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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the point that has been mentioned here is the growth of 88. look at the average economic growth of iran in the last 50 years. i think it was about four percent in the last decade. this number showed a slight growth . we want to take an average from, for example, this entire decade, the last decade, that is , it is unlikely that we will reach two and a half. at this time, we want to reach 8%. now, how much are 88 accessories? our estimate is that the estimate of the experts we are talking about is at least 200 per year. billion euro dollars that almost everyone, if we act well
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, adjust all the factors, our macro policies, our middle policies, our food policy, and have good executive coordination in implementation, we can meet half of 50 % of this need, that is, for example, 100 billion euros from our own internal resources. provide, but still provide 50 d from foreign sources. all the successful economies after the second world war have shown that their economic growth is the attraction of international capital, attracting different markets, different people, different companies, creating attractiveness , attracting that capital, producing to give proper profit to the investor, economic prosperity. giving employment and other benefits to their society
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, how do we want this 100 billion dollars, or how do we want to provide 100 billion euros, what is our calculation basis, which is now one of the additions to article 35, one of its articles. in the program, you have to say what the model is and the policies. well, one of them is the problems of foreign relations, sanctions, one of the main goals is to prevent this transfer and attraction of capital
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, and this work is very difficult and complicated. see the program instead of expressing goals, ideals and wishes. the plan must be done realistically. another point is that we are facing this realization of the growth rate . what is our zero number in the plan? what is our situation now? for example , the sixth plan is over. where are we now ? what are the statistics, tables, and graphs like? what dictates us ? so who? we can't come and say a plan, then say no, sir, we were, for example, the sixth step. let's just fight and say no, sir, we were on the fourth step. now, i want to tell you the numbers in the tax debate. well, this is where the fight starts, sir, we want to implement the program now let's create a rate of 88, for example. then let's say what are our basics and basic numbers and we need statistics.
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it is clear and compatible with each other and confirmed, not that we have conflicting statistics to sources that provide conflicting statistics, so in order to realize this program and the goals that are in this program, we must examine the issue from different angles. i think that the most important our problem is macro-discipline. let's clarify the macro policy ourselves, create economic stability. now i will explain this more in other sections. one of the important issues that is decisive now is beyond policies it is economical and very decisive in the success of the program and the implementation of the trust program. the active sector, whether large or small, large, medium, small stations. trust our policies.
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trust the executives, that is, the government. the government should trust them. have a positive and trusting interaction. people should trust the policies of the government. when they say, sir, go to the stock market, it is booming. people go to the stock market and see. it made a profit for a while, and then it stopped. well, this lack of trust disturbs our activity system and economic stability. we are the same investors. he wants to go to the bank, he says that i am how much do i leave, how much profit do you make? a number will change after a while. you see, these policies intensify mistrust both between the government and economic activists, and between the government and the people, because the economy requires everyone's participation. if everyone participates,
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there will be an economy. it can achieve its goal, but if people become distrustful, they will leave their money at home, turn it into dollars, turn it into coins , turn it into objects. they don't know how to go to the car market, they dump it in the car, i don't know, now the property was always positive, but they dump similar products there, see, these are our problems. this capital is not produced in the market , it does not enter the economic circulation, the capital sleeps in a corner because it does not know in which market it will make a profit. we have to build trust. this basic pillar of every policy is the best policy and program without failed and unsuccessful trust building. i will focus all my efforts on this issue
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. i had many discussions with economists. and there are other places . we have a lot of economic discussions at home and it is my family. i do continuously i read economic statistics. now that i have not been in the government for several years, i am no longer involved in micro-economics, but i am following up on macro-economics. these past few days , we have been sitting from early morning until late at your time , and we are negotiating with various prominent economists on how to build that trust in the society. with trust, we can take our steps slowly. of course, the program has problems , we will amend it. it is a series of principles
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. you as you mentioned in the program, economic stability and of course the price of land. i will deal with what is emphasized in the general policies and of course in the 7th plan, which is to establish stability in the general level of prices , single-digit inflation and the issue of exchange rate. the previous part, because it is connected , i explained your second question to some extent. if we can achieve these events that i mentioned , we will pursue economic stability or financial stability. land we can a stability, or even floating, or if we want
