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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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the hypocrites reached imam khomeini hospital , hanged the wounded in the hospital and burned them alive and set the hospital on fire. the baby ward was full of burnt corpses and mothers who died next to their children's beds . but with the arrival and organization of the iranian forces , despite masoud rajavi's promise of an easy victory , a historic defeat for the hypocrites. it turns out that the massacre you are looking for is here, the massacre of 1967 that you are looking for is here, a massacre by a group of hypocrites of iranian people massacred thousands of iranian people, iranian border guards and soldiers. iranians massacred everyone, no one spared the hypocrites, but with this disgraceful record that has led to the martyrdom of more than 12 thousand iranian people in recent years, and together with them, these days
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they are seeking to present a new version of themselves. they try to introduce themselves as the oppressed of the 60s in iran by using propaganda and media work . one example of this strategy is hamid nouri's case design in stockholm, sweden. the main plaintiff and witness of the case is hamid nouri iraj. an example is a member of the people's mojahedin organization. someone who spent all the years of the 60s believing in the principles of the hypocrites done. he has been in prison and does not deny any of the crimes of his cohorts. now he announces that with the political and security planning that started in england and was extended to the swedish judicial system , he was able to prepare a long trial for nouri with the cooperation of some other people. we were able to
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turn a burnt relationship, a relationship that had led to war and conflict, a hostile relationship with the script he prepared into a relationship with relative trust. 1399 swedish government based on the testimony of iraj masadaghi and a dam from hamid nouri's family and the iranian embassy are not given any news immediately after entering hamid nouri, and long and difficult interrogations begin. i could not listen to this interrogation myself . i was annoyed. i will let my family know. let's say, for example, salema is
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saying these things in the same way and it's as if no translator is translating, the police are doing their own work, nouri does not have the right to choose a lawyer, and even his captured lawyer misguides him in the beginning. complete disconnection is up to mental pressure and his mental state will reach its maximum
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. we have had no contact with him since the first day of solitary confinement, which is exactly an example of forced disappearance. we did not know about my father for a long time. the conditions of living in solitary confinement were very difficult for me, only god knows, and i was more upset with my family , especially my daughter and my wife. nouri asks for an ophthalmologist , but his request is never accepted and he can't even study his case properly. i have been in solitary confinement for two years and four months. they say that i am getting sick. send me a doctor. i want an ophthalmologist. i am getting sick. his first contact with his family happened 8 months after his arrest and his first visit 25 months later. in august of the year 16.
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after extensive organization, the marxists managed to bring 60 witnesses against nouri to the court , so that completely contradictory testimonies were presented. but
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even a witness in favor of nouri is not allowed to enter the court. of course, the 60 people who testify are separate from the 20 witnesses who were excluded from the case due to many contradictions between their statements. are laid there is even a contradiction between the claims of masadaghi and his friends, and each of them accuses the other of meddling in the case. but the plaintiffs' lawyer, nouri , presented perhaps one of the funniest documents in the legal history of the world in this court. he presents the nowruz congratulatory message of hassan rouhani, the president of iran at the time, which was sent to all iranians and was also found in hamid nouri's mobile phone as evidence in the court , and they consider this as a sign of nouri's closeness to iran's top officials. while the swedes are investigating a case related to one of the historical events
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they have become so complicated in iran that they don't have the slightest knowledge of the simplest relations in iran. iran's culture. the president of iran congratulates all the iranians on the first day of the new year and the new year of the iranians through sms.
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it should be paid as respect. now we will pass this. let me talk a little about what happened yesterday in this street. yesterday, from 9:00 in the morning , there were hypocrites right in front of me on this side of the street and on that side of the street. he started chanting slogans, stomping his feet, doing all kinds of things that i really don't know at all at that age.
