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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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god is here, here we are , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the candidates of the 14th term of the presidential election met and discussed with the chairman of the assembly of leadership experts. observance of election ethics by the candidates was emphasized by ayatollah mohadi kermani. the support of the group and various currents for the candidates continues.
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why did mr. mokhbar not register in the elections as a continuation of the government's path? a student's question to the government spokesperson. mr. mokhbar, one of the points that i had to consider a lot in this regard was that if i want to participate in your election contests, this time i will have to wait 50 days. maybe i owe it to the imam of the revolution who made it clear to me that the speed of work should not slow down in these 45 days. while the election contests of the candidates are taking a breather, the presidential candidates met with the chairman of the assembly of leadership experts today. ayatollah mohadi kermani advised them to observe ethics in election contests. i order you to keep your character. keep your cool. maintain control over yourself. do not get angry quickly. don't get angry too soon. be smart, you say something
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, even if it gets votes, your vote will be less let the people say, god bless god, this man is sober, he didn't give an answer, the islamic community of the country's employees and the new generation party announced that they will stand with mr. qalibaf in the upcoming elections . mr. bayadi sokan, the head of the tehran election headquarters, mr. pomohammadi, has taken over the election headquarters of the servants of the nation and the youth, mr. qalibau, with the presence of a number of current and former members of the parliament, has entered gedeh to compete. they joined mr. jalili's headquarters. the association of independent cinema producers asked the election candidates to answer their questions
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. more union questions about culture and art, including what are the candidates' plans for the economic development of this area? shahid beheshti university of medical sciences student mobilization in an open letter addressed to the six election candidates asked them not to break the norm and instead of destroying others and scaring the people , present their own strategy and plan. the head of the election headquarters of tehran city said that since they are candidates for the elections in tehran , 70,000 people will be directly inspected in the area of ​​police executive supervision. they operate in tehran. two newspapers and four news sites were warned. these six media were warned in the meeting of the monitoring and monitoring committee for election violations of the media for violating the country's election laws. nahid akbarzadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency. with the arrival of devices. advancement of cancer treatment in
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the country, we are self-sufficient from sending patients abroad, the vice president of the ministry of health announced this news and said that the growth rate of cancer in the world is saudi, but compared to other european countries, iran has a lower growth rate. we did not have forced patients in the country going to turkey, going to europe, it is not good for our doctors, which is possible in terms of manpower, to send our patients to another country in the same government with enough cyberknifes and these advanced cancer treatment devices. the device was purchased and today , thank god, we don't need to send someone abroad for this kind of service . it was very difficult for our children . from radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment
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of colon cancer to new alpha-donor radiopharmaceuticals to treat all types of cancer. these are part of the achievements of nuclear industry experts of the country, which were presented in the first scientific gathering of experts of nuclear medicine centers for the development of the radiopharmaceutical industry. saving the mother's life with radiopharmaceuticals. he had colon cancer, it had metastasized to the liver and the entire upper and lower lobes of the liver were filled with tumors. but the overflow of nuclear enrichment knowledge in medicine led to the effective identification and treatment of cancer. it has been 56 years since petskem and
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we used it to relieve the patients, but alpha-donor radio drugs will advance the patient towards treatment. and increased life expectancy cancer patients will follow. the use of alpha donor radiopharmaceuticals requires the holding of scientific meetings. meetings that can increase the awareness of specialists in nuclear medicine treatment centers. the first symposium and now the scientific gathering is related to nuclear medicine technicians. our goal is to update their scientific information, their knowledge , their attitude and their practical skills.
