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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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the programs that are important to those who watch them, now they have to take everything into account. in a few days, after the broadcast of the presidential election candidates' advertisement programs in the national media, we came to the people to get their opinions about these programs. let 's see , are you following the programs? yes, i follow them to a certain extent. we watch them on tv. it is possible to actually tell their plans, very good we made our choice based on this. well, i already had some knowledge about the people. now, it is better for their programs that they announce. it is better for the candidates to cover more topics. we have, especially in the economic field, now the most important new government should be elected someone who
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cares more about the economy of the people, in relation to youth unemployment and production, because i am a producer myself, i am very concerned about the issue of employment and the economy of the society, which people like more. they should have information in this field , ask the candidates to talk about this, in my opinion , it is better to do anything that will improve the economic situation of my country. give an explanation, people can be more careful and choose a more comprehensive person, but according to the experience of the past, the debates are the most important part of the tv ads of the candidates. i want to see the debates . after all, most people want to talk
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do you know the work process ahead of them and we are waiting for the debates to start because we need to know who to vote for and what they are doing for our country. after all, the conversations that take place , the words that they say tell each other the character of my people , it can be a help in that debate. let 's listen to the debates of all the candidates and see what they are talking about, what their ideas are, what their opinions are, what is the candidate's plan for the presidency, which can be one of the points that make people better. let them know that, in fact, through the debates that are held in person on the radio and television, as well as the discourses and round tables that are held, this can be very effective and give knowledge and awareness to the people to choose weapons in their choice, god willing.
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we are waiting for the tv debates. let 's see what they say, what is their way. controversy is not good . they should sit face to face with each other and discuss their work plans so that people can make the best choice.
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now that the candidates for the presidential election have been determined, many of you have demands from the future president today in the election taxi around the axis. these expectations and, of course, other issues related to the elections, talk to you. hi, we are an election taxi .
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i will improve the economic conditions, working conditions, and jonah's field. what characteristics should a president have to be a trustee of the people and deal with the people's problems , deal with the people's demands, be jonah's thinking , employment, employment, and most of the people are really having problems when it comes to livelihood. seeing a house has become a dream for people , even the discussion of renting a house has become impossible for some people . they are worried about housing and jobs, and now many of them have problems . is it the hand of the president that will finally be published from somewhere? the clip goes down. it starts from here
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. when the president comes , he can. yes, why can't he? we are a nation, we have always stood behind our elders, like our president, like our leader. we want to talk about the elections. yes, my route is my destination . you will reach my destination.
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there are some guests of our election taxi future days. election talks will continue in this taxi.
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teaching architectural literacy to children and teenagers with toys: from childhood, a child can play with these types, recognize the building line , know the chinese knot, and then, when it is in our eternity, he can clean them, identify them and read them, and that's it. it makes him value this art and be diligent in preserving and protecting this art as a toy. which teaches children and teenagers various shapes of iranian architectural heritage .
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we have made the elements of iranian architecture in the form of a puzzle, so that children can play this in their homes and families from childhood. to get familiar with this culture and to know the value of this art . recently, a badge was unveiled that is given to toys that are related to iran's cultural heritage. vasik's national sign is one of the important and effective measures that was formed by our colleagues in the vice-chancellor of technology and application. heritage games can be an important action and an operational action. and executive in order to convey the complex concepts of heritage to children and teenagers and the future generation of our society, but these heritage games in their design it is necessary that
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they can have scientific information and the results of research achievements as their own scientific support if it is going to be a game. introduce to the children, it is better if this game is a game related to identity. now we are trying even to get sponsors for these games according to the talks we had with the scientific exchange. we can also link the presidency to the private sector, so that most of them invest in games that are related to the country's cultural heritage. i have been working in this field for 20 years, in the field of architecture and thinking the best investment we should make is in childhood, our children should be familiar with this culture , know the value of this art, and when we know this art and culture from childhood. let us know the children correctly through the game
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, good things will definitely happen in the future. ahmed amin fard of the sda news agency. the advertising programs of the presidential candidates will
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start on friday, july 26, on the islamic republic of iran. i announced the new responsibility of my preparation , we introduced the president as the coordinator of the three powers. maybe the first president also wanted to do this, but the method that was necessary for this coordination, i believe, he chose a method that was different from the nature of the constitution , which is the criterion and criterion for all three powers, except for the authority of the jurist. . it is from the constitution itself
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, by the grace of god and with your support, dear countrymen , we will use the supreme principle and element of religious authority and in every case , we will transform any differences and inconsistencies between the three powers into harmony and harmony. i consider myself a soldier of this revolution and i am ready to serve wherever i am given a mission. now he wants to be in the middle of the presidency. he wants to be a friend's mission. it makes no difference to me, and for a believer, his path should be in the way of god. now, wherever he is, that step, if it is accompanied by divine approval
