surgery was performed at namazi hospital in shiraz. with the expertise of shirazi doctors and surgeons , ahwazi twins were successfully separated in shiraz. now, from the digestive tract, the pancreas, duodenum , etc., about a meter and a half from the small intestine , are connected or shared. in addition to the common bile duct, they enter the digestive tract through one duct, which is it made the job difficult. the operation of these 100
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has been completed and they have no special problems, except for the reconstruction of the abdominal wall, the complicated entanglement of the abdominal organs . the surgery that was performed on november 22 of last year had increased the risk of the operation, that's why at that stage the surgery only ended with the separation of the liver. these patients are rarely reported to be operated in two stages. a decision was made right then. the right decision was made considering the young age of these in the first operation and the operation of a special type of operation that was necessary for one of these. this time, this special operation happened to ruqiya, and its name is whipple's surgery. it was not possible to perform it at that age . what is whipple's surgery? it is an operation that we had to remove the head of the stomach. this surgery is necessary. to be done, the rarity of this operation and the special anesthesia for
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the separation of raqia and amalbanin kept him in the operating room for 12 hours at this stage. what kind of unconsciousness do they have? in any case, it was a new and fresh experience that i would say, ritesh, well, this kind of operation is very rare . such a case has not been reported from any part of the country. according to the head of the surgical team, dr. bahadur , these two twins, ruqiyeh and umm al-binin , will be discharged from the hospital in less than a week, nebaii of the shiraz bakhsh namazi hospital.
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next news you are watching nimrozi talk, the world bank announced in its new report on food security that iran was able to reduce food inflation by 48
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percent in one year. it has reached 31% and our country is among the successful countries in reducing food inflation. under the pretext of this news, in today's half-day conversation , we will examine the market of protein materials. we are working on the program for them, mr. peyman thank god, let's start with this statistic. the statistics of the world bank, in fact, the world bank has announced that the rate of increase in food prices has decreased in the past year. dear viewers, well, as you said, the discussion of food inflation statistics . in iran, it shows that during the past year, with the series of measures that have been taken
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, we have now had a very serious decrease in the price increase and inflation. it can almost be said that the inflation of food and edibles has decreased to a third , if according to the same statistics and the latest report given by the world bank. on average, the agricultural price index in the world has increased by 1% in the field of agriculture and 6% in the field of food, and more than 60 % of the countries in the world have saudi food inflation. in countries like turkey, we have seen that the inflation has reached over 70. 290 india , russia, indonesia and various countries, even countries like india and russia, which themselves produce food and agriculture, with inflation, with an increase in inflation, more than from 10 to 15% facing. the statistics we have
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in the middle of the month of alhamdulillah, according to the statistics of the central central bank and the statistics of this inflation reduction trend, according to the report that the central bank gave our inflation statistics in may, from two to 98 percent in april. 11 % has decreased in the field of food, which means that we have seen a decrease in inflation . our point-by-point inflation in the month of ardi behesh, in the same food and in a mansion, now food is 227%, which means a significant decrease again during this one month. we had the past month and a half, now the special thing is inflation in other words, the average of the country in april was 28%, which shows that the inflation of food and edibles has decreased by almost more than half in the area of ​​inflation. god willing, this process
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will continue with the support and planning of our friends in the ministry of agriculture, both in the field of production and in the field of commerce . yes, i would like to give an explanation to the dear viewers, this decrease in inflation does not mean that the prices are cheaper. the rate of price increase has decreased that is, the prices used to increase faster , now this speed has decreased. now , let's not be confused that now it is said that the price has decreased. well, the policies that have been implemented in this regard, the general policies that have been implemented in this regard. what is it and how is it supposed to continue, see how many factors have had direct effects in this reduction, namely inflation. one of the discussions
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was to pay special attention in the field of commerce to the provision of production institutions and planning for production growth . and even in the provision of some basic goods that were directly available to the people, such as oil , rice, beans, sugar and other goods, we sometimes had a series of shortages in some seasons. in other words , we witnessed the lack of timely supply or the exclusive supply of goods at prices beyond the approved prices, which caused either a shortage of goods or production interruption. well, with some effective measures last year, this problem it has really been solved in a radical and long-term way, so that now, in the last 8-9 months, we are really in the field of production inputs and we didn't have any problems with the basic goods . last year, i mentioned livestock institutions and basic goods and even provision of some basic goods that