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the government to set a rate , we can face a guaranteed stability. and after those problems now, the imbalance of the banks, which is now a serious issue, we should discuss the imbalance of the banks and the cause of the imbalance of the banks, which is now one of the determining factors in inflation, and another point is the cost of the government, which is the cost of the government. you can see that it is increasing and leading to inflation. see, this must be controlled. i am determined to control these and of course the situation is very difficult. i don't want to promise our noble nation. people we are now largely distrusted by our promises. i
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will focus all my efforts with the best economic teams in the country. in order to stabilize the market as much as possible . this rate. let's manage the unbridled inflation to some extent. manage government spending . then energy imbalance is one of the factors. it is effective in increasing the cost and creating inflation , and again, let's manage it in some way. i think we will be successful in price stability and these several questions that you raised, but this is not something that this cycle of inflation and rate liquidity interest rate currency. it was and this can be reduced . look, recently the interest rate reached from 18
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to 20, 21, 22. now the banks are 29 out there, even the banks are out there with 36, 37 in the market. even though the prices cannot be controlled , this is the basis of the slogan that people should express their knowledge, economic activists should express their knowledge, capital owners should express their knowledge. our seniors must express their knowledge, experts and academics, especially our youth, must express their knowledge
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. startups must express their knowledge. we must seriously express their knowledge. let's take this big burden together. this important point is to trust. what i said is the basic pillar of trust. yes, we can, but we must prepare these preparations . i am very optimistic and my past experiences have become the occasion . we were able to implement big projects and plans in the past by building trust. alhamdulillah , we got a very good positive response from the people , i think this future is very beneficial for us , our past experiences, mr. pomohammadi , were structural reform, and of course, the transformation of the tax system is an issue that is emphasized in general policies and in this among things like fighting tax evasion there are issues such as intelligentization , what
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are your solutions to realize what has been emphasized, see one of the important issues to secure the budget of any country, especially those with good economies , this issue is the tax system, the maltese system has a horizontal line that is no exception to all. there is no way to include everyone , there is a vertical line that everyone should pay taxes according to their income in order to implement tax justice . so, when will it be possible for us to have enough information about people? this information should be taken transparently. it should be taken from the tax authorities with accurate calculations according to the law. system audit system a school the system with this big economy, with this big financial turnover, with these hundreds of thousands, with
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millions of companies, it is no longer possible to solve it with the past systems and the problems, i.e., audits. surely here, you need information society banks , complete system information, and powerful software for calculation. and then ad. collect the tax fairly. collect it fairly. well, in this case , you can prevent many tax evasions . now, when i was in the government, i was a member of the money laundering council. in one project in one file , the turnover was about 35 thousand 36 thousand billion tomans. then we saw that you are the head of this team
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, there is an old woman in a village somewhere, a seven-year-old girl who died, some 13-year-old people , i don't know, she didn't even have much education, she had accounts with them, and a huge network in the south of the country and in the cities. the center has created an extremely extensive money laundering power of the smuggling channels of the underground economy. you see, it's a black land , this is the main tax evasion here, but where do we go, whatever the pressure, we go to the companies that are organized now. small big
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this is the ratio of taxes to gdp. the picture compared to j. didi in the world of acceptable economies is between 13 and 15 16 percent. the ratio in good economies starts from 20 to 32. they say the average is 25. we reached 6. we were supposed to reach 9 and 10 in the last few years. the latest statistics he tells us that the ratio of 4 is again in the 7th plan, so that we reach 10 in the first and second year, we have to increase it, so you see , we have a lot of problems now, that is , we are not taxed at the rate we should be, but this taxation is not the weaknesses, not the ones that they are regular, not those that are transparent again let's not put pressure on them, let's go to the place where
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they don't pay taxes secretly, they don't have clear financial circulation, the only way is politics. what i said is electronic government and today's artificial intelligence, we have to centralize artificial intelligence, electronic government governments , and give this ability to our tax organization to direct the collection of taxes from where they should be injected into the country's economy. anyway, i am fortunate because i have been following the issues of the tax organization since the time of the inspection organization and then the supreme council of money laundering. i was myself , now i am with the experts of its managers recently i was in the meeting and i saw that we have very good preparations , good capacities, good software, good banks have been created, good young people, good specialists
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, we have a good sector. let's get to a place with good stability. let's give our oil revenues and our resources to the national development fund and keep them as fixed income and fixed capital and intergenerational capital. this is the basis of the work that must be done, god willing. seven and a half years are considered. now, according to the definition , which is an index, the number of years required to buy a house, provided that the total income of the householder is used to buy. your plan should be allocated to achieve this goal. i think this statistic is not a very accurate statistic, except for the places you see, now people are seeing, and our viewers are hearing and seeing. really, with seven and a half years of income, they don't eat anything , they don't go anywhere, they can save money and go home. they can buy it. now
