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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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we do not have a dispute, my doctor . look at the issues that you listed just now regarding the issue of compliance with the rights of decentralization and the issues that you have in mind. all of these show that we must have a coherence in the performance of the forces so that we can realize these goals and plans. well, it should be possible with a good movement from the whole system, especially the three powers. you diagnosed the relationship. how can a strong person recover and what are the damages, whether at high or medium levels, see the scientific issue, it is clear , people have different tastes, they have different opinions, but when it becomes a law, it becomes a common covenant of the society that we all have to adhere to, but there is one principle: every law that we write must have the right and justice in it. if
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we don't see any justice based on that, the implementation of the law will face problems. but when it came to the law , we respected those rights and justice is in it, as an executive, as a legislator, as a judge, within the framework of the law , we should not have any disagreements. be what we wrote, we turned it into a law. and the parliament must demand the law from the government, the government must follow the law in implementation. judiciary within the framework of the law should ask questions and hold accountable, this is the principle, but why do we sometimes get disturbed when things don't go well, the problem is very clear, we are developing three very important indicators, one of them is the so-called individual capacity, social capacity, organizational capacity social power, administrative power. we
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come to evaluate the administrative potential in the administrative capacity or administrative structure. for example, let's assume that an ordinary employee becomes the general manager of a place, this person is very it's okay because he didn't go through the hierarchy, as a result of his approach, his decision-making, his movement , he didn't understand the legal framework, god says to hazrat ibrahim in the qur'an that
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there is no relationship between personnel and society, between the general goals and policies that the supreme leader determining and this organization that is obliged to implement is not done , that's why most of the programs that we wrote , 20%, 25%, 30% are implemented , because many of those who are responsible do not know their mission in going there and sometimes they don't want to. or they don't have the skills at all, people who haven't gone through the steps. a person who did not pass the exam he has become the president, can he implement those goals ? we are just saying that they say that the problem of the country is management, the problem of the country is management. it has worked and the result is people have seen that you change a couple of people and bring in people who
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have no experience at all. and the external organization would reach mr. doctor, one of our physicians the biggest issues that both experts say, and you must agree, your excellency , is the issue of our bureaucratic system, what is our plan to solve this problem? we have reformed buying , guiding, paying, acting without a board and management. this has clear scientific and managerial foundations , but those people who take responsibility there do not know the concepts of this at all. what should this authority do? he just thinks he is the boss and should give orders, and this causes dissatisfaction in the society can we have the same situation that we have now
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, our employee has worked for 20 years, he has skills, and this one who is newly hired as a boss , they make him the boss of a person who has experience and is working , the situation will be messed up. this is why every bureaucracy , the existence of bureaucracy, does not understand what to do when it exists. if we come out based on this hierarchy, if we examine the methods based on the right and ask for international experiences, it is practical because the manager must have authority. experience and implement the right way in implementation. why can't he do it? one, he hasn't gone through the steps at all. two, his knowledge no, he has no motivation. as a result, he can't do this, he can't even write the law correctly , he can't do this because he doesn't know the organization, he doesn't know the hierarchy , and the work process. we make people responsible for other places from another place. what is this situation that we are facing in this society
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? it is a waste. it is a waste that we did not put the right people in the right places . they take the power and then use it and treat the society inappropriately. in that this hierarchy is very sometimes he covers himself with other contrary methods . in the period when we were the president of the university and in the university presidency, besides studying ourselves , in order to implement the management scientifically and correctly. let's do it because we didn't come with management experience . well, it was true. we were specialists and academics , but management itself was a science . we read books and took courses related to education in england. we took a short-term course for a couple of months in america.
