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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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the war aimed at managing the gaza war was formed on the 19th of october last year with the presence of netanyahu's opposition figures with the aim of creating an internal consensus among the parties regarding the continuation of the war in gaza. in spite of this targeting, the differences of the war cabinet were learned from the very first days, until a few days ago gantt announced that netanyahu does not have a specific plan for the release of the zionist prisoners and the end of the war. that he is no longer willing to participate in the decisions of the war cabinet and is ready to hold early elections. unfortunately, netanyahu prevented us from achieving victory this is why we are leaving the coalition of the israeli government . now, shortly after gantt's resignation from the war cabinet, netanyahu said that he no longer needs a collective decision in the war cabinet. he dissolved the war cabinet and said that he takes decisions in a limited council of cabinet ministers. a decision that
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has given a new life to the protests of the zionists against benjamin netanyahu and brought the regime's cabinet one step closer to dissolution and early elections. especially now that the former officials of the regime agree with the members of the knesset that israel is in its worst situation in history. if this government will remain in office with its failures and failures , we will soon. we will face several united fronts against us, and this means that qassem soleimani's dream will come true. mohammedan nakmin of the sda news agency, another soldier committed suicide by shooting himself in the head two days after returning from gaza. this is the second suicide of israeli soldiers in the past week. the identity of this soldier has not been mentioned. last week , another regime soldier named eliran mizrahi
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committed suicide after returning from gaza. last week , the jerusalem post newspaper wrote in a report: thousands of israeli soldiers who have returned from gaza because of the pressure mental and anxiety suffer. young professionals of a knowledge-based company. crocin is the main pigment found in red gold, which has many applications in the food, pharmaceutical and health industries. with an annual production of 350 tons of saffron, iran ranks first in the world in the production of this product , but about 80% of our saffron is exported and more than 90% of global exports. it belongs to
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us. now the elite scientists thought of a solution to prevent the sale of red gold raw by developing the technology of processing saffron and extracting its pigments. the crocins that we extracted in three khals are from saffron and are a very innovative industry. we use it for most of nejat daru factory . currently, many countries are using this product and its extract, but we mostly export raw saffron. if we come to the production of this product and the export of this product , the value of this product will increase tens of times. it is ready to use in various industries. rosin is actually pure saffron with 99% purity. we extracted that in the pharmaceutical industry the name of the raw material of the drug
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is actually used for the formulation of many anti-alzheimer's drugs, anti-depressants, cardiovascular diseases, and memory-related diseases. in addition, we actually have 40% of the extract, which is used for the food industry of supplements, and 20% of the extract is used for the industry. cosmetics, as the experts of this knowledge-based company say, this achievement of technologists
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has a transnational customer and is exported all over the world. it can power up to 700 watts produce the most up-to-date panels in the world , and we can produce a wide range of panels that we call bifacial, which means that they generate electricity from both sides, they are double glass, both sides are glass, and all kinds of technologies from p-type -n-type and it can produce different types of panels . this line is considered one of the most up-to-date active lines in the world. during mr. mehrabian's trip to the central province, there are also 12 solar power plants, an electric power plant and a wind power plant with a definite capacity of 74 megawatts in khorasan-razavi provinces. , qom, kerman, yazd, semnan and lorestan were opened. by entering
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advanced cancer treatment devices to the country , we became self-sufficient from the patient to abroad. announcing this news, the vice president of the ministry of health said that the growth rate of cancer in the world is saudi, but iran has a lower growth rate compared to other european countries. in the past, we didn't have devices like cyberknife gaman in the country. patients had to go to turkey and europe. well, it's not good for our doctors, who are able to treat it in terms of human resources, because we don't have the equipment. . and these advanced cancer treatment devices it has become very advanced , it was purchased, and today, thank god, we don't need to send anyone abroad for this kind of service
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. it was very difficult for our children. having four or more children in the park is a joy. the families created more happiness for their children and said that the park is a joy. 5 to four sons, one daughter, six children, and one sister he is also the brother of a clean course. with the title of sweet world, some people came with their friends . we have four children. masha, friends, all of them have four children . my friends, all of them have four children. did you come with your sister and child, and
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sister and daughter? and children and all 24 happy hearts, thanks to the program that became an opportunity for more families . jovana told them about their demands, if someone is going to implement the law, it should be equal for all sections of the society. the economic concern is the concern of all our people. being bound to participate in political scenes has no problem with the system. our belief tells us that we have to vote, we have a duty to participate in the elections , to investigate, to investigate, our duty is only to identify the real candidate, we cast our vote , we leave the rest to the hands of the official who comes, he actually gets to work, so let's go
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to the children. this course is most pleasant and interesting for children, we are very happy with them. the scenes that remained are also in the family gatherings of mir tahari of sed and sima news agency , pilgrims from different countries of the world, another part of the rituals. hajj tamattu was performed in the land of mina. last night was the second night of bituti zahiran in mina. on the second day of waqf, iranian pilgrims went to rami jamrat in the land of mena. during the 3-day stay of pilgrims in mena, officials and clergy of the caravans perform cultural programs for these pilgrims. the symbol of
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satan is our own ego. it is a symbol of other devils. if possible, for the coming years, for the pilgrims, in terms of the space they will be placed for the iranian pilgrims . everything is great excellent, thank god, and very well organized . the supreme leader in the land of mena will hold a ceremony tonight to honor the martyrs of service and also the martyrs of mena. iranian pilgrims, together with 1.8 million foreign pilgrims , will leave the land of mena tomorrow with rami jamrat to perform the rest of the rituals in mecca.