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the calculations say that over 40-50 years old, you have to put all your budget and capital in the house, you can't provide for it. so we have to talk realistically well, but we have to try, what should we do? this is an important issue. in the past, we have mehr housing translation , melio housing translation, there is a land issue, which is an important issue. we had a lot of subsequent overhead expenses . i myself was in the market organization for a very heavy and detailed report. we discussed how successful this method is, how unsuccessful it is, and how much inflation it causes. at the same time, the issue of inflation was a serious issue and the infrastructure caused a lot of additional costs, but you see, what is important to us is that housing let's pay attention, if we discuss the land for housing, not in
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a general way and slogans and such, but with a detailed plan and in good places , we will not make our cities more complicated again, and we will not create this population migration again, which is already a lot of housing in our urban development. the things that we created in mass gatherings caused migrations , we expanded the outskirts of the cities, these are problems that we should pay attention to . we are prone to earthquakes, we are very vulnerable. we also have to deal with this damage let's solve our problem. unfortunately, the houses are dilapidated, many of them go to foreigners, there are special people's places, there are problems with the sale of materials
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, there are problems with infectious diseases , we have problems that we had in the past in the dilapidated tissues, almost all the dilapidated tissues of the cities. i went and visited in different courses and i am saying this with my knowledge and direct visit. there are many of these , we have read the rest of the reports, and these words, we must first do a more coherent and strong planning on the available tissues, and this is very it helps us, the worn-out fabric under it is ready, that is, the water, electricity, gas, i don't know, it's all ready and it reduces our infrastructure costs. . this is one way, it will help us a lot in the housing debate . the next step is the worn-out land. the next point
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is precisely guided loans in a way that will be a serious help for those who want housing. now what about the contractors who want to build an assembly. or people who want to get some land now. 6 to 8 in order to get together, for example, they want to build a block . in any case, look at the items mentioned in the law itself, but there is one accessory that i mentioned. now, i have the details in my mind and they are in my notes . it's our time, but housing is a serious issue, we can't ignore housing in any way , and of course we have to prevent something. today , the latest reports i have are vacant with a floor area of ​​approximately 150 meters and above. 150 meters above
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the country's capital is lying. the big capital of the country is sleeping, so what if this we were going to guide them, let's not allow this to grow, let's not let it develop, and let these investments come in small micro-housing, which will be even more profitable for them . in any case, there are different policies that we must follow, the housing issue is a concern. seriously, all of our people , especially our youth, and we want peace, if we want to give the society, one of its pillars is to provide housing for our citizens, which i am committed to in this sense, god willing, we can be successful, one minute and 30 seconds final summary yes anyway we apparently have a lot of questions for you before the meeting you said that we have a lot of questions , i didn't get most of them, that's really my right, then we can
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explain every question as far as possible to be persuasive. see, i think the economic system needs a comprehensive thinking, a comprehensive plan. you must see the relationship between the government and the forces. you should see the government's relationship with the investors . you should see the government 's relationship with the people. coordination in the implementation of efficient managers, committed experts and sincerity in their practice. it needs to be fulfilled, otherwise a good program cannot be in the hands of an inefficient manager or an expert who has no commitment to work. surely, this is the fate
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that we faced in some eras. thank you very much, mr. pourmohammadi, for your presence in the studio of the special talk of hojjat al-islam wal -muslimeen. i will say goodbye to you tonight. good night and god bless you for being with us.
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you are in this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your strength. to join the chele khemat campaign, you just need to do something for the people and send the number eight to 123 39. don't hurt your hand, put them in the fridge. why did this pain
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come off? it was like this from the beginning . didn't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no . why buy household appliances from the city? why, because it has both quality and a discount, a discount, a discount, a discount, a discount , and a prize every night, a winner of one hundred million tomans from the city. carpet.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salam, while
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different parties and groups specify the candidates they support in a letter, the 13 offices of the islamic association active in the country's universities asked the candidates for the presidential election to introduce their government members so that people would be aware of their approach in the elections. the presenter of the debates, which is usually the hottest program of the presidential elections, has been determined. mr. mehdi khosravi, the news anchor , will be the host of the election debates. the decor is new and the type of work will also be different. the uncomplicated program with the presidential candidates will be aired on 2030 from tomorrow , and the election documentaries will be broadcast from tuesday.


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