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, is both worship and service to the constitution of the islamic republic of iran. the president is the regulator of the relations of the three powers , not the coordinator, because the song of the jurist is the ruler the legal guardian of the president, on the other hand , is the head of the executive branch, that is, the head of society's servants. one of the most important duties
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is the presidency. because in this principle, you know that the president is the highest official of the country, after the leader, and he is actually responsible for the implementation of the constitution. the anti-revolutionary groups announce a joint action against the islamic system . behzad naboi, the spokesperson of the government, responds and considers the current of influence and deviation to be dying. first of all, just like america, which was the great master of this, could not do anything wrong with this coalition and the like. he can't do anything wrong, but in general, we should be aware of these issues. as you know, bani sadr was in the position of the president and commander-in-chief of the central forces
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, he gave weapons to all the anti-revolutionary groups opposing the islamic republic regime from the right and the left. and he used to grow them all under his own wing. in fact, after the removal of bani sardar and the removal of bani sadr, these groups fell into disrepair due to two reasons. it kills completely and there will be no possibility of deviating from within, and secondly with the removal of yeh , as the elections approached, the discussion about the criteria
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for choosing the president became the main topic of public opinion. in addition to what the law says, it should be added, this stipulates that the constitution should be added that it should be from the people, be truly revolutionary , and be a school in the true sense of the word, and during the revolution, it should have been side by side with the people, and the people recognized it anyway. in addition to having experience in executive work , the president must be 100% scholastic and in the line of the imam and clerical authority, as well as progressive clergy and not inclined to the west or the east, to work for the people. if he doesn't lose himself when he gets to the presidency
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, he is participating according to our leader, who said that every muslim person should participate in the presidency and it is a religious duty, and we want our president to be a person who is educated and belongs to us. we also vote here. we will give it to the person who we really can , who can bring the situation of our country into harmony with the president we elected. they came and shook hands with those hypocrites . it should be in the way and line of the imam and nothing. there should be no wavering from the qur'an and if this as it was, we are the youths, we stand in front of them and
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we will remove it from our way so that it does not obstruct the path of the imam and the qur'an. unlike maybe. it doesn't exist and the issues are completely normal and calm, and your presence on the scene and the complete preparation and determination of our police forces, our brothers and our committee, nothing. he will not give any chance to traitors who intend to disrupt the elections. with people who intend to disrupt and disorder read them, they will be treated according to the wartime law. mahdavi keni, acting minister of interior,
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announces the readiness of all institutions to hold elections. we have been very careful. the police forces are keeping a close eye on the situation. the security guards for the fund and the locations have been fully planned for security during the voting, so people can vote with peace of mind from friday from 5 am to 5 pm, which is officially announced. people can vote, why all four. a person who is elected all have one line and all in the line of imam mohammad javad bahner in a tv interview from haraki new in the political arena, it is a matter of duty. and responsibility, and therefore, in fact, each of them aims to achieve this position so that they can do their duty well
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, support their revolution and islam, and if they feel that their brother can do it better than themselves, because their goal and ideal is to help the revolution. and there is islam, not only they do not compete , they do not eliminate, they do not reject. rather , they strengthen him and it is very interesting that someone who is a candidate himself comes and announces that he will vote for someone else. this is the unity that is in the shadow of unity. islam comes, unity of purpose comes, unity of purpose comes, august 2, 1360, the second presidential election of the islamic republic of iran.
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it opened here at 5 in the morning and has been a regular visitor since morning. there is only a fund here that the sisters go to. there is a fund in pahlu school that the brothers go to. i am 15 years old and it is my first time to participate in raigri. terrorist groups, especially the hypocrites , carry out bombings on the day of the election to create riots and unrest in tehran.
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the political deputy of the ministry of interior assesses the level of people's reception in the elections as good and lacking the vote tally reports in some constituencies , although the number of ballot definitions we sent was more than in the first term of the presidency, but at noon here, the election headquarters was facing the fact that they were announcing from all constituencies, cities, and provinces that there is a lack of definition of the ballot paper , we had to extend it to seven again because the boxes are ready until the client. sarwaruddin, the political deputy of the ministry of interior , announces the opportunity for candidates to complain and protest two days after the election. after the counting of votes starts
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, it is time for someone to file a complaint if there is an objection, then i have one to two days to deal with these complaints, and the definitive answer will be determined within four or five days, god willing. after the voting period ends
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, the title of the second president of the islamic republic of iran will be chosen from tomorrow by the guardian council. it will take a maximum of one week. that if there are any complaints , he will deal with them and within this one week , he will report the results of the investigations and, if so, confirm them.
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3:58 am
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. introduce your government members. while parties and groups various people specify the candidate they support. in a letter, the 13 offices of the islamic association active in the country's universities asked the candidates for the presidential election to introduce their government members so that people would be aware of their approaches in the elections. the moderator of the debates, which is usually the hottest program of the presidential elections, has been identified, mr. mehdi khosravi, the news anchor, the moderator of the debates.


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