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we spent time at harvard in the middle of health economics, management of policies and programs, and courses even at the time of the ministry when we were there, we spent two or three weeks with global experts in relation to macro health and type of health, and we had a seminar in mexico about how research should be used in the service and how these actions should be carried out. which naturally caused that when we became ministers in mr. khatami's government, despite the fact that i did not belong to any party, i did not belong to any group, based on the history and work we had done that year, they allowed us to come up and become government ministers , which apparently the opinion of the government is political, but despite the fact that in tehran they have professors who are part of it being a party, being a member, they
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chose to put them on our side, which is also appreciable and this is the respected attitude of mr. medeshkian, if you become the president , to the media and reporters of corruption. you would have been allowed to report corruption without being accused of being against the government or that you are interfering with the work of the government, reflect on the people, reflect on the government and criticize the government. i lived for my country within the framework of justice and justice until the end of time. hold a special meeting for some people who talk to you about security and shariat and i don't know you
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leave the soldiers and security guards aside , let them talk to you easily. speak without stuttering and then you accept it. if you stutter, i will speak violently. when we talk about truth and justice, one who says the truth , let us deal with him now. this student community has protested in a movement that protested , they came to throw him out, they came to boycott him, we say why did you do this, it is a disgrace. also, clinging to the one who says the truth, you have to deal with it , we have to reform ourselves, if he says the truth, then let
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's deal with him. hazrat ali's rule in sermon 216 also has a discussion, he says that no country, no society can. shahadah is good unless they have good rulers, and no good ruler stays in good because he has the power to slip. what we do is to let them be demanding. when they are demanding and because of
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demanding, we do not have the right to deal with them, imprison them, kick them out, expel them , which unfortunately happens sometimes. fell it is not legal, it is not right and it is not fair. during the time when you were responsible, whether in the ministry or during the representative period, you did the exact order of hazrat amir yourself. the opposition sat down and talked. i was a minister. one day i saw a sound in your lower leg . these security guards of ours are trying to silence this sound. they couldn't tell me why you didn't pay their salaries, now i told them to bring them together. at the end of the prayer hall, i went and sat there i said, look what happened. i protested and saw that he was right, we didn't pay their salaries on time, the minister
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didn't pay them on time, i could live comfortably , i wasn't waiting for my salary at all, he is an employee, if he didn't get his salary, he couldn't take his child's bread at night, i went back to the authorities, i blame myself. i was afraid that he couldn't get his money, instead of punishing myself, i am punishing someone who wants his right. i apologized to those dear ones and then we sat down with the managers and we were a bit upset that we do not have the right to not see the salary of an employee who is entitled to it and when he protests. mr. doctor , if you become the president
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, what is the role of the members of your election staff in assuming the key responsibilities of your government? our problem is that we do this. because of this, the same laws that are correct, the same policies that if we had followed them, our society would now be in prosperity and peace and in dignity . . the right people are not placed in the right places, and i do as much as i can allow me to come.
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hit ali, the ruler of a society says, if i do n't keep my word, hit my neck. let it be like this, and finally he says , i will make those who came up without themselves go back down, those who stayed down without themselves should come up, but in order to do this, it is at the same time tense for each other, because those who are without themselves are placed in the centers of power. they simply
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won't allow you to do this, all kinds of things all kinds of words, labels, slanders and such words may be made for you, they can create atmosphere, but if this country is going to be fixed, the one who is cooperative should come up, the one who went up without himself should go back to where he should be. well, mr. doctor, when you in any case, if this happens and you are elected by the people, you must first introduce the officials, how about the initial process , after all, there is a need for evaluations, participation, discussions and talking with those who have experience in influencing the country, in consultation with them. we will go through the first one , but anyone was chosen, which is possible in my first one those people who do not have these characteristics, but whoever wants to take responsibility for the system we have, must commit to implement the program and general policies within the framework of a scientific method, and
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we will be obliged to follow up whether the implementation does it or doesn't it? we don't need to hold many meetings, take time to ask the law, the law exists, the direction is to eliminate poverty and injustice, preserve human dignity and provide a decent life for people, why didn't we hold a meeting instead of sitting and then justifying we have to deal with those who demand rights let's deal with ourselves, what did we do in our youth society, what did we do to cause these problems in the country. we were to blame , others were not to blame, we brought the country to this place, others did not, we should go back and review what caused us to get here, and whoever accepts responsibility should be held accountable for his responsibility. at all, accountability has a place, empowerment
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has a place, both in terms of belief, and in terms of science, there are indicators. that is, if we follow the scientific path, the path they took in the world experience and let's accept and those people who accept responsibility can be responsible for the responsibility , we will be able to give a company, an institution, a factory to a board of directors that is from our acquaintances, relatives and friends. after that, let's take a loss there , let's manage it and let's do it effectively, let 's do it now, mr. medzikian. can you name the people who assume the key responsibilities ? definitely, those people will not be those people who will be the governor of the governorate from the so-called what they say. this will definitely not be the case. now you should let us see if we can put that competence to work based on the consultations that will be formed. my question is that
