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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in the 11 days until the presidential election, people are talking about a heavy trust. a trust that the constitution has placed on the shoulders of the president and has inheritors such as shahid raisi and shahid rajaei. when the character of mr. president becomes the subject of a movie. sir, this is your master, mr. does the motorcycle belong to your father, if
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he rides a long distance, this motorcycle belongs to 36 million other people, if you can get permission from all of them, in the name of god, in this movie, you have a trust. people's trust in his hands they had given that the criterion for electing the president is his piety in the first place, but this piety must be a practical piety, it must have a guarantee of implementation , after becoming the president, he must be a president who is from the people, has lived among these people , and knows the pain of these people. this trust, which has been repeated 13 times in the forty years since the islamic revolution, and now, on the 8th of july, for the 14th time, the people are going
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to entrust the executive affairs of the country to another person, who is entrusted with the responsibility of god's trust. and you have a trust, you should trust that of the second martyred president it is supposed to be entrusted to another person, the axis in this government is the axis of trustworthiness of the government and responsibility. it is administrative work as a trust to serve the people, and now the people say that their election is their demand from mr. president. there is also trustworthiness , a trust that has a history to back it up. our president was martyred. the president should fulfill his words and promises, the cabinet is true to mr. sadegh's promises, when he fulfills this, it means
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that he will become the trustee of the vote of the month, god forbid , so that when he came, he won a vote of confidence. trust his slogan, his words should be demagogic, and his praise should not be trusted, and people's votes should not be trusted. based on the 15th article of the constitution, a good record of trustworthiness and piety is one of the conditions of the president, zahra hosseini sarsht khabar the largest and most equipped solar panel production plant in the country with a capacity of 1800 megawatts was put into operation in khomein. this plan was opened in the form of a video conference during the visit of the minister of energy to central province. god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad. the line we opened today has two production lines, each with a capacity of 900 megawatts.
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panels that each panel can reach up to 700 watts it produces electricity, which are the most up-to-date panels in the world. we can also produce a wide range of panels that we call bifacial, which means they generate electricity from both sides . and it can produce different types of panels . this line is considered one of the most up-to-date active lines in the world . khorasan razavi, qom , kerman, yazd, semnan and lorestan were opened. away from everyone four children and more in bostan shadi, yazd.
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families created more happiness for their children and talked about the high value of participating in the upcoming elections. shadi park, yazd and jam. i have families with four children and more, i have four brothers , several children, five to four, a son, a daughter, six children, two sisters, a brother, a tour with saffa, titled "duniya shirin", some of them came with their friends, i have four children, friends, all four children are my friends. all four children. with grandfathers and grandmothers, children and grandchildren, and all 245 in the heart of the program that became an opportunity for happiness
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most of the families, how was today's program? it was great . thank you for preparing the program. it was an intimate atmosphere for yazdi families . being bound to participate in political scenes is a problem of all our people, even though they are all lovers of the system , now we are not with the system, our belief tells us that we should vote, we have a duty to participate in the elections , to investigate, to investigate, our duty is only to identify this candidate. we give our vote and leave the rest to the hands of the official who comes and actually gets to work. well, let's go to the children. this course is the most for the children were pleasant and charming. we had a great time.
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i play with them. very good. did you enjoy the ride? you were great, dad. the scenes that have remained are in the family gatherings of mir tahari of seda and sima news agency, where young specialists of a company of academicians have acquired the technical knowledge of extracting crocin from saffron. crocin is the main pigment found in red gold, which has many applications in the food, pharmaceutical and health industries. with the annual production of 350 tons of saffron, iran ranks first in the world in the production of this product, but our saffron is also the world's export, now the elites. scientists
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have thought of a solution to prevent the sale of raw gold by developing the technology of saffron processing and extracting its pigments. there are crocins that we have extracted from saffron in three phases and it is a very innovative industry that we use in pharmaceutical factories. at present , many countries are using this product and its extract, but we mostly use it in raw form. we export saffron, which if we come to the production and export of this product , the value of this product will increase tens of times. it is saffron that has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, and now with the internalization of its extraction technology , it is ready to be used in various industries. in fact, pure saffron with 99. we found that it is actually used in the pharmaceutical industry as a raw material for the formulation of many anti-azheimer drugs, anti-depressants, cardiovascular diseases, and memory-related diseases. in addition
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, we actually have 40% that is used for the food industry of supplements. it is possible to save 20 % for the cosmetics industry, as the experts of this knowledge-based company say. we have representatives in germany and spain and so far we have sent our products to japan, spain, germany, switzerland and belgium. according to the technicians of danesh banyan company, one kilogram of crocin can be extracted from every 10 kilograms of saffron. semme nase, sed and sima news agency. stay with us.