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are imported directly. in the past, the importation of the basic goods of livestock inputs was in the possession of a few sectors , in other words, now it was special and this problem was causing problems for the country now. what about when you have problems in the field of international issues? dependence on a few specific suppliers has made the whole judicial chain of the country a problem. with the measures taken, alhamdulillah, this monopoly has gone. we went from 120 importers in 1401 to 220 importers in the field of large importers. we now have more than 20 importers who are playing a role. this import , this diversity of imports creates competition, competition leads to the fact that last year, when our
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livestock farmer came , he paid his money for inputs, corn, flour, four months ago. today, the chicken farmer and the livestock farmer are provided with the inputs for a period of 4 months, 5 months , and even below the approved price. well, this makes the production justifiable, and the production becomes really attractive . takes, and as a result, you witness the stability of the market and this price reduction. let's look at the issue, well, part of our basic goods as well as livestock inputs enter the country with a preferential rate of 2800 tomans. ok, in terms of maintaining prices, i would like to point out one thing, well, this issue of preferred width
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in most of the goods is a part of the finished price of the goods. some kind of transportation costs are all increasing, so now we have to take this into account, but the important thing that really needs to be noted is that the world bank and the statistics of the central bank and the statistics center say that our tourism has decreased by 1.3 million in 1402. simultaneously with this reduction in inflation , 250 tariff codes have been removed from more than 400 commodity tariff codes. we removed it from the preferential width, that is, with a management and with a good tact, which somehow happened in the ministry of jihad, 250 items of tariff code went to the second hall and the preferential width was removed from them. today , we are at your service. they don't get preferential width, which is also planned in some way, now the movement is managed so that
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it doesn't have serious effects in the price increase. god willing, we will remove the preferential width or the plan we have in the form of a combination of preferential width. and if the width of the second hall is taken, this issue will really increase the revenue of the government let's witness the reduction of the deficit and finally move towards a direction where the issues that were caused by the width of the preference did not happen . you say that this reduction in inflation took place at a preferential rate, which is actually one of the important factors.
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it has been a few months that this process really continued. we are from september. we have really solved the crisis in our financial sector, and now we are at your service. the production has been secured in such a way that now with the mechanism that our friends in the vice-chancellor of amordan and bazargah have installed our production units in the field of laying chickens and broiler chickens, it is possible for them to have even two to three firing periods for them. let it be done for them. this is from the point of view that we have very sufficient and reassuring reserves. but this coordination and this, in other words, the timely supply of goods is due to proper planning. and in a way , it can be said that the management of foreign exchange resources was done by the ministry of jihad in close and coordinated interaction with the central bank . in this regard, those importers who serve
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i mentioned to you that it is right to be sure and careful about the supply of your value . we have a delay in the supply of some goods, but that order and in other words, the reduction of the delay interval has made the importers to supply with confidence and care , which is one of the important issues. the other thing was that we have diversified the methods of securing our currency, now we have taken a part of the discussion, in other words, we have secured our institutions , in the exchange environment , it was really effective. they have permission to use in the field of basic goods and in the past years, the ministry of jihad may have paid less attention to these resources, but they are not accessible. these are the country's resources that can be used. these are licensed in order for inputs and basic goods to be imported, we have focused on this space and this has led to this variety in the supply of currency, variety in
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import sources and in other words to diversify importers and in other words to compete between importers. bring this confidence both from the point of view of supply of goods and from the point of view of price. coming to the meat market is the most challenging market. i do in this few. the last month was the same meat , the product is actually red meat, now promises were made that the production will be better, imports can decrease, and spring was promised, now another spring is coming to an end , how is the situation now, the last i bought the eastern price of sheep in midoun bahman, they said about 650,000 tomans, how is the situation now , has production increased, what has changed look at the red meat, according to the statistics given to us by the vice-chancellor of livestock affairs, we have more than 50,000 tons in the last 6 months, the last 6 months of last year, the growth of meat production.
