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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad be speedy. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news of the contract for the development and exploitation of the changuleh and karkheh oil fields between the national company of the southern oil-bearing regions and the oil development company and mabna gas and maham sharq industrial group were signed, according to the announcement of the national iranian oil company, this contract
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was signed with the aim of daily oil production from these two oil fields. the participation of the private sector by investing about 250 million dollars in the upstream of the oil industry is one of the characteristics of these two. chengoleh naqsh oil field development plan it is important in the economic prosperity and job creation of ilam province. it is expected that 600 direct and indirect job opportunities will be created with the implementation of this plan. the development and exploitation plan of band karkeh field in khuzestan will create 2,500 direct and indirect job opportunities. the investment amount of the contracts signed today will be about 2 billion dollars and their revenue will be 17 billion dollars. the trade balance of free zones in 1402 was more than 16 million euros. according to the report of
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free zone organizations last year, the total export from the country's free zones was equal to 136 million euros and in it was against the total import of 130 million euros . according to this report, in 1402 , free and special economic zones witnessed a threefold increase in contract investment plans and a threefold increase in realized domestic and foreign investment in comparison. it has been with the previous year. currently, 48 free and special economic zones are active in the country. in the latest report of the central bank, the bank interest rate decreased in the week ending june 3rd. according to this report , the bank's interest rate in the week ending on the 23rd of june has decreased by one hundred percent to 23 and 63. the highest rate
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last year's interest was related to the week ending october 5, which reached 23.8 hundred percent. bank interest rate is the interest rate applied on short -term bank loans, which affects the bank interest rate, inflation, recession and other investment markets. sales volume of government power plants. it increased 110 times in the energy exchange, according to the announcement of the ministry of energy, from the beginning of june to june 21 this year, 25 government power plants and 31 private power plants supplied electricity in the energy exchange. during this period, government power plants accounted for the largest volume of transactions with 1,348,000 megawatt hours. the supply volume of private power plants it was 11475 thousand megawatt hours. also, 39
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electricity distribution companies sold 24,965,000 megawatt hours of electricity in the energy exchange from the beginning of june to the end of last week. accountable companies prioritize the use of customs and tax facilities. the minister of economy, in the gathering of the top managers of the private sector, said that in the past , there was no difference between companies with good accounts and bad companies in paying government taxes, but the ministry of economy in the 13th government tried to identify companies that fulfill their social responsibilities. did better , they should be prioritized in the distribution of tax debts or payment of customs duties. mr. khandozi expressed hope in the future, other government agencies should prioritize the use of government facilities for reputable companies. the director of
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tawanir company's subscriber affairs announced that the offices will allocate nearly 5,000 megawatts of 62,000 megawatts of final electricity consumption to themselves. i am talking about this with the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tavanir company, mr. ahmadi. hello, have a good time. what is the deal with high-use offices? in the name of god, i am at your service and my dear viewers, greetings and courtesy. and i respect as reported last week. tawanir company has many programs this year it has provided a comprehensive plan to manage the consumption of offices . in this program , consumption management of all departments of the country is monitored and
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evaluated on a daily and weekly basis. i must tell you that this monitoring is done by smart meters, which most of our offices currently have. departments that are not able to manage consumption and reduce consumption are equipped with smart meters , their consumption will be automatically limited by the meters, and it is also stipulated that the names of these departments should be notified to the dear people of iran and also to the regulatory institutions. . i have a request all respected colleagues and officials in offices and organizations have three keys that can be easily achieved by using these three keys to reduce the load by 30% during office hours and 60% during non-office hours. the first key is that all our loved ones who are in the offices
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turn on the generators from 10 am and the generators are on until the end of the time when the colleagues are in the office. in normal areas, water coolers should be placed far away, and the third and most important point this is that before 13:00, which is the closing time of the offices, in the summer, they must turn off all the cooling devices and unnecessary systems so that we can, god willing, manage. let's do the consumption. thank you, mr. ahmadi, the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tawanir company . continued news. for the first time in the country, the default declaration of value added tax in the winter of 1402
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was created in the maadian system. the estimated declaration and the increase of more than two and a half million tax maadi with the launch of the maadi system was one of the actions that was followed by the government of the president of the city. all of this the hassles ended up with a tax auditor to determine the tax of a businessman or ceo with just a signature. if someone wants to follow these stories and cases, they can easily collect all the taxes. those days, i.e. in 1993, he was the attorney general of the country. there are some businesses that have contracts, and these contracts , including taxes, are hidden both from the eyes of the inspectors and from the eyes of the relevant officials. my reason is that it cannot be done with transparency.
