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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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bismillah, rahman, raheem, salam , welcome to the news section at 13:00. every candidate for the presidential election has a dedicated page for producing and broadcasting content on tv. the latest news of the presidential election candidates as well as broadcast programs or candidates are posted on the dedicated page of each candidate on tv , and the possibility of asking public questions is also provided. people can communicate with each candidate interactively. on the dedicated page of each candidate on tv, it is possible for people to
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cross-reference each video they see of the candidate. on the candidate's page, they can present their opinions and the candidate can see these opinions, the representatives of the candidates can see and check these opinions, and possibly the answers to the opinions, if there is a question or for the betterment of their studio's plans, people's answers present it that way. the person in charge of holding presidential elections abroad said that 344 special ballot boxes were sent abroad . according to mr. mahmoudi, there are more than 10 ballot boxes in england, and in new york and washington, mobile boxes are considered photo-based voting boxes. definitely at the representative offices of the islamic republic, including embassies and consulates general. i said that in
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iraq, in germany, in sweden, in england, and in a number of countries where citizens of the islamic republic of iran and our dear countrymen are present in different departments, our embassy, ​​the honorable ambassador and our colleagues consulted with the local authorities and were able to, in fact, in other places. permission to have a ballot box. in germany, apart from the four offices in berlin, which is our embassy, ​​munich and frankfurt, hamburg, and actually these three are the four offices in frankfurt. according to the announcement of tavanir ba
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the increase in air temperature and electricity consumption of departments and organizations that do not follow the working hours and laws related to saving electricity consumption will be introduced to the tehran governorate, the upper regulatory authorities and the public. in this regard, i am talking with the deputy of tavanir company explanation coordination. mr. zabihi, hello , and have a good time. i wanted to know how much electricity consumption was compared to yesterday, and what methods do you suggest to subscribers to manage electricity consumption? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i wish you a good day and a good day . congratulations. well, today according to the increase.
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about two degrees of temperature, we saw an increase in electricity consumption. estimates indicate that today the demand for electricity will reach more than 71 thousand megawatts, which will be the highest demand since the beginning of this year. based on this , the expectation that we have and the demand that we have from our respected subscribers at the level of the country is to comply with consumption management. for electricity , there are recommendations that can be made in this field, the use of cooling devices, water coolers with slow speed , the setting of air conditioners at a comfortable temperature of 25 to 24 degrees celsius, the non-use of devices there are high consumption of electricity, including washing machines, irons, and other high consumption devices, so our subscribers and respected people, because they are nobles anyway
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, i will explain this issue in the peak time period. it is 16:00 and at night from 19:00 to 23:00 . also, considering that it is expected that at the end of this week, due to the upcoming holiday, we will see an increase in the number of trips to the most traveled areas of the country, including the northern part of the country, from here. i am asking the loved ones who have travel expenses and the local people who live in these areas lt is. they want to save electricity consumption and help us in any way to provide better services to our dear people in order to make it possible for all our dear compatriots to enjoy electricity consumption. dear people, they ask how we can
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be economical and manage electricity consumption optimally. from here , i invite my loved ones to participate in the campaign of 21/15 with energy. in this survey, by referring to dargahda.r, friends can learn about the correct way to use electrical appliances , how to estimate the amount of electricity they consume, according to the calculations that exist in that portal. they can also answer their questions by referring to this. they will get answers to their questions and in addition to all this, by participating in this campaign , they can participate and benefit from the large prize draw by collecting points. special thanks to mr. zabihi, vice president of tabanir company. in a message, the spokesman of the qassam battalions
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asked the pilgrims of baitullah al-haram to remember their brothers in gaza with sincere prayers in the holy places during the hajj rituals. abu ubaidah said: if the islamic ummah is obliged to wage jihad against the enemies of god and the occupiers of kasab are busy. they were sleeping in the middle of the night when the rubble fell on them in the east of gaza, and a child survived. kilometers away in mecca, muslims are praying.
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may god unite our hearts and countries for the liberation of palestine. outside mecca, the name of gaza is often repeated. and sanctioning the zionists is a common request like the pakistanis who want their government to cut ties with the united states and england and with any country that supports the genocide in the gaza strip. we did not fulfill our human duty. 59 muslim countries around the world sleep peacefully at night that thousands of people were martyred in gaza.