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400 generators are produced every week and 220 centers in the whole country receive this radio medicine from us. in the case of radiotherapeutic drugs based on the request of the centers, these radiopharmaceuticals are produced and sent to the centers in specific time intervals based on the request and on a weekly basis. according to the statistics of the atomic energy organization, 1 million people in the country use radiopharmaceutical products every year. vahid zakari arad of sed and vasima news agency. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded for the first time in the largest three-section transformer of 500 megawatt ampere network produce electricity for the country. according to the announcement of the scientific vice president, this giant transformer with dimensions of 14 meters in length and 9 meters in width weighs more than 335 tons. this strategic equipment replaces three
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single-phase converters, which prevents 70% of network overload losses. using chicken feathers , they developed a new nano-scale drug delivery system that can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. researchers at the francis crick institute in england made an engineered nano-sized molecular cage with the help of amino acids found in chicken skin tissue, which can be used to encapsulate their drugs. directly to the cancerous masses. by using this method, the side effects of chemotherapy are reduced. and healthy cells are preserved. previously, the construction of such cages was possible only with hydrocarbon molecules, which brought the risk of poisoning for humans. but this new method uses safer and more biocompatible materials . in their latest research, researchers
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found that the magnetic field of the sun is rotating and shifting. astronomers say that this rare phenomenon occurs approximately once every 11 years , with the increase and intensity of sunspots. or the complex magnetic regions appear on the surface of the sun. one of the effects of the displacement of the magnetic field of the sun is the possibility of protecting the earth from cosmic rays and energetic subatomic particles that move at the speed of light. next part at 2 o'clock:
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i say hello and have a good day . i congratulate you on eid al-adha . be a viewer of today's half-day special conversation on khabar channel. that on the day of eid al-adha and on the day when the pilgrims are almost
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finishing the hajj, on the 11th day of dhu hajj in saudi arabia, in iran, today is the 10th day there, and in a couple of days, the hajj will be performed. the topic is coming to an end. today we are at the service of mr. qombari, a researcher of islamic history . he is a familiar face to you people . we have heard and seen his speeches over the years on various television channels. mr. doctor , welcome, thank you for your hardworking colleagues and noro viewers. i greet you with your program, and
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i wish you all a happy eid al-adha and the ten years of imamat and wilayat . thank you very much, doctor, for accepting our invitation and coming. let's start with a report. it is a form of worship in the spiritual dimension of human beings with god in the shrine. his peace is with him and they ask for mercy and forgiveness from his inexhaustible nature, but the architect of the house of tawheed , hazrat ibrahim khalilullah, in addition to testifying to the oneness of god, also acquits the polytheists. giving islamic duties is not only for the hereafter, but it also provides for the world of monotheists . but before they throw stones at the devil in remi jamrat, people
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announce their exoneration from these external devils. that we should be on one day and at the same time and at a certain hour to perform this action in certain days is indicative of the fact that both people should act individually to remove satan from their individual lives and they should act collectively together with one voice and one call and one weapon and as much as possible. they can participate in this field to keep the demons away from themselves, both internal demons and external demons. muslims say that america is at the head of the devils that we should exonerate. at this time, it is america that creates problems for the islamic world and supports israel. if it wasn't for america israel could not continue to exist.
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with the actions it has taken, it is natural for america to be considered the main enemy by other countries. the first enemy of the islamic world is america, and the first enemy of palestine and islam everywhere is america. israel is second. israel is the enemy of every muslim anywhere in the world. england and france are the next enemies of the islamic world. all of them are satan, the enemy of islam. in its latest report, the washington think tank has written that america's support for the genocide has brought the trust in this country to the lowest level in the history of the islamic world. based on this survey, the level of trust jordanian people are only 3% to america and in other countries like iraq, egypt it is 7 to 99%. yes , you are watching a mid-morning talk show from mr.
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dr. qanbari's news network. what is the history of acquittal in hajj , where did it start in the beginning of islam? what is our mentality on the issue of acquittal, which today's jurists consider it to be an integral part of hajj. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the question of mr. wal-aqd is yes, yes, yes, hajj. it is an exceptional and monotheistic worship, and among all islamic worships, it is this duty that
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has a special feature and exclusivity. and if you look at the narrations from the imams of the ahl al-bayt, peace and blessings of god be upon them, and the messenger of god, it is understood that the function of the hajj is to untangle all the problems of humanity, and we, who are in the circle of islam , have collective takaful and the collective guidance of the islamic ummah. it is likely that you will notice in the hajj rituals that people of every
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race, tribe, color, race, and skin must be at a certain time. they should be present in a specific land and in a set of exclusive acts of worship and performing the hajj duty . siam and the rest of the pilgrimages in hajj. you can do it in accordance with the tasks that are assigned to it, but hajj is not like that. you must be present during the hajj season, and definitely in his land, and the beginning and end of hajj generally have special meanings with hardships.
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it is special. hajj of ibrahim khalila's religion is the basis of hajj to achieve tawheedah, as well as tawheed . but this is the way you wear ihram outside the haram and when you wear ihram and become muharram you go to the haram for muharram, you do your own actions and rituals, then you wait until the certain time that god almighty has set, and unlike umrah
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, in hajj, you have to put on ihram in the haram. and when you enter from the door of the muharram shrine, immediately after putting on ihram, you must go to the non-mahram shrine where a hajji puts on ihram . hajr ismail they wear ihram outside the haram , what they take with them other than the ihram clothes , the pebbles they take to color the devil. it should be removed from the shrine, because if remi jamreh and remi shaytan do not spring from the soul inside the house, it will not be realized
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and it will not find merit, so hajj is now a group of pilgrims on the day of tarbiya, who pass through it , move, go, stay in the building at night and in the morning. fasting begins in the desert of arafat, which is not in the sanctuary at all. arafat is outside the sanctuary with the shari'i noon call to prayer. there , the waqf in arafat begins and continues until maghrib . he finds that only the endowment is stopped, then they move to the mashar al-haram, muzdalifah , and spend the night there. it is obligatory to do it in the mashar al-haramah. well, you
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can see the highest manifestation of friendship and unity of the children of adam in the circle of faith on the night of muzdalifah . they are free from themselves and the state of existence finds the power to interact and love others by finding the control of divine love. this night is a very night with a meaning that is the introduction of friendship and deep affection.