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we came to get out, but this door was closed. what is the reason for this door being closed? the reason is that the judge had announced that no one is allowed to take pictures from inside the court. but the saudis, in addition to issuing a heavy verdict against nouri, also in a case that is completely related to the internal issues of another country. they also did other great favors to the hypocrites. for about two weeks, they moved the entire court to the headquarters of the hypocrites in albania so that the witnesses who are not allowed to travel in europe can testify against nouri to testify. the sum of these actions today
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has turned sweden into a safe haven for terrorists against the people of iran. terrorists who are trying to erase all their brutal history in iran. and take them to the sidelines. in fact , this lawsuit started from the beginning with the violation of human rights and when here. talking about the violation of human rights is actually raised, a part of it goes back to mr. nouri's own human rights, and a part of it goes back to the standards of fair trial in the first unit , because in fact one government wants to prosecute another government. in terms of criminal law, it should be there should be a basis of jurisdiction, for example, we say that in terms of territorial jurisdiction, it is the jurisdiction of the person.
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jurisdiction is universal. now, in order for the issue of universal jurisdiction to be justified, the swedish court can actually exercise jurisdiction. here again , we have to separate a few issues from a legal point of view, and a part of this goes back to the standards of fair proceedings. it is interesting that it is claimed that mr. nouri is actually being prosecuted for violating the standards of fair trial. this is while he himself is actually the victim , it is actually a clear and severe violation of fair trial. today, the question of the iranian people is about the device
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what is the reason for the swedish government's spending on this case, which is related to iran's internal issues? why is no court in any part of europe investigating the crimes of this terrorist group to check whether the claim of killing 12 thousand innocent people by them is true or not? why are the families of the victims of the hypocrite group not invited to the court? show up and explain how they lost their loved ones? are the islamic state of iran in the 1960s going to continue to be supported by the european and western governments to carry out new missions? one has he grown taller, taller, am i old? no, i don't have any problem, i'm worried about you, if you keep yourselves well and happy , i swear by the quran, i don't have a problem, this verdict
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was unfair, just like the trial process was fair, and we do not accept this verdict and this trial process in any way. we do not accept and we protest, god willing , we will file our protest and we will appeal , hoping that one day you will come out, uncle janan , and together here a movie
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello. the strength of 5 richter around the city of kashmer in khorasan province, the razavi earthquake caused damage in a part of the city of kar kashmar and some of the villages around it. to follow up on this news , i am having a conversation with the sada vasima news agency reporter in kashmir city. hello mr. tabatabai, where exactly are you now and how is the situation in the region? in the name of god. i also offer greetings, courtesy and respect to you, dear colleague and respected viewers. well, as you said, at 134 minutes , the earthquake of kashmer city in khorasan
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shook razavi, well, i am talking to you right now , i am on qaim street, kashmer city. red crescent, basij emergency 115 dispatchers are all on full alert and the service is being provided in this city well. unfortunately, more than 50 people were injured in this earthquake. two people died in kashmar city and two in city. we had a living village with a total of four feet and 50 muslim people. well, now that i am talking to you , i am on qaim street, as you can see, behind me , the worn-out fabrics of this city have had an accident, that is, we are in the fabrics. which is newly established
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, we didn't have any damage like this, and the service devices are from including red crescent 6 teams. aziyab is sending the governor of khorasan razavi to the city, as well as dr. nazari, on the way from mashhad to kashmar, who will start their field visit in a few minutes with their presence in this city and in the villages . i am at your service . do you have any news? yes, the village of zinda jan, which is 6 km from the city of kashmir, i said that the assessment teams are now inside the villages, this earthquake hit the cities of kashmir, khalil abad , and the red mountain was also observed, and the shaking was such that these loved ones also felt it and for several minutes.