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outside of this area, manchester university in england is pushing to break ties with the zionists. the people whose number of victims in the zionists' aggression has crossed the border of 37 thousand people, god bless you, and now the takbir singers are going to welcome eid al-adha , saeed zanneh of sedav and sima news agency. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day. god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen. hello, my dear compatriots, hello, good evening. you are very welcome , especially the election program on the first page, which is dedicated to the discussion with the honorable candidates of the 14th presidential election cycle, focusing on the review. performance records and records of the respected candidates , thank you very much for devoting your time to us and watching this program . we pay our respects to all the dear and valuable martyrs of our country
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, especially the first-line martyrs of martyr ayatollah raisi , martyr dr. hossein amir abdullahian, martyr soleimani, and all the precious martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the name of dear iran. in this program , i will have a conversation with mr. masoud bizikian, the respected candidate of the 14th term of the presidential election. please accompany us mr. doctor hello, you are very welcome to serve you and dear viewers hello, i wish you success and health and ask god for health and pride for all the dear people of our country. thank you, mr. doctors, as i said. in the program on the first page, we mostly focus on reviewing the performance records of the respected candidates. it is good for your excellency to refer to the records you had and the responsibilities you assumed during your service, especially if
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you say in those reviews that the lowest responsibility that you have in the service ranks first you accepted and through this hierarchy until please let me know how you spent today. thank you. i was born in mahabad in mehr 1333, and my father went there from parents who were ordinary employees. was working. i was in mahavad through elementary and high school until cycle, and then i came to urmia and went to the conservatory. we studied at the agricultural college in urmia for 3 years and graduated from the college. we went to work. we were in karaj for 6 months and then we went to zabul and sistan baluchistan and so on. we actually served there for a year and a half, and there were records there too. the situation forced us to sit and study properly. we came to mahabad in the year 135 and four, when the service ended, in fact
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, we got a diploma in natural science again, i got first place at that time in mahabad, and then we entered the medical university. finally, the efforts that were made there before the revolution and after the revolution, the efforts that were formed. more responsibilities start from there. the war started and we became responsible for the emergency teams. we did not carry out any operations against the ashura army, except for ourselves or the children. the children were among the children who believed and believed in the so-called value in the system and all those times were actually with the revolution of 98 and for the revolution. all the dear ones who were there were trying to defend our country. i was present in the scenes
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. there was no operation of the ashura army unless we were behind the front and the cooperation of the doctors . then the war ended and the cultural revolution began. during the cultural revolution war , universities began to be attacked and protests started from our faculty, and this was because of the problems that have arisen now. mission and then all the universities of the country were closed and in the end, we stopped studying there for 3 years, but in reality, the work done there was different issues, where we were also involved in the management of the academic jihad, and in the academic jihad , the responsibilities we had, we mostly went to villages and deprived areas and places like this. after the academic jihad was over and the university was opened , we started to continue our studies from the very beginning, we were looking at the deprived areas during the revolution, because our idea was that we made the revolution
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to reach the deprived and their problems were the structure of the family doctor and help from him. time with studies that with students and it was formed in our minds by our friends. finally , we finished general medicine and entered surgery. we were studying and we were the second in the country in terms of the exam.
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we got a heart surgery specialist for 3 years, one year we were in tabriz, two years a patient of martyr raji, my wife became infertile in the above specialized shariati hospital, and naturally we were going like this, then something happened, we lost our wife finally. one of my children died in that accident and during this life we ​​lived together with our three children and we were both fathers and mothers to these loved ones. and naturally , we were with them everywhere we went, and then the first time after we came , we got the heart surgery, well, my wife was running the infertility department, when the accident happened , we also started the heart surgery at the service of our professor there , and then the first responsibility that we found it , we officially became the head of the hospital, the head of the heart hospital, and
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then we became the head of the university in tabriz . we were at tabriz university for about 7 years, then i became the deputy minister. then i became a minister, after that we became a representative, then i became the first vice president of the parliament for one term, and finally, after that, i am serving you as a vice president. after four terms, stay healthy in the parliament . may the survivors be safe and sound, mr. doctor, as i understood , the first responsibility you accepted was officially in the hospital. previously , we were officially responsible for the so-called selections in the university, but he is the president of the university the main thing was that when we found the responsibility of selecting him , at the beginning of the revolution, we didn't fire anyone, we didn't deal with any of the professors because , legally, the court had to decide, in many universities
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, we fired many professors. we did not put ourselves in the position of the judge. to do politics with someone and purify them because it was called purification and even we strongly defended our professors despite the fact that at that time there was a revolution and we had power and we could do anything , we never disrespected our professors in any way. even when i became a minister, it was not possible for a professor to come and enter my room before him because he was our professor, so we went through the process in this way. and i believe that we should always respect people and those who teach people skills, and appreciate them. if we appreciate them , then we can build our country. now
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, the problem that you had in your management time until now in the records you had as an indicator. success to solve the problems of the country, people, whatever now, do you want us to mention what you are referring to? as soon as we made the revolution , we were thinking of being able to provide proper service to all the people for whom we are responsible. we saw the international and regional experiences and the documents and works, well, in our view, what was studied at first was the issue of dealing with these deprived areas. what we did was the four so-called discussion systems of the management structure, program, and resources that we had to think about. regarding the structure of the equipment and facilities and this in the university where we became responsible, well, our facilities were few, especially in deprived areas, and the language of our approach