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during this morning, when the sun is shining , it continues in the same place until sunrise , and then you enter the shrine. this going to the shrine has a harshness and inflammation. you filled your hands here last night with prayers. . but when you enter the shrine, you must have a weapon of war and defense in your hand, you must hold a rock in your hand
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. what is the first duty and responsibility of the hajj? it is to go to the place of kabri, which is the peak of the devil and the devil , and throw away disobedience and rebellion. it's not like you are pointing out the location of the devil or the place where his deception and seduction appeared, this kind of announcement is for you with that look that if necessary and you become anzala hadid, it's not like you say, please leave me to myself. this is not a place of worship. you should go there. after that the cobra sentence as the first duty of the operation has been done for days, you
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return to the place that was intended for you, and there your next action is to sacrifice the sacrifice, which then continues to be blamed. on the one hand, it is passing away from property. on the one hand, it is self-transcendence. that ax from iblis and putting him aside means the sweetness of worship in sacrifice and the throat and guilt for you. sometimes, it may not be a problem for a hajj to sacrifice a hundred sacrifices, because after all, hajj is a pilgrimage where the rich usually have the opportunity to go there, which means that
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it is also an assisted worship, yes, but once a car for many people, it is difficult to cut this hair as much as the entire planet . he was a big capitalist , he owned a factory, he came there, he is supposed to have a meeting 5 days after the operation, in a certain place of the united nations, now he has to die, in short, this is not his bag, he is looking for refuge right there in the place of worship. we can't do anything without seeing that this is an ax from the devil and abandoning it. all the negation and turning your back on yourself, who can do this, and secondly, total love and self-sacrifice to reach the beloved. well, this is you.
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when your actions are finished after the throat and guilt , you take off my ihram clothes, you are in my sanctum and then you go for the rest of the actions. all their lives they performed one hajj , one before him had a record of umrah , a half-completed umrah, one umrat al-qada, one at the conquest of mecca, but the hajj was performed once, and this hajj that the holy prophet performed had an inner soul that this soul the almighty god sent a revelation to the holy prophet by addressing the currents of polytheism.
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that is, after the hudaybiyah peace story, the hudaybiyah peace was a successful negotiation, it was a complete society program , and it had great achievements. if you want to ask me, what was the most important achievement of the hudaybiyah peace , in addition to all the achievements, some of which were as big as the entire creation, that is finally , the peace of hudaybiyah provided the opportunity to spread islam to the world. he also
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presented a model negotiation system with a precise world view, which is to stop the flow of disbelief, polytheism, and atheism his covenant and covenant will not be faithful. please tell me , was the negotiation with the quraysh bad? did the prophet's dignity ever decrease? did the prophet not take the sword and draw the sword? was it against politics? no, against god's order. not at all, but what was important was respect in conversation and firmness in standing your ground, it makes a person, even if in a negotiation and a community plan , the enemy may not fulfill his covenant, but it deepens monotheism and standing and perseverance in the people of faith . the end of the prophet signed the contract, suhail bin umar signed the contract, but it was invalid. he is usually
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not faithful to his covenant. but you can't beat bigodar. without to experience the public opinion, put it aside. sir, they have historical experience, society should understand. when they broke the agreement, almighty god sent a message to his prophet. a prophet who was the owner of greatness. when the messenger of god saw that the quraish broke the treaty and put the bani khaza through the sword , the messenger of god decided to deal with the quraish's breach of the treaty because if this did not happen , there would be nothing left of the basis of monotheism, the holy prophet moved. there is no god , you are also there, and he announced to all polytheists that i am allah and the messenger of god, one word of monotheism. to the letter
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prophecy of what? they are expressing their disgust and disgust with this action of yours. if you look at the two verses after this verse, you will see that there is another joke in surah mubarakah towba. and the call to prayer from allah and the messenger of allah for hajj al-akbar. look, who is the audience here? the disbelief of quraysh is not the currents of polytheism, hypocrisy and stubbornness. public notice it is the muslims who corrects this task. at what point in the hajj of the great hajj, when the almighty god declares in the hajj of the great hajj, "allah, i am the polytheist "? what does this mean, a monotheistic tradition ? be possible reaching imam's province.


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