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ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you . welcome to sports news. good evening. 14 iranian volleyball players have been selected for the match against america in the third week of the league of nations. farahani valizade arman mizam salehi wadi behnjad berbst and ismailnejad 14 players of the national volleyball team of our country will be away from america. iran's national volleyball team, which is in manila, philippines to hold its games in the third week of the league of nations , will play against the united states of america in its first game on wednesday the 3rd of june at 14:30. and a report of the members of iran's rowing team, their hands full in the
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under-23-year-old calm water competition, and the young people of asia returned to their homeland in thailand. 1 2 3 4 5 medals, mashallah, what did you do ? you won all of them, kurds. i managed to win three bronze medals in singles and two silver medals in doubles . i got a good result, i was able to win four gold medals in the competition . my goal is much higher than this. first of all , i have the olympics in mind, but before that we have the asian games, in which i hope we can win a nice medal. between countries uzbekistan , kazakhstan and iran were fortunately our team you were able to return good results compared to last year
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, the level of these competitions was much higher, better teams came to these competitions, athletes came from azbag, gaza, who participated in the asian games. the upcoming events still have some important concerns , we need a boat, we don't have a problem with oars, but we need a new boat. in fact, the quality of work tools is a bit lower than the level of europe . god willing, this deficiency can be compensated. the ministry promised 20-30 billion tomans to purchase equipment we have given the honorable ministry of sports and youth that we hope, god willing, this will come true and we will be able to import new boats that the children really need . for the world championship on the 27th of july. it will be held in bulgaria by mehdi ziai , the media agency of the imam khomeini international airport, may
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god bless you, thank you for being with us. have a good night with sports news today, tuesday, the 29th of june, the 11th of zihujjah, the 18th of june, in the morning in tehran at 3 o'clock and 2 minutes of sunrise at 48 minutes of noon
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. salam alaikum, sir , i have reached the end of my speech. choose yourself or let others choose for you. i chose myself . you have never chosen something in your life. yes , what happened. now , you can't say many things. i have lost one or two, what happened to my wife? my family chose me, but thanks to god , i am satisfied with many things that my parents chose . what was the result? now, good or bad, we finally got a good omen. what else happened until now
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, since you chose me , i chose my wife myself, and i am very happy with it. very. i tried to choose by myself, right or wrong, now we leave it to god's hand, the result was good, sometimes my time was not good, but because i chose myself, i am satisfied with the choices you made, whether the result was good or bad 99 was good, a choice that has a positive impact on my life, especially my future is with jon i choose with my heart and i do it. in my life, we choose ourselves, or someone chooses for us. because , for example, 20 years later, 10 years later, we will not return to this situation again at this age, because if we do not choose this, we will regret it in 20 years . i trusted those people from whom i asked for their opinion. choose or choose yourself, i will choose myself, no one should choose for us what i want, i will consider
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if it is good quality, if it is available, i will choose it. but if he doesn't have it, with the cooperation of my sister or those with whom i will buy it, basically we have to choose ourselves because we have to choose our own destiny. i like to choose myself . i have reached an age where i know what is right and what is wrong. i must be an adult. a wise adult should choose for himself. wow, others can choose . when i give my priorities in life , i make my own decisions and it usually turns out well. you are choosing, not me. you saw it, not me. i have to see, i'm living with him, i have to stay with him for a lifetime, for example, when you choose what's the point of falling into a hole? it 's my choice, but if others make me fall into a hole, it's a very different matter. do you take my advice? yes , of course, because i don't seek advice, because they have more experience and know more than me
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, i choose myself, but in some places, too. we have to consult each other every year, i try not to be one-on-one. i don't want to be, and as far as i know , from the point of view of someone who is the owner of the consultation, my source and source is not the words of anyone, the quran itself says that you should not accept any news that is brought to you, and you have made a wrong choice in your life. there is, but some of them have no way back. where you made a wrong choice , what was the reason? don't participate and don't choose yourself, then can you complain or not? no way, when i didn't participate myself, how can i have the right to complain when i wasn't the time to make the decision ? hey, there's a line in the middle . why is it
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like this? it is that you want to tell later why this criticism. i have to keep quiet because i didn't choose it myself when i can give my opinion, i will make it difficult for me to choose. when we did not choose anything ourselves, we were not healthy. they are waiting for a
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wave to arise and ride on that wave . it doesn't matter whether it is one way or the other . it is a winning card that i made a choice and you should be responsible for my choice, but i will not vote and be very indifferent to the issues. i can't come and say. now i have this request definitely, if i make a decision for myself , i can object to that decision by myself tomorrow, that is , if tomorrow happens to be the day that something happens to me, i can give my opinion on whether it is really wrong, so now i can ask why, sir. the current situation is like this, the election is a trick