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dear doctor, good time, welcome to without. but to begin with, tell me in one sentence what happened that
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made you register for the elections, so that our dear people know that we, as a person who lives in this country and in this water and soil, use my knowledge , my skills and the path of my life to improve and the pride of these people and this country as much as i can with them on the floor. i will stay with them until the end, and if you want to criticize your past performance, what do you do? what we did in the past must have had some mistakes without going back. i remember one time because we made a decision and it was based on an expert's opinion. later, we found out that the experts we appointed were called experts. these are not experts, and now in the structures we created, there are many people who are experts and not experts, and this is the problem of senior managers who
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apparently give expert ideas and then tell me. we did an expert, but the result they get is the opposite of what it is. we must be careful to use the expert, not the name of the expert, the one who is really an expert. or more groups criticize your performance and for what? people who are not able to go through the steps and come today to become a manager, to become the head of a group, to become the head of a unit. which unfortunately exists. they should go back to the place where they have to go through this stage and those who had their right and it was eaten, that right should be given to them regardless of which one they belong to. what kind of faction are they, or what is their idea at all ? we have to make the right to be given to the rightful . do we want the administrative system to be fixed? someone who
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has lost his bones in an administrative system has tried , let's make a few people who introduced someone from somewhere to be the boss. as a result , those people who came up without themselves may be unhappy with us. it means transfer based on merit, merit, background and experience. not based on. group and group criminal politics , we should give the right to the one who deserves it, why are you unhappy with us because we take the right of some people we bring up our friends, our acquaintances, our relatives, our party, and then those who have the right to stay there, they want to work under them. well , they will be dissatisfied. our hand means that you will go to faith in the first 6 months. we will try to make this happen based on the right and evaluation and indicators.
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did you explain to the people about your family, property and assets? i am proud of my family. i lost my wife despite the fact that it has been 30 years. and these children are together throughout their lives we were. they are honest and always accompany us on the path of life and it is a blessing that god has given us. there are many who are not like this and what is against the law, regulations and the path, not only i did not do it, i remember i was a minister, we wanted the car of the ministry of home affairs, now the driver, not ourselves. let's take my son said why are you taking this car, let's take our own car , you shouldn't use this car
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, i wasn't ready for the government car, which was a car like samand , for example, ours is behind 45, he said why are we taking this , let's take our own car, we have no right to this use a car and this is what it is for me they are so so-called and they never went to a place where they used my name. they can do it or not, for example , if they want to introduce me and treat me in a different way, they will treat me like this, your children, yes , i have assets, of course, there is nothing, for example, i don't have any shares, i don't have any privileges. until now, when i came, i didn't even get a doctor's license. one day, my friend said , let's come. let's take a share. well, i said, "i won't take it ." he said, "well, you will have a share after retirement." i said , "i don't want that either, because i don't want to take money from the patient because of the one who said money. so, sir, what should you do?" i said. nothing is finished, we are going to buy a garden
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, we are going to do farming there, i have already got that bouquet and if one day i will go there , i will work there. we don't have a garden, we have a house, tehran , tabriz, we don't have anything special, in general , we bought a garden, in fact it is a garden, and the house we have here, the house we have in tabriz, this collection is what we have so far in your past political and management experience in dowahi. are you between the difficult decision of popularity among people? decision we had a hard time where we had to decide between the people and those rules and regulations. i remember being the president of the university. it was the period of ayatollah rafsanjani. i decided to make the government smaller and
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i had to cancel a number of contracts. they told us that you have to throw out 300 people, i said i will not do that, throw me out, i can't throw some people out of life, unless you tell them to go out, what should they do, based on the fact that he is working here, he has gone and rented a house. he has given a promise that i will take this out tonight, so the fate of this should tell me what i should do with it i didn't, i said cancel me, cancel my order. i mean, in reality, we always tried to be on the side of the people , to be with the people where their rights were violated , we tried to live with the people, not with the power, and this is what we always acted with in our life . i was a minister, and one day i saw our employees downstairs chanting my security guards were running here and there to
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call out their offerings . they don't give me money, i could live for two more months to an employee whose salary we didn't pay , he can't pay for tomorrow. if he does something, i will give him his right, not for example to deal with him i had to choose whether i was on their side or on the side of these people who couldn't answer because of their disability or problems in any way. we were on the side of the people. what do you think people think about you
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? i never lied to them, i never treated them dishonestly. as i said, i was responsible for it and i can easily say now that everything that happened in my life is transparent and i have nothing to hide. what is your characteristic that stands out in people's minds? you don't ask if i made a promise once that i didn't keep. if you want to remove the doubt that has been formed in people's minds , what do you say? people have doubts about my work. let them see what they are doubting . let them see clearly what is going on. then this woman they are dealing with will be removed. now you want to point out. for example , have you heard or do you know what kind of suspicion
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is there? once in the parliament , one of these men said that your daughter is working in such and such a place. how many people are there when they go somewhere? they take them with them and hire them unjustly. if my sister's children are unemployed, my brother's children are unemployed, and i could