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honorable governor of khorasan razavi with the team of arziab and hilal ahmad. i will submit a supplementary report to the city of kashmir. thank you very much mr. tabatabai. we are going to have a conversation with mr. shariat madari, the governor of kashmir , if our colleagues announce, yes, mr. sharid madari. out of courtesy and respect, your excellency. around 13:00. and at 24 minutes this evening, at this very moment, with the size of about 5 tenths of the field of kashmar city, it hit lerba. well , from the first minutes , i would like to tell you that all the teams, including the teams of the red crescent fire department, were at your service. the emergency came to work and
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, as mentioned, the main damage is to worn-out structures , despite the fact that the government has finally made special connections for worn-out structures, well, in this area of ​​renovation, it is being completed . we had 120 refugees, most of whom were treated on an outpatient basis, about 35 people are hospitalized, and unfortunately 4 of our fellow kashmiris have died. well, two of them escaped because the facade of the building actually collapsed and the rest of them are under the rubble. zindajan village, i just have one thing in zindajan village , we don't have a very critical problem at the city level, everything
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is under the control of the nobles, and i'm here to serve you. the last one , unfortunately, our photo came out a few minutes before avar, and i'm here to serve you. there is no other special issue at the city level. all emergency devices, water , electricity, gas, telephone, municipality, health services , i am at your service, the district administration and the emergency fire department, all are fully ready, they are on the scene, the honorable governor is also in the form of mr. shahri, considering that there is a possibility that tonight a number of do not read from people inside the house we have prepared enough, and of course, since the weather is bad, we have prepared the parks in my city and the services will be provided, so there is no need to worry about this. thank you, mr. shariat bandi, and i also thank the dear viewers of the khabar channel. god bless you until the next communication.
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in the first minutes of voting , you cast your vote, tell me what advice and guidance you have for the dear nation of our country. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, today, god willing, is a blessed day for
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the nation of iran and for our beloved country, and with god's grace , people will come to vote. as always, with their own presence, they were able to honor and defend themselves in the face of hostilities, and this time , god willing, it will be the same. with value and community, and therefore you see that the foreign trumpets may be able to make the elections less prosperous with all their efforts, but they will not be able to, today the executive director of the country will be elected
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, god willing, and the presidency is an important dignity in the islamic republic system, in fact, it is the executive arm of the government system and the president the republic and the people show that everything it was possible and they could have done everything possible for the people in order to systematize the system and we hope that this coming period and the new government that will be in office will be able to introduce the people and the country to the taste of social justice . alevi behavior. god willing, we will not be ashamed of many of our people at the end of the year. i give one more advice to the officials and
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those involved, and that is that both the executive boards and the supervisory boards should use their utmost care so that the votes of the people can be trusted completely with full trust, god willing. let the votes be counted and read. i advise our dear people, especially the politicians involved, that after we have passed today , they should put aside these issues of competition, lines, etc. whoever was elected to the presidency today due to the votes of the people , the president is everyone's president, everyone should cooperate with him. do and everyone should respect him. he must respect everyone's rights equally. this competition and this issue of winners and losers and these things
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should be put aside and everyone should join hands and help the government so that, god willing, it can untie the knots of the people and move the country as far as possible. god willing, he will advance his lofty goals. you people are the main heroes of this field if we talk about it today. the region and the world can be heard because of your power. to join
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the service campaign, just do something for the people with the intention of the service martyrs and send the number 8 to 39 1023.
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dear and respected, we are going to be here in 2 hours. they will tell us that everything can be bought in installments . yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check . hey, why are you going to say that you don't want a check, you don't want it, you don't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go see if you have a toman. i want to make an advance payment , i dare not ask for an advance payment, sir, this is a guarantor, the guarantor here
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does not want a guarantor at all. check, no zamel, no prepayment, no need to go to the bank. mojvareh summer mojvareh summer mojvareh with exciting prizes, 8 prizes of eight million tomans to 8 people every day. this summer at mashhad blue waves sports complex, wave awards. you can also win this prize collection mashhad blue waves sports, seraf is fast, shahreh, well , sir, i am your officer, sirah, i am an officer, don't make a mistake
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, be careful, sirah. afsarieh sarai bozor irani, the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with incredible prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment in sarai bozor irani. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, the governor of kashmir reported the death of four people and the injury of 120 people in the earthquake of this city . he said that 30 of the injured were taken to the hospital and the rest were treated. ceo of khorasan red crescent razavi also said the following. five-magnitude earthquake
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in kashmir, 60 operational and relief forces to the regions earthquake affected kashmir and khalilabad have been dispatched and are assessing possible damages. 15 operational teams with a capacity of 60 members of the advancing teams of the red crescent society, along with the search teams of the operation and rapid response team. according to the anset team and the teams that actually include equipment such as ambulances, motorlances, etc. , the area is currently being evaluated in places such as kashmir and the zinda jan road area and other villages that have been affected . seven cities around alt are on standby and also for emergency accommodation possible


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