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this concern of payment can be corrected yes, it means that the tax evasion of those who have not paid taxes for centuries can be taken by the collar when it goes to the judiciary. he pursued tax justice. as the role of an intelligent system increases, the role of individuals and many of the troubles that you are caught up in today will decrease. it was in the same year that the parliament passed the law on store terminals and the taxpayer system. however, according to the report of the majlis research center, this law was not implemented as it should be. passing our time to the year 1400. the important issue of justice is that taxes are collected from people and not from people the way out of this situation is that we go for a
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smart tax system, where the data is given to this system, all the data. economic activities should be transparent with the election of mr. raeesi as the president, now the addressee of those needs was himself, and this should be the priority of the minister of economy, mr. raees. in order to follow it, the president should go to the ministry of economy to monitor the tax, the provincial tax will be smart, that means communication. madi will be completely cut off in the field of added value, which is very important. now you said, god willing,
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we will be like this by the end of the year, or we should go a little further. the information that is entered in it is not the same as the one you mentioned in your report. now the work is being checked. from the beginning of december 1402 , according to the parliament's amendment to the law on the maadian system and the store terminal, the issuance of electronic invoices in the maadian system became mandatory, and on april 100, this statement the default is for the first time that according to the law, based on the information actually included in maadian's special folder and based on the information entered in maadian's system , it will be available to maadiani . maadian was taxed and brought the provincial tax closer to justice, which is the same issue that the martyred president had promised from the beginning. i hope that, god willing, what is good and good for
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our beloved nation will happen, god willing, and peace and blessings of god be upon you . in order to meet the needs of the market , the commercial profit of livestock and meat imports was reduced to zero. according to the new discussion of the government board regarding the amendment of commercial profit. all kinds of goods. the commercial profit of all kinds of meat, thighs, straight and cold cuts reached 0%. in the meeting of the government board at the beginning of june, the commercial profit of 11 types of meat was considered. most of iran's meat imports come from australia, russia and the countries of central asia and the caucasus. in the first two months of this year, more than 1,200,000 tires were imported. according to the ministry, the value of tires imported into the country
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is estimated at 92.5 million dollars, which has increased by 89% compared to the same period last year. from the beginning of the year to the end of ardi behesht this year, the production of tires in our country was more than 4,360,000 rings, of which nearly 90% were produced in the passenger car sector. another news is the explanation of supply and sale. push tire ride without warranty was banned for van tire manufacturers. the standard organization announced that from august this year, manufacturers will be required to provide a warranty card along with each tire ring. based on this , tire manufacturers or importers are required to provide the tire warranty along with information such as production date and 5-year warranty period to the buyers. ticket sales for passenger trains between july 1st and july 15th
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will start on tuesday, june 29th. according to the announcement of the islamic republic of iran railways, the sale of tickets for the first half of july will start at 8:00 a.m. the day after tomorrow on authorized online platforms tickets will be sold at authorized offices from 11:00. eu members on the application of the 14th package. sanctions against russia were not agreed upon. news sources reported that negotiations between european union member states on liquefied natural gas sanctions failed at the last minute due to germany's opposition. berlin is worried that expanding sanctions will hurt small businesses in germany. the american website politico reported that the european commission is in talks with the german chancellor to withdraw the veto. and exposing the violation of the american company boeing in using low-quality parts in the construction of airplanes
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there is a new scandal for this company. boeing is accused of buying airplane parts made using low-quality titanium and claiming in fake documents that these parts have sufficient safety. cbs reported that these defective parts were most likely used in the boeing 737 max from 2019 to 2023. in recent months, american boeing planes have suffered many accidents such as the door being ripped off during flight and the tire bursting or the front wheel not opening during landing. end of economic news. good day and god bless you.
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greetings again, dear compatriots, after your service let me tell you that yesterday during the month of sha'ban, during the hottest hour of the day among the centers of the provinces , the temperature reached 7 degrees above zero in ahvaz and it was declared as the warmest center of the province. this is while this morning, during the first hour of the morning , the temperature in kurd city reached 9 degrees above zero , and it was the coolest center of the province. in terms of rains, i must say that today
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we are witnessing rains in the northwestern parts of the country, as well as the elbert heights and the northern slopes of the zagros to some extent in the central areas of the northeastern parts. the intensity of the rains that caused flooding of public roads during today the water level of the river and canals in the northern parts of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan , ardabil province, as well as the northern parts of zanjan province , the northern parts of hamadan province, the northern parts of central province and the highlands of qazdin alborz, tehran, semnan , mazandaran, the eastern parts of north khorasan province and the districts north of razavi khorasan province , due to the intensity of the rains in these areas, we are witnessing the flooding of the public roads , we are witnessing the rise of the water level of the river and canals, so we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of the river and canals. tomorrow the rains will continue in the sector in the northwest of the central slopes of the zagros, the elbort slopes continue. during tomorrow , there will be heavy rains and flooding in the northern parts of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil province , the highlands of zanjan province, alborz, tehran, the
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northwestern highlands of the provinces and parts of mazandaran province. considering the intensity of the rains , we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals on this day as well . on tuesday and also on wednesday , the rains will continue in the northwestern parts of the country, the northern slopes of the zagros, the slopes of alborz. and on thursday we will witness the rains in the northwestern parts, especially the slopes of alborz and the southern shores of the caspian sea, but for the next 5 days , another phenomenon that will be seen is the sport of strong winds. that in the parts of the eastern part of the country, especially in the zabul region, the speed of the wind increases . strong winds in this region are the cause of mold and dust, reducing the quality of air and reducing visibility. avoid half-finished structures. also, during this period, due to the wind blowing
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in the eastern parts of the oman sea, do not forecast thank you for your attention.