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advise them to do something there or somewhere else. now, i don't want them to become the chairman of the board of directors or get a license to do work. they have bachelor's and master's degrees. all of them are true , you are an ethnicist, if i were an ethnicist, i wouldn't say iran is for everyone , i would never fight for iran until death on the front lines, if i were an ethnicist, i wouldn't say today that we should listen to all people's rights. give and let's solve everyone's problems, but the anti-generation and the generation gap that exists between you and them , did you think about this? i, by god, with the children and jonah, we often sit with my grandchildren, we go to the mountains, we play , we go to the gym, i don't know, in competitions. we go we participate. our problem is that they are looking for innovation, science and novelty. when we
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are stuck in this mentality, we find them difficult. we tried not to be closed minded. we tried to make what is their right and should flourish. don't ignore and don't hinder them they cannot grow, our duty is to prepare. it is a bed for the prosperity, growth and development of these loved ones. we have no problem with them. they have a problem with us because we want to stop them from leaving with that closed mind that we have. when do you think you will retire and what are your plans for free time after being responsible? we go to those gardens where the garden we bought is beautiful, labor, labor, after all, it is a comfortable life. it is much easier to go there with flowers. plants, trees, and land should sit and work, and now it's time to retire , according to the law, we can retire whenever i want your plan is a garden and that's it. yes
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, we have a retired life. we go to nature and live comfortably . do you think you have enough legal authority to perform your duties as the president of iran? we have to have a constructive interaction between the powers and policies to achieve that goal. if we want to say that everything we say must be done, well, naturally , we must have the same interaction with the people. we must have the same interaction with the world. people here make a mistake that i am the boss, everyone else should take my word for it, this is the worst type of management that is possible. through interaction and dialogue, we can move forward with the matter and no, we cannot move forward. as a result , within the limits that i have at the disposal of the government or will have at its disposal, in order to go, we must interaction with other forces can
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advance those agendas within the framework of general policies . we can move forward with interaction, not confrontation . in the end, i want you to say without compliments to your fans, first together for iran and with iranians without compliments with the opposition and your critics and opponents, if they are right , it will lead to our progress, and we will definitely listen to their voices and act . we have to resolve grievances. people's concern is something that should be in the minds of all managers and officials and
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we should do something to make them live comfortably. they can be promoted easily and their rights will not be wasted. thank you very much for taking the time to participate in the special election program without compliments. thank you, thank god.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, and greetings to my dear ones that they see us and hear our voices, i must say that i was born in 1333 in mahabad , in an ordinary family, my father was an employee, then i grew up there, i went to school, i went to high school, i went to work in the summers. we used to work as a laborer , we used to sew clothes , we sold cobs on the side of the street, and then we were apprentices. every year, depending on when we came, what would we do? if the government didn't like us, it wanted to expel us or something if he wants to take our head off, we have the skill and
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the way. we can serve our people in any part of iran, we will not be dependent on the government, we will not be able to defend our rights in front of them, and we are accepted as doctors. yes , we had a series of student activities, we had associations , we went to the mountains, we played sports, the revolution happened. my brother, who had come to study with us, should also come to the university. so to speak, on the 4th of bahman, the protests in qom started in the streets of ina, and we were there my brother was shot, and then he was brought to the hospital, then to prison, and finally, it was the short of eid, when he was released from prison with a guarantee, and later, my brother
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was martyred. i became responsible for the emergency teams after the revolution, as soon as the revolution started and the war and so on, lashkar ashura did not do any operations without our children and our friends being in the front line in that operation in the emergency room . i am the same brother who was martyred. jihad is coming . one day i saw that he was gone while i was studying bodomiyeh told me that i will not go again. i said jihad , why did he say that these cowards want to give me money? if a person goes to jihad to get money, i would have given him the money in his pocket, but he was not willing to take money from them because he is working for jihad. all the children are like that. when they come to the front or they come to the scene , they come with love and faith, they come to fix your country, they don't come to get a post for money, this is
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a sign of presence. let them build their country . in our lifetime, i did not use any quota. even when i was a minister, i gave a series of houses to the ministers. we told them to come and even take these houses , we went to show them and look at them. they said that no matter what happens , we will get along with you. for example, which of these houses do you want? then i thought, if i want to buy a house, then i will do my own work and buy a house. i want to buy a house in the same clothes , next to the letyan dam, and where is the 10 hectares ? at that time, they told us: this has a future and come and take the land, but we never received a share , we never received a share, not from the government or from anywhere, because that's why. right now, we don't have a share, we don't have points, and it's not worth it our friends who have become martyrs, those who gave their lives in this revolution, they are gone and their children remain , maybe i cannot solve all the problems, but definitely with
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the presence of people, especially the university people with whom we can communicate, if we join hands, we can definitely make a change in the scope of our work. where we have authority, we can deal scientifically, deal correctly, act according to the right, be fair and behave justly. let's not allow them to behave with people, which is not humane, which is not islamic, which is not moral, like face. that of religion and unfortunately, we believe that in the system of showing nothing but violence and misbehavior and arresting and expelling people, if it is not like this, every iranian, everyone who lives in this country, is considered as a potential, as a force. to be effective in building the future of the country, if we cannot do 100 things , we can only affect the amount we have.


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