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was not shared between the officials and those who managed. we should first coordinate our approach with those who work and improve our infrastructure we did a great job there, our villages had very few health houses. one day, we decided to finish these health houses as a mobilization . he was sitting with basij children in a meeting in a children's hospital. it occurred to me we told these loved ones that we want to build 500 health houses in the name of 500 martyrs within two months. there is nothing wrong with them saying, but they think we are joking. because the total credit they gave us was for 10 health houses per year, which took two years to build 10. which year? in 1976 and 1975, we decided to have a meeting , but they didn't come, we had a meeting with our managers, and i told
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them that i arrived late, the managers were all there. because you ask a lot i don't want to go into details. we were supposed to build 600 health houses in 2 months. we finished 630 health houses in 6 months and we named each health house after a martyr. our managers did not believe at all that a university president who is a heart surgeon would take his children to the mountains to work in the villages, but we built 600 health houses in the name of 600 martyrs. next year , we built hair health centers because we built 50 centers there based on this. the point of view that we had to build and finally do things in the relationship and program management, this management was about being able to manage the system in a scientific framework , not that we should come to the workshop
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, we made a plan . the secretary general of the world health organization came to evaluate our system. the arrival of this in the region caused them to come up and say that there is news there, sir. finally, we were made deputy ministers, and then we became ministers. he had no money, we told him to come the hospital must be covered and served. we operated in three provinces as a pilot , and naturally , we tried to create a common language among the managers. we have come after we fixed everyone, finally, when we entered the parliament, well, at that time , we vaccinated 30 or so million people
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, we made accidents free in the country, we fixed the health infrastructure, we brought services related to prevention and treatment for those who they don't have money, they don't have the means to solve it we have had accidents where patients come to the hospital and they don't get answers. we have done something so that when the patient comes to the hospital, the problem will be solved. well, it is detailed . we turned it all into a law, it became the law of the program, and finally , the problem we have now is that basically, anyone who gets sick, based on general policies, who is sick, when he enters the hospital, he should not have any other concerns other than the illness. we have come to the illustrated law. it was 10 the net percentage was the goal of mandy that if he came sick , he would not sell his house due to lack of money, but the problem we had was that governments
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usually did not implement these laws, and that is why we now have patients in hospitals due to the lack of these and lack of money. in any case , if the government of any government wants to come to work , the laws that have been written should be followed. have the air of the people . we passed the 11th version in the parliament. this 1% increase in width means special attention to disadvantaged areas, to villages, to cities with less than 20,000 people , to the outskirts of the city, where health care services are in it should be given to the people properly and appropriately. there is a principle in healthcare and that is that in order to be able to provide coverage, we must know who is responsible for what service. it should be given, at what price should it be given, and if it is not given, how should it be held accountable. if we apply this view in the country and implement it, it is not possible in the most remote
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part of the country, no matter what money someone has , what kind of people they have, and whether they have acquaintances. or not, hakmeet should see those whose eyes can't see him, see people whose voices others can't hear well, and those whose cries are others cannot listen. if we do this , no one will be deprived of services. first of all, what is your main slogan and what does this slogan have to do with your records and the main direction of your possible government that wants to move things forward? for iran with iranians based on right and justice. it is not possible for us to stand against this tension and problems unless we all join hands
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for our iran. let's get rid of these problems and find strength to resist and endure and solve the problems we are facing. it is not possible to save iran by one group, one faction, one group. iran should be treated with all the ethnic groups , that is, all these words and discussions that we do should be based on truth and justice. reforms on the basis of right and justice mean that we must do something about the rights of different regions of kurdistan, lorestan , baluchistan, sistan, khuzestan, all these regions in the country should be dealt with on the basis of justice, and with themselves and with their company, the concept of right and justice according to your highness. what is going to happen to rome ? aren't you just asking for justice, amashi? in this context, we have social rights , we have divine rights, there is a book
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written by shahid beheshti, in fact, before the revolution , they discussed with a series of experts, their series of arguments, right and justice from the perspective of the qur'an, whoever wants to understand it. what do we say? refer to that book . humans as individuals have rights. i have the right to choose . i have the right to live. according to this law , there is a relationship between individual rights and sovereignty society is the relationship between a person and the responsibility he accepts . these have specific written frameworks in the laws . it is a natural right that, for example, science proves that this is the right way, not his right. what i am saying is that science proves that this path can make us better
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than that. one way to reach the destination. accepting a better path, a more correct path, based on documents and reasons, is a trick, and if we deprive our country and our society of that right in management, backwardness, poverty, injustice, deprivation, corruption, all because we ignore some rights, some social rights, some scientific rights we will take and that i have the right to choose as a human being. how to live, how to dress, how to walk, these are the things that exist at all , it exists from the point of view of belief , it exists from the point of view of science, it also exists from the point of view of experience . first of all, you don't see the injustice that is being done to that region. most of the complaints that we have now in this country are because we ignore the social rights or the individual rights of people
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. if all this shows that we should have a coherence in the functioning of the forces. that we can let's achieve these goals. good programs must be possible with a good movement from all the internal organs, especially the three powers. you diagnosed that. how can the relations between the powers be improved and what are the damages , whether at the high or middle levels, see the scientific issue , people have different tastes, they have different opinions, but when it becomes a law, it becomes a common covenant of the society that everyone must adhere to. but there is one thing, every law that we write must have that right and justice in it, if we


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