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was targeted the area of ​​the jordan plain that is far from the borders of jordan. hezbollah rockets reached tiberias, lake and some other areas. for this reason , we advise the people of the northern regions to be careful.
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we must also consider that the story is not over yet. after hezbollah's decision to fire dozens of missiles and launch dozens of drones to different areas, the occupying regime faced unusual attacks , which iron dome was unable to deal with.
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air target this regime. this fact is imprinted in the minds of the zionists that the answer is not yet complete it has not been done and it continues with the continuation of the activities of the support front. shuqa barikla chagha zanbi. children and teenagers friendly museum. every museum wants to be a national museum, the museum should be understandable and acceptable to children, and for this , some effort should be made in the architecture of the museum, some should be the type of showcase, then the guide
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, special literature, special catalogs and special brochures and many other things. which should be done especially for children and in this way we will actually create a child-friendly museum inside the space we want, this is at the world level in iran, i can say that during the last decade it means that most of our museums have a special children's section , a child's guide, a child's catalog, with these activities we are doing , we are bringing the museums closer to youth activists, to facilitate their entry , to make it easier for them to talk and go. and have the freedom to do the activities they like , that is, closed-door music, which allows a teenager who wants to be able to have a good time. rebelliously and rebelliously, research, see, talk, talk , or not, based on the indicators of the international council of museums (icom), 8 indicators for child-friendly museums and
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juvenile has been determined. the international council of museums (icom) has actually set 8 different indexes , but we in iran have created more indexes based on our needs. one of these indexes is the index of children and adolescents, which is actually our most important audience in museums. he is a teenager, and it is important that a museum can carry out its activities in accordance with this group and the type for which the museum was built , and then we did this, and for this reason, at different levels, that is, large museums , small and medium museums. and the museums related to our private sector in lol, for example, children and teenagers we measure this . this year's icom global slogan is the liberation of knowledge and research. in this workshop , we will consider the ways that adolescents over 13 years of age, which are up to 23-4 years old, how to attract them to the museum and the new educational and
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research methods that can be done for teenagers and together we work this year, several museums in iran, such as the niavaran historical cultural complex and the children's art and literature museum, which is the center of education. fakhri children and adolescents is recognized as the best museum in the field of children and adolescents. among the big government museums was the palace niavaran or historical culture collection of niavaran during the year in relation to the creation of various workshops , holding and creating an audience, that is, in fact, in a way , facing the audience and guiding the children , these were very excellent, and there were things that were done and the collection was next to the exhibition. the workshops and training and the involvement of a wide range of children made the museum superior
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. in the national museum of iran, we have programs for painting to make sculptures for ancient games and entertainments, minting coins and various topics in the museum, in fact , we do things for children, they are the inheritors of our land , and we all have an obligation to help my children learn, but the advice of the head of the national museum of iran to parents to accompany them children and teenagers visiting museums, if you come to the museum , respect the children
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, spend time with them and let them enjoy the museum. at least once, come and check the date remember that the museum is not only for leisure time, the museum is for all year round. it is to be able to respond to the cultural and educational needs of our children .
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this is a sports equipment store in sarai, iran , where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety , then take it to your home at an unbelievable price with long-term installments and free shipping . just like that, sports equipment store in sarai great iranian big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. here the sports complex is blue waves. two completely separate halls, for men and women, with an area of ​​70,000 square meters, in the largest sports complex in the world, 60 exciting water slides, the largest wave pool in the middle east, two wild rivers.
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don't let the blue waves of mashhad near imam rauf's shrine serve the pilgrims. put them in the refrigerator. why did this door break? it was the same from the beginning. did n't you buy it from the city of home appliances? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no . why buy it from the city of home appliances? why, because it has both quality and a discount, a discount, a discount.
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a winner every night. 100 million tomans shahr farsh shahr household appliances. in the name of god. greetings and good day to you, our viewers. dear fellow countrymen , we present the 12 o'clock news together with my colleagues. the body of the second person who went missing in the thursday flood was also found on chalus road.


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