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, i don't consider it my duty, it's my right and i won't ignore my right, it's the people's participation that makes the right choice dynamic and effective. let them decide for me about each one the lives of all iranians are related to iran's soil. we do not have the necessary expertise in all fields. we must choose people who have the necessary expertise in all dimensions , politically, socially, culturally, and religiously. at. they should have an opinion and people's affairs are our problems too, they should finally estimate our problems. we are different from the old, we are new, our morals, our behavior, our way of speaking
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, everything is different . let's give them 100 votes, will it be effective after 4 years? no, only for 4 years, only after these 4 years are over, i will go back to before the 4 years of the presidency . there is one power, which is the executive power of the country, and if the strategies of foreign policy and domestic policy are wrong, it is definitely the seventh step that we are facing now. the seventh step will not be realized, so we must somehow bring a person with a weapon to work who can have continuous planning and from this good planning, move forward the strategies of the islamic system in a very clear and clear way. your choice determines the next stage of your life. did you prepare yourself for a correct choice? sarah kia of sada and sima news agency, 27
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passenger planes have been hit in the sky so far , two of these 27 in iran. someone said that in the summer of 1967 , our country's passenger plane with 290 passengers was shot down in broad daylight by a missile fired from the american ship vincent, and all 290 passengers , 66 of whom were children, were martyred. he strongly approved and the killer commander was encouraged. the next incident happened 31 years later in the winter of 2018, somewhere in the south of tehran, the ukrainian plane was mistakenly targeted by air defense. accident in a situation
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a complete crisis occurs five days after another incident, but this time not in iran, in iraq , on the outskirts of baghdad airport, the americans assassinate one of the isis counter-terrorism commanders, who is the commander of the irgc's quds force, on the orders of their president. . iran immediately announces that it will take revenge for this terrorist operation from the americans. five days later, in a precise operation, one of the largest american terrorist military bases in an area that is 9,000 km away from their borders is attacked with 12 ballistic missiles. americans they announce that they will attack 52 points in iran. the situation in the region is extremely critical. it is in this situation that the ukrainian plane takes off from the airport. 6 minutes later, due to an error by a user of the defense system, the plane
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is recognized as the target of the attacker who is moving towards tehran. after an incident, iran quickly files a case. a military court is held and investigations begin. the doors are open even for international nazran experts. iran declares that there is nothing to hide and the detailed and transparent legal and technical investigations continue. of cooperation. we thank the iranian authorities. they have enough interaction with ukraine. we have been granted access to parts of the crashed aircraft in iran. and they even allowed us to form an international coalition to investigate the plane crash . but apart from these expert investigations , another terrorist operation against the islamic republic will begin. the operation room is formed in england. here in london. in the office of bc and inter. the iranian regime is looking for documents for the o'christ plane case, until they are held accountable, doubts about the intentionality of the attack on the plane will remain.
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it remains an operation that will continue for 5 years. it is with political figures and anyone who is against the islamic republic. it has become a political game with mesh riding on the blood of the victims of the tragic ukrainian plane crash. now, after 5 years, the news has arrived in the same court that was held in canada in 1400 and condemned iran. a hidden angle is revealed. the angle that disrupted the 5-year media terrorist operation . in a well-reasoned decision, the supreme court of canada condemned ukraine airlines for not complying with safety protocols. on pages 74 to 76 of this opinion, that is, in the reason section it is justified and in the statement of the issues and ruling, it is clearly stated that the non-observance of the necessary precautionary standards by the ukrainian airline company
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was the cause of this accident. also, in another part of this decision , it is stated that the non-observance of necessary measures and measures based on international standards by the ukrainian company was the cause of this incident and accident, on the basis of this, a technical defect in the plane's transmitter system and the lack of technical inspection by the ukrainian airline are among the effective factors. in the obvious carelessness and negligence, on the same page 74 to 76, it is clearly stated that the pilot of the plane ignored repeated warnings from the air defense. iran has not paid any attention and this vote actually mentions a basic point, which is that for airlines that operate in war zones , the main priority should be to save lives.
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may the passengers be safe, now the result of the court case, which has occurred for only one of the 27 passenger plane crashes in the world, has been determined. if the ukrainian airline company did not comply with the rules , human error would not have occurred. an hour ago, the ontario supreme court issued a verdict, and now these crocodile tears are with the families the victims talked about dried up and this. the legal piece has become the piece of political games.
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guys, i got some money, i want to start a business, what is your suggestion, because azad is a golden opportunity, you can have a new idea , a production line, there is no installment if you don't have expertise , you can set up and sell freely , don't worry about the costs. .
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it will be divided among the buyers if you said where is this here , here, here, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, the candidates of the 14th term of the presidential election met and discussed with the chairman of the assembly of leadership experts. observance of electoral ethics by the candidates emphasized by ayat allah was mowhedi kermani. the support of the group and various currents for the candidates continues.


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