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here and in this program , you see the commitment to the media, especially the national media, that if you form the government . people can continuously monitor your promises and your plans from season to season, type by type, and report to the people. there is a problem in my opinion, both in your demand and in those programs that say that we have plans. it is that we have a program, which means we want a program other than the law let's write another program, the law of our program should have been done first in k in the region. the law of the program should have eliminated injustice and developed the regions. the law of the program should have protected the dignity of human beings . the program law was supposed to consider honor and expediency in international communication. in the law and general policies, we were supposed to come to peace with everyone and my country. we were supposed to
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bring foreign investors into the country with domestic participation. we didn't create the development in it , where was the problem, the problem is this word, that i should say something new again, in the law of the program, this was supposed to be on our side. we didn't go for that purpose. you say that we should make a plan again. we should implement what we promised. why couldn't we implement it because we put people to work who didn't know where to go? there are policies other than those, so tell them where they want to lead us, where they want to lead us, i heard someone say that this gentleman has no plan, those people who have a plan came and threw the law of the plan and made the country come to this point, they should be held accountable. why those policies and goals? it exists in the system and causes the superiority and greatness of this
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country, not implementing these conditions in the environment, in the payment mechanisms, in the growth of the regions, in the injustices, and we destroyed the environment and destroyed our international relations with musk and this we created all the problems, we have to answer, why did it happen like this, weren't we supposed to be the best in the university, weren't we supposed to be role models , to be inspirational, to be inspired, we can do it by taking and hitting , we want to give this inspiration to the society, or should we do it with our behavior, with our performance, with our superiority, with being right means being just. we show it with the right to say it we are telling the truth, we are not liars, we are honest, we want to serve the people, for the people of iran , we want to serve the producers of this country. those who are producing, we will not do anything to force them to take their capital and leave this country. these are the things we have a problem with. here, our duty is to support these frameworks
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and to appreciate the people who are working hard for this country. this country and for the youth we work here. they are creating jobs to preserve the deserving elites of all these people that you are enumerating, what is your plan to give them their rights, that is, their rights depend on who is where, if our professors are leaving now, why are they leaving because we make a person who has just graduated from the university as the head of a person who was his teacher and cannot be compared to him at all. well , when we came, we put this person. at all, his whole life is messed up. if we don't give them money, we can't support them properly , at least maintain their respect, at least disrespect
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don't let these people do it. these are our masters . our producer wants to produce. we will face a thousand problems . when he produces this, he will see that despite all the trouble, they will cause problems for him. let me fix it, now our faculty is leaving here. let him go, the salary we give him here is not 1000 dollars, he is paid 10 thousand dollars, well , dad, if he is working for you for 1000 dollars , at least give him some respect, at least take it over , at least don't disrespect him, at least make weak people the boss or superiors. don't put this, this is what it makes me run away, mr. medzikian , we have almost reached the end of the program. i would like the good end of the program to be that we hear his excellency's opinion about the character of the martyred president, ayatollah raisi, may god bless his soul, the soul of our martyred president, and the soul of
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the respected imam juma of our city. the foreign minister , the governor, the pilot, the pilot, and those loved ones who were the flight crew, and in addition to that one person who was the bodyguard of the honorable president, mr. president, well, they are in a collision. he was really looking for the right and for justice , how could he do this now, that is a separate issue, he was trying to go to deprived areas. he tried to sit down with the disadvantaged, he tried to sit down with them and have a request, well, you showed it on the radio and tv , and this was really a disaster for our country , our friday imam was really exceptional , at least the amount that we sat down with him and had a request was completely different. with the rest of the clerics that we knew, he didn't care about left or right
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, he didn't care about religion or non-religious, it was important for him to solve the problems of the people , there is a poem somewhere, i think it is from maulviyeh, it says sulaiman the man, listen to you, the tongue of the bird is the pet of the chicken from you are mad roll up, roll up, suleiman says, you don't know the language of birds you know, if you want to know their language, you want them to nest in your nest in your house . instead of making a case for them and doing something else, deal with them. in fact, be a shelter for them, be a home for them. if they find a problem, they can take refuge in you, they can have peace by your side, people, if they know that with a cleric, with a manager, their problems
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will be solved calmly, they will never do that again in front of them. instead of being a nest , we are a case. let our people be a shelter for the homeless and for those who have problems. let's do something, don't bite them , don't deal with them bitterly, let's deal with each other with kind words , may god bless their souls. thank you very much , god, forgive these dear ones . dear viewers , i hope that you have been watching the special first page of the election program, the first page that i mentioned, which is dedicated to the conversation with the election candidates
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. let's go to get you dear ones to choose the best and best choice of weapons anywhere in this vast world, especially our dear islamic country , the great iran. i wish you the best . have a good time and god bless you.
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5:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the time of the last debate of the presidential candidates was changed. sedav sima election headquarters announced in announcement number 4 that in response to the request of the people of religious life and popular organizations organizing the great ghadir festival and in order to benefit. people have changed from watching the last debate and participating in this glorious celebration to the time of the fifth debate. based on this, and with the suggestion of the national media election headquarters and the approval of the advertising review commission, the fifth debate between the candidates for the presidential election will be broadcast on tuesday, july 5, from 123:00 to 16:00.


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