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we had the red one, so this is me, in other words, now the problem compared to the previous year compared to the previous year, this problem is in addition to the issue of import and supply of goods, which caused the price to be controlled now, that fluctuation and that increase and rapid growth of prices, in addition to the problem the supply of barley, which is one of the main institutions used in the field of red meat production , is done in a way now, and now, during the last 6 months or the last 6 months of last year, the price of our imported barley, which was provided to the producers, is approximately it can be said that it was about 20 to 25 percent below the approved price. these are all attractions for he created producers and breeders so that they can keep their livestock, we are witnessing it. let's not be the events of previous years, when now there is a discussion of killing productive livestock, in other words, sending productive livestock or the lack of attraction for egyptian production for fattening. this did not really happen
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. the field of light livestock went in such a direction that our producers are interested in increasing livestock reserves. well, you can see it in the field of heavy livestock and in the field of veal meat . he showed himself earlier, now we are leaning towards him at the end of last year, our heavy livestock, calves , were between 220,000 and 225,000 tomans per kilogram . the expression of sheep, considering that we are now approaching the eid al-adha , our light livestock production units are now a little livestock. to keep it, so that they can use this space and demand now, after eid al-adha, we will definitely see a decrease in the price of light livestock.
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what is the price you are considering now, what is the equilibrium price? for example, if you look at the price announced by our deputy animal husbandry department, because they are finalizing the economic justification of livestock production, veal is 400 to 400 dinars and 20,000 tomans. that is, the same number of live animals that we have reached now that we have to take care of, the price should not be lower from now on, according to our friends of the vice president, because it makes the production uneconomical, and as you said, we may have problems again in 6 months or a year. in the field of light livestock , the price of zinc is now 480 to 520 thousand it is possible that, god willing, you will see, after all, we are talking about livestock reserves in the field of livestock. my style has increased, but we are still doing the import, we have maintained the 285 days of mutton, and we will continue this until, in other words, after eid al-adha, the supply will increase.
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and this increase in width will definitely lead to a decrease in price. it is the same 20,300 tomans per day . see, we have an average of almost 200 tons of sheep. we explain that 200 tons of calves means after eid al-adha. you say that this price is the same as we have in we had a significant decrease in calves my sheep, god willing, it will happen. talking about eid al-adha , we have a report about this today . we will come back to you. the details of livestock supply on the days of arafah and eid al-adha, more than 1900 livestock supply centers across the country, we have medical livestock teams in these centers , they monitor the supply of live livestock in india and after slaughter, 1800 teams are discussing the supervision of medical livestock , more than approx. 1000 supervisory teams are two -person supervisory teams in the field of supervision. the prices
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are increasing. inshallah, they will monitor this issue from tomorrow . the general health of the animals will be checked before the complete slaughter the animals are examined and if there is a special case , they are kept in quarantine, and the animals that have female sex are separated and separated. the price of live animals is also based on the supply and demand conditions in each different province of the province. the province can announce its own price and that we will announce a national price and a fixed numerical price in the final form . no, for example, in tehran , livestock will be sold at 330 to 300 dirhams and finally at 335 mira. yes, in tehran, live livestock will be sold in 3 fixed centers and 12 mobile centers. what is the amount of people's need for approximately 15,000 animals to enter these centers?
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breeds of sheep. the relevant centers will be held on the day of arafah from 9 am to 7 pm and on the day of eid al-adha from 4 am to 2 pm . mr. amrullahi, god bless you, please explain about the second release, which will start tomorrow , please give the details, the centers that are planned and the works that are going to be done. dear
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, we are at your service. considering that tomorrow is the day of arafah and the supply will start in the stands, please explain in this regard . yes, alhamdulillah this year, considering the conditions that we were in the field of discussion, the interest and enthusiasm was more for our livestock farmers and our loved ones. our respected livestock farmers are more interested in livestock production and raising their livestock, alhamdulillah this year. we have very good conditions in the field of providing live livestock, light livestock and even heavy livestock alhamdulillah, the space has become a very good space and with the help of the cooperative union of the so-called shaari village, we are also all over the country with the measures that we have with our friends , our livestock affairs in the city, and especially our esteemed medical livestock organization regarding the issue of supervision and
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in these centers. livestock supply about 1,900 livestock supply centers, god willing , will start their work from tomorrow, especially in tehran, from this afternoon, according to the news we received , they will bring their own livestock to the 15 centers you mentioned, and the work is being done, god willing. and god willing , this livestock supply will start tomorrow at 9 am in tehran in the provinces, it is possible for the provinces themselves to make a decision regarding the supply of their livestock, the issue of medical livestock supervision, and the health supervision of livestock , and if, god forbid, productive livestock have entered these altars, we will prevent them from being slaughtered. it will be clamped and returned to their own production stage. i would like to ask you about the price. you said that the province